Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jan 1957, p. 10

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Famous GUesr Arilsis py JANE nmquroN Womenl Editor The social club at the Barrie Works of the Canadian Geni eral Electric Company has planned something different for its annual Inauguration danoea week from tonight on February first at BarrieArmoury Howard Cables Orch estra popular CBC singing star PhyllBMarshall and Trumpeter Bobby Gimby are expected to be on hand and the setting win he novel special lighting of course The dance highlights the in auguration of the incoming social club executive and is in charge of the outgoing officers The in auguration ceremonies begin promptly at eightthirty oclock followed by dancing from nine thlrty to onethirty Sunning In South Mr and Mrs Charles Rogers are back from months holiday in Florida They motored south in December to spend Christmas and New Years at Fort Lauder dale where they report daytime temperatures were seventyfive and eighty with evenings little cooler They were in the ocean every day During their stay Mrs George Tompkins and her daughter Penny flew to Florida and spent week in Fort Lauderdale Among other local travellers they met in the south ernresort city were Mr and Mrs Dick Henderson who went to Florida at the beginning of De cember and will be remaining in the south until the end of Febru ary spent New rears Eve in the amcpartyas Mr and Mrs Jack Webb who were holiday ing for couple of weeks in near by Hollywood They returned homelast week andMr and Mrs Walker Webb have left for Holly wood to spend the rest oithe winter at their home there Newcomers Gathering The second social evening for new comers to Canada held un derlthe auspices of the Womens Canadian Club was equally as well attended as the first gather ing in December And quite fewnew faces were seen among the group that met at The Studio where Miss Gwen Fife club prESidcnt acted as hostess Hobbies were the topic for the evening Representatives of var ious local hobby clubs were pres ent to tell something of the work of their groups and to invite in dividuals to joinrif they felt in terested Mr and Mrs Llew Beaver rcpresentedartkond crafts41r terests and Mr and Mrs Bob Woods were iples of both amateur dramatics and photo graphy Tom Kerr offeredhis home to chess players and Mrs Clifton Ward suggested tbat literary group meet at her home Among the guests was Miss LouiscColley Simcoe Countys recreation director who had pre pared game which entailed guessing the hobby each guest had drawn and pinned on his or dill CALL 115 FOLKS DONT KEEP limit 51 WEST PA 83770 wr nayc WHAT WE SELL continentalstyle cabaret With herself Mrs lph Snelgrove and Erne Petri oulx of the Barrie Recreation Committee and Mr Snelgrove contributed to the outline of local activities There was an opportunity for general mingling and conversa tion while an informal lunch was served under the eonvenership of MrsKerr and her assistants The initial Canadian Club com mittee convened by Miss Elsie Mikes has grown to include some male Barrieites and at least one representative from each language group Monthly meetings are being held at Miss Fifcs residence until the group becomes too unwieldy for pri vate home Plansare underway at the moment for dance anda card party to be held in hall Expenses are being met as or as possible by collection box put out at each meeting The aim of the groupto have good time as possible and to give as much help as possible to all new comers to Canadaseems to have been accomplished judging by the eagerness to participate in suggested plans that has been shown by everybody attending the gatherings Warmrlnviiaiion Other newcomers to Canada who have at least little Eng lish and would like to meet es tablished citizens are issued warm invitation to join the group The committee secretary Mrs Ward at PArkwsy 641359 will be happy to tell you when the next meeting will be held or to suggest contact that will help you with any problems Collier Streei WMS RevieWs SuccesSiul Year Because of the renovations at Collier Street United Clulrch the Womens Missionory Society met this month In the churc which provideaariitiiig sei the solemn installation of off ers for 1957 The welcoming committee was composed of Mrs Miirray Mills and Mrs Clayton Stewart Mrs Allen opened the meeting with the hymn Now Thank We All Our God followcdby the invocation and prayer for the missionaries new member Mrs Norman King formerly of the Churchill auxiliary was introduced by Mrs Harry Armstrong The worship service which opened with the hymn All Hail the Power of Jesus Name was conducted by Miss Margaret Smith who read fromthe lst and 2nd chapters of Ephesians She pointed out fthat Gentile as well as Jew belong to the family ofGod that thereshould heno barriers between peopleor be tween nations Through the blood of Jesus Christ our Re deemer no oneis an alie The offering taken by Mrs Nobleand Mrs Gregory wasreceived and dc cated by Mrs Allen Mrs Heath sang Make Me Blessing Each officer presented an in terestiog and worthwhile report of her work during 1958 Eight new members had joincd during the year YThe very happy rela tionship between the WMS and the younger groups was mention ed vMueh assistance hadfibeen 1iven to the Mission Band and CGIT There are 40 annual aml 5d life members and the allaca tion of $1234 was exceeded The to give hisgirl friend neg CANADIAN AND CHIN ESE FOOD THE ENGAGEMENT is on Mrs Fetus was Installed president at the Senior Woman Association Central United Churebfor second year ntthe January meeting which took the form potluck supper in the rhurcbball other members of the new who wereotficlally in otfiee by the church minister BevCeell Brena are It need Miss Maryloulse errilta Johns of Barrie and Dr it Johns ofVWiuowdale to Dr Donald Lewis Bigelow son of Dr aners Blgelow of Barrie The marriage 31 mmlll Mrs Wilton Cited will tahe placeon Saturday February 23 1957 at twoihirtyu oclock in the afternoon in Collier Street United Church The brideelect is graduate of the school of nursing at 5cm asf press cream and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto Her fiance grad Mrs Harry Wye and Mrs noted from the University of Toronto ln dentistry Make Initial Preparations For Spring SoEd Qpens March 20 On Wednesday evening Jan 23 meeting was held by local young people interested in having Barrie SoEd Club again in 1957 The first evening of the SoEd program issclteduled for March 20 and it is hoped early planning will ensure most successful spring sess SoEd whch received its name from fSocialEducatiom is friendly club for young adults It made its debut in Barrie b1956 with both spring and fall course of six and eight consecu tive Wednesday evenings Each SoEd evening with its threepart program of recreational skills lectures and social period gave the members an opportunity of meeting others who had similar interests An added attraction this year WMS shareddn raising $95 which was spent for supply in connection with the bales of good used3 clothing for overseas An expense fund of $66 was also part of thexyears fund raising The community Friendship see retary and Vher committee made 472 callsin addition to the many made bygthe associate members secretary Mrs Maxwell the candidate secretary asked the members to pray that some young women would offer themselves for fulltime work in the ch ihepress=seéretary thanke th staff of The Examiner for their full cooperation during the year Mrs Allen in hei meant message spoke of her two years as president as extremely happy ones She Welcomed the new members and spoke brieflyiof the four departed members Mrs MacLean Mrs Sparling Mrs Graham and Miss Emma King Rev Lewis conducted the installation service congratulat ing the auxiliary on its past years achievements He added few words of appreciation to the re tiring president Mrs Allen The new president Mrs Neil Mae Donald then took the chair and closed the program with hymn Mr Lewis pronounced theben ediction is ihatthc club which is YMCA project will be able to meet the new Barrie on Owe Street This is encouraging news for the Solid members Th se present on Wednesday sho ed enthusiasm as they assured Miss Helen Spanis liaisonvofficerfwith the SIMYWCA board that they would assist the boaifi in look ing after the Yln the even ings gt The highlight of Wednesdays meeting was the announcement that the Barrie Rotary Club had given donation to the Solid Club This was very muchap preciated by the members as they thought of the necessary ex penses involved in holding fitho spran session Both the Rotary Club and the Barrie Recreation Committee gavc support to the 1956 sessions nominating cdmmlttee re viewed the duties of the execu tive positions and drew up slate of officersf An election will be held at the next meetingAll formerSoEd members aswell as any other interested yo ng people are invited to attend is meeting whlehiwill be held fon Vday Jan ill the dition to forming committees more detailed plans will be mad for the spring session ideas suggestions will be welcomed has Uni Stil Barrie Allisfrdn Tw riots inBarrie an in tonarewithout pub health nursorep6its the Simch County Health Unit During the first seven mo bs of 1956 the nursing staff was at full strength with every nursing district covered By the middle of Septonlber however five nurses had resigned and only three had cometo the unit from among the public healthgrap dates at the University of To in to No public health nurses quired about positions last fall Right now lower rates and longer terms are in effect at Niagar Get cash quicklyWith minimum of paper work at your nearest Niagara Loan affineiYou can arrange friend ly confidential int View by phone oanstov $12504somedme morenvirh fe nsutsnce availableffor your protect nd remember you always variety of loan and convenience welcome at Niagara Theresa wide plans for your Just aiew oNiagm Short Two Nurses Llold Little lat vicepresi Mrs Allen 2nd vice dent cordlng secretary Responding secr tary Mrs humans tinnnc at secretary and Mrs Parr treasurer nveaers tor the coming year are Mrs Knupp flower com mittee Mrs Leaner temper ance Mrs Wiggins devotion and Chrstlln fellowship to Mrs Maw cards William Butler will again Boake as pianists Speaker at the opening meeting oftbcnewyear was the minister of Burton Avenuelchurch Rev it Trimble who was intro duced to the members by Mr Brenn Taking as his text Arise let us be gone and shut the door Book of Samuel he gave an inspiring address urging the members to shut the door on past mistakes indifferences and problems as they entered new year of service Look forward to the year 1957 with faith and courage seeing the opportunity ahead of you for doing greater servipc for your church and community He emphasized the virtues of kindness and unselfishness with two poems The speaker wa thanked by Mrs Vaughan Miss Rhoda Young entertained the members durlng the evening with two enjoyable monologues Calling Henry to Supper and YouHave Two Chances ln troduced by Mrs Jory she was also thanked by Mrs Vaughan During the Mrrflrenagave short address referring to the splendid devotion of theWA He took as his text illllllllllmeii coM NATION AtUMINUM sronn AND scarrN noon Never before olu inuin door at so low priestsMade of extra heavy Nclurol type aluminum Come in amino the Hollmnrdoor we hnveill instcill it yourself this weekend Its ensv Genuine Hollmon business meeting On Monday evading about 40 nurse of South Slmcocfitupter District 11 Registered Nurses Association of Ontario gathered the nurses residence of thc Roy Victoria Hospital to hear at discussion on the health services role in the newer It pects of civil defeatch The panel was chaired by Mfr Thelma Green consultant of clvildefeace nursing in Ontario other mutation were Major Pearce regional coordinator Air Vice Marshal Cutie Barrie coordinator Dr Struthcrs provincial secretary of the health services advisory conimitteep and Miss Elisabeth Langman reglonsl nurse consultant Emphlsls was placed on the need for planning tor disaster Faith andWorkr James Chap ter Annual reports were presented at the meeting Correspondence included many thank you notes The Mlzpah Benediction closed the meeting with Mrs Boakc at the piano GUTHRIE Bible Society The sum of $9450 has bcen collected from Guthrie and sent in to the Upper CanadaBlbleSo may The officers of the local branch wish to thank those who gave so generously of their time to make housetohouse canvass for this splendid cause chaptermeatberr were urged to participate more frecly as ten chcn in home nussing classes so th thcre wouldng large group of prepared people if such anemergentyglmu Owing 50 the Wilma the chairman ot thoGomuni Centre Ilr Porter we willvbo holding short business Melitta before the euchre on Wedaeday Jan so begins to determine whether the Community Cent will continue All interertcddl seeing the centre continue attend at pm at Paliuwiek School Home from Hospital Glad to report that Mrs sun is home from nopr and her condition is improving frtodly loaning so bandsronr so payouts Next to liohlaws we nome AND onuvu 1003 rluccirnos no Pli 56421 daemons Tisnrj nun nniiiir Theres nothing quite like properlyhomc baked food We special izei bake ii cake for the next birthday in your family pastrywork and home baking of all kinds Why not let us not aim cacao nous PIES cookies mars caiics src ANp DELICIOUS ourcu sproutrigs usNrxr TIME YOUGIVE new Itsyourgreatest opportunltyrto hive sale ever Lithrally hundreds of at savings Inest qualityQIumimiée itsotirbig enisjust waiting to be picked up and everyone savanna FAMousKiiorILrii Brpaoom suns as me NEW CHINClitLLA riNisn Theisuite consists of a525é Double Dresser with large bev2 elledtilting mirror full 54 BookcaseBed and roomy Drawer Chest The rnirroris th iDrawcr intoriois are finished nonAsollingnatural finf centre guided and impregnated with spccml lubricant thavproduces finger ip action Dovetailed back andfront makethem completely dustproof gt The finish on all threepieccs is multicoatcd baked and handirubbcd toaZhlgh loss ME rm gtlargebevclledplate mirror spaeiq dDrawer Chest and Bookcase Bed SOLD REGULAR ATgt$1791J TWOTONE secs BEDROOM uns Cordovan Mahogany Tops and Sidcshigh ig with Pearl Tone fronts make this an outstandingly attractive suite SOLD REGULAR AT $14900 the suite consists of Double Dresser thv iiting ci le mirror 41rawergchestond Bookcase Bed Wino soon KITCHEN suites And ens arid ozenslof Other Home Furnishings est rin This Great Clea LEDRAsncathY REDUQIEbri an at atuierric

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