Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1957, p. 7

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ForemanSoc cl my casino Every Barrie and district cilia en should be inlettested in the de velopmental our own Yj gram To bringma alluptodate and to aoawor possible questions at citizens inrcgard to how our organised and planningJo operate this survey is being writ ten It will attempt to summarize events up to the present and plansfbr the future Two Previous Articles There havobcco two articles previously published in the in amlncr dealing with the proposed WCAYWCAL the ineed lor it the types of program suggested asmost desirable here and the benefits of thenand some consid eration of our immediate means and facilities Thcfirst articlehof September 18was written by George it Ericke and the second of November 30 by Wally Smith both members of the Bogrd of Directors Nowwhatabout present eds lties Tho Alllndale YMCA What is knownaa tha YMCA located on EssavRond in the Al iandalc area ppears to be now roominghoxs operating under an assumed as According to the records it was built some years ago through funds donated by the Grand Trunk Railway $5500 and the Bank ly some assistance romviocalcit izcns Apparently it was given to the communityuto be used as YMCA wlth provision for the ov ernight accommodation at Rail no employees and others re gular but restricted YMCA pro gram under afY director was carried on heforo the last war and discontinued apparently when director was no longer avail able and more sleepingaecommod atlon was needed lnthe control of three seltvappointcd trltstecs at the Present tlntc eprescnt lng unknown owners the so called Allandalc YMCA has no YMCA affiliation and does not provide any visible sort of YMCA service tothe community Wheth or it is community propertyor not it is not bein made available for communityu thi 33 Aboutten cars avg need for program was ap parently so obvious is the Ki an is Club of Barri hat special committee was set up to investig ate It looked into er fY or ganizations such as diands and others From discussio mitten hoped to implement ected TY program or activities in Barrie using forallmethe then available facili such as the to Apparently without some home accommodation aaa base was decided tobe impracticable and the project got no further Further Proposals Again approximately three years ago project whs brought forward Officials of the NationalYMCA and YWCA Were invrtcd by interested people to come to Barrio and to present plan for operating program under director for trial period of about two years Ac ornmmla tion was to bc hhtcver might readily be available and the cnst to cover salaries sundry rentals eteto be $1000 ycar Without an argnnlzhtion tofurtherthc pro Jcct or any uacablc bascofpper show this we xbelsoreTime 5am Published in Apt 1955 the report of lsurcTimc Survey Commit ea Barrie and trict Front an leiléhl personal canvass offitizens ourcgm mum the report listed replies to questions under thebeading of Facilities and Leadership to meet Present and Future Needs ly listed we orvYWCA 347 and swim mln facilities Meeting in l956 number Pill tings held attended present lives service proposal also wasihpld Provisional Board Tbc PrpvialonalY Board was asked to provide YMCAW program in Barrie Under adv to tt was planned to aim at atriai protector two iull years To be effective two things were essential viz building for basic facil itlea at least 2A trained leader or dlree tor To provide these finances were required and fundraising cam paign was planned to cover the twoyear period at least The man ncr in which Barrie and district citizens support tbclrYltlYWpA at this time will determine the manner and extent of furtheb planning Lcts Find Building Knowing from partcxpcrlence and enquiries that some building was essential and again with ad vice of National Councils the Committee dealing with accom modation looked around or some suitable premises With the hope that the community would lot cstablisha complete modern bulldlngthe aim now was to is cute temporary accommodation This was to be suitable for at least number of activities at reasonable cost Most buildings considered were available only by purchase and required the outlay of considerable money for rcmod clllng and repair money in thousands of dollars which would not he recovered when the Bulld ing was sold Jo the old Legion building on Owen Street how vcr suitable promises were ioun available im mediately ready to use rcquirl no alterations andon rcn basis for the time with the priv ilege to buyslt was to be ready for occupancy about December 1st and the Board was advised that if it was to be used as YllleWCA immediate potion was necessary What To Do lgvprelimlnary survey of Barrie industriesnhy the Finance Committee indicated there would be hearty support or program but program in action At the some time many interested citizens expressed their willingness to assist and did as in very realway with the tanding1hatan immodt start would be made onceulwo three sninll re will likelybe subllett the balance of the fairly roomy building is ready foruse in friendly spirit the Barrie Legion kindly remitted the first months rent Where Is The Program The nucleus of anygood organization is capahlc trained director good leader trained in wurk baSed on Cbri inn principles was therefore cssc ial Withtheiassistnncc of the Nation al YMCAYWCA Councils the lion rlc Board soughtand found cab uble andexperienced director He is AlT Dodds and will be in Barrie February 15L All the act lties of our oungstcrs boys and girls teenagers adults and older folks from town or country for which there 13 room andfor which cnuipment can he protiidcd will be grade ly uddertakcn Faeiliticsof gy such as have wil be sought to the ctivtties if atall pass swimming at intervals may be arranged in other pools such as Orilllas YMCA he practicabl ln71he Meantime Under the guidance oftthro gram Committee and Miss Bhodn Young aafsupervlsqu some activ ities will be undertaken fro nary 14 on TheYwlll so from young People may enrollss mem bers to enter into the activities vlhe Board therefore Infranged to leasethe Legionbuilding at young litisiy ELMVALBElos inauguraLHmcetlng here tool steps to reduce bulk team for current expenditure Council after ailengtby dtscusv slot decidedlto alter rebate or early payment of taxes All boards within the municipality aré bein asked to file with the clcrkb ore March their rt qulaltlons tor theyear it is believed the alt move will enable an earlier ling jot taxes Dog taxes were also reduced Dogtaxes for AlI5I will beas tollew male dogs interline first for each additional dog one owner temIlca $4 for the firstand 31 for each addl tlonal female of one owner At the request of the solicitor Barri olf toLa good atartJtonday 21L with potluck stafier tervad it can sing mpg by the orgablgt Av Evmittllclafll serviceain bera andadherents vlho duringfih yaartw BlahppCler of Seas memorial list for the Noisy River Tcle hone Co council revoked ylaw granting certain privlllges to the company The telcphone syste has been purchased by the Bell Telephone Cd Council approved ing Inocounts for payme $3512 relief $9275 partment $652 collections $7734 maintenance of municipal building 536 miscellancous $80 leg $25355 Council also approved arcsolu tlonauthorlzlng thc assumption by Fins Township of its share of Im debenture issue for at school in Town on new twosroome ship School Are undertaking by becoming stam lng Members All contrihu ons will of course be received It knowicdged but to become Sustaining Member requires an amount of $500or over andall such contributions will be deduct ible for income purposes General Men ershlps For all those who participate in iY lvltics rthcre willbe lpating Member ti ships These will he issued at from $200per year orimorcm de pending on activities entered and are available to alllncluding those who are also Sustaining Mémb crs Notin any sense doffiY programs substitute for Church or SundaySchoolatho pl nodtosu plant at possible Fdr 11 Future it could be that tiacns ofBar rie Jami istrict ileanLt press rightnow their desire fo YMYWCA that will be worthymf our Town and our means Your re spouse in the coming campaign for funds ifrover the minimum required will indicate your wish that there shall he further p1ann ing aswe go with modern bu ing and pool in view The Yid YWCA Board ovairectors properly constituted with constt lotion and ByLaws appro aL filiatedwith the National YMCA WCA Councils isrendy to pro mote yourintercsts in work in Youth in the future of World at peac should beclearcdfor distance enough to allow drivers of cars to see approaching train of IT businesggneeting go under way withiLlew beaver as secrea tary and the ministe George vans gaveth report wh pointer to anqthcr excellent year inLCentral United Church Thetwo associations had done the tine job ending the large balances which Wt used forspecial projec new church Theministc opiate Vthat Cub Pack and Sc the ehurch had been suspended but with the stage thattlaebulldinghad alrea dy reached and with considerable supplies on hand anearly start in theaspringf was anticipatde Up to thefpresent time almost 570000 had been receive pledges Alvin Robinson chairman of Finance Committee stressed th need for adopting further plan of financing the building of the new churchfi As resu tvtha committcewaa edirectcd the mee to seek to borrow money from ndiv uals or other sources interest as easure until such mortgnge otlldrbe ob would be DQNTMISSITHIS WEEKS BIG BILLY gt ENTERTAI 5f IEENOR NMIENT AT THEIMPERIAL on images were Elgin CH Jackson1Harold Atberton A2 Austin TheoB Lain son gt Thebudget r6 1957 was pru sonted by jAllcn and Ithe report of the Resolutions Com mittee wasgivenby pr A1vin Perkins Thanks was thefm ister and his wlfehandto the several their leaders emoticons Australias koala bearisa soft bundle otfur about 26 inches in until aboutmhwren available and helpprepare for more to com Members of the mu be SmEd out wh affillat will adaiat Miss Young in supervision TeenTown members andteencrs generally are invited to become individ and sharevln the act ingmnd leade length when fully grown iid on are taking the generally rriving dally estlhas bee is every indication that the nu ber of huts 3100 rccordcd shincrs came into ke Simcoe last ermen havenot norm uptfly of minnows for wintcr There are however numbe of satisfactory substitutes dor th High of the ink andatfordthe to tostudy winter move ndhabits of the flsbe rebaitlng of 1390 endock wasligh andconclude early Charged by wich care and impaired on Jan Hon Gerard Guil the easterly puts anneal evidence

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