mewd Visitors Weekendlvioitors with Mr Ind rs levey Robinsoan Mr and Emilck Muuson oi Toronto Sam Ford oi Houitoulin ls Mr and Mn Arthur Lang ton Ind dlushter Joan of Toronto Ind Mr And Mrs Raymond hluir and Ross Borrie gaming Anniverser Congratulations to Mr and Mrs ThomuDnckworih who celebri ted their 53d wodding onnivor ry onSundny Jan 20 Sunï¬sh Bake SITE The Home and School Club held very successiul bake sale on Srturdoy Jan 19 at Mr and Mrs Walter anBushs Weekend Visitors His Loraine Partridge Toronto spent the Weekend at her home nlso Miss Jung Carson Barrie vismii Ilpther MrsJohn Thomas nndisonï¬i Susse NB Iro visiting her mp her Mr Blnir Idocracken who Mr dhlmVfln Wnuonrnnd ï¬rmly New Lowell spent Satur dy evening with Mr Ind Mt Gordon Watson 44 Thumb nmon instead oifexténglint the porn of the munloipolity to bias money by means other though Forty our thojprovlnehi and dominion verhnientshove seen lit togive anistnnee by way at ants This atherl who doles ut bash in pal destroyhis soni mhe Globe TTHE EHBINETI Sim Storm Sash Built in Cuphoords Cobinef Ma ny FREE ESTIMATES no obligation 10 01 an order of storm Slsh it over 3120000 HAROLD 239 Bradford Sr GRAHAM5 ihone PAu reputation you can trust when you borrow To hundreds of thomndn of Canadian Ifnmiliu the circled HFC emblem shown here in symbol of conï¬denoo If you used up 51000 to salvo your money prohieml you too my sono with conï¬dence from HFCCnnndns ï¬rst and foremost eon lurner ï¬nnnoe company Phono or visit HFC today Iï¬llOUSEHOlD rlunfuce 28 Dunlop Wall Ioeond floor phone PA $5529 IARRIE our alluA luring Miuluou ml mud Illa pho Lnsl 68 Huroimzrlo Strut taronolloor phone 90 COLLINGWOOD 9m Tum studio snipers iiyer Rollers Gliders elcome toCoinmnnlty welcome in extendéd lo Mr and Mrs Fredï¬nder Ind dough ieGail oi Downnview who have I257 Io 35451 moved onto the ï¬lm theyjiur phnsed Alvin Smith In rrnroita in health Mr and born Gummemn have mo 15 shond nwhile with in nurnber of ladies the W122 lustitute ï¬ttendcd thc qgurse on rugmaklng in the halllnat weekr Miss Wight wins the truthcom First Aid Course om so attended the ï¬rst nighx of the St John Amhulance course om whip up theseward mba wanders Jiiiyi No it ting Worries thin pattern was designed for aginners Prncm Jumpe rho jacket many changes or MondaytoSun dny varietyI ldeil for mhooii Pattern 4545Cbildrens Sizes 613 10 Size blouse yard 35inch jumper and jacket Fiï¬yards 543mm fabric spattern easy in use plegto newis testedjor iit Has complete illultuted instructidns Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS Earlscom 31v vnsrnnr ST last Wednesday night cum Oond Voi Nonimarket is the in siructor in flospitnl Mrs John Erection isa potion uNewmnrket hospital also Davis Wehhsut1ering broken nose 856ii coins stamps ennnotlie hcéeptedyfor this pattern Print bloinly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER fISend rd to ADAMS core ofihe nrrie ihiominer Pat 60 Front St tht Chevrolet showed world wha tut thumps tire made of right from the span Chevys ged Engine save you time Afenmresapmved on the Ainskall hm are dy prove to you their onbenrableynine High compression 65am rt horsepower now ease up 0210 cén do ro peed ougoniaï¬ makes hed hauling easier and Sturdy frames grid Ion ofï¬prings chassis components can ink when rho 30mg is roughest with sucngrh tosparei er your jobcniissfor hedules or énli Forword modah QGievroler Its of bumps ion gthe revoiur as wjirking eiï¬c ncy vie LE mï¬NEWï¬RL QU Morin lunar GOIN MD M15635 0092 was vou DUTIOUQ COLD fear on Maoo rr SLOWLIJNOT ban or sham