InId fierérlcé Ruins Nation justice comes peace de clared Mr Justice Arthur La Bel of the Ontario Supreme Court at Appeals in all address which featured the intercouncil meeting at District 19 Knight of qullln bus Monday evening in St Jos ephs Auditorium Speaking on the subject The Judicial Mach inery in Canada his lordship warned that indifference of our pie to world problems and the ital matters of government right in our own country could destroy our Christin way at life and cause the downfall of our nation We have seen the terrible eff ects of state rule which forbids court justice and the security it givesto the people it destroys managsoul This cannot happen in Canada as long as we have our independent courts won by the blood oi our ancestors But we FRUITZ VEGETABLES mus Northern Spy aiclntnrh calla coohina applel other vari etles Heedto suit every purse 151 dellVlfY tell Sunnldole Road en was era psp 2042 women IN 1957 car We find ourseive ltartirll Ih=plenty of buyenso with apot cullor and 1bedroom ï¬lms but too low lelieni You Buy PROPERTY Iva Illa the house that one of our eoplc needs NHA mice are in especially good demand Phone ROGERS now ior good iuation oi your property with out any obligation whatever We can Iellit the price Ia rightl All calls receive personal attention PHONE PA 56307 ANYTIMEDAY on EVENING Charles Rogers REALmR Dunlap East Barrie Member Barrie District Real Estate Board uloll BARRIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING win its new UN ï¬lThulsdny February 1957 AT STROUD COMMUNITY HALL at lairIr ANNUAL REPORTS ELECTION or nlhncrons Members suggestion periodiwllibe held Lsiiiirr is WM It MALCOMSGN Seemï¬g NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE LEGISLATIVE Norton is hereby alven that The Corporation or the Town or Borfle will apply to theLegislative Assembly offtlle Province of Ontario at the next session for Private Act To authorize andempowsr the Council oi the Corporation to pass Bylaw or nylawa to exempt from municipal taxation the land and buildings owned individuals cor Poratlons or assoc atlons which are used for the genersl benefit or the community or ior recreational and Dell purposes under the supervision tile Recreation Committee or the orporation or any successor or body appointed by the corporation to carry out the function or the said commits tee provided such exemption abau notcxtend to such taxes or rates as may be levied under The Local im provemenLAct To authorise the Corporation to establish by purchase or otherwtse municipally operated bur transporta tinnsystcm in the TownofBnrrio and to own real and personal property forllse in connection therewith norm Barrie tthoth dayoi nuory AD 1557 BOYsilEEKGRAM 0W3 11 Owen Street Barrie ODMID solicitor or the Appliunts 7zw Bal lfIs Salé Byvirtne ot warrant issued to me under The Landlord and Tenant Act 35 1950ICIZS at have seized tb goodly and chattels oi Mrs Wni Benson it Queenisr Barrie out ty of Simcoc wintiles on sale by public auction enoughgnl this node Ii Chatteh to recover rent owing the landlord plus costs and cxpcnsea or some Diulinl Table Kitnhell Chain Wlruxshopplnu ea nart Board and parts brell Floor Mop Dust ping DearthSleeve lronlnl Dustv Pan Pair and Boots Quantity Dictio ry Electric Stelm Electric Tout Few rlfltchen nd nurses Mantel Radio erzflelish Server Table zln itsclip rowan sheets ct Kitchen stir Curtains trur rid Spring com hy Wardrobs Alarm Cluck and Stand un lose thisJeairity by indiffeb enee it no longer rumonablé to too minimumJoan on the fence to that they can beneflpper aonallyihlciuver aide wins The world must have leadership we mustmake sure illot no group of men becomes more powerful than the law Otherwise we will be come enguliedJn this terrible thing which is dutmying other nations and is steadily creeping over the world Rivet district depub was master of ceremonies tor the event which was attended by dele gallons Tram Huronlo Council of Penetaog Orillia Council and Sac red Heart Council of Toticoha He was introduced by Grail Knight George Bouchey The speaker was introduced by Rev OBrien former coyote ot the Toronto parish where Mr Justice LaBel resides and was thankcd by John Murphy lec turer who added some of his own observations its newcomer to the Bar Each of the councils contri buted to the program with orig inal entertainment and the even ing concluded with bullet lunch Plans for the event were directed by John Brennan BAKALAllAt rioyal Vietarla limi tal Blrrle on Jan 22 1351 to and sin Bakolar its psneiang 51 daughter climsnnnt noyai VItioria Hol tal nan1e on ran 21 m7 to and Mrs Chris nunlnp St East son 10 Norman ELElJllYAt li lctoria llospllal Home on no 19 1951 to set and Mrs it lleury 29 Quebec Loon garKnp norden daulhter Deborah Ii LanoucunAt no al Vietoria Ho Ital narria on 21 1951 to Etr and Ilirs Lodoucur no citioxd son Kenneth George MALTARPAt lioyal Victoria Hospi lai harrie on lan 51 to Mr and Mrs llqu Maltarp Welling ton st non ran McKNlGlnAt lioyal Victoria Hoopl taI narrir on Jan 22 1957 to Mr and bin Ernest McKnight Angus adaughtcr NAPPllbAt Roylal Victoria Hospital Barrie on ran 1m to LAC and Mrs ruchard Napper 32 pan Iop st past son Daniel DIED roxnt his home Barrie on Tuesday Clayton McNeil rox beloch hand oi Laura nailey and dear fa thcr oi Neil Ross on Lynne loved son or Mr and Mrs Harry or or Midland and brother of Alired and mum in his sin year nesting at the Jenncit mineral Home Bar rie Funeral service Thursday lan at interment barrio union Cemetery Masonic graveside oer ce auiplcos Corinth Ladle ounltsOn Soturdayloia it 1951 at the home or her daughter 71 Kingwood Road catvllle nmlly Kathleen suites beloved wife or lin thony ORourke fonneriy at Home sync and dear mother or Maiguer to Mrs Tcrrls of Albert NB Harry of caromt Ontr Ter rcnce nI Capreol Helen Mn Ii Hewitt of Oakville and the late Patrick ORourke Clprcol loving slster orLilllan Mrs ii Cook SSEMBLY or ONTARIO or Parry Sound Florence Mrs Msmofnameram1neilta Edith Grace Miller oi Toronto ne quiern high mass was held in st Peters Church Parry Sound Mon day Jan 21 wins interment in Hill creat Ce story wrunrzatrorontoon Monday Jan si 1957 Archibald Roy Wilson in his 63rd year beloved husband or Emilyspruru dear other or Euen Mrs Edward BurgeVlolet Mrs Gordon Doddl Edna Mrs Charles Mile and Roy Jr on of Toronto son of Mn Maude Wilson and the late George Wilson at ivy dear brother of Louie Mrs Kenneth Sutherland oi Tnmnto Wilmer ivy and Jack or Barrie heating at the Truu Funeral Horne Dautorth Ave Servlce Friday Jan 25 at pm Interment st Johns Norway Corne tery Toronto CARD OFTHANKS PARKThe rarnily or the late will iam Park wish to express their sin core thanks and appreciation to their many friends who were so kind to them during their recent bereave ment lo IN APPRECIATION We wish to thank the Barrie Fire Department neighbors Ind friends who Insist us in any way during therecrnt lire atl Centre st MI and Mr William Frechottc Mr and Mn Jones iii iNMENlORIAM CONSTABLEin loving memory or our darling daughter and sister snaron Lynn whopasrcd awayJan 1951 age years in months The memory oi her dear wee ways Will llngerwitllur an our Sweetest flower too sweet to God took her home to show way Sadl misled Mummy Daddy and narbarn in rhnmmcln loving memory or my dear huoband Frederick Fleming who passed away suddenly one year lodaylan 23 19551 Looking back with memories Upon the path you trod blue the years had with you Aids islavelï¬heedrest with God es rand aw remem tiered by his win Eva 1o anlvminln lovlng main or ou dear drody Frederick norKing wit passed away suddenly son 23 1955 suddenly the angels took dad into the Mansion above dy There rhauberert from earth toi Safe the anmbeoledaohda loe ayrremenl hi chl drea nonna and Donald ill nonTohlin loving emory or deer wlfe and mother May Horton who passed away on we thinlr oi yo mother And our helrta are lined with in on this earth1would be heaven stIY use Plastic natbroom lien Victorio SEX DEVIATES Til Nathnai Council of Wo men has presented diet to the Mltlont and 10 Canadian govern entaaitingthat special provisions should he made eV core ofzJitordve lit rront point take Ileadiogpart in politics Till noun cilonnlzos Quartet from the States By BETH WELSH Stiff Competition it seems the senior and junior girlsbasitctball teams ran into some stiff competition inthclr first games of the season at Mid land last Wednesday Thescnior forwards used to fairly small court were thrown off stride by the Large court in theiiew Mid lonvaenetaug High School The game was closethrough out with tie score at quarter pod halftime Barrie had one margin at threequarter time but the end of the game found Midland with onepoint lend on 35foot shot in the lust seconds of play The juniors were more success in than the seniors Theyrde tested Midland by one point scored on lastminute free throw This Werlliesdny both teams play the Qrillia teams at BDCI Lets hope the girls will be able to defeat Orillin on their home court Boys Basketball The hoys tcoins were more successful thnn thcgirls Coi ngwood juniors motBarriejun lors hcre last Friday The Barrie team proved too much for them however The final score was 8132 to Barr Ililsliriday go to Midland to play Midland juniors who are supposed to have rapidly er who is tall Our hoys re bounds have improved since their gt first game and this may proveto be of value to the team against such competition The bantnm team played Cali iingwood at the sometime and defeated them by score of 51s 19 Leading the scoring wqe Jim Pratt with 13 points and Reg Boorman with 13 it seems that all the players scored one or more baskets during the game It would alJpeiu afier this showmg thatvthere is going to be good junior material for nexl year The seniors also played anex hibition game last Friday with Alliston defeating them tothe re top ranking Barber Shop hO will be taking partJn the Second Animal Parade Harmony to be staged at the inatterwmtr Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs illincncill and family of Queensville visited with Mr and Mrs iohnston this week WI News The Belle Ewart Womens inst itutc attendcd the variety night it Alliston on Friday evening Taken to Hospital Farrier suffered heart at tack last week and wns taken to Sonnyhrook Hospital His wife and son have gone to the cityto be with him We hope for it speedy recovery Weekend Visitors Reg Canning and Miss Isobel Greigg Toronto Mrs Carleton Willowdale Mr and Mrs Fowcctt and Mr Brown Barrie were weekend visitors with Mrs Farrier Baby Shower Mrs Newlove entertained number of the ladies on Wednes day evening and they gave bob shower forMmDiplock Wm ries score ddwn by good defenr 5ch play Missionary Speaks Last Wednesday ille lSCF had its speaker Mr Copps mission arywho has just returned from lndia Drama Festival This Friday evening our Drama Ciub will journey to participate inthrsdramn fesilvEIl The club under tho direction of lilir Cook will present nronenct ay HardTimes Dance The Key Clubs annual hard times dance was held Friday ev ening The gym was decorated with torn newspapers The of fact was quite surprising Dancing was the main topic with spot dance and bacteria donpea put in for variety Re freshments in the forms of cider pop and doughnuts were prov cd for the ids in pntches SOCIETY OFFENDERS At the top of our list we have put those morons who infest our movie theatres who persist in boisterous laughter and shouting sometimes at just the point of the time of 4338 The game was close with All ton keping Bar CKlIRT 1oo mrch mo sumo coo Jana ma climax in 1000 III itI parsoon about we ta rodr loath us 1h curlrapture 400 oorn noun lads radar In soo tun country Junction runnsoav ion as 115 Tile chrlatouhan mo Open uouaa 13a m1 3530 tray mourn ltanoar up wastrd rhoatn CKBBZPROGRAMs DAl I230 WEDNESDAVv HM oo stews landlines cm rarrn Harm omrtr dla sports 9J0 III artisantin loarl mo News Headlines in Showcase 715 Tennessee Ernie 12m Cavalcade orulta 09 NIIMB aoslelerrarn niabllghta II Scull mill 30 Mai Prom alto oodvn all Plrlfldln an an Top oitba rown nlo sports 1215 uarket use No tin Mann purer $85 no no on mansions Sigiimo Ram one me PM Mo Tennessee trillion on lurid ltocrico Crcmot all we tho customary formtoi uria ri anoient times Exxon oas=brhlasorlsiorgtVarlrttrr looma tons nadlo rresaout to Homemakers cllnlo iuinTrldinl earl itdg ya ru Caldwella baby alloy ii ocounm Style curs loan in sanctum itng In rha can one run Iimn one uliiiuoo ea we aim Tuuunav nil moo lion msaonaea non To Ila Bnuntl Round VD Headlines movie where silence is must gold en Ne foundlnndi Weekly 00 Graphic nsflmunlni itsdown 1000 Ellie Fiflhh lar Adviflmtl 1915 Jim COIth Show Question 00 Eli NM yman shun 157wa in SW IIJU Lit ani lia show Duke aimed paint am to II 410 To Pattern 445 cartoon 55 NM on Camila Monte cris 530 Wild IIII Hickok 000 0h 030 IA flflv mold LOINIwbum 130 Holiday Rlncll 800100 cam show 900 NIH new l0l Kitlg Whvh Show In Ilrrll Int lam one Mews 10 Juliett llJil Wrestllno ilt your rarrn Market Revolto Nan uo aporuseoror uo Pun at Hreakilrlt 716Weatner neporb unitsva 900 sports nounoon Ianhorn lï¬igiml out me moo rrodlnr You use Tennessee sral abor iooo Nellv naoio Preoloilt We noer noarti ï¬brilll Grub Show Household ninta 1n wilan CMIIItn atria mu Baadlln war no country anoria nlrest Marital report 1230 No 100 um neadll 103 Bulletin 50 us Becondisnrlnl tieL saruttnav JAN as lanai onfeb by the local right Wlls Starling lend SHANTYBAY Sympathy 0I community core sympathy of the com munity is extended tothreeof our lamilics the Dingmnniamiiy in the death of Mrs Dingmans mother Dr lean GordonvForbes the locson family in thedeath oi their Infant daughter and Mr and Mrs Love in the death of the formcrs braillér in motor 1ch dcnt Broke Finger The choir and congregation of St Thomas Churchgrently miss the organist Angus Ross who due to broken finger is unable to perform his regular church duts les in Hospital Mr and Mr Packard are both patients lnRoyill Victoria Hospital after having been in vnlvod in all unto accident on Jan 19 Best wishes are extcnii ed for speedy recovery Vestry Meeting The annual vestrymeeting of St Thomns Churchwillbe held at the recto on Monday Jan altars is anticipated for this important meeting Mort To Florida Elmer Emms left on Inn 20 for Florida travelling with his soninvlow and daughter Mr and Mrs Abernathy Kevav Back In llospltai Mrs Dummore whollas been Weekend Visit Mrhand Mrs Sherry Yashcr of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs George Simpson the weekend of Jan 19 WA News hcWomcns Auxiliary to St Thomas Church met at the rec tory on Jim to discuss their annual St Patricks Ten to be helLlthis VyElII Llt the rectory The next regular meeting is to be at Mrs JD Olivers but special sewing meeting will be hold on Jan 22 at pill at Mrs ion Welsmnns RiacenLGuests Guests with Mr and Mrs Miller the weekend of Jon 19 on chapter of spnnsqso Lott to Ron Starling boss Bill Smith tenor Art Patterson boriton and sari of Brailiford Tiirge ittehdincé Jan ways of relieving on eitpected Huronia Will Compile List Firm Hoilrs WGTEWRITF lid Mrs McCutclieuii Off Work Bill Herbert will be off work for two to thrccwvceks as rci suit ot hand injury received while on his job Guests At Reception Mr and Mrs mikes were guests at the rcccpilon given for the Community Concert artists by Mr and Mr Rnlph Sneigrove in Barrie on ion 10 Guides Meeting Mrs chinson accompanied Mrs ll Martin to the Local Associa tion of Kelnpenfcli Division of Girl Guides on Jan 10 Good Team The school hockcy team are do ing well this your tying 2A2 with Guthrie on Jan 19 and winning r24 over Hawkcstone on Jun 12 ilfoved To Toronto Mr and Mrs Jock Cooke have moved to Toronto and Mrilnd Mrs Gordon Simpson have moved into their house Jobflln North George Simpson Jr and Roy Patterson have left for winter jobs in Northern Ontario Mr and Mrs Frank Carter and Kathy ofBarrie were guests of Mr and Mrs Martin on Jan 20 Mrs Martin was guest of the 7th arrie Brownie Pack on their sleighride held thesfternoon Mrs Hubhert and Mrs Martin attended the East Simcoe esiisiS ll Jon UrgeHigher Py To Get Teacllers VANCOUVER CP4The Vali couver branch of the EC Teach ers Federation says 20 per cent of thesecondary teachers outside this area arenot fully qualiï¬ed for their posts Better salaries and more funds or teacher training are needed to attract persons to teaching nieeting here was told The branchmeeting to discuss shortage of 1100 teachers in 80 Hours loroiilu 1mm mm pm FLY TIIITR All Sl It Your ialliliiillli llnilzir lilly IUii in 3Itl0 Sliillliiiiiil Pligiiléi iiiiiiillES IIIIIlirillIl IN liliitltlii i5 BilliillE DRIVEll il Tilliliii SERVICE next September was told that the rim in llltsi Mexico Lilli mil VIA TEL Pll 82772 BETWE EIv Commed over roe lack at in formation for tourists about busi neu hours in Simeon County Euronia Historic Sites and Tour ist Associotlon has decided to compile printed notice listing hours in existence These will be distribuied to resort operators throughout Huronia The decision was taken at an executive meet ing at Orillia YMCA Jan 19 Tourists dont know which plo ces are open what day or what hours merchants open and close said association president Didace Grise oi Honey Harbour Theres lotot coniiuion To minimize troubles over the exchange rate on the Unltcd States doliarthe association de No PLANS yer ro PROSECUTE RE TOBACCO OllAWA Justice Minister Gar son said Combines Commission report on the Ontario luecured tobacco industry sitil is under consideration He was replying in the Com mons to Wallace Nesbltt PC Oxford who asked whether the government plans any prosecu tions as result of the cummls sions investigation into pro duction purchase oitd sole of the tobacco Mr Gnrsonsoid no this has been reochcd Thc justice departments re strictive trade practices commie sion in a2l majority report in November advised changes in tha structure and operation of the Ontario FlucCured Tobacco Mar keting Association The commission sociotion through its member ship of all tobacco buyers and mostgrowers was working un der arrangements which contem plato actual closing of themnr ket to all except association mem hers At the time Mr Gnrson said he was confident the association wollldreview the arrangements in observations The situation would be reviewed by the justicc department withina reasonable time Comment on the Combines Com mission report may come from meeting of the board at directors of the Ontario FiueCurcd To bacco Mark ting Aésocintion hcre Tuesda Primarily the association is convening to set the 1957 acre sign llntmen forfeits member decision on said the as presentshortage was due to sal aries and prestige Stau Evans assistant general secretary of thexfederation said profession that insists on top qualiï¬cations will attract top qual ity people It the public showed more respect for educationmore youngsters might be interested in teaching career British Columbia at present employs 94l32 teachers in all school levels and it was stated that the demand for teachers is well above the number willing to enter the ï¬eld COSTLY IMPULSE HALIFAX CplTaking pot shot at 583 gulls from the Angus Mcdonald bridge cost Hali fax man fine of $5 The charge was that be discharged ï¬rearm within the town withoutpermis sion elded toss bsnlnin liuroaia to post the current rate in their windows daily Newspapers ra dio and television stations will also be asked to publicize the ex change rate daily during the suin mer Directors authorized ii 1957rbud get of $2480 IMARKET PRICES WEDNESDAY no 23 BOOB CATTLE 8603 POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers Optario Barrie Hogs $3200 suns Large Medium Small and Crack Pee Wee CHICKEN Over lbs Grade Grade Grade to lbs Grade Grade GrndeC to lb Grade Grade Grade Capons up to 38c according weight and quality Over lbs 45 lbs Under lbs TO SAVE $s ORDER iElirlilzril NOW From Simeon Coop Take advantage of the fol lowing early delivery dis counts $200 per too for early de livery cash discount on deliv ery or generous payment plan available Quantity Discounts Dividends Saws $2400 TnItililig Allowance Order now and Save SIMCOE COOP 259 lnnisfll St PHONE PA 56531 SIMCOE COUNTY EGRAINJGROWERS REAP EXTR PROFITS wl MURRAY nimnm oi lut No nlenhelm says sprayed wheat just bciore Iirst joint stage with NaChurn Liquid Fertilizer yield check show ed an increase oi 10 bushels er acreun the sprayed pon Ion compared with the check strip unsprayed ml that have received an excellent in ms for the small cost of material used Call your NACHURS Crop Service Mail srew BELL RR No Barrie ARCHIE WANLESSJ Yskim No lPhelpstola ll ilirsiirllbiim ciliilir llPlillTillllfl THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE GALE In Chambers FRIDAY the 4nd UPON the application by Counsel on log the Mildavlrs of Minniv oi DECEMBER An I956 nosnhidny Mount GOSSE Plaintiff JOHN mcnnnooossn and immune HUNTER Defendants shell the Plalntflt UPONeread William Bradford Thomas and Neil filed ANDVFON heoï¬ngwhat IT IS ORDEREDthat serviceuponthe Defendant John of the Writ of summons Statemt of CIllflt log the same and special Notice or Trial liming this Order together with the notice for three consecutive weeks in The narrie lnlllc Townof Barrie in the County of axwell aiaules aged byCoiIltsel scribe Appllcalli Richard Gasse thereon endorsed mice week Ind by deliverlnl to and leavlnl with Mrs Florence Glasses the Mother or this said Delendlnt at as Lake Stree the Districtol Algth and lgtroviace of mons Statement OLCInlInsMlIlelt 1v rrial tar Matrimonial Causes and or this order ssrvlco at the aaldert oi summons statement ntario copy olthe Writ ohsunn ylagthe same special Nptlceot shall be good andauliirlsnt clean Alildavit oi Vcri cation and apeclal Notice of Trial for Matrimonial Causes upoltthe said neisndsnt lohn RichardGone not Inn the list dflynf void disguiution oi the rrlaizo rho ltlrtrard with the Defer Int tonne trict at Allo bo service ll all red herewith Rd 5th this Order is be McKlNNDN Aflldivlt of the rlalntlir verifyy or Matrimonial Cauau by pub gt Examtrler newspaper pubuuied Slrocoe and Province of Ontario In the Clty Sault Ste Marie In Assistant aegistrar sco RICHARD GOSSE tween no on the month of allegod Hunterat the Townshlp of ohtuon sills dly uf0ctiob=n 1955 mm ouof tb writ nd oclurivs ol the da ry this men it AND lsrulirlllzlt ORDERED that service as oforesald than be effected January 1951 otherw