THE annals cxnmnnn runny canons 25 1957 See rch for Talent The season of regional drama festivals has arrived and from coast to coast am ateur actors are preparing the presenta tions they hope will be judged of high enough calibre torbe chosen for the Domin ion Drama Festival finals There is bit of the actor in everyone but only the select fewreach the pinnacle that brings them before the public in Dominion festival Yet none will say the effort is not worth while and although the large centres with their wider field of talent from which to draw would appear to be in favored posi tion this does not necessarilyhold true in amateur theatricals gt Cecil Bellamy adjudicating regional fest ivals this year hasemphasized the import once of sincerity in his comments on the plays he has seen so far And it is there that the actors from the small community stand on even ground with those from the big cities sincerity knows no geographical bounds Any actor who can portray part do that the audienceis sweptaway by it has found the sincerity Mr Bellamy seeks If all the haters in the some play have this talent that play may win festival award whether it be performed by cast of big city players or group from prairie village Players groups in small communities are the life blood of the drama movement in Conadafor without the interest aroused by their efforts there would not be an audience for theatre From these small groups too come the professionals of the future The growth of television really only in its infincy in Canada will see an increasing demand foractors und television too will buildanvaudience for live performances Radio in its early days was feared by musicians because it was thought it would kill the concert stage The result has been just the opposite gt So it is expected will be the effect of television on the stage Lindsay Newspaper Celebrates Centennial we extend congratulations to TheLindsay Wat manWarder Which has reacheddtS cente nial yéar Fuhlisher Stan Pitts marked the occasion by issuinga special historical edition which was complete with interesting pictures and articles aboutthe community and theflweekiy newspaper which has served it since 1358 Mrs Pith is aiormer resident of Barrie having pub lishedlhe Northern hdvance for several years before it became amalgamatedwith The Examiner in April 1940 Bradford Planning For lOOih Year Eveni This is centennial year for the village of Bradford and great progress is being made in plansto celebrate the event Augustdto service and band concert the celebration will foliowon the neict three days with sports street danceshtours Olrinspec tions by former pupilsrodeo circus fire protection display and fireworks undo course parades Some of the residents have already started growing beards Our neighboring community wontilikeiy belong in the village status Its growing steadily and flit has lively progressive thinking citizenry Recent opening of the finenew community centre and curling rink are but two indications of Bradfor zeal for advancement Opinions Ofï¬Oihersr Christmas Tree Waste Oshawa TimesGazette gt gt We were interested in reading in the Vancouver Sun of December 27 in columnwriiienbyBarry Mather the following very apt anpoin ed com ment Sad yesterday to see the hundreds of unsold urnwanted wasted and slaughtered Christmas still on the lots Do we have so many trees hat we can Wipethem out needlessly is there puhlic control over hirstpubiic factor Someone should ISO Circula tion 861 195 be said in Startingon Sunday with drumhead Joe on the dim buttonun ran was something that are mhgwa as we write hi still senru of these unwanted Chris on lots inheretbey were placedrou Christmas from one loion Shncee manortn in particular where we see the pileszof trees lefl lying on the ground The vendor once the sale period was over who nof sufficiently interested lo remove me unsold ireer from the lot on which they were placed on display When one considers how long it jokes to 905 Christmas tree and how treat their value would be if they Were allowed to grow to me unity one cannot help deplorlng this Iwuiuge of natural resources oshawa is only one city in which there was vastovereupply of Christmas trees offered for sale by individuals interested AmakingJ oulckprofli We read that in Torontovthey were haulcd away fromlhe lots in Christmls Day Sudbury reports alahnilir ence Wehclicve this could be duplicated are ndrcdr altar of Christmas treeson all lands lil the province will hiveto he brought under control It ooul reach the pnlnt where Christ In ï¬nes wouldbe grown commercially on tree farms only with cop trolled thinning on other lands At all events the wholesale destruction and waste of Christmas trees invites offlcal actlon The Fourth Estate lPenilcion Herald Canada being one of the disilan minority of countries which has had truly free press the failure of most of us to value it as We should it perhaps understandable Not that we all underestimate the mica the press Some of our newer citizens for example knowwhat it is like to live under regime where the onlypublleaiions permitted are those care fully censored which make daily and Craven oheisauce before the allpoweriulstate More than ever before the newspaper of today is vital guardian of the peoples liberties it is granted daliyor weekly compendium of events and an important means of communication he be tween seller and buyer of the story by any means In thousand and one ways it eonspeak for what it deems the public interestthough its first concern must always he 10 inform its readers objectively and with full regard for truth It nus remain at all times impervious nlike to flattery or pressure whatever the source The OneDrink Driver But that is not the end ill ll lil alullon my Citadel oocuuaam Amilav Lu alumnus name Herman punSaint Meeting Brlsht Haber Shims 800d Gospel if IPANY neerim si ANDREWS PRESBXTERIAN CHURCH Owen IndW0rsiey Sta honours mouson Minister amaze Mus am arcs Organistvand Cholrmaster sunnliv JANUARY 21 1991 ll Inaand non 111E MINISTER Lourue choreogsmdi Dahiels orgnu Sunday JhlqullY 1957 945 inAUNDAY scnoo ll munBeginners noth on Vlr 255 Publisher Serious Charges ler Jail 214957 he Editor Til Barr Examiner iewof its important ling with serious char tical patronage involv Slhcerely yours Kamloops Seullnel Drunks going home at the wheelof twoion riug gelhauls on New Years Eve again set able record in crushed and mangled students of inebriaiion say that drill gis amllcii larger factor in automobile accidents than most drinkers and ieetoiaier realize And they say another thing The drink ay he more dangerous than the drunk Some drunks have enough sense to realize iha theyhave nn buslness driving in an advancedslage ofintoxic iion So they let somebody else 3drive or they proceedslowly and cautiously Butthe person who has just had fewdrinks and hardly feels lhem probablyldoesnt realize what scientiï¬c tests would showthaihis reflexes are measurabiy slower his mus control has lost its suren his normal inhibitions and sense of TBSPDflSibIlllyhBVe gone by the In his jolly state of exhilaration though con slders himself cold sober he ives little faster and takes few more risks if he ihese experts say more often than the fello who is roaring LETHERBY MPP Simcoe East six mo hsstarting with those did not advertise inithe Cnn and depriving those that ituatiou indicates that slice of the taxpaye mlinEy enders werenot called to those who would drunk that is likely to be heading for tragedy Dimmin Nanaimo Free Press Anyonewhavhas gone through the nerve experience ois having his automobile headlights suddenly Igo out while driving at night knowswmv those lights are vital iola cars dperstionn Without has thermthe vehicle is useless after dark menace toeveryone else on the highway and potential deathtrap to its occupants Properly usedheadlights turn ghtinio the driver and at the same know thateyour ear is there But drivers anduuforlunatqiy so frequently forg how gerous misused headlighls can he Their oper tianls efficientand man behind=thewheei doesn always alize thctx jiailure to switch to the lower beam in passi gor driving behind at traffiqycaniluln those beneï¬cial rbeacon veritable instruments oftdestructi He also fails to realize that the des me to Juries Conference ctlonrnay involving serious property ldamage The Canadian highway Safety ests that is slight pressurefof the 131mm 0f effort frequently mean indifference between pleasant drive in the evening and aoatastro ih could disrupt the lives of dozen zleo Safe driving easy its considerateand jive nning Suillla the moaning me nfcrm you own Church Annual Meeting After bountiful urkey sup per on Jan the ivyylresbytorl in Church held their annual meeting in ihc newly decorated basement of the church Rev games Ferguson officiated the mcciing and opened with prayer Election of officers resulted as follows Board of managers Han nld Broley Keith McVnneil Her fman Jennell Fred Nelson liar oid Gibson Allan Miller Cecil Spcers LorneCarruihers Ross Chlpchase treasurer Harold Gib son auditors Mervyn Martin Clarcncc Hoggarfh secretary John Cochrane organist and choir leader Mrs Bruce Miller assist cnt choir Jeader Miss Maud is deliberately stating falsehoods thisvrespectn As the artlclei contains an im plied reflectlon on myself wish 30 state that in all myyears in public lifedn this cornmu ty and as the Prov ciai representative forEast sixncoe my good name and ho est dealings with people of all political parties has been possession if Qua Douglar Spcers you are to be onsidcred respon sible publisher the Canadians accusationswbich in my opinion are ridiculous and wholly without foundation mustbe set forth in detail or relracied in fairness not only to myself but 11 the merch his and citizens general in Goldwater satisfaction was prob ably derived by leve1iing the nousensicai charges lets see your paper back the up If as your paper cla ihe merchants of qudwaterrhav been Vic zed by political patronage to such serious extentim sur prised you as publisher iwouid run outon themdnsieadof stay ingto champion their pause you statedwhen the Goldwater Weekly washought it was we Cgldwater appreciated ihe weekly we re ceived under previous ownership with its ï¬ne coverage of local contain too little local new fund farjto much of of the serious occli the Canadian we expect 111i letter to receive equal prominencevwith theoriginai ar Vale and prom ti explanationgif any is ravaiiabl to what your Sincerelyyours lri Goldwater people feel the Canadia may mars 4rd ushersDonald Martin Lawrence Me church irus ees Fred Nelson Clarence Hoggorth secretarytreasurer oi ccmctcry boardBert llicQuay The session isfto choose the Sunday School teachers andof flcers number of encouraging re ports were read Thcdedleation of 1henew or ganiook plnce onJan la RevMr Fergusonclosed the meeting with prayer ri Cochranc in the recent Essa ailing bee competition horntanN Wotan Hayward grode evy public school was placed flrt as the bestbnyfspell He will compete with the hen boys of the inspectoraic on Feb 15 in Allislon public school iSpccial Service FOIfLDW THE BEAM gt 315 pmvlii ermine EVERYONE woman COLLIER ST UNITED Minister new new MA an Ini MORNING SEE 0n Doing The Things He Com gt mandolin BroadcastCKBB me am mcn sonooi The peciair servicerml Sunday945mJm5frmmemle night at Chris Church Ivy was well attended This being the presentation to Arnold Banting with the insignia of iéy reader Bible andiicense issue by RL Rev Wilkinson Bishop Toronto Guesls of honor were Ven hcurn 03 MA DD assisted by ilu lDean Rev RoweMA The social hour ma possible by the Womens Au ry was enjoyed by all wearena Mr and Mrs McConney and family of London spent the week end wilh Mr and Mrs Henry Davi nLLcsr trans Canadas tallest trees the flux ias firs of the Pacific coast lucy reach 300 feet high in the loop and sum mi 27 at slis Gucci musrcni my Van 3553 Music cusses and 5010va aooxl ruemeennriw oo tlnueln ma EASTERN 11 mar MABDNICTKMANPLg Owen runs Archdeacon Light land SeniorIgDepis 1100 emlrcnursery baby eit tins Nursery Kindergarten and PrlmryD unmet punEVENING sanvrca fThc Secret 01 Perpetual Youthfuincss svcnvom WELCOME ï¬lllllSllllN SCIENCE Services daiSpnday School sunnnv dummy 27 1931 1100 amTRUTH Tm 41 Collier st rrl ALLAnn wntc ME 930 ampMorning ifrayer Sermon MARE all ages com 110 onuaca TRINITY CHURCH Anglican Collier St EglPllANYdllv January OQ MOLY COMMUNION 930 vainnMoihing Prhyer Sermon seam Sunday School 1100 mlMORNING PRAYER Sermon hThe Ministry The Rev Allan Read Church Nursery Junior Sunday School 700 pinEventing Sermnn connaNnMENr vnv ihe RchAilnn Read CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlap and Torontoslreeis CECIL BRENN BA Ma concussion orgnin SUNDAY JAINUARIYQI ins 11 am PRAY PREV Junior Congregation 711412 ma woaurs acsr fN STORY 17 neifmehook of in tOospel flyinn Sing V815 pmYoung Peoples Bible liour cauncn scaodr 1145 emfJunior intermediate and Senior 1100a1mpnegmneuand7hrihlary SEE YOU IN CHURCH FIRST BAPrisrcnuacn Clapperton St atWorslcyl runner on no minister inss newcom organist and Choir Leadu slmonv JANUAan 27 19s 950 uh runner scnool CljtissesJor All Ages 11 mm REV CAPPS of ludlar now rornhv EVERYONE moons Convention Ontario Quebec Anglicah Church mandala Rcetor $1 pun mayoncwamonn ulster llooll Preshylerilnlflliurch Organist MKFRA NKIDUTCKER Admit BlBLE school coma donors