Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1957, p. 5

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Clubiodkslu Karrie CurlingClub was well represented at several honapiela hcld in the district Saturday as well is its own mixed draw Satur day nightN Coohtoun ilrst Annual Cookstown Curling Club 01a host on Saturday or iirst mens open bonspiel co the start of activities in the recently completed rink The curling en thusiasis oi Cookstown district can well be proud of the build ing constructed during last year mostly by volunteer labor which now houses four shecls of ice on artificial ice plant spacious lounge and basement club room Sixteen rinks were entered in two draws in the three game spiel with prircs being awarded to the thruwtwo and one game winners on the basis of highest points for ouch Five points were awarded for it win and one point for each end scored Don Atkinson and his Camp Borden rink look first in the early drawwith three wins The next two prizes wont to Cooks toWnrinks Walter Beatty had Whos the more ii utitisted ine who wont we you raise or you who wontitako nrcductionl Dont forget the Euchre at lord Hall Thursday Jan 81 The First Column Continued from page one With confidence the tickettaker was informed that here was The rrie Examiners representative ell that will be thirtylive urvoe nl IIL hymn in SL Andrfll Church Congregational st gin his been feature with thea us In betI from church choir of Barrieond thccbolr gallery was tilled to capacity tor the tin1 Somc at hyllllnsnwcugrnd songa mm rs am ma aid to be uled in the Leigh ton Ford cruhdeltcrc in March These were announced by Venner Lambert and ledrby him Rev Wonl of strand conducted the open which in piudcd voluntary prayers from the congregation in the sincere man ner of days long post Speaker ior the series hev bcrt Baileys Toronto is our editor or Prcshyterlan Public ations constantlyvtiking ml istcr ai dliilesin widearea feature of tha service was solos by Samuel Garscroi Toronto anoutstanding baritone who twoinumhcr were Jesus is the Sweetest llama Kno and Thereis aiBirlm in Gilead mu Lous nun sicA swimsuit uggc aimnominal sarcoma ions MIDLANDCfOF OBECBEIARY nen Motttuna been appointed secretorymanager for lildland Chamberof Commerce replacing Reg Gibson whofireaigned after liver monthr Joinf the shoe Corporation Mount will devote full time to the ol Cturning overopera tion of his Wool shop store to DANGEROUS PRACTICE llio dangerous practice carrying loaded firearms in motor can continues to be among the most Minion same law violations in Ontario and in fact iafoq the increase In December 4310a victlona were recorded 11an were Sin to $25312 court costs ranging from $1 to 53 IKEELEM ARTHUR GARDINEI Arthur Gardiner oi Wycbridge has been reelected president of the TinyTay Agricultural Society which held theiinnualmoeting recently in Midland YMCA Elis Mr Wanlcrs urgcdmli present to open thcir homes for series of praycr meetings to be held soon ire Widepresidents with Jack Blackburn continuing as score do Ltd dr worth Collins and Arthur Downer CRBKHDRE RED CROSS George ll Shepherd an cx warden of Slmcoc Countyhaa becnreoiectim president at Cree tnore branch of the ltcd Cross Society gt BRADFOliD MANAGEMENT Lou Wyrnan has been appointed manager oi Bradford District Memorial Community Centre Art Turner rtmalns in charge of re irlgerotion for both the communi ity centre and nearby curling rinkandoiso manager oi the curling rink BEADS ORILIJA FAIR Albert ll Anderson has been elected presidential Drillia Agri culturalSocicty to succeed llowut Tudhope retiring after two years at the head This was and ot themost enthusiastic an nual meetings Orlilia fair board have had following successful year NOthASAGi PURCHASE Nottawosaga Township Council decided to accept the tender at two wins and 39 points andLenx can he announced um pm sue nox Rowe one Win and 25 points going 10 mile hpvmc ml 1m our Rev Albert Bailey speaking of Realty had Lou Monkman as vice pan praustei So lwhnlu Eiggfiiixfiashggathgitrgaigocmn Roger Reive and Jim Currie the is gaod an gt Rowe had Man Dawson new wa Pl lengedhirn He had also received wand Free Press gen Publishers of this newspaper uugh to write up its good enough IE Smm and Em to any set 110 firflrduiéfiiim gdtiheeitrthliliatghee entered were Earl Carr and blessing am who 10 himw hive been charged Wm mm by Vernon both of Cookstown Some recent moitocs Théerd ma ms hand in In News Mirran Limited com Gilmore Alliston Brodie may look busy but Im only he The womher 00 had puny with its headoiiice at Don Camp Borden and Robert Pea confused bum Ind God had beengood Mills and which has for some rock oiBnrriou umber mo muchmon¢h to mung timepubllshcd LPEPETJILCDl Fergus Skip WEE over at the and the munch He stated that Barrieth find cfiucd Th5 caqdm WM 35 13 game Its not the heat that gets the group of ministers and pastors Cage Mggfifilfmgf in the second draw and the sec bass down the stupidity game he found that the pmmfiwe the plaintiff alleges that in the jfiéehnzxmm fiflgrifignkghfletfizfi Jffficgfi By the time most men hove dhglfigghfilrPmbkmfi Wu web issue of Dec 12 libel wascon °1 Ground Obseryer COXPS on money bum we mm on Is 13fi3 um mm mew lfil°ii iifiii 13 Cease ication nsae lliizhhulledwzvilvilnsC1223nczf pNodirilll uTwo can live as cheaply as one innmtffeflag esfiSCifig agsthélfinfi dlmaEES are 5de 919 p33 gm gggneggiug image 55 gt if linrblesa 51 to Head of Newsliirrorumited r° nVasu in geahrizdgrdiggietgfl rgrlizefiimd horse soothe others iwelcome young folk He has is Andrew Madam charm from Collingwood and Victoria lingerSuddenly hiimme min ragirréiiifimiiibiiaon Hospital Large EVaung children and told olan am Ch gt In mm Mr zals1i Mr Medium rink had one win and 22 points using edperlance of one through gfififiifinf Hugh manual fizz11 upemggraeacciigé 57 yflm an Flaw Mn unitrd Foster is Anxuy Small dream whenfear came from on The news story in Whichthe Chandler in presidchtelect or 1957 the Crothers firm Toronto for PU llshe ca Svlsnaw To in can the late Cecil Parker rad caterser D7 tractor and mg $11 bggvgsvafigma deputy moveelect oi anywayn our mm was Slshtly ovor Maniamass MONDAY his hands as sods rou my nmycnmsiw In her run ship killed in motor accident $16000and theuidvcrawlcr iratu our mothntvor Millrag All in early in Deccm torwhich hadgivon good service fli nd stanlcy dan ter red over some years but now required an or Barrie an the late lira Mitchellpnndtliw or Alvin Mitch W110 lcPflIr cil mums uitch ll summation 13 aino he sum Mrs Glenn Arnold an Thornton atria onihéinh durum GluBBBlNSuddcnly atsudbury on EENQIEE V°l9¥ eflfiafiumdfigmgefigg Ind Mn Dick dendyk an Katherine liboln dear min or 235° Wm MI 1th rmzuIit ito ll Victori it hummu or swam1 am 00 in Rm me Brim nn Barrie an nn za l957 to is quoted by First perltlve Funeral no my I1 Ftiter RR Barri Packers at Ontario Barrie la hm Chm PM roniaesAt Royal Vletorta narpitai Hogs $3250 Saws $2400 II EMS Corby viced for his rink which was skipped by Bill Gibbins sec cnd was Bert Sheliswell and Card Miller lead The other rink was skipped by Herb Shannon Bill Browning vice lim Clyne second and Amby Rivett lead Colllngwood Bonspiel Three Barrie rinkswere includr ed in the 24 entries at the Col lingwood annual bonspiei on Sat urday and two of them qualified or prizes Walter Craigs rink won third nursino or LaVal in delr other or an Davie dmm mvco KAt ll tort as unknown thinsPray to woken up alleged be lawman mm um 30033 13345 finer£31 cum 033 23595754 sir Without depression as when some residents had been inform Jain Indian Marxrot Brown at tmdfiitfl Cratk 0E 13 Balls ed there would be no lssueof groomInt Ills Holder 01 noon 51mm rilfllflllll Pee Wee yer hardened up trouble The Canadian that particular merrigmhufiggn mom on m1 between young married counlc week and that as result there mm Mm Cent An Vl mourn senrating ill150 was considerable discussion as to HFDHDWlnE 15 two films ere mo5 61 na Vlct ri it 9m alcoholiccase thought Lhe future status or the local shown by LACBany Mdssip oi ito be incurable weekly Barrie One entitledrChurchilis Grade 5291 ngfiglouwlcep of Foflnthhu 111 13ierfkn333 to flail Grade We permit thecause of those The re il gt ort added that it was I1 showed vtrouhleshe claimed and we must dermal the tabloid had been lng ofEngla an Grad ngrgifieggan pn Sundu litn27 rue share the responslb ty of there having mechanical suits because are involved difficulties nliiiina hr is an ot or was sec all owe mv thevarious atomic tests in colo Lou Iand siii°n°niiili Vmm 1th Grade goiégifqtflifwmmnflfable The publishers of this newst 18 Connie Bassetlof FortMy ggfiifgmvrggmlhuomr nme i3€23afrrl 223 prize in the carlydraw with two hodfleiedi 5833253 Wasnt paper were not informed in the 136mm F1011 guest tn MounlxhonWlail élfi figgflgngg Herbgllm unm wins lie appearedto heheadcd consciou but today is aotlve summons WW the will ghMFIdFh 3355 59111 33 113 Eh Starfitl Hmaiul Berri éréaerJAhf fatalIllindiVgfl cgngnéghomc with church med and bum the liifiolvnhifltr thtelzepvgirmi Xhavhum ow yr clommupity 10 pm In can and finishwhat SWftziufmgnllgfl Granny gainslelliln udn athelvlaslouggg thmughth ens aye 3th soxgewhgtalditlicult for tower and is $333 Elfin caflhéenml id Mflna $312233 vi rt it Craigs rink were Ell Crawford Sfiwmmended book 0f George up Grade Callnrwood on Saturvd yice Jim Morley second Ross Hell Lower Level of Ssflofioifflh explain 01° man month Her mother 51 Jlmeti Frldham mills gillVan 27 1957 to Mr and capo Stephens leads mu hid enumermmnuhtwat mum iéihrfimffi Weight andquality Th You claim have no lime Canadian Reireshments were provided Ea nun nAdliaghtclr auntie consolation winning rink prayer you knbw that thing cease publication for number the Womens Auxllaryofth Le Barrie nszl lefisgrhto $19313 fishes dragliwasAggolisge filig must done you and um and if tissueskrealipearingfliigain orgy gioitiyithmlldrs Maud Vllitheridge ma nmu km 12 Mr flierlo Ward 199 Collier akett as wire r9 pas pres en an Eucawhee list Frank Hargreilves and 8191311 without zgdnqnifré £35 Humans SEEM NOR Sml er recording ecretary presidingl °nfir¥n Igfsrlragitflin iii giggi wéeTrflBeAotn was Viiéiflii $10 Crfize Tread third about prayer weak Takefive one was as welcome to this news In we was Barrie entry with Bill Dyment vice Howard Johnston and Joe as it was the Cemetery Menum ion Jeorrre White xemow Kell ininutes off in readia fe ver Pape we andalittla praye Try i3 °5des° MW TWO AJ UflllS Longtin CHICKEN over lbs COOE small CHICKS Specialized mun Plitllll Strains glencalrn Ccmatcry nan RR Barrie son Robin ow about an appointment with wmh the paper serves an wgrdikshiz At tal Barrie mixng HE You often gossip onthe it pays to other tis We might add in newsppp gehflggggngossfl with God Chef of POIICB er Anyway if your eyes stray lllflleIS and Mn smiley Wooueycunla st Angus druanter sondean Egztglgilzspresent Miss vertl fov Pygld SE3 332 Restg ns Wif Whateverjs essenti to advertising Lu AnnWar those at somemc else ren is depicting Whateve he has to do with this column does not appe essentialbut th vertising rs PHELPSTON t1ltWL held 151331 meeting of confused and is new year Tues ay évening am 10 niéBiiflgledcofid GlisigiliiqulinEg St Patmks audimium 11313115 your illioligli to unanswered LEI1g 22 Bung 18 Bame Tan were discussed for potluclrsup prayers God does not always and Lula Nonne gtTo Bralthwalte Jom Forces Resting it the The ing of MapleCa mug °° grefders Aislociationéand X0 onto clanai gt gt ct Ca Eree or Spain fCommon Prayer of $235 tfigixefmlggfie 391 tion Limited couldvwell be the EM 99 What summer has resignédl nANKlNIn loving memory of Flor once it nkln dear mother and grand mother who passed away five years ago Jan 15 Tenderly we trculire the With memories and love at will il ways last Alwayi remembered by Salons HYLINE Canadas leading BYbrid chicken eifieient egg pro duction SKYLINE DUAL PURPOSE For years Ontarios fore most strains for eggs and neat SERVICE Prompt Coop serv is av ailahle on your poultry proli lems Trained personnel nquipped to assist you Con taet either AL DENSMQRE or Aurucuunu PA 87929 PA 84084 COOP PA 66531 He Has formation the largéstArt mm he applied tor the position or chief Inseminnuonunitin CanadaT is gw°°d Ma uple finammmor ugdséagig Speaker at Kiwanis 0195igtChief lthh Brfleddfi Assusiation Thislname fifowg p119 in Alison on we neste 2a and by dam of llaNKrNin lovingmemory ola dcnr Fsb W5 this uni so you could say that Coliingwbgfirgat3nfh33re1£m$5 Wfifir5ai°ii£ gt the counties ertnced make diarrieelub briefly today atthedm1 mm Id9 Pim MlDHURST Central sentlon Ontarlo dinner meeting 34 55 35 iia lousdatdds and there Albert 12 wading Visit film Fifty Years Heather MacLean is spending m4 Bauer Migt has marsh ry nso Magi 11 Wonder Bmd My get early in Fo ruary altd Hegltigm moveltheicausebuthe does he the weekend with Miss Peacock mm mm Toastmaster Canada Dry ers lp hex mg you bear it Make specific crown Hill ce given in maven PM ll 194 omniittcew11i be chairma NothingI bugsmuggler as we Journey time for 1v Last MondaysScores Move to Elinvale gt ad gym IF Bailey adV subsmnfl Bahnces assan Muskoka and Parry Sound Crompton Hayfield Brass The Dixon family have moved The thmchanmfiil meeting Districts gt andGlsuu Ernies 2130rdenglo Elmvale Lea ONefll has CANaorANMANumcrim Wednesday evening showed the Llonwhen he But we remember when stnmr ét SWEFES IllnAt hints 55321 bought the Plean¢ 35 since 1939 the number of CEn yar gtus departments with sub may pruning T6 hfiigvflmgsmdangi Evérxrmlmldgtkd Tannmg Bail nasfrwondgf th h°e adlansemployed in infinficiur stantla balances Hunter Rudseil 9589 WEfllih 0f kflPWIeage Holstein Breeders mm 5512 am ills has more than doubledand and George Coutts wer appointed Mk He mam Juhn Minnlng hasvsold his manufacturing now directly sup see aim PM new 9mm Wemmclflkge single of 320 Peewee Manuel farm and ma be moving nth the 95 Heady third mePOP mFiser Kind was °f WP anqsmce Rm me 51 bowled the high triple of 794 villag ulation fitionvwelre extended to Rev an 511 lied in sterility work in out on rs The third Sunday in ptemhe is our anniversary date nd the new minister will be askedjtoltake the WA ladies served islaiivn carirau Ch lottetown capital ofPrince Edward lsland was the of Read and at Bowmanyiile to succeedSidney new will W11 oper Venton who retired Central at unmrview MENS LEAGUE First Division Brass and Glenn Supettest l7 Borden Bombers people who discouraged Pray wrii concentrate thcse Counti MOSLEM Smith 12 es manage Toronto District association Aribieanwclltiyjnwlisgee dimlflei ram thetime of the mug of was horn is capable of holding Toronto Distri 35900 Dumppgsi 19 BilliKaley howled the high wWaltergBlac of Hughende Saskatchewan is visiting his sisA ters Mrs Geor smith and Mr James Crai nthis community summit tracing Misses Mayra CouttsV Muriel ence Rita Manuals and ason entertained the Explor and CGlT girls to toboggan party on saturday atierJa happy site noon ionthe Midhurst hills The njoyed porkand bean Moving To Blnte Mr andMrs CgEi couits vhav urchasedyra home in Bariie and will be moving in Febrii ry Mri andMrs Coutts have tarme or numberof yearsron the sqeond line Mr out alarms bri older son has taken theflarm over Midhutst community wi then rnanyhhappyye Itirernent

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