Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jan 1957, p. 1

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aimdin smashmu seem 071i mhm one Giiilix Donald Bream marriedinian oi Orillla charged withrape and appearinghclorc Mr Justice Stewartat the Supreme Cou ting at Barrie pleaded guiltyto the lesser charge of indecent Ibnhqiiet which wound the annual one Isnuli Hewas Vscntencedfito Hey conference held at Wyebridge Com Wiltmcnths reformatory Entering of Not Guilty mlmny 35 smrdw to the rape charge the accused en Fisher Ganton and Mrs Ganton at th chlile amine alpaca to churn his pm 461 lowingthe Crowns evidence Ho WVeaiher Today Mfinnn Shanty hay ewly elected presiden oi the North Simcoe Junior Farmers Association greets Ward The speaker echoed the theme ior Farmersi have stock reply he conference Better Ero ydn will getoutcxactly what you She isklliully outlincd put into3an organization said if yougo along ganlutiona could doforvthe young just for the ride th It you cant people how these could help them expect to gain much to take their placexin the world She urged the encouragement of She stressed the importance of young members especiallythose holding the interest of club mem who woro fllCiub membc to bersiby giving them all something loin tho unior Farmcrs VJu or to do and by planning bettervpro Farmers learned the lmporlanco grams of how thing is done Lf you cant getaiongrandhe tactful you SWk m1 will not get far is anoflicial of When am askedrfwbat am you clubg Eninil to 38 but bf joining the You should encourage every one to do their part said the speaker Now at thcAstart of ion was elected president of the South Simcoc Junicr Farmers board auld mean acloscr Vicepresldent RossBrethet of ivy secretarytreasurer John Ball CWMY cum of Alliston corresponding secrc tary Mrs Marion Memourn Conmuniq Stayner county director Milton McArthur of Staynernnddir ccior to the FedErntioh of Agrl concert Dnve another year let us stop and think What is your goal Are you going gulisiitenedorrls McArthur also wEeklof toVaccompiish something plrit of Fellowship Iv icCommunity Concert As gt Miss Stewart countcd the spirit iation will conduct its l95758 of fellowship engendered inthe mb hip campaign the week Junior Harmersasone of its most Monday Mérch it important asicts and members announcedlast weekfollnw WA record surplus ni$lzz760 ion ch it Was as well to look she couldderiveJhe inn henciitjrom l956 has gone long way to and have in hand some funds to mill rBarrie istrict Collegiate lnst arse comment wok that the play mil VueWWV hug xTum mdfoungoggg file act as wshhm in no such Sand vtaki it on an itutes entryVin the second annuial aggcha little in spots year By in mm times figioflffigffig Georgian Bay Drama Festival for Eve membg of me wt nfifhéilfi °$mi suralus thevcounty council Were The Municipal Buagdlhadmama tile varions munici lsme wfii Secondm SchODIS al01illifl°Ve Marieyjenwin did well In 3d able to set mill rats ofi5 as to realize tile wisdom of this and be thewaekondplaced second Its dmon he leading phi three opposed to 755 of last year This it was expected that legislation TheJun or am ston $4988fiiarric $53226 Ralph Cook me 71 of the peflormersvcynthiaLlflyd Numbl Em fiflfldflhe inufgucgfii mm to CollingwondJSIZQEZ Midland it JI lanthanum gofimken¢igmégcw snail wwamgmrfi 0er munc VV may fihwénsimém $24913r Drillin $45 in page plac some to the winner received honofamrflendol mV this dugogsfimtodzyf fifigmn ficlmnaign chum ya ColemanV new bemm reifrVfi gligdfiiC mama 6P bers of ammunities EFariri peo nz $7414 the supporting actrcss and sup Luau Charles wmie DFQ is Mrs John Dobson The ell on Friday to answer questions pie have lr pro ems and it Stoyner $3195 of the Stewart trophy for porting actor divisions 35 of 3mm me 13 memberspr drive will open with on the budget prior to definitely mm kw 91 vthing make tbei gcfénny $1486 Brazil rd $5040 the best digger Mrs Eileen Th waierr $1252 Pctcrs ofVMi vos reasurcr rcp The best actor wardrofgthe BiOntario HM KfllJNmE hf w°kfrt3¥ej$ ffiieiggg 3iilsxézfé $21312 since it used to meetcurrent ficfltfihhmmgzllg Midland Smwls hy festival was won by James Lawr commandef H935 0W aucfding ex Th surpl ad whle come about because monies set Five In Judgmcnt won the course at ilCAF Staff College 31 Tembushlps before vnat Strung financial P0531011 zllézta Bgccgf4 $1301 51253 school secondqop award in fififiacfiimafiwfifgfid £21112 T°r°m° date at the closing concert of the he was notin favor ofanv mulflp aside last ye for the panama Adjnla $4666Essa $13859 VYWHE 951 king supporting actor and Mary Lou Bum at Carnms in January seasonVon Feb 18 Homefortbe Aged had not been Flos $6458 lnnisfil 5649 0mm Pflckeiand Times TWPW Duncan or Alliston wasbcst sup 1913 wame mm used Matchcdash $1508 Medon 54 The oneact comedy presented by putting Ms MYEILE STEWART ofPenctang had been most comparative MlssMyrtleSiewart past pre him to see friend of on an With Some Snow field at agriculture Miss Stewart was speaking at medium Mild 11 cloth had Mail 10 North simcoe Junior Farmersheld on Saturday This year the but very little snowfall now oniinat dto rose t1 slinc oi Agriculture announces its an pcr ls exceptionallyrwiill qualified me My 30m mi no Couhéillors John Slnall Ad iia ity nail Wednesday Jan auxriie organization and what is being ac 565 59 mild Vii Junor Farmers Lloyd aspln Mildinay presid people Jan20 32 felt that he was pm immediately following the me Three Miil Levyp Board of Directors will be elected Jan 25 posted to exceed last years bud ior roads lhrcé mills as up was defended by Thompso Turnin Evidence vlvlns that he attacked Pointing outthat other privately ownedrtelevisionvstnttons ed woman co Wm sident oi the Junior Farmers oi Ontario deplored thelack at early morning train in Orillia cooperationVonthe part otthe Barrie television station in the foiice were called to thelwo Since Tuesday lastllt liar mans house otter tile attack and qua whlghwmmded the annual med conmmmem mm been wintery wltbcoo wn All level L9 Ezgyum wcrc Bruises 09 venue was the Wyebrldge Communityflall we ii lb ii in no were Tbc Simcoa ounty Federatiopithe filterdinner speaker Mniis fit was rem alliedY oilniy Council on thoChlldrEns rinalmcetlng and turkey banquet to deal with his topicV Farm 33 5133 KJay£ Md socmy Bond to he held in GuthrieCommun Organization why we need farm PVinchin hidian Onriicld banquet will be served at noon campusbcd through larm organiza use Coulngwwd Cm by the ladies of the community tion in the interests of our art Temperatures were Who InnismV Th rah of Counslllor small askchil tobc cnt of eOh ro Fe era on SIMSS SCCL In relacc on in oint cut but Agriculth wgi bowpresent as meeting will get underway at ALLISiONltoss BrettVoi Bpe DP iiit tread chairman oi the welfare gzggueftioii 1K migfpiiiuveecorfil 23 here Saturday Otherolticers are °°° WWW mitteesduring tbcycar The 1957 Jan 24 or oa St at this meeting and there will Jan 26 Whl alsonbctima sctasidc for ques Jan27 oh colugityhfiozrigofilg gear $21 tion and discussion period Jan 23 Early get by about $211300 Simcoc IV County council will again be making only three mill levy proved by council on Friday will raise on the equalized assessment In $327674 Last year the same levy ralsed $80609l provin cial grant lsrcccived amounting to 50 per cent inrVespcctoi roads and 80 per cent respect ersclub ibelplt cm the youngto become leaders Vipalhodyrarrying large surplus 408 Nottawasaga 313379 Oriilia Twp $13372 Oro $12899 Sunni daie $8345 Tay $7426 Tecunh Seth $9399 Tiny siapoa Tos sorontio 153700 Vespra $6545 West Gwdlimbury $7185 11 First column in it wins Francois andNeol aylor point out something unusual happened one day not so ion ago in the publishing field isa very long shot that twocompeting newspap the local students The Courting Canadian playwright year the CFOR Trophy for th Heather chNabb int wh also liked th says Find of MaricVJenvriii the work of Gym years festival Collingwood and Ringwood won new award this ormifl Dinghies 3150 entering lays Performances were given best Canadian play in the festival Friday and Saturday evenings Adjudicator James Dean of Central Technical School Torcn Courting of Mn Jenvrin were to found the best actress of the John Lamont the hero of the festival in the Barrie offering piece Art Tracy and Clair Robert Grade 11 son Stage director was Sam student at the coil was Brown Wanda Clark was in She acted with great deal of feeling commented pean mith of the collegiate satff There were six entries in this Other cast members if The charge of properties andprompter wasSyiva Chappcll Makeup was by Miss Nancy Set in northern Canadian min ing community the plot centred around the courting of the wait ress in the hotel dining lounge by three swains Frenchcan rolmcnt at the Toronto Normal School Councillor Lawson Robinso Elmvale championed the cause sagCHAMPIONS vILllGEsfcillsr iavorof either the prose Under the circumsta at Weekeiid Spoils Councillor Rawn had to vote Vespra introduced an amendme like Seattle county council go per centre from voting At the wish or the whole council ii was agreed that Accident Record Coun ilor Csrman Downey to th ciloctthat allsurban man The cost of the home had been estimated at $145000 Last years Council had budgeted for $72500 and had decided to take out of the ECOUNIY ROAD REBAIEBAIILE one not lnlShcd within the ycar and only the budgeted amount was lAWSON ROBINSON lOSES Mr Coleman had included the remaining $7 500 in the present at budget Th treasurer alsopoint system or the one suggested by tif mone wast ken lhe Villages whcn introduc Councillorrltobiuson Hewou ed motion in council last Thom day seeking the payment of chual back to the old 25 gebate on countyroad assessment inate torxall municipalities The roadrhe asked permission to refra committee had recommendédth the scale of rrebates should re from surplus the mill rate for Turn to page three Two accidehts invclving nor sonal injury marred Barriesgood strong candidate fornomina than when the imene NorthLib eral Association canvenes at E1ni vale Community Hallon Monday evening Feb ateight1oclock will be illialn Campbell of Frozen BOdY adian lon darker the localjew oiler Bruce phapoell the vil lain of the play and theVininer terday afternoon found the em Oh Larmom frown body of Clifford A1 recordioverdthc weekVeiiliid Tbe first occurre late on Er ay even blguduiglagitigeslgiégt five mil rebate This motion was if when m2 flayed Th mendmcm put by Law caused two Vvehiclcs to collide in soniltchinsonuwa alsolostvb lei finite Dunlop Street bickering ajority and as agreed 25 andTECCiES SlutLilli on the heroineand3the2 all municipalities line of Innsifil west of High liner €555 91° jewelle bid herrfle yhav ta inc has way EioeshMajrie Spanking and wms we or more or an for that matter But evidently this figgcggrgglm Fflmfinflfi Jam °°5 Wings 13 visit friends niar Strou ma prime His mfi is Hot asked to be dropped at mm line just short of his destinationnnd he was notseon again iitil his body crsever would oomcoutwith ex actly the same headlinefor the Two 13yearold youths same story in tthey would tramping across country yes avoidsaine fitwas known rBut linger ype same cipai ies should receivedD per receive it the Smaller municipalities hade money does not growon trees assessments tRubin if dimgcracy is going Yo surv you ave got to look site the small and the lages are certainly 9413 he enlisted ncAF gr thegm and the wenki auaeiasa embmke uni milks of navigator in early 1942 Later in Wynn AEPWVVBMK hut 11 mi was discovered the boy that ye hcwasposted overs as 9g 513 if at The man lost both his legs nnd ned No 199 rooms 2W mgflf bVle If id 11 WW Denms itc is Icet from Squadron with which he com 31 any mg on militias The Malwe is su crlptl Bracebridge in pictcd his firs tour of opela way iomfmyoqe welmauSk both vchmes acvcanflungcr years ago and war irtificla nchptfitli lionsi to 396 Egan 5a adia Printer an units Ismael that In 62 1A 10 the Game Vflfld $151 After instructing ata med reply to councillor Case 91 is cries Aet requests are 309 bomberopcrational training nit Collingwod who wonderedjwhyv collisio on Shanty permission to hold hewasytransierrcd to 428 system had been admte in éast Puget somethls in hod Bomber Muadronnwhere he with the first place Councillor Sma tonwas approaching Dunlap Street Westalong Epcles Street and applied rhlsbrakcs His foot apparently slipped off the brake pedal onto the accelerator and his car collided with another pro long Dunlap Street We hgnk of Georgian Bay in favor Was taken to act otnuie to others consider exterminate certain lcted second perationaltou Adjaia explained that it waste cause the municip it the gher assessment hig er isalso ea inglpowel gléiintioilllgvaie pixb Councillor Abncrkaw Vdale remarked that he was not community th Elfnv

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