Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1957, p. 4

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Fm RAREIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 23 1957 THELP WANTED SALESMEN FORM HARRIS CAIPJORDW AREA FOR SALE BROADLOQM nay bireet eraa Pact and 3am Alltol0r All Illa Inlltdllll Wall to Wlllr Ml PHONE FA In AND BOARD 373 madam Bedroom In new law tactend some mentordean Phan l¢ll Alflien suyaer sun fiftieilowu at Stdyner willlte Iatonnatian is very enlightener Ills REALAESTATE host to the annual meeting at Its yerydrltflylti ar uifhcre the Simeoei NorthtProgremive to rue ml in the once Tod tire lufimhlel PUIINIIIIIED Itoorn in warm enmlon Lola of how happening 1M 1m your earnlng power by your own efforts PART TIME on mum IN WRITING To aAnlttl EXAMINER 13 AP BOX STENOGRARHER TYPIST MUST HAVE SHORTHAND For inlunnce omce Poll APPOINTMENT PlloNt It SAMEANT PA 84427 7DRVER SALESMAN WELL ETAIILISIIED ROUTE 34 Sales expertencolnrcesnry also some Illltl ICth education lI WAGE PLUS COMMISSION Group ptan Insurance available APPLY NORRIS DAIRY 96Colllel Sr PBMALBSaIea Ilei glare Box 81 Pa nnuasmPBn required by Ia Live Ill Apply to Mr Huh St Phone PA 84110 Martinis or lllllle nxpcrlencc or hel required Canadian Torontn noon and pro Ba rrie I2 wanted for retail Examiner l1 AVON PRODUCTS have opening at vllnit ror ladle Earn an My am pleasant have our to five hours Good cummlfilom write Mina id Towera Wilson Ave Toronto MAN t0 d0 Junltor wa phone Ch Exchange 32150 week slightly rnn erlence Please state age it wrltln to Bell Telephone 10 Mr French as coiborne Sti I351 WE IIAVE an opening Tor an addi otrlce Sin trleulation ply in own hand by ting dilating age and experience it Public Utilities commllasmi OrlllIa ant ilonal young lady in our gle girl preterred with mo 17 in an aaaet Ap any to Boxzfl nanIr ontarlo annwolrill IIZIt rk at hell Tele Starting salary re or tax and apply lstt adult cault Mini 74 flrm British ec for mixed torni dairy Phone Avenue Miss between who RUBBER STAMPS MADETOORDEB WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE 1mm nAltarh an 51 Tim JAM Nu SID hone PA le zoo YARD oil DRUM Appi vlre Cleanerx ll High St Mill VIKING SNVB blllller oven used nnlyd monthl New condition PhD ms Camp nonlen llls lu cATanPrLLAn nuiiuozer Ino del Any reasonable oIIer conrldered Phone stroud lam ELECTED IIYOImVVIfllllm Cleln it wit Ilméi ia yzshiiel Ill It er Pnane 74 WOODS Mllk Coolers dropeln type one Han one lean In and COM llnrt Gone built Apply no ce Ar rim Woodbrldlc ===nI PROPERTY FOR RENT ctaAN terrsb ROOMS SELF CONTAINED MODERN APARTMENT ADULTS Phone PA 87083 mizlt ED arlrnent Phone PA UNFIIILNIS 151042 55612 SHED Ilcd om Ccnlral islzla FURNISHED 2raom apartment heat Phone PA 35704 Ld an conyeaeeea 15 Phone not arlment partly lumlshcd Child weieolnc 555 Phone PAl nouht seit containcd heated apart ment partly iurnlnhcd IIlonc PA Mull 151012 liter oclock ISIUU 12 Burton live 155t I2 noon mmlahed apartment with rrlg rtavc and hot water Adulta only Phone PA E4011 15914 nooM Apartment partly furnished shorubathroom available Feb Pnonu PA MIN lSlflIl rloolt sclr contained furnished apartment tor rent Immediately Phone PA alusz otter 811m ireHz UNPuItleIIRD Apartment rooms and bath healed rlngotto Apply 258 Dunlap st East Phone PA 89054 151244 In dPARIMENl tarnished or unturnlsh PA 71 or apply31 lllokojSIJA No age VISIT OUR NEW rivate bath Suit couple Phone 5stt two orbit in and raise Klee pralrnt pick your lot or no building now will the rein in ll good The toll located In all parla oI nnrrto alto ire Just aw figulllnllan 5t Dru ne 731i streelytwolou Strut0nd corner In olhers Call Al hose time SPLIT LEVEL Three bedroom and bath onan IevrI living room dlltln room and kitchen nni ground levu mmtlon room in hanmmt to oilhelt ing laundry tuba tiled wllh col ored fixturfl ear port large lot carrier tor md1lpe Including lnlerert principal and taxes II Cali AI Rose PA 15298 ltlytlm NEW NILA lidw full price Utmobedrnorn brie ante tivinxruonlmitb excellent on ace Ior arnnrinr ol nilaitune Ill clleo wlih exhaust Ia lour piece ceramic tile both tan elalent creed airv oll hoauaz Thla home artlac Tor $5273 per month lunludlnudnlorelt and rincipat plus tax Located on we lestnbllshed atrect Al none PA 8533 anytime ARENA AREA room brltit home located very last to arena modern hitch ern hath all heating Inndscapedlat Par lull detail and an otatnrant to ace till very clean aa rnodern older homo cauAI Role PA um anyumc gt NRA HOMES cur relectlon or NrtA nonl la excell ent Thu nitwon Include holaca with down aymenta or low aa sumo with monthly payment low In so per month Includlnl intereat and prln elpal plus taxes Now is the time to buy your home whiiot interest rats 15 only 5v per cent or an Invlnt ment to see these nomu call me PA nous anytime LARGE HONIE $900 full price ram two Ittlre wood noolstltree piece hath urltlln two piece bath downstfllfl Illl bile mcnthot wdter all heating new 1120 and new cdveltmlllhl belulllul med Int 131 Down pnymnnt on $000n lower down pumaIt Ill be arranged CIII tiRose PA mum herons home on simerd TYPE OF PROPDTY DR Bum DOWNTOWN 9IDunlop5i Room OPPOSITE QUEENS 1mm on Pilale PA aszanNo onLtGATION LACEY REALTOR ROOM modern apartment available Feb Scpnlntc entrance and laundry room quite central 535 month Phone PA an 15ia12 HENRY home all moml are extra Iarle hard 13AM Alumna LARGE BBICKJI homolieu as with nun delu UNGAIDW llrld orient Hl eat In Putme noADARM lruusnucs aw NIII hlnAIOW Ilflfl roam lam kltenen room Cialo tn echoo our chance tagcantplat nth aorahd nowhomo at my low do Being 1hauntI Hma ALWAYS BAVZ MANY OTHER LISTINGS ponly luv earrhe lhowoln our ads at tiara So tryouno not us what you out herelJult eaII our office dllrlnl the day PA mu orr evenluu phone Percyjfold PA lml evenlnll Phone Dan canneliPA um CALI pus loom saanner comm Income Producing hamal dupiax brine and acrean NtrA homo wlth law am peyaamt Bullldlnl Iota Phone PA dam daytim YR SLESSOR Bédl Estate KELLQUGHV REALTOR mountrm PAaln husthassr nlzNrAts Etchnth or Properttu Property Manoloneat Listinll solicited YOUR LISTING INVITED LISTWITH STOUT THEN MOVE OUT Ienlll no orw cool wul accept aim Owe honiaela aoth tan and coon able hunle Ia entleman Vd cen lrll Phone PA 1611 FRUIT VEGETABLES APsz Northern Spy Mclnlmh Welllh chIng Irvin other vari elite health In every pIIMPM dllveryMEh Sunnldlle Road em all Lima rAItM EQUIPMENT IMCOBJALBS at cred hurto no oreato no will It service howrooau Felt Anyonc wIXhllllt the 5L rein enleehavc club theatreahow Sllneoq hale J40 to else 39 PERSONAL IP coNlmltnrNa manta eon ult Ilamar weum specie hi unattached4m more lullI rich on poor aimlad lanai aye Scrustflbud mraya slmraoar Box 11 icknn Pan ordce Winni AuToMQBILES Buying or Selling Inlllcu late model can Ind winch Very romnablo rated Willi complete Inauranca STEVENSON ALI TYPES OF INSURANC ONE PA 85201 EDU PSTm BARR 13112 MODEL for sale Good condltlnrt Phone PA 31560 1214 1552 PONTIAC Sedarl Delivery good condition Phone PA 55400 131042 ms DODGE seooa euatom radio mechanically good sound body Phone PAWW IJlofl I555 VDLKSWAGON grey with custom radio om mllcd led new Phone PA um um um pln lslnllu 58 CHEVROLET BelAlf blue And white heater curtain ndlu lully un dercoited Low mileage Phone PA ems rs MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No eaaru credit harea at yards in SNOW PLOUGHINGI DiliVEWAYS PARKING LOIsfzIC Phone PA 82901 DENNIS MORAN ASH 12 noun PA chosen at the forthcoming con vention must be prepared candidate Conservative Association Thurs day Feb Several hundred are expected lovaitclid lhi meeting which will be hcld in the Re creation Centre The deciaiolt to hold the meet ing in Sidyner was made at an organization meeting in Barrie on Jan 23 Ahoubfio attended the twohour session DIF WMcDoweil oi Barrie president of the association stnt dd his regretthat notices had not reached all the members but was gratified lllnt representatives were Aonhand train all parts of the riding Upon thirnppmnimént of Mrs Charles McMartin at Barriclo ac as secretary in the absence of Lloyd Gilbert at Stayncr me in vltcd Julian Ferguson MP tu address the group Ferguson gnvcthis listen brs some ot the highlights at the dominion convention at 0t hwu pointin out the tremend ous happen at lhapartys ricw lcnder John Dicionbaltcr was an corded from all ranks at Pro gressive Conservative not tell you the do feel in being associated with party un der his leadership he said He made particular finentiort at the growing number at nonConserva tives who have gaihcrcd to the party standard The member bitterly attacked the hollow prosperity of the Liberal administratlatl stating that there is not prosperity in Canada as Cauadiansshould have it The burden otthe six per cent Interest rate mortgage every young family to thehllt whilethe trust corporations Vre ccived the additional one per cent income Ito decried the widening gap being opened be tween the United Kingdom and Canada by LiberdivproAmericnn policies He stressed that the candidate to work hardand spend money to win votesotherwise keep out hesaid The largest portion of election funds came out of the cialndidatcs ownpocltét he warn Will Return Nuw complei ghis third term in Ottawa Mr Ferguson said he would not seek rtenomination as at the convention Hergavcashiss reason th creasing pressure of responsiblL tiles in his position as chairman oi the hoard of directors at the Regal Insurance company at Col lingwood lllil to receive aiet tor from alislener qpreasingdrer appreciation ot CREW etiorts such as the duo ittcn byMtd Clemence ot Stayhor writes You come into our house every day Let us commend you on the lovely Christmas programs given early inDecember They were voryjnuch enjoyed The Roving Reporters eflortht Al listun tor the arm banquet ad dress wa real treataad such Yunnanlax 45 The chitham oo open um ua um mu no tn the story look hlumlfll Prince uo cirwa Ivy JIM Wentm 7M IM Nllldn lullnou loam IVleIoo ius Snort on lanetlon Intel Thu DIM ue Wutnu IIWM uo rvavuoouo 14 Invitation to lxalovatlant rim clc Ndh onCKBh this week Todayrtbe third Radio Fremout Gamc he giris with thegrond prizea trip toFlorida Yuu can get your cords from anyvol the Frcezcout sores The inomeinnlteri Clinic will feature new telephone system starting today Not only will jolt hear the announccrs vaice but also the person calling the pro gram can but Ilia KIK THIAM looo canon no ul CIC NM Today In am 1120 cogentri Junction neuunav ml at 345 17 chlkuulnr open mun 110 My Ill IDIIII TatMt TIM Iluhotlu Gin who let deletion 13o ouy Lularoe aa IIIIOfllI no on Elm oo law to Denny Vaughan looo studio one 00 cut Now lids Today In saoru 1disnllv Iau 29 v345 CIllufihl own 430 Needy noody 500 Inanle ov Matte noNbav PAT headliner till Dinaclwmn our Marketfieport na uuugg 38 one reinoi News Bulletin Mira News Hemline Tennessee Ernie E¥°li III were Telegram nahlirhtr Ameanrothers Muric sE good 88 cppanu 323 New Top or the Tova Newulmi short Newrsmrlwmher Tush Sign On stream Ior Lite say 45 News Musical crocrshov iaLlo Pana erk law RurIl ltouad Do an than Wkflflcfllflllfi atyto tails few In Iuru lino aianea sheen wermssonv In 01 rusnnw carialoanm 430 can Nour In My MY soc hidden Pa Nat Tin anti moatm Theatre 140 me no Weather us snort 100 Paragon Mama no onnavlana IM Neiuzaat on apartr wanna do CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 Ma Bhn Tiara Revia moo Nana aha Trndtnl PM Ia Tcnnearea Brnla shoal laid unmina Vlrletlel Nell rim audio Preeveout ciinio IDJO rradi Port rtooNaa aioa croahr EIlo lua uric Country auto 00 Newt Headline Gifford and Country Ghana Di it Reoort 1230 Neva loo Noll Headliner hulletin ranrd no second sorta 11 Aunt nary co New Wanlelll World JilNlrleti nonunion dloflltltlea 500 Nana headline a2a canto Borden aaorta no Town and county dune 323 can lama 545 NaVl 950 nualcal Clock an 700 Pam Hillel Re 1535 at rt Vern no fig luaianal Wrathr oo Boom Round on 05 Tradlhr Poet 10 TumoMen Irate Mai ma Moraine variet oo Newuzut on Radio neeenur Hornedarm cilalo Sum In loom n2o Mull91 VIIIIN lcnarlta chan newt In 1th 900 Nut om Illt nd Iona Nun and tom Top at tho Town 00 New and 3m izm Neur snortK Welthor mn3 muasonv ital alto On no tor theny Now Non is aoarta score show Tuna lielav Tr Idlnltalt so Illlid count weanuonv PIa lg no Neua rreediiaer i2 Sport mnfiomm no Parn Idlrkct Report Town and luo Nowacaa Bhawcuu la Tannruce grate no Cavalcade at nit am Now nosnlvhllrhta In The 100 Neil Headiin 101 Bulletin Holt 810 51mm Surln 145 Aunt 4100 News II II III 00 DO New 315 Plum 130 Matine Itleanrn QIS Bonn Dick IIllmed aJfl Clfllfll At Work 515 Ontario Ell also Iierel Sum no aaParm Market neaart News Overnixht shorts material Weather MODEILN room house in Stroud iurnaee inside conveniences Reason Iblo rcattarly possession Phone PA salsa 151214 ROOM uniurnished heated apart ment in new home Available lmntelt just ynot enough for both jobs be There are hours in it day said gt The honor of serving North Simcoe as its member at parlia ment was one he would always treasure He pledged his full 23 gin Intels in 510 News an spur 51011 and Colin Elecrric Motors 16 Ross so Barrie PHONE PA assor ELRICK MICHiE REALTORS PART or permanent opportun Ityon established rooo route Preier employed nlan interested in bettering nimaeu Car required Abové average eanuaza Commission alur boara to qualidcd applicant For an licatian writeto Mr Granger 50 noel St Montreai Quebec 146an2 CURDON séotlrs tlSINtl srnlilrs TWICE CanadianBoy Scouts are get smcrAL woon diately Allqu only Apply 19 Toronto Juniper forests covering 300 St or phone PA 63548 151112 POSITIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED Painter 852m Barrio confidential another gt and Home Decorator tor many yearsrequlres work Blondlnfla Pap hanfllng and blending specialty For tree estim ntee at reaaonabie rates plcaao call zioii sxncualvn tow employed as seen taryrtreasurer In Toronto wishes to may taBartle Experienced in pron duction llle andrilccuunflng College education And defile Repltu must be Apply Box ha Titan AND FEED BAY AND SHAW 1dr Illa We de liver Apply Neil Giltord Lctmy 11m 00 eme le Page on too acre Ia Examiner or eggs and meat iiock Send or price at him Tum Kcm Shanty allay 24414 irie EX 2944 Phone lnlztr MORTGAGES 01w out mirth 30X Barrio 42min CHICKS nAltium RocksStilt hard to beat Thirtysix yean pernnnalaelectlnn behind our closed Phone znooM Apartment unfurnished pri vate entrance kitchenette and bath room newly decanted Adults pre terred Napier st 151244 nooMSD Apartment in stroud pllr vate bath and entrance Available Feb 15 No cluectlonto small baby $65 month Phone Stroud 43 15iitt 110on Apartment newly decorated throughout heated private bath enr trance stove trig Reasonable Apply Apt 55iidnry st to pro 154244 AVAILABLE Now momedheated apartment modern kitchen bath llv Ing room bedroom cull basement sun porch and private entrance Phone PA We ulliz BOOMED Apartment new mrnlshed nndheatedsultablo tor couple with out chlldre Immediate poaceaston Apply 46 Alfred Stl AIIandhle or pnnnelA M944 isrzia INNISWOOD Apartments modern sell contained Smam and bathrooItInFur dished or unmrnlshed Continuous hot water Laundry racuittca and lockers AdulUIhone YA WE IHII NEW moutle home forum bed rooms singlebeds and double bed piece bathntove rig lots or capboardr Air conditioned complete ly furnished can move in Located oahurtoa Ave Phone PA Mm everle Ingl PA solos lslatr in timers nhaw you calcite will make you more ehalb Ieed In ea coo are can uvd better and make you ulnar pmllt lvo ua call for service orwhen Phone or write Hunters Poultry raa strand cars gt 13 or farm Many records akin to chicks rode AmAmVE furnished bedlsittlnt room wlth private bath roll or pan tlnl rent arranged exchange To slight anhtanderta elderly lady Also large Iillnlslled bestsitting room with cum plater equlpped kitchenette fllnnlng whtor trig eflenslon telephonenetc Phone PA l7436 or PAHSH 51113 Iaialuia sl alli 15 Owen st Phone PA dsssil oneR condos SERVICE Atter Hours trarry orllllenle mai Fred Miles ham Art Webster calla BUYING on sauna MORTGAGE LOANS NATIONAL nousmu commitit msuitANcn IAPPRAISAIS nonryltrlelr Mlcbln neiltora 7CFI REALIIQR iron Homes In Barrie do District oausnmss PROPan Apartrum nom cuu Brown hang Partar PIIYING In PAY YOU IB REAL ESTATE infmoo ammo sail nirowN STRRII REAL ESTATE BROKERS Vv 102 DUNLOP ST wEST PHONE PA 8590 omee KnurnB ant to T31 Reolvasidte Broker Exchnhge ol Propertlu oNettoiaal carton IA Omama neatata Bushes Omnullmnl Impe lament om Pk PA 11 Hiawatha Ha DACHEEUN relation blacks Ind lirownl Turkey nanch Mldhurst Ill ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Tor New alotor Needs Ilewindlnl JunIII HAROLDB HART oiotr COUTTS Down Payar housing Plan can 16140 mindset Pheipaton storey stuc co double sarogeoa large lx urge raomi living room with dtnIllz room three bedrooms oodrloara throughout Modern nd tiled bathroom water LHnlnutg lIIIZl harrla idem Notora 53 Owen st Ph PA 812206 Ht FLOOR COVERING Armntrongs Flour Covednl Itubber And Alvin IIll Llnolounu PiaatlcWall Til Ilateflxla Supplied and lamp on Free wAWOLEENDEN Toronto st Poop PA and gm qunsrovaxa BAYWOOD fAnimali Hespjral Large and small Animal hwyL aim NORTH CYLMOREHOTEL rPHONE PAS5792 Sltdtf shuns esanVIceg rPHILLIPS fiSPAR ON ON DISPLAY JACK WEBSTER ALCONA BEACH It with tenty lp emfIona gulchhut too low aeliera To plaineedd NnA renied are In ed demand Pa no noon gt good Valliflan your prone out any obligation damm PROPERr WANTED nllllllynl starting or buyenaomo Vwith 1nd ehedrooln 11me Iavoluot the bottle tant one at our COMIRETEN EFFICIENT HOME TYPING SERVICE ALL rent by MIM Phone PASJHSI or PA RIDES RAGSl BAITERIES MAXPU sin EGG INcuBATon Reasonable henna support to any new candidate to help assure his success at the polls WANTED QUANTITY 01 gt1 iCNDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNESIREEIV Phone PA =8290l 3Illtf HIGHEST PRICES PAID for SCRAP METALS mm 16487 Wf°flPsItax£ INDUSTRIALIRON AND METAL Ilunlop seweatl Peradan Phone PA 6331 or PA 87204 BarrietMetéIl GjSalvage SCRAP mONMETALSm Immmn IIv OULTRY AIL ut rice Our truseiro width Ellshdgi SHKltFF AND CoMPANY vard and offlée 20411an st slstt Phone harric FA LN 11 Strand bone as Fxmz sun Loos wanted tract or eutlin in Barrie Examl er POPLAlt noon and Edith wahte or maceadder lgBradfordth agility also con mi VFW id postesa stampa rtalnp collectio gnd accum ulations aloo oldztluttona and button Write Box 53 Milton ont 11217 USED PIANO RecordVPliyer Radio Television Chain IIblet Card Tid ting double duty out otpcstage stamps Upwards of ten pounds Divided stampscollected by Cubs and Scouts nrrive monthly at Canadian Scout Headquarters in dealers and the proceeds remitted Bureau in London England érld applied to the expansion dfchout ing throughout the worl litany Can dian business iirms as well as membersof Scout Ladl Aux iliaries and otiier organ atiolls are helping the Scouts to get dou his duty out of postage Est ps LIVESTOCKFOR SALE PUREBBED Hereford Bull serviceable One trend Sin Robertorroclt Itll Ivy 9IoIfl ho WELL BRED yearlingflolsteln Heif ers Apply Charlce Luau Letray or phone 1535 LeIIO 941112 MATCHED TEAM or Black Gcldiaes and yearn old quiet around mach lltery and sound Rods Chlpchue Ihorntyn Phone ivy lam 9lll vouNG iloLSTEIN Cows rpringlnz months old Yo kdhlreBalrI All and Clmpbell and 91112 Thursdu March it Complete Disper sal at ead otvltezlateredrlererord Cattle Tor Herb Culhlln and son at Lot14Can lo SunnidaleJEnwndblp one am aouth otSunnldaie Camera on Highway 25 Terms cub No re serve Sale pnt sharp was ONeill andJeITy Cough Auetlo eers Fnr catalogued write lterhcitl Ottau2lhey are sold to stamp to the Boy Scouts International ntent years old Iteglatered Holstein Bull Madras in the Quétta district of Pakistan are to be developed for wood for thepcncil industry rial Tulles 0i and MUNICIPAILITY or TowhljoraAltIti It To wrr av warm or WARRANT under the hand or the Mayor and Seal or the co auon Var the Towno£ Inar rte ben as date the run any or 0cm her An lose mg to levy tlpnngthmlandcr me once in tho rolowlna llat or armn of taxed thereon and custd herein aettartb hereby give notice that males ranch arrem andcom are sooner paid shall xi compuanco with the Anus ct proceed to sell by public auction would lands or rora oh thereot may he neccsury lat tutu com and danger the cold ell Chambers lown li at collide Street Berrle ontardo on the 5th day of February An It at the hour or oclock in the an neon ll accoraary an aolouraed dale win he held ntthd radio time 1nd place one week InterpFebrunry lztlr Ad 1951 winner Ihe corporation or the Town or Barrio wildlyretrace and an ell or Uthd ce artereel less than mammala and costs scented Trenditrerd Ofilca mule patina October Ilth laso v2 GIGG ham and son Ril stayner intocur kidditl Box lavlttt bled LI

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