WAITRESS Emotes coupsy beams Uhllonlu mppiicd APPLY UNITED CIGAR sronss Mm 111 LSALESMEN to rcpreoenl major company in the lame 2nd lira nie held lnureno your enrnlnl power ny your oohemu PART TIME OR FULL APPLY IN wmriNo rO BOX ilAililla EXAIINEK REAL lEIATE SALESMEN mo EXPERIENCED For Olliec be established shortly IIBarrlh by inn ulhllshrd in im wllh DOG connedqu In Ell110 Ind mmundlnl 4151 flit be uttenseis err sell in err null knuwvnlme Ind ï¬lllflcu Ind be Wall Ind Invonoly known Mull havelood ï¬nesMord Good have flslnl In ilk llllrllnl course held once cooperation and hlniul mmmlulod to lime Chum lee 11 avenue Ind SIIH Record In lzller Replies llrldly confidenllal Box Barrie Examiner Illvl7F ARC WELDER REQUIIIED lMllmlArlLLY ARC WELDER dly week tomplny plid mcdleal and horplialisolion Libcrsl houdnys and vlcnllon pay APPLY DeViIbiss Canada Ltd BARRIE ONTARIO 11011 MOTOR MECHANICS LICENSED MOTOR MECHANICSl FOR FORD DEALERSHIP PHONE PA 85526 lllHl DRIVER SALESNIAN WELL BTABLISIIED ROUTE OPEN Sale cxpdflnncc neccsss high school education WAG PLUS COMMISSION Group plnn Insurrncc hvoliohie APPLY NORRISi DAIRY 96 COIIlerSt Bclrrie FEMALE OFFICE CLERKS requlred for Government heprudents Bl ï¬drrle 511d Camp Borden Ontario cleriss $1620 $2070 clerks 2A 31950 52550 minim and lppuostion lorms at Port 0mm National Employment ortlces and the civil Servlcqcoiomlulori Milly before JANUARY lo the civil Service Coinlnlsslon 25 st Clair Alienue Past domnto antarl ate cosnpetitlonI umber 5714554 ror ciem quoie comgxllhon number571555 ror Clerks lii wommto dolllentloslli holes and also some 11112 Barrie fMetaI GSalvage SCRAI3 IRON METALS FURS HIDEs RAGS BAIrEluEs men clothing Apply Box rrle milllet loll mxsn tor toilur shop in Camp Bordeausteody oh fornrlzht party Phone IIBBW Bll Hlll RCAliumdi 4c edcll word 01 will cohsécllï¬ve insert nsecullve insertions 2c Musrhe PAIDWEH imlrll Telavlslon blel LumP MALI Sllg Hal More Box our maid dress out Phone PA um PourUr snen dulra ie Clr 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STREET le HIGHEST for Phone PA 68331 or PA iwa also sell glpes henrns gtohdnnell ran relnrorclnd Phone PA 32901 PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES 66487 antler rods INDUSTRIAL IRON AND META nnhlop st Wpst Phone PA 66331 or PA FEATHERS Phone Blrtlo PA 29 AND COMPANY Yard land Olflce 204ml Relsonobl L7 Patnalo 87204 38911 Liv POULTRY Our Lrlsclld wlll odlLv Hllhm prlcu paid Special D112 yuld Slower mum MAX PUSHKOFF rural sllsu silo EGG iNcuullron wanted Used Phone 11m Slrolld 31112 GRIMM lavpoms wanledxlln size it by rl Phone Bdrrle no cull ziovu EXECUTIVE nnw employed as sucro wlshes to rolt College educnllon and degree litpies must no Apply Box Home Ex 2914 5171332 dllvered sszrlz sIoll Mm mm 4nd RUBBER STAMPS mosaic9mm MOUTHS BOOK STORE MINDOP ST WET my anon TABLETIOIANJII vM llanls phone PA oM hN PA olnIIJI VIKING srovx burner one um only monlh New tondlllonJ 1425 Camp Borden Ill CATERPILLAR Bulldozer IN dei Any reuonahle otter Phnnd Slmd 131 Vlvll IUll COAT grey Persian Ito and eondllloll Mull noslnce Phono NM or 1H Dunlop SL1 lilliiY cAIlllleB Baheo Tend ale ninlai bed with mattress model ndlo Chesterfield Phone PA 31574 ELECTED IWEIENR Vacuum Clean en rcbulu eornpieie with dllullululh nd oilsher Golnl al vs esen Phone 135 LADYS illaolt Coal Pralah ladsh lrlln Inmmlu also In and lull Boln site In New cond llon Phone PA 2990 llBNFllEW oil Cook stove will valor reservolr wlln 100 llllon drum Jack Inylonsl Pauln Comer south llhrrie Highway 11 r7112 tIIAlNS 10 IAIID 0H DRUM IA vleo Mullen mans $2411 1ll hrlolu lllol A40 Oll Ilurner conversion unit wllh oil drum Phone PA W11 71011 21 llomltOLA TV In perreet conch lion just over months old china and milk me hid Calhaltcr ado pin ull 10 psn Phone PA ms or 11 Poyntr 711 rianWitlrzlm omco machlnu port nhles lddlnl machines clah rumors lilies and senIto 11 lama 11 Frances SL Barrio phone PA 11 Box 283 Smith corona reprueqhuuv MI inc cnnlu Separators also used like new oleciric 3170 Power wani ured drmonxmlor ply stan Copeland Oahu ohlnssn Phone coomown 15m 1011 $500 illlvs lo no it with room olhln 12 nolrvnhool ml from Barrie Small deposit Inil ply mcnll acceptable erla Mr Lowrey 1111 Vancouver Drive Guelll or phone Taylor 28105 Guelph 79ll CROSSLBY Ilelrllcrhlor shelvador Vesllnlnouso Frldq sma modern bedroom suites with bookehlo hua honrds several heds conpie eni studio Couch goodlta deltes modern nonkcln with euphlurdl won deriui collection or old Boyl Wor cester fllurlnes hole vmlllutwfll lnp doll GI Irohlnl Mlclhlnl Sea hrcese Qï¬peed licoord mgr several plcces or Vleloflon llurel also Pieces or anllque silver bran and cup er articles Dim r1 Phyle mahogany hhledro sid collee sndoeeuloh ublas nn chal Lots ornihervery useful items Iolles Used nunlture Essa Rood phone PA 161 LOST AND rouNo l05l1thck Puppy should months he Welllnglon ere Owner cal PA 4197 1411 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE puunnnsn Herefomï¬ull serviceable 132 One Herd SIM Robert omcks hril lvy oiuis lo WELL illllzD yenrllnz Holstein Holl crs Apply chnrles Lucu Lelroy or plume 1515141103 91112 REGIHERED Holstein Bull rising years Apply Mam Waverley or phone Elrnvalc 9rl1 1111111 cow pert noisiefn and Durham six yesrs old due ln himh bred Berkshire nod Apvly Ewan sennett RR Barrie liiinl BLACK PERCIIERON Tenn well matched quiet ninres yenrs old Wlll drive single or douhie PIlone suyner ism Russell Fisher gt9il REGISTERED Brllldh Yorkshire Bonn and Gills 11 wells Grand sire and dsm imported from Scouhnilvlflsï¬ nudgln 1m Moonslone phone girl lug separaiar 3100 Newton MATCIIED TEAM or Black Geldlhll and yours old qulel irollnil in ch lnery and sound Ros VChlthlle RR II Thornton Phone lv v12r41 YOUNG HOLSTEIN Co rprlhzlnd years old Registered Holsteiirnull months 0111 Yorkshlre Born AR and show broking c0hnipliell and Sons stroud ard 131112 MATCHEI TEAM yo ellollnuu snare and horse weighing 29 witnsllver moon and tails whlle mnrklnflr mi years lncluon1m Owen Sound Phone 1137 Owen Sound BAnMrNIoNilncquet and Press wani phone PA 311 ed Phone lluyes hml LLi laud LOGS whnted to buy laLloVcon Ilox tracts ice culling hnd skiddl io Barrie Exinnlner PDPLAE Loos Ind Halls Wontad Brhdlord Lumber and crate le PO Ball121 Bradlord Phone 210 Brodie 115311 PIAN lrs Tabla Illlll mum 80c 341 ecord Player Radio Cord fl and any urnlslllnï¬s suit dblejos lhe YMYWCA It 2B Owen St Phone VEA 34w 3cwbrd lhiillmillll 60c rlllnimllm 0c word nihilism 40 PROPERTY FOR 5ALE hon Homes In Barrie District dustEss Pilorlzlims cm 11min llaroid Poms REALTOR gamma 02 mural an yviu PAlr you our FURNISng Home nlIlrilslr Burl $2M App narnu tan with Alumnae basement all on re lot shall Trauma eriuglddï¬sm Huh miles Austin llres selol nuleh wheel discs Alto PureK 9941 down tonne 1Q4H Luau amourour and WIBIM roan Mkk with Ill In ol dot 1170 In Alla mlhb you not cot that 80 mouth your Mn lo hxeo full down Call In Donnell Inn ï¬lm PA $7703 voNimanwAv Ilqu mum lllJLIaIIIXCE wool cry or own 1am millionth Baum hm irluzhen llle room own room and oumhldr xllohon Illly dogonted School stores ow clou by Call Perry in Evonlpu hone PA um EHANIYJIAY ROAD BIOREY onlCKpiom anelv Imrn modern lloma on ve boauusullot 30 us Vllhl ileumtorrid view orlhe ethobstsuclod across leer laid mr Lamand unih Voly many extras lllclndod such as Will to wall hrosdioonl stoma ahd seroons rvl Inlonnl ole Onlyo years old Au moors are larru and brlflll La hitches and dllllnl me All Pln ned in IonIo dailxhlml ueenery ou heatlns Fairy Ford nemmPArlDsi7 DUPLEX on mway Altai at town Laflo sooliiT My hrlel ln eunllem ondlllonnAll modern conveniences 5291112 connotes hill high bllegllont New Iron nrernsn sroher hsshisco Double lame and other Imlldlnll on lllle lot troutan 174 in 115 ï¬leaQIM contact an conneii omenlllrs thona PA a77m LolsPoilsAuz smAr LAST YEARS Pumas oonl wait uhtu Ipnnx when runes up Wo1savo town on iron up with lands as low aa down Phone an WE ALWAvs iIAvd MANY DIHZR LISTINGS hiya sew can be shown 1n our ads new 5011 on do hotaeo what you will on Jim colliding allied dllrln the day PA Home or hvznlnll phone Percy from PA 5n evenllltl phone nan contell PA 87701 CALLUS Anoul 08min colhlel healslo producing ham anpluu glyderoomu In both In and coun lllrrlu and here homes with low om psyihcpl Ilillldlnl lots Phone PA some oayuhi SLESSOR ReaIVVEstalei 1511 SAVE egopg 1000007 ON NHA HOMES Interosl roleshave done up ta you Thesé houses are heins sold at thé hwy role 9m will mlr OAKLEY PARK BEDROOM ammo Atcnmcn or sling BUILT BY CBOSLEY CONSTIIUCEION almond i7illllllllzi bldch mm01k Park Public school and the new collegiate DOWN ZPAYMENTSI $1973 to $2695 wlm MllNlflLY PAiTlliles their $53171 fo $6442 Puls 13055 Already th hddress or My happy ismllleeOaxiey Park otrers you tbes dew home teulllol Cl Ertkzk construction gt ecyorlllnl and Palsltlnfl to your choice at colon xlhehen sndjhathroons tile or you choice rhontellollutertlopd ln neéhtrdcl Sodded no chasm onsmucrlon HENRY BERNICKPAozolo PENELELRICKiaz memo PAh 583 rail streettwo unis IYIIG ond gt bllll all oullnls loudup PA ohm anytlgse lav FLORENCE srllm Six room lh REAL ESTATE oi lots or our lot or ll lob how all tear Mr Ken llwh lel otherTolcul Al llooo 15A an SPLIT LEVEL roosns and bath on or mlml 12 GVC RI goal in gluon owed air oil but laundryrhho sued bllh wills col datum ur poll loealed on is lot carries ror 17 per month lne udl interest prioeipll arni ism call none PA um Inylllno NEW NHA moi ruil pricethree bedroom bsieh one itvina room huh ereeuent vlll rec tor Imuglsll ol mmilure lut with uh or en tour piece oersole did bsih ruil mull romeo ll ï¬ll htllllll Thll home earrlu or glam per month includlns interest Ind rlnzlpll plus three Loeated on at llsned street Al hose um yum ARENA room brloii horns localednry clone to arena modern hitchen modern lot ase For full details and lnun ID no thrve clean lll modem older hamm ca Al Rose PAym NBA HOMES Our ulecuon ol NRA home ll excell tflL Tlllx tnlonuoll include home vlllli down Ayman lllow II 1378 will mmlhy ï¬gment ll law Al per monlh luc lnl tolerant Ind prlll tlpu plmhxu Now klhultnllito buy your 110ml Whlll the Interest me is only 515 per cent For on appolni men to lee lhru home Clll Rose anytime LARGEHOME am full price mom Io no hOIIElel WWII III IXUI IIIIB wood on lino plea ball ll In two piece In downhill All hues mom holvlller all helllhlr hell too and new olmlroulhl haulIII reed lot in Down Phylnent only MIDI lower down be llllflled Coll A1 Inyllme GOOD GENERAL HARM ï¬lymnl mllhl on PA loo acres clay loam acres all whul so acres new seedins lo Icru roamed house WIMI ln haul and hm nunace hydro uhool vlllr churn milieu Pull nos 32 murm ll PT ru ee Les PapenPA N293 $7500 FULL PRICE in acre arm miles mun Ba sandy manila scier grow hall we er ouso phone Lee PopePA um $18000FULL PRICE vioo sorer hoodelay loan tam hear all Bay Point To llll CI ll Pope PA um on cmsuyiomomm 11 murï¬ï¬‚ywlinllulyal 1321 $3131 Ind Hot II on huh Ills floors Largo unmanned Io Low vuxesl Attached or Reducedbgor qulck lle 1311 x17 co wn amen Pope P11995295 mm BEFORE BUYING OII ELL ANY TYPE OF PROPERTY SOB VISIT OUR hocA souam 91 yDunIop St Rooln OPPOSITE QUEENS 30m oll PHONE PA hamNo OBLIGATION HgLACEYu REALTOR 1510 lIENRY ELRICK 98MICHIE REALTORS 15 OWenSlz Phone Poll5583 orEéR COMPLETE REAL ESTATE sEvacE home emhlhlnz living roomwldlnhen Glue bedroom lnll washroom on the olllnfloor two r601n Apartment and bhlhroolh on the second floor renting ior $6500 per inonth House is sour years old insulated nu hoot all no in very good condition 000 live room stucco home close to downtown Stove halted lllreo piece rbalhroom Must be mld llI oiose estate MOONALmSm two storey Brick home blocksirons downiown lloonss ore wuonsily large with plentyio upboa see House is vIrl vel1 good condlton oil healedriont and aclt porch Illll si basement him mud ere rfl resents IIth upyto limos Iolhoï¬gllzm oontact 11m ice for Mlchlo N551 ed Miles mink Webster 3411a BUYING Oit 5mm gt NATIONAL HOUSING dmmAL 1N vamp NEW DOWNTOWNV MODERN UNFURNISHED SROQM denim Booms communes hmfll nleeer APAalmm nuoArouumilv Phone PA 7724 gt 415151 Phonon IAA0 we null Apm Cuilnl toeInn Pm PA Mm 15 loom Hon01m MJL Ron PA lIllll um noon bedroom hnll able Ham ï¬lm hell lam cornerJot maulally loo Ind Sullldoul Iurlltwer for odd mom plus rm llVlIIl Act rut or details and inspection wonderful opporlunlly No 11 HWY um down new two bedroom hoinh on large en lot coutii illssis Pull ipoured harehem wllh iurnsce our oars throughout bolh rod and hard wster wlliv complete pressure syriurs and qnlnl ï¬lls home is mod ern In every 11 All with Ill clly one vrnlences BUILDING udr Codrlnlloh 51no 125 uiac trees and Ihnsbl 595 choke loll reinIlnln Inlnll area So loll vi good alecllon of lionloa and ncomo rc rtles to oil rim Ind cowlangel er ht YOUR LISTING lerrm 1mg Vimr murrJ 71ml IIOVE ollr REAL ESTATE l02 DUNLOPST WEST PHONE PA 8590 Olllco nounv am to is psn illloll couns Real Eglale Bmker Owen Street BarrIn DowN TOWN AREA MellonId Slreel Ru Brick Bunlllowr one your old with Ill modern convenl ences includan oil helllnz Puriy possession TORQNTO STREET older type broom cmtslelwlln roll basement healinl Home In ex callus Hill of rep1r For quick lllo sum piher houses In area hulldhle $9000 lull prlce Sell edsstained three Ipmmnl dwlellrnï¬ Duckvmrlh St on 714 Call Mr srshali RANCH TYPE huz arielt unnniowihrce bedrooms ample closeu lllie Ilvlnl rooln wllh picture window xllclienv Inrle enoulll IOr buaklnt sullo Ihlut lypo or iixlurea throughout Iull hssemelit centre wall concrell Long term moth duo owls frhls makes tor déflnlle shying Coflllnmi srrilireh Khh home is now en tor Mr Manna 31mm SPECIAL HOME Adaptnhio ror Doclord residence and olllce Extra ilrzo living room with nreplnce mil sized dining room no rsry recreation inundry room lias zromn apartment double empe ios landscaped Codrlngton School mdinnt oll llred heating Lot ion drop DD 735 cm Mumm er deslrlble homes CONSULT US ON plow Down PMHII Emilio mans Excllhnze of Proponioa Nntlonll ileuth Lam lilcoma Proportion Rehllll huslnets Opportunities Prnperty ulnasensent 7or itenisls call PA was oay ram PHONES omee PA onus Evonlslt PA HM 51401 Charles Rogers gREALTOR 3Dunlop Easl linlrle SunrildoleLetitla District NEW 3BEDROOM BUNGALOW sumoNicely flnldhed warm and ready to live In Five rpaelous rooms and eued 47 lope hath Extr helshl mil hasensen oil forced air hehllllz hnd huililnisuudryn NBA 515 ernu require $2500 down lndopproxlm slely 70 monthly lncludlnil taxes best buy helore price increase OFF LETrrIA STREET NHA REALEI alsedroom hnex blinlalnw years old Elllot quality construction Hos henn tihdly ï¬nished warm recreation room and many other extra OWnerllaos erred immediately often this Inon uialely modem home at hll actual cableolvolue iodhyl NHA 5V resale terms requireflmo cash but no mag tape whatever Phone to seo MILE GOTHIGHVIIAY 9o AHACHED GARAGE BUNGALOW MOModern nnchityle bungalow on largehlghwuy lot with all upto datp conveniences but lower and in counlly under Wall Would Idea flu cnmp Borden washer Good telill llahle Phone AllSslflr embers Barrie Dishlet neonmate Iloard lall Adults only Phone PA H196 er ArmAcan rlhsnd Ind hailed ale even nuf Pillm Room Blinlulow with apiece ha is rummn mn acumen heel ed au goovénlencï¬ Phone PA mo ullvmhlhed heated on nisnl my mum lumpy moltheeled apartment nearic ralor Phone PA and 10 rllillelilrli bed rituns room noun nooA collai AvewlnonnPA are ioioii 7100mm sell cohtalileo hrslod ulr lumishrd aparlrilehl PMM PA mm lllMl HEATED lower dupkl unhflolslluh Conlul loullon $5 Phonl PA IM 151011 FURNISHED Ind healed bedroom Ind lllrhen IIIllnrroam Phona PA on oclock Ibloll Boom unmlhls Jplrlmtnl up llalo enlnnco oonllenlenl looon Phone PA min iiiloll ROOMBD llouuwllll DIN oath one mile soulh ul mm Allandslo Phond PA Huh 15911 noon unmmirhed apartment iror particular phone PA HT or 3519 ll Burton Ava equlthd flhhel Propno ilas Phooo PA 54315 noolli iurnlssied plflmlm with his stove and not vote duita onl Phone PA Mm 154 ROOM mnlflenl lllrnlshcd Shln bothan Feb Phone PA HMO 151042 namoou lrlmeni hea wir ing mudnnwe come Availah Feb Phone PA agm ioioil ROOM ell coulllned mmldhed apartment or rent immediately Phone PA Ml alter pm 1H1 noon rurnlshed aparlnsenl oven looidna hay Good loeauon on bus route Phone PA woo 151011 300m Ilaled unlurnlshed spen menl sell contained cleanand quiet Adults Phone PA um isloli IllIVA lvlloonl Abarunenl on In bus llno Avllllble Feb Ivalllblo Phone PA 514 151011 linoiu nirnlshed apartment private hath Adults only immediate posses siou Phone PA H330 alter 151011 APABTMBNT lurnlshed or unrurnlsh ed Bantu hath suit couple Phone PA 71or pply 3731 No ROOM flunlllled lulled rlmelll anehlehcu Allulll AMInon Mlll lsry pe onnel csred Phone PA 32974 ion II BOOM lurnlslled ophflmenl availe Iblo Feb Abllhlnen No onlldnn Phone PAEJIEZ or Ibply 121 Mule1r ler st lsMl UPPER DUPLEX unlurnlshcd rooms nnd bllhloom laundry moon hhwly decorated cenlrhl loll contained PA 31659 458 ZFUILNIEIIEB Bedrooms clothes clo 2Lnd hot ploler Ill othrwlllnnt to suitable rty 55 Worsiey 81 Phone PA admi 151041 ROOM modern apartment able Feb Separate entrance and laundry part1 PA momzgllne central $65 rnonth Phone 17 151042 MOM House miles north or Bar rie Hydro hit and our wa Partly tilhishedor unfurnished Phone PA Mm 1511 ROOM lilrnllhed or plflly lumth npamnent own enlrlrice lhirpedlste posseslon Arthur rerry phone um Creemore 115811 sBLP CONTAINED Apsrlmeni 331mm and mu more to busstop Apply Isurion Ave upsthlrll apartment or phone PA adios 1511 WELL Fumsnso bed llltlhg room with linen Lith housekeeping Ceil Irll Business glrlfllnnnu smoker Phone PA no gt 1511 ROOM hunglow wllh InfII hotand coidrunnlnx outer iull halenient and mirage oil heated Apply Leonard Rob 11mm New Lowoil0nt1 1511 1100M unmrnlshed heated apari men in new home Availableinrme dlaiely Adults only Apply iii roronlo st or phonEPA doses ROOM Aplflmenl Inlllrnlshed Prl vale entnueo kitchenette and In room newly deconledy Adult pre ferred in Napier 151011 QUmbnshls ll conthlnodunrilm ished room Incohvoll billed good clout lpdco Mull llnly Abe miners Phone PA hush 151112 SKATE lower duplex lei contained rooms and hsth stovereirlpentor continuous not water Central location sis11 ROOMEDApArtmenI in stroud r1 vste ball and entrance Available so No ohleotioh to mull ha 55 month Phono stroud Al dis11 £00m unlllmlslléd flmenl heated private bath newly eeorate dryer cohvenlencel medlrte poss eulosl Apply 1N Vlllluloa 5L 15941 HEATED turnlsiied arisnenf and bath central flmmlnwn islet Adults onlyAvaliahl at once hone PA man hero ln sell contained and door hesponsihie husiness coil le preserred Available Feb ADPY lnhr 154 AVAILABLE Now roamed Iiuted srtrnent modern kltchul Infll In ropnr pedrooin milbssenseni uri orch nnd rivnte ntrrnoe Phone PA Ema lip1m noor hop mish ed dplrlrium Also vlllrnlahhdMdIlh lng rogudwï¬ll lgchirnextn an haul oom vs 51 PA 324 pyly noolvixo muleu new rumlshed Illllblrlor couplrrnw out children lnunedlate possesin Apply MAlllfl 5L Alllndllb phone PA Mm llolllll SELF comAleo room healed apartmen ivory VraLjh roomalm washer suppllrd 1m ed ossmlon Ph aPA washor 1h1112 Indvshowerhol and coldrunrilnl wal ier ruil hasemen no nude 1m mediate ossssslon oil heated Agplv Mn Mathorr Leonard on ihl Now 141 45 1ou New MOBILE hauie sorlrent rooms llngla hedii and bed piece hathsiove ouphoarde Air conditioned ly turnlshed Junerhove is on Burton Ave Inll PA Glnle 111112 PROPERTY FOR arm IJNUINISIIBD Apartment Pliou um 1510 lNNlI non Hamlin mm loll $15 33m out my on laundry helllllfl Ind lotion Mull Phone PA Laos 15 Amer1v tarnished Modular toos via private haul roll or llll ml no mo to elderly MyfeAlla laud rnlahed beddlllhkf roons with in iy equipped tehehelle runnlol er extension telephone eta one PA 57m or PA mi Aceghimodoiion Wohlefl mlled Phone PA 7121 lllllv ROOMS FOR RENT luminous or rent rumlnhed or un Ilheanhono PA IW 51011 DownsrAllill nnlurnishcd heated rooms Private entrance Phone um 451011 FURNISHED Bedroom lls now homo Ill end Some mull ll deslred Phonl 15 AIS1H LARGE mmlrhed housekeepina room heated private entrance hydro psld Phone PA um 51011 vmuw Illeer lumished hedmmrin ulrthonie llulolnhld rent Phone mu alter5 lsioil FURNIst Room In Ilfllr tomflnl IND home or lohllemln VerYEem In Poona PA 073 151011 comnon Bedroolh cloee lo business recuon Iml restaurants Bull neu men only Phone PA 058 rolls psnto psn evenlrlu to in pan lsVvil MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Como No thorn Cred Bureau Elmo Poona PA 751 SNOW PLOUGHING DullWAYS PAIIKINO LOTS Phone PA 112907 muss so Barrie PHONE PA 1175307 lLCTEIQM0TOR SERVICE tor New llolor Nuoo he and BopIsl HARO l5 Bhrrlo nieclrio uolofl 58 Owen ï¬t P11 PA 82206 HI FLOOR OArnlsironis noorcoverina Rubber Ind Atollll llll unoleuml Pladtio WIIITIJI is led nd Installed mummwplmlmï¬ol Ill Toruhlo at PAuul Plio DR WooDsrocx BAYWOQD harsh and SnlnllyAnvlmold min 1927 NDETH GILMORE um PHONE PA 85792 TELEVISIQN RADIQ MPFSISEEVICB rams hsPAitloN ON hum max WSW AMIONA BEACH moon lllro gt ALL 13111133312113 TRANSrCANAD RENT TRAILER 1lele APAItmlzNr Main Slreot iroolns Box 111111 rrio Enni INS and NArioNWmE pent Hero Leavo lhero anewy Anywher Wo Supply ditches mm Barrle Trailer Rental Gallon Stv PhonePA 34490 ME 631 week Phone PA H185 PIANO wound in hcpslrs Rotten volinpio Ave If hit remr clilp H761 Thlnli you mall loKtlrl sllh screenshow cards which ht PAcum I541 norm modern spsrtment wanied with stove and tr No children up WOLFENDEN COVERING suslr nus EIeclric Moloyrsgg Animal HospitalV