Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1957, p. 11

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Reasons Are Varied 5Q CriliCizc Parents WhoaFail ffTp Hays Children immunized Apathy Noted Health Unit in 1966 nurses of the Stmcoa County Health Unit made 21 home visit to 11300 families In one nurseaarea there was 16 percent lncreise lo the number of prehchool mcdlcal forms re turned The health authorities areslili not satisfied with the percentages of children protected against smallpox diphtheria whooping cough and tetanus however th the regular Immunization pro gram In the schools has had to be dropped in order to give polio vaccine There were 3605 visits made during the year to mothers with new babica The nurses visit most of the new babies born in the county and if mother is experiencing difficulties the nurse mayvand docs return as often as necessary Giving baby the proper form ula made in the proper manner is important To help parents bring up their baby to beeonic an independent cooperative individ ual who gets along well with others is even more important and much more difficult task The nurscsattempt to persuade mothers to have immunization doncby the family physician or the health unit during the babys firstyeorind then subsequently so1that each child goes to school fully immunized Failure to lmmunlxc The reasons why children are not immunized are many and var ied The parents may he lrrevoc ably opposed and the nurses have to accept munAt other times thenurse can aliay fear that an inoculation with diphtheria toxoid may give the child polio There is also good deal of apathy about the preventive inoc ulationsfhecause of the lack of prevalence of the diseases happy state which health unit authorities point out wont last long if children are not adeeuate iy protected Teachér Cooperation There were 2074vlsits made on behalf of school children who had difficulty of some kind in adjusting to the routines or were physically under par The nurse and theteacherdeoide to enlist the help of thg parents in sulV ing difficpltiesthe child exper iences cg falling asleep at his desk stutteringjnd stammering day ml too much or even stca ng topgain attention There is no particular harm in childdoing any of these things occasionally if we hon try to find out why he does these things and watch to see that they do not become grow ing habit we can often help him overcome his difficulties One school principal told us that in his school they were definitely having more understanding of such problems and more success in dealing with them In the schools over 9000 in spections and 7128 vision tests were made to assess the physical condition of children To bring the teachers actively into the health picture 2352 conferences were held by nurses Twp hundred and 92 child health conferences were held so that mothers could hoidfconsulta on ith the health unit nurses about their children develop merit The total attendance was 13507 TB Chest Clinics proportion otthe families that received home visits had beenlin contact with tuberculosis and for period had cheat Xnyl There were 173 chest clinics coir ducted last year with total at tendnee of 8551 ron reorLa uNDER rnassuna by nmq Harold Fink The wide circulation of books on emotional problems pcrson ality adjustment and release from tensions attests to the needfor such information Dr Fink practising vneuropsychlptrlst and author of the very successful book Release from Nervous Ten sion lrjes in his new book For People Under Pressure toan swer the most representative questions that patients bring to psychiatrists office They ask what they can do to understand themselves better what can they do to make their lives more interesting and satisfying How can they attract and keep the kind of friends they inost enjoy How can they think creatively How can they learn to giveand accept love freely and spontan eousiyl How can they recover their ability to sleep How can they recover faith in themselves In their fellowsf ln God The uninitiated in psychology and psychiatry may learn good deal from Dr Flnks book and if they practise his advice may find solutions for some of their pro blems He writes in popular language without psychological terms and sprinkles interesting case histories throughout to il lustrate his points Above alli he displays great dealof common sense in his approach and makes practical suggestions for the read er to follow The solutions he of fers for common problems are given in the form of Prescrip tions which are designed as exer ciscs in recducation Among other things Dr Fink believes that there is fund amental human need to use the bands which is frequenUy not sat lsficd in our modern way of life Hts says Everyone knows from his own experience that emotion or fear intocreation simply by doing something evenif it is as simple an operation as straighten Ing out desk or dresser drawers litany hobbies today help to fill this need The author states that The handworkcmdcals with real things and by so doing masters reality He goes on to say that different kinds of materials each have their own wayof behaving which has to be learned by the person who would deal with them This is true of all materials be they paint brick stone iron or clay when you finally get to know them so well that you have their behavior at your fingertips you hayeiachicvcd something that is truly rewarding Another point that Dr Fink stresses is that many people do notlive sufficiently in the pres ent and are not fully aware of gain arnmid them They are only halfexperiencing what life has to offer He says they mustfdirecttheir attention to the presan andvuse their five senses to the full They should look at the world afresh and ask themselves what they are seeing hearing tastin touching and JUST minim Tosnur srop BY New Elllll sizwiiit lcEilTniz Ross 51 Barrie Opposite Ken McKenzies Service Station You are cordolly nvited to see the new ELNA suPERMAT SEWING rst ihe FREE TOEVERY LAoY MACH utomo ed Handkerchief CALL our AND MAIL llE mm we WILL SEND You 0N can be lchannelcdnfrom bmtilityFHgluu Examinations Minister Citizenship As Themedf Address Citizenshlpw in the theme of Thornton Womens Institute Jan uary meeting held at the hum of Mrs Spencer Feb Ando kenne Harrison will condu cowl automation for Tbe Ito Conservatory of Kualcot In Barrios sands Abaehclor of music from th Unlvenity of Tomato Ifr Harri on studied with elk Mrs Beatty program con vencr introduced the apesYer ltcv Bevan Monks Startlngwilh few humorou Monksgave thoughtprovoking address He paid tribute to past leaders for their foresight in by tag sccure foundation for our Dominion and urged the members to be loyal and true citizens bend helping hand to new comers To live and let live in way we will strengthenour communities several delightful numbers business session chcrai thank you notes for Christmas boxes were read by Mrs Carr Plans were completed for Family Night to be held in Orange Hall Feb 21 Supper will be served at 630 pm hirs Spencer reminded the gathering of the 4H Club Achieve merit Day on Saturday Feb The afternoon session is open to visitors Leaders for the spring protect The Milky Way are Mrs Jennett andMrs Carri cuchrc party was planned fpr the latter part of the month Lunch was served by the assist ant hostesscs Mrs Brown Mrs Black Mrs Bone Mrs Beatty and Mrs Carr number of members attended variety night at Alliston on Fri duy evening The Misses Hunter Carr blcQuay Jennett and Scott sang several numbers with Miss Myrna Spencer at the piano Thornton Wiscontribution to the program smelling They should look for details likenesses and differences and their own preferences By practising thisattitude they can greatly increase theircnjoyment of life and become more interest ing people Howarns of course that it takesmraetice as trying to look at oneself ob icctively and of trying to deal with difficulties objectively In dealing Ivtih problems one should get all the factsand look at the problem trom every angle weigh Somctimes then Wtasldé fora tlmeythe right decision may come when person is doing something else entirely Dr Fink believesva ligious outlook will bring peace to the troubled mind and that the practice of rational faith God relieves anxiety and brings serenity good humor and good health gt Dr Fink is obviously an optimA ist and what he has to say is mainly encouraging He may oversiinplify at times and of course he has not allthc an swers but he is practical and his suggestions if applied should be use to many people fe Nine of every 10 fur coats sold in the United States are made in fiveblock area in New York Cicygmreg Members of the 4H Club sang Mrs Lennox presided over the Ho deals also with such matters it is interesting to note that sane re remarks Mr KENNETH HARRISON Henley Wiiian Charles Pcakcr and Bela BoszormanylNagy He holds associateships from the Royal Conservatory Music oi Tomato and the Com lan College of 0rganists native of Toronto he was music Master at Mouilon College for Girls and has been member of theVConscrvatory facultyusince 1947 He is talented conductor and accompanistand has acted in both capacities in Toronto performr ances in oratorios like Handels Messiah Haydns Creation and Mendelssohna St Paul An experienced examiner andadjud icator he has served on the Con servatorys board of examiners sinchlMlt SPECIAL ENTRY The Washington Door at Philadelphias Christ Church is used oniyby US presidents with rare exception BIG SAVINGS ALL ms norms nunuvdmya GIANT ruri VSule BIme ALL xoun run rnqmnsg Farrier who makes and lelll for only chaos common T0 QfloofiE FROM warms runs BARBIE TORONTO 25 DUAJLOP ST hp consonaan sansraorron GUARANan EMollr MORE AllVABlE charm and style cooling comfort and protection thats the Canvas Awning non satisfaction there is no me srimteforCanvasAvnigs 49 Different ms of stripe and plains Hdiffercnt bts WfSfinghfiusé 21 DRY CLOTHES SOFT AND FLUFFY ANY DAY IN THE WEEK Tinstom AUTOMATIC DRYER No more worry about the weather no more hanging clothes out in the cold Any dayis washlduy with this economicallypriced featurepacked dryer Come in today for full information Lnrge Loading Door Perforated Drying Druni Porcelain Enamel Top and many other outstanding features ONLY $175 WEEK Tv COMPLETEIWITH BASE AND RABBIT EARS DollarforDollnr its the greatest TV buy on the market offering many of the features found onl on higher priced models NOW at this amazing reduction rig in theseasonwhcn TV viewing Is at its best Super Casi code Tuner Automatic Range Finder Removable Safety Glass Convenient Acrossthe top Tuning MODEL 42209 REGULAR $21500 ALLjoTHERMooELs SA LE PRICED COMPARABLE TO UNITS ONTHEMARKET SELLING AS HIGH AS$6000 mist HoluE QEREEZER 1906 La CAPACITY Modern Streamlined styling in gleaming white enamel interior of Bermuda Blue with silver trimmed baskets When the featherlight counterbalanced lid is open ed the interior is automatically iightcd0utsidc mea surements 38high 60 long 3454 deep Carries Firestones Electrical Appliance Warranty SPECIAL FULLY AUTOMATIC OVEN ant Regular season fullynutomntic inch rahgc priced so low it is unbel vabie0 lers you fully Automatic Cooking Timed Ap Full 240ven uy rd SuperAChronioluit

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