Ms Atoms Mai nine At Col Ingwood Hospitolt III For Several Months whentbe toll of the grim reaper took the life of Mrs Al bert Maw saddened were not only 111 members of the family circle also of the entire con Her passing occurred on Mon day Dec 30 1958 at the Gen eral and in Hospital Col lingwood following an illness of few months borne throughout with strong Christian fortitude Edenvale was her birthplace on June 1897 third eldest daugh ter of Albert Priest and the former Elizabeth Marla Parker When but small child she moved with her parents to Flos Townshlpjnd in girlhood days attended school at both Crossland and Allenwood On May 15 1929 Miss Frances Poole Priest vas married to Albert Maw and they made their home at Minesipg 1n the intervening years they raised family of four daughters and one son Mrs Gilbert Haight Betty of Mincsing Mrs Wil liam Rawn Ruth in Elmvale Mrs Ronald Graham Lois oi Markham Miss Lorna and Floyd at home There are also five grandchildren Although with busy home life Mrs Maw gave unstintingly of her time to community and church work She was president of Edenvale Womens Institute before her marriage and after wards held similar office In Mincsing great lover of flowers it was most fitting that she was remem bored by many of these the cm blcms of sympathy and consola tion from her friends and from the WA of the United Church Barrie Curling Club employees of Markham Hydro staff and from the neighbors of the Ioth Line short service at the home preceded the regular funeral ser vice at Minesing United Church and were bothconducted by the minister Rev Veais He spoke from Psalm 23 with errr phasis upon the last verse which Mrs Maw had found comforting as read to her upon one of his Vlslls during her illness The choir sang with feeling Beyond the Sunset As last tribute Dr Harding Priest of Toronto cousin of the deceased took committal service at the graveside inMincsing Pallbearers were Leighton Adams Ross Ronald Clair Priest Harry Foyston Ellsworth Craw ford and Victor Millar The late Mrs Maw was pre deceased by her iathcr in 1927 her mother in 1944 asister Amy in 1913 and brother Henry who was drowned at Nipawan Saskatchewan in June 1828 Surviving are three brothers and four sisters Edwin of St Catharincs Parker in Barrie Ara thur of Hamilton Mrs Harry Rowell Pearl in Stayner Mrs Luther Graham Ruby North Bay Mrs Stanley Frailck Ger trude in Minesing and Mrs Ty son Johnston Jean Phelpston lll Following Stroke Mrs William Brooks Passed AwoyJonuory It was with sincere regret that the many friends of Mrs William Brooks learned of her passing on Monday Jan 1957 at the home of her daughter Mrs Gra ham 19 Campbell Avenue where she had been following her ill ness Although well advanced in years Mrs Brooks had enjoyed good health until suffering strakeon April 1956 and had lived for about so years at the family residence 200Tiffin St the oldest resident hr the town line as it Was called prior to the appointment of Superintend ent Tiffin tofthe GTR at Allan daie Daughter of the late Mrand Mrs James and Marion Emms Sara Ann Emmswas born then Elm there as child and vale 0n Nov14 1895 shewas married to William Brooks of Thedford by RevM Pearson of Collier Methodist Church here and the greater part of their mar lriedlife wasspent in the family home Tiffin Street Mr Brooks better known as Billydiedgton Dec 28 1949 but they had observed their gol denwedding on Nov 14 1945 very ahappily wltb family and friends at home and also by family dinner at the Allandale Sta ionrestaurant and largely at tended informal gathering in the AllandalerLOL Hall that night The late Mrs Brooks was of the nited ghters Mrs Thomas Mae pronto and MrsW Graham Ev ofr Barri chlldre elgh us United Churchconducted Cornish of Toronto Champroll of Montreal lamILanam twme omwmmmmun an vsle PcnetaoglilabeneandErlni For intermentvln Barrieuman Cemetery the casket bearers six nephews Charles Spurn Wal ter Spurn Lorne Archer Fred Archer Carl Brouen and Alvin Brouen Flowers in remembrance were from family and friends and from Beaver Rebekahlsodge 190 Ran rte Orillln Rebekah Lodge and prints 110M Service For lArthur Conlon Retire CNR Engineer Chairman of of LE Retired CNR Engineer Arthur Conlon who was outstanding on be executive of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers as local chairman for 26 years died on Thursday Jan 10 at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barricfollowlng oronary thrombosis THE LATE ARTHUR CONLONV Born on Nov 1881 near Trenton he was son of the late John Conlon and the former Ruth Paul and started on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1899 at Trenton working on the steam shovel He came to Allandale and was class ed as locomotive fireman on Oct 19 1906 working in that capacity until Sept 20 1911 Then he be came classed as locomtoive en ginccr with thcGTR and then on the CNR which position he held with clear record until retire ment from active duty on Nov 1846 His service wasof 47 years During his first service as fireman he took an interest in the Brotherhood of Locomotive firemen and was also chairman from 1910 to 1916 which proved to ban groundwork for the heav ier responsibility of the of LE Clear thinking and strong per sonality carried him through the problems arising Arthur Conlon was Presby terian and Liberal was also member of the Independent Or der of Oddfellows Barrie No 63 of Signet Chapter and of Corin thian Lodge AF AM No 96 Rev Muir minister of Essa Road Presbyterian Church conducted the funeral serviecon Monday Jan 14 at the Jennett Funeral Home Theservice of the of LE was held there also on the previous Sunday evening Jan 13 Present on Monday were Barrio friends and fellow ent ployees of the CNR From adis tones were other relatives and friends including Mr and Mrs Conlon Caprcol Mr and Mrs JamesConlon of Frankford Mr and Mrs Cornish of Weston and also from the same place Mrs Frank FergusonMr and Mrs Russell Cornish Miss Hazel Cornish Mr anders WilA liam Cornish and Mrs Lottié Flowers expressed the esteem and regret of Lodge 63 10°F Barrie Brotherhood of Locum tive Engineers Officers and Mem bers of Signet Chapter and also Corinthian Lodge AF AM Bar rie No 98 Casket hearers were all CNR engineers friends of Arthur Con ion Jeff Webb Earl Long John Mario William Clutep Charles Bell and Orville Hay Entomb ment for the present was in the chapel vault of Barrie Union Cam eteryVand later to St Georges Cemetery Trcnton Surviving relatives of the iii ceased are his widowthe former Miss Clara Armstrong one son Douglas married and living line Barrieone daughter Mrs Pat McLarnon Ruth Barrie and also four grandchildren UTOPIA Entertained Nurses Mary Ellis entertained two stu lent nurses of her class at her home on Saturday in Toronto Mrs Gilbert McMaster spent last week in Toronto to be near ilizr father Donald Coutts who is Home Safe gt Charlie Mills has arrived home Weekly En hr Players for 116 tabl to enjoy the weekly competition ior prize John Muir carneout hands La iesJiigh score Mrs Art Holmes nenshlgh Maurice Miller gt STURDY VETERA HALIFAX HVm uniin ofth Ma iiime Telegraph TalephonéCmnpany present Uhtholf and all showed very good year of thanks was extended to Laddie other Grabs Club in1 135$ if was rydiaappotnted Itsï¬nd lack of cooperation in2 thisheld in Barrie Wills Stewart was one of dusts who tourediEnglindJast yenand she allowed her talk with an illustrated trivelogue of watch by the manager of Colllngwood Terminal Elevators at he Southslmcoe Soil and Crop Improvement Association innual meeting at Alllston recent Midhursj Station Sunday Visit 311 and Mrs Knapp and silly of Toronto cut Sunday it Mr and Mrs napps Roy Simmons spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs RFieldhouse UnderDoctorg Care Pat Collins Sr is under the loctors care Hope he soon will be feeling better Congratulations Congratulations to Charles Wat tie on receiving promotionin the Air Force He spent his boy hood days in our neighborhood Horticultural Society Vcspra Horticultural Society hcld itsannual meeting Tuesday night Jan 22 in the reforestry hall New officers for 1957 are president Mrs Nash 1st vice president Ward Goodfellow 2nd visepresident It Brown see retarytreasurer Mrs Jackson assistant Mrs Shclp Publicity committee Mrs El sie Munteith senior program committee Ward Goodfellow Junior program committee Mrs Scheip Mrs Mary Russell and Mrs Jackson entertained with games and contests Brown held the lucky draws After very interesting meet ing the ladies served lunch District Meeting Midhursl LTB niembers attend ed thc district meeting in Barrie Wednesday night Legion Eiichre Legion weekly euchre had eight tables Ladies Mrs Grcaves Mrs Miller Mrs McFadden con solation Mrs Buckley Gents Frallck McFalenc Bio nie consolation brown ANTEN MILLS Weclily Eucth Euchre was held Tuesday night with fivetables playing Prizcs were won by Ladies Gordie Eass ton and Mrs Jim Miller men Eldon Knupp and Doug Jones Home from Hospital Thomas Moore arrived home on Wednesday after spending few weeks at Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Congregational Meeting The congregational was held on Monday night at the home of Mr and Mrs wailson meeting was conducted by Rev John Veals and reports were read by the different departments yote of appreciationwas tend ered to Mr Veals for his services for the pastwyear and also vote and Dorothy Wilson forvso gen erously offering theirhome for the meeting social hour and delicious lunch was enjoyed by all Visits Parents Mrs Rod Martin and sons of Barrie spent few days with her parents Mri andlvtrs Cox Spelling Match Pat Miller and Ronnie Simpson took part in the public school spelling contest for the Township of Vespra at Hilicrest School nn 26 whq are interested please can Euesday nigh Skating Party The Sunday School skating party which twas postponed is planned for Tuesday evening Jan 29 athuthrie Arena Plan 4HHeiiieinaklng Plans are to start 4H Homeg making Clubatv Grenfel The project will be Clothes Closets Up To Date Girls age 712 to tact Mrs Tyson Smith or Mrs Harold McMastcr as soon as possible cautious in outlook and the mo tion presented by Arthur Evans Bradford small reduction in mill ratewus passed with few dissenters from the sta 1e foods to baskets woven from bask nsli by lndiiins 511 andwere offered in all shapes and sizes SnocksxFor Shantyr cookies soiling at 2540 cents per dozen gt at 50 cents per dozen fruit loaf 1° roomy And 599 according to size There was also while fetching 45 cents per pound No Canadian Grade were pric carrots 40 dents and apples sold at 65 cents for SnoWs Spies at 75 cents were soonsold out County Council Cuts Mill Rate Continued from page one 1957 would be 785 If council desired to reduce themlll rate below 75 then for each point fall roughly $10000 would have to be withdrawn from surplus Us ing this calculation it was post lble for Council to bring the mill rate down ten points to 165 and still have small surplus Councillor Garfield Case Col llngwood urged that as much as was considered safe of the surplus should be used to reduce the mill rate If the surplus was left some future council might appropriate it for its own purpose In his opinion it would be far better to look after the living and give them some benefit for their past sacrifice and let the future look after itself other councillors were more authorizing only the 7mm SATURDAY JAN 26 comparatively quiet market offered variety of goods for sale from llama These oxccllent baskets were pricedfium $150 to Onc vendor said that an ardent ice fisherman had been in early and boughtmearly all herassortcd Butter tarts were on sale was 30 cents selcction of pumpkin raisin and apple pie were selling at50vcentseach Another stall had for sale head cheese at 55 cents and chicken pic at 60 cents Homemade sausage was also offered at 60 cents Eggs were stiu selling ata low price35 40 45 cents per dozen available number of chickens Boilers ready for cooking were offered at 35 cents per pound roasting chickens were Vegetables Potatoes were in good supply ed at $2 for 75 pounds and No small were $150 per 75 pound bag By the basket they were offered at 45 cents Cabbagcs were ten cents each Sundries Maple syrup was selling at 25 35 and 15 cents per jar according to size Marmalade varied in Scripts to 40 cents Hiimemadel chocolate took care of thatodd nickel in the pocket o+ LONDON CPWheri hisvold culliedog died Fred Smith as was presented bytlie local hu mane society with collie pup Eager to dearn the pup perched on atree stump to present hu mane official with gratitude cheque for $10tl price from are out oborroiiislfmni Coutts her tour through farming England from Norihumberland to Dorset WardenReplies ToTout His Worship Warden Fisher Canton and MrsGanton were guestsofbenor at the banquet ln replying to the toast to the rifles the Warden complimented ERIC GALLAUGHER of Everett is pfesented with avgold the Womens Institute onthe mag niï¬cent hall which was the out some of their efforts lo my young days there were no such things as Junior Farmers or 4H Clubs said Warden Gan ton We would have readily en ioyed the opportunity of bringing our bestglrl outto function such as this Reportsme Clubs During the course of the con ference five minute reports were given by the presidents of the clubs inthe North Simcoe Junior Farmers Association andtbe substance of those reports is given below Glenoro Junlor Farmers Club The Glenoru Juniors had and ther successful year in 1958 un der the guidanceof the following officers president Robert Good fellow vicepresidcnt Run Coutts secretarystreasurer Lois Coutts In January club member Renny Huyer spoke to the club on his native land Holland Tractor Maintenance was the boys topic for the February meet ing with John Oglivie of the On tario Department of Agricultu asspeaker The girls discussed Fair Projects and later Joined theboys to watch picturcs The March meeting was beldon April with Mrs Maguire from Mincslng giving the girls an inter esting talk on Decorati Cakes The boys had Mr Pag for their speaker on the topic Soilsand Crops Later Soils Club was formed The April meeting con sisted of anlnterClub IZWilll thcthrce other clubs present Mr Mansell Chapman Orillla was quizmaster The recreation per iod which followed provided an enjoyable evening May mectingwas Parents Night withrProfessor Robertson of the GAO speaking on Family Farm Business Arrangements Allan Brown Marjorie Cough and Marjorie Cameron then led in pleasant evening of recreation Cecil Chappcll was speaker for thpuAugustmegtiiig lie spoke Tli Business arming The ir worked on theFair pro jcct The September meeting on Oetw as th public speaking competition with four contestants and Helen Kell was thewinner Everyone had to give an impromptu speech Suceessful Marriage was the topic for panel discussion at thg October meeting with the panel consisting of Ralph Hayes Walter Hutchinson Mrs Gerald Rattle Rev Mr Hall and Mavis The November meeting was held on the same night as the ceremony to burn the lllOll gage for Guthrie Hall so aftertbe business part of the meeting the members joined in social even ing with the community The annualimeeting was held in December Christmas party foil owed election of officers Chilli Willi RilODonVasey and Cen tré Fios Clubs were our guests very enjoyableevening conclud edthe years activities RllOlnon Junior Farmers Club The followingi officers directéd the Bil0Don Junior Farmers in 1958 president Don Dell vice treasurer Jean Ann Horne At theJanuary meeting William Kell spoke on Club Projectsfl He gave us soniciideas for the coming year Plans were made president Bill Black secretary for the libs I1 Mm Junior ï¬rmer concert at Shinto Ens also decided to sponsor sn February delegates were chosen to ttcnd thauaderahln lzainlngSchaolmt Brampton and Guelph At this meeting vgry ia terestlng ï¬lms were shown by Cecil Bye Flnalblans for the Grain Club Provincial Conference at and Tractor Club weredLscnssed at the March lmeelusg arm Organizations was the topic for hc evening vziih Roy Hickling EsWarden as speaker At the April meeting Chapman of the 0DCV1 spoke on the topic Farmstesd Beautiï¬cation It was announced at this time that the countys project for the year would be the sale of tickets on calf In May Don Scott Department of Lands nd Forests Angus gave an int ting talk and showed ï¬lms on Farm Forestry It was lecldcd at this meeting that the min elub project for the year vould be the sale of Junior Farin sweaters throughout the Coun in June the topic was tobe nghway Safely but we wire unable to got the OPP officer so ve had social evening Plans were made for the wlcner roast Bass Lake in July at which ime we entertained the other clubsin the County Unfortun ately due to the weather the loca inn for this event had to be hanged to Eady Hall We got rolling again in the fall with anothersoclal evening betober the topic was lPubilc Speaking and as we had no voi untcersit was decided that each member make lWDllllnllle speech sr pay fine of g5c Thlsproved very lritcreslingvnnd some good ipcecbes were heard and little uncywraiscdr too It was decid ed to start bowing and plans were made to have dance at Eady to raise money In November we entertained the Glenoro Clubin theOrange Hall in orillla bowling tourn ament was planned with Glenoro for after New Years Election of officers and Christmas party closed the year in December Vascy Junior Farmers Club Ourclub hascomplctcd fairly sucEcssful year with increased membership and good attendance atoll meetlngs Directlonof the vasey Club for 1956was given by the following officers presi dent Murray Edwardspvicepresi dent Karl Miller secretary Myr na Barman treasurer Nelson Mll ler Credit for our success should go to the program arranged by theexccutive under the guidance of Miss Ruth Kali am hopeful that all members lof nugelub Wlll coopérate with the 1957 executive by taking part a1 county and provincial ac tivities 1feel that by particl pating members will be doing two things ï¬rst increase their ability to meet responsibilities in the future and second build stronger club and thereby interest new members The Vasey Club beldnlne meet ings during 1958 The topics for the meetings included Insurance First Aid Weed Control China wareHistory of the Community and Public Speaking Gentle Flos Junior Farmers Club The following officersdirected the KiloDon Junior Farmers in 1956 president Wallace Green law epresident Ed Robertson secretary Barbara Stratb treas urer Allen Thompson The Centrcv Flos Club had rather difficult year in 1956 The principal difficulty scemed to be lackof interest byenough peo ple Attend Ice at meetingswas generally low Another difficulty which faced the club this year was the movementof several members from the district By the end of theeyeargalmbst allof the girl members badleft thearea HoWever the Centre Flos Cliib RFC lnstVyear HFC is Canadas Canadianslikayou borrowed from largest and most recommended consumetfinnnoeeornpunybncked hyfzayem lawn in helping familieajeolvetlrnir money pro le Sp ifyou noedup $1000 viait HF where you borrow wit Shaver and William Innnsl shame aromas Jamar ims DIGEST EVERYTHING he tells you young fellow because if any Cisnadian knows skiing importantfacts regarding skis this is the man Pointing out 1s Jacques Chatlfllid Canadas number one skilumping ace from Three Rlvers Quebec The lad atright is AlbertIDelamnrre 14yearold from the aameclub who according to the Judges at the International Invitation Jumping competitions in Midland ha athe mak ings of In future star did accomplish several things in 1956 These included Junior Farmer Grain Club with 111nembers was organiigd with Field Crop Competition in connection with Elmvale Fair The Junior Farmers looked after the gate at EimvaleFalr Several members of the club jolnedthe Junior Farmers Soils Club The club contributed play to the County Variety Night The Centre Flos Club entertained the County at wiener roast and dance at Orr Lake Six regular meetings were held during 1956 Speakers included Cecil Chappell on The Federation ongriciilturc and StewartAPage on Soils and Cropsl As result of the past year would recommend that each club meeting should have some worth while program planned ahead of time would also récommend that the individual club members he encouraged to take more re sponsi liLv in club activities North Slmcoe Junior Farmers Tom Ross association president for 195dlreported We have had well balanced program with quite lot of activity throughout the entireyear Duringwthe win ter and early spring we were busy with our variety program whichwas presented in three diff erent areas and on the whole provedvery successful In August the Junior Farmers Weekend Camp was held atBass Lake Parkwlth fairly good atlt tendanee and everyone enjoyed the holidayvery much The Junior Farmers Judging competition Was held at Barrie FairVGrtiunds on Aug 31 and was held jointly with South Simone Favero This proved to bee very success fulevcnt with large number of competitors taking JpartA This years North Simcoe was represented at Provinci Camp by Helen Kenny andBll Black on the Ontario Junior Farmers and on the United Nations Tour by Ralph Hayes Also anEnglish Junior Parrnerhzlss Wendy Spur gcon from Norwich Norfolk was entertained in the county for ten days The annual fallbanquctand public speaking competition was held at Guthrie on Nov Ronald Curry represented North Slmcoe 2provincial competition Toronto Our annual Church scrvicewas held in Barrie in November with Centre Flos and Vasey Clubs pro viding the special music New biiicers ior Farmers Association are Past president Tom Ross 0rd Station president Ralph Hayes Slianty Bayp ccipresidentBill Block Foxin ad secretarytrue county directdr and member of the provincial board Bill Block Foxmead representative to Counv Robertson Phelpston representa tive to Simcoe District Coopera tive Services Karl Miller Hills dale directorshRon Jones of Mid land JeanAnn Home of prillia and Helen Kenny of NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshirewas visited by Samuel Champlain in 1605 and first settled jmouth norms BARGAINS MENfSlIOCKLEY sovs HOCKEYV 56inle XLADIES ftGlikE Land Use Tour by Don Robertson urer DunRobertson Phelpston ty Federation of Agriculture Ed in 1623 atPorts officers tor North Simcoe Jun hanty Bay