fli FFORD GRAHAM issuer of motor ve hicle licenses or Home and district disl vpiays one or thei19570ntario plates white let ring onblack Local numbers start at Leslie His New President local Red toss Leslie Ellis denr or the its eapa ity of pas mpson Re Sirripirin rsons ccutive in the fender tontnues on th ii iai 957m rs Patterson Mrs Bryce en Gray Ileath Arthur LloydL Mrs on Mrs Sarjeant and Kohl Povleli Mrs collis Russell Di tcphcn Last years The total spe Barriemm civilian wel for during rth yes and$8175wasispen on the at and the as $27244 chases are Three Orchestras Added Attraction BandConcert One hand and three arches trasjvill be featured in the iirsti winter hand concert It the itoxylheatre Sunday Jan The Barn Citirens David ponad of the concert will have w1th them the quad Dogsthe Country planners guineawoman please nuancesnun cl ssic to track an roll Three ahle pieces ch will be pre sented by the Barrie andare an irish air by Lenny And crsonundcr the direction of Bandmastcr Joe VillcNciiiie the Lutheran hymn JA Mighty Fortressis Our God and trumpet trio entitled Buglers Holiday both of which will he gtdi1jccted by Assistant ndniastcr Alfred Shepherd Theatre émld 1957 President ls Ralph Cook llaiph Cook hasbeen elected president of the BarrieTheatre Guild following the resignation of Mrs 10 Boo theBa District Collegiate stitutc staff Mr Cook is director of the play entered the colic ate the secondary school dis trict drama festival at 0rillia Newcome willhe cordially welcoimedia the next meetingof the guild oudanyori 28 at Bpinin Room at Community Housc Thcrcwiil be reading of the Arthur Millers drama Death of Salesman All mem bers are requested to attend The meeting is suggested as good opportunity for those inter ested in appearing on stage or in oth aspects of theatre work to ma the guild Conse es gt Nii Meet Feb Exccu ve ofsiincoe North Progressive Conservative Asi snclatlon niet lotion1e Public Libraryéflall edncsday even ing with the president Dr McDoweiL presiding Julian HFerguson MP gav stirring address andGeorgp Plohhstnil MPPnlsospoke ilans were made to hold an ion meeting at stayner comv inunity 82601 Mr Graham states that license our member of Eli Stain Farmers Union rival agricuiu County Federation oi Agriculture was defeated on Wednesday in County Council on reï¬nihd vote one introduced sought toircul than of Coun and to refer the matter back to the county Lauri culture co iltce with recom mendation that they should con sider grant of $500 iotiieF cra Union This motionwa featcd 44 votes 22 doucd Simcoe CountyCouncll For the second ychr In iiccea clonAha Farmers Unionrhar poll for portion of thc ag cuitutal grants Last year horn on was pARaiE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAYJANUARY 25 1957 tuni organization to the Shiico Pi inCIpa mitten Of collegiate Hamilton wh appoin informed that they were toolato ment as principal at the néw omewhnt slower than forther correspondlng early weeks 01 last year Next Thursday Jan 31 is the due date anaro run soc Band The cdmniittce of the Barrie Winter Carnival Fob to arid 17 announced today thatthefull chi Band wui sepiaying tor the Moccasin Dance Will Play For Carnival Dance with their petition and allmon ics had been allottcdt fihisycor the agriculture com At the same time thercammlllee recommcniicd thc normél grantoi $2000 should be given Federation of Agricultur ups year we have been 765 lh ï¬county treasurcrl oiema reportéd as part of that tainment George MacArthur Rotary Dis trlct Governorfrom North Bay had high praise for the Rotary Club during Visit liere He mc most of the club memh Mayors Mom on Wednesday night and heardjfrom committee chairmen hrief accounts of the works of the club He was particularly impressed the visitubthehBarrioClub ew York State and of student loan fund Dela of both these ven olhcflclubS Difficulties and im parlance program pi nning were also discussed and was arranged by the Ba Club shuuld hc forwarded certain clubs who were having ifficuit in arranging programs at tiie regular at Community the guest of honor of the club Rotarians from Midland and Dr illia were also present visit sincehe took July Heca so of th great merit he ound in thefBar rie Cluhhe hadrt dis rdhis usual theme dress he chose to draw attention certain facets of Rotary whic ten Luheorgotten libtury in the future In the itotarians agreed that details ofprograms MacArthur was Addrcssing the assembly he said that he had been looking forward in th office as District governor on we achieve what aw plan for Districtanterior377 Lauds Barrie Rtitarvjy expands wiilhe agreat power for good The practicc of high ethical standard in busincss and pro fession sot try Rotary musthe maintainedto prevent the decay of this great nation Governord George MacArthur has bcen itotarian for iajyears He Washorn in North Bay and brought iip in Slidbury lures are to be passed on to est in national an mportance fit Foundation ndor collegiate in Barrie has to the echvau nounced by Barrie District Collie giate institute Boardis presently teaching in Brantlord where he graduate 01 the University of Toronto hercsh bachelor of arts degree Mr Harm ilton holds commercial certiï¬cate and high school in 1910 and attended grade school there Miiverton Continuation Sclï¬iol and Listoch High Sch He taught for two years Tralee Public School and tor 15 yearscwas on the staff of orange vilie District git School where he taught in the commercial ide partment and served as viceprin cipal 2x is Wife is theformer Margaret Terry of Atwoo tuineï¬his we personswcre killed and oncwomangtwas seriously injured when the Hamilton to Meatord passenger train crashed into northboundoar on the ONE crossing High werent relatives 91W injured vias iiclen Grant 23 also nurse at iori Colbornc who was taken toRoyalVchoria Hospital suffcringirom alhroken neni Thornton shortly other 11 oclock yesterday Ontario RohcrtIRced 18 of Totteuham passenger on the train gave the following cyevntncsalccount oi theaccident to The jarri nmlner The cnginccr blew the diesel siren beforfo coming to the high COUNTY IcoitiNfcii APIafRoVEs $10009RANT ASKED for BY HURONIAASSOCIATION Sinicoe County Cuuncillias ap proqu grant oisl not to the Huronia Historic Siteslandv Tour hit ociation The pr idcnt of the association Didaeaï¬risc ap peared hefore council petitioning for this amount and presented sho trcpon of the work and aims of he associat The substance oihis report is givenh This is Huroni Geographically ilumnia is the northern half simcoe Countyytogetliér wit easter iy portion of Grey County as they border Georgian and extend southerly to Lake iricoc iiiaorical liitiie iii con thryiiomeland ofthe Huron inv dlans andisite oi the French at tcmpt at empire building and Ch ization west of llii tli French venture plain was the key to the event uai Anglicization of North America Tourist iso Huronla is an ide scarcelymormthan 10 years oidagiiie Huronia movement dc signed to fdevelop the historic ats tractions oi the ancient Indian homeland took on momentum only after the end of World Wan ii It all began back in February 1941 when group of 100 resi dents from Owen Sound on the westio Oriiliaon the east met toiorm an associationdesigocd to link Indian yesterdays With whit Itodays and thus to give eohe impetus industry of aniarea which led by com to the tourist midway between the Bruewater country and theMuslroka Lakes iBut exigencies of war put quick damper on the initial plans it was oniyjn the Joostwar de cade that Huronla hasfcome into its own not only as distinct tourist area hut onewhlch through Ahc cultivation at its unique historicnt assets has giv cn leadership to an entircpro Vince in the iinkingitogetherof archaeological research and 7m construetion museums of historie sites and capitaliza Turn to page uiree oiusei ing the recommendation of the welfare committee have agreed togive grant of $19880131 to the Childrens Aid Society This aonuy sum Ian way The wags were and number of lrausp and cars wcre stopped or the approaching two he blue 1he dlesel was just on the Vnortlihoun pavement andlho car attempted to pull tho car was dragged down the track about165fcet There wciethree in thecar twowonien and man one Woman was takcnto ospltal hadiyhurb Tfhe other jtwo were killed Thevcar co pleteiy wrecked We were about all he rï¬and 10 minute late gettinginto Alw land Po cd said that markson the pavement indicated that th driver had applied his hrakes the car sitiddedlDQJcot before being hit bytiie iosci Oiilytwo passenger trainso clay are scheduled to cross Highway 400 atithisvpoint The Hamilton Meaford trainleaves Hamilton at 780 am and is dueto arrive at Allandale at 115 The train in turn in rneyr Mcatbrd to ieavcs Aliandaic at 435 is due marking is to cover cost otwatds in care office rentai protection and yestigationworir for 1957 Coun ty councilwiii ai pay the de flcitof $443314 incurred the society 195 Discuss no theweilarecomA mittee report ivasrestraiued and it was apparent thatmostrcoun cillors were contentto abide by