Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1957, p. 1

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JAN rheumatic hawsaaraa Serving THE TOWN or annals nun count or sauces Since 1865 9ird YearNo Alumnia 33 an Ill ofliea mumII ovao Silvtc sitcoms roman OF AGRICULTURE SEEK GRANT INCREASE FROMTHE COUNTY The petition of Simcoe County Federation otAgriculture for grant from the county presented by Ernest McArthur of Lisle to Count Council on Thursday was strongy supported by John ilugh es of Churchill past president of the Federation Following his rling speech he replied to quest on from Councillors Aims of Federation MrMcArthur outlined briefly the aims of the Federation em phasizing that it was the coordin atingbody ofsomo 90 farm org anizations They had developed is markpting schernes which markct ed 32xdlfferentcropsfobtaincd im Prode marketing conditions working in cooperation with the Qntarlo liog Producers Associa tion in cooperation with the Ontario Whole Milk Prodchcrs League they had obtained formula pricing forfluid milk helped far mers to obtain favourable eon traclswtth pi cline companies the Departmen of Highways the HEPC and the Stlawrenec Sea way Development Commission The Federation of Agriculture had promoted adult education since 1940 and havepiaycd pro munent part in developing the highly successfui cooperative movemcn To co nue their work and to broaden tl ir activities the Sim eoe County Federation of Agricul ture asked for grant of $3000 for the year an increaseof $1000 over last yearsgrant New Methods Needed Commenting that the past year had not been happy one forfar mers owing to rising cost Mr Hughes said that the income of farmers could only be increased by new methods of marketing We must sell our products not jiist dump it as the processors door He gave three major points which were part of the Federa ohey Government support gt cthoxmrten formul system for prleA es tied to the co of goods and services bougbtb farmer and theiptrodncttoh of moreproducer marketing agencies If we farmers are to go ahead with ourprogram then we must have more finanee said Mr Hughes We arcoproud of what we have accomplish Vfhe Fed cratloa of Agricultu has made dollars for farm people for th cean it has cost them Differenceof Opinion Councillor Garf id Case asked wheregthe Fedora on stood in re ontothcvontarloFarm rs Unlt Hughes replied atthe federation was of the opinion that the worst thingvthat could happen farming wa to have two organ ask for different Councillor Case asked if there was possibility of the two de ics coming together The reply was that attempts had been made to resolve the difference They had been resolved in Manitoba and Saskatchewan We are only interested in Can farmers if any organization is not doing job then something should be done said Mr Hughes We believe we are doing Job and have been doing it for twenty ears it was estimated that abopt 5000 farmers out of the 6000 in Simeon County were members of the Sim coc County Federation of Agri culture County Hospitals Request $17667 Indigent Costs The Simeoe County lfospitai Committee thave asked County Council for grant of $17667 to cover thc cost of extras supplied to indigent patients in County hospitals during 1050 This amount dlgcnt patients The amount requested covers only the cost of operating drugs and medicine laboratory and ray The totals for each hospital are as follows Alllslon $1460 Barrie $3258 Collingwood $i733 Midland $4020 Orillia $2645 Penetang $4541 it is estimated that at Barrie and Orillia routine care of indig ents cost 52 lt $250 per day in strongly worded attackin Suez stand Julian ll Ferguson Conservative MP for Simeoe North id that AngloFrench troops sh id have marched into Cairo and into Russia yWhEie he belongs Mr Ferguson claimed that Can adians were ashamed of the gov France As for the Asiatic eoun Commonwealth he felt that the Commonwealth would be better without them If that is the kind of peoplethey are the soon they get out the better Referring to tion55he dubbed of wellwishing countries more effective would bea Com monwealthof United Nations =lf We hadalways had the adian Agriculture and Canadian does not represent the full amount of the loss met by hospitals on in SIMcoiNouHMEMBE 1P0 CYWCOMMGN cums CANADIANS eked dietatoi Nasser ernments criticism olnritaln and tries which threatened to leave the type of man who was not too hour is oonron 11 member loi he MenardCamp Borden Fish and shown with to red tox shot during adriv eigh iaek rabbi re aptalri Mal Another drive isonein te dren werae gibie deseoffl polio Vacc supplementary ingIJanua bythc Simeoc neaithlnu Although Dec nets Talia clinics et pdti ounty WoundsWests and FRIDAY Sc single copy er ré Johns Two Sectionsl Pages Ti FU Petition couNTYxc UNCIL FOR SHARE OFIAGRICULTURAETGRANT in presenting in petitionof lhagtSimcoe County Association at the Farmers Union of Ontario on Friday for portion of the Simcoe County Councils annual grant to agriculture Harry Utd ams secretary to the association noted that last year the Union had been informed their petition was too late for consideration and funds had been allocated fToday ia the day set forthe presentaan ofthc petition said Mr Adams uTherefore it is to be presumed that funds have not been allocated yotf est lVchellan vsamniy Seminowieh Al RamsayDon SimpSonand hor Downs ofCampborden William and Dennis Lynn ndaobuewmanqudro Cal in ndNevl lien Her Malone Me ord fter having essaw and subscribed of office the secrets pas dthe membcrsfitopamea hi once eright an The folloWing schools we Bye An Baptist student chureh extension ptu talk to Barrie regulac moet iiis subject was increasedpopu asicen ry the opulation ofrthe world had in creasedtwofold and itwas an tlcipated thatw should see parable reasa in our life The increasan birt rate was stagger top population real estate and of new hurch the strength boqun More people the community not strai ngthe capacity of the churches there but adding newlife in the larger urban commun was ferent owntown church had lost man of gregatlon to the picture Basie Aims The petition outlined the basic aimsof the Farmers Uhlon both in the County and throughout the length and breadth ofthe Do minion The Union aimed to help all agriculturiats and their famv lites to enjoy more of the fruits of their own labor than they did at the presenttimc to create solidarity of purpose among agrl culturists where little or none has existed before andto work to gether uneeasingly with all gov erning bodies of Canada until satisfactory solution to the pro blemof all branches of agricul ture can be found Not Self Seeking gt Mr Adams gave the figure for the membership of the Union within the county as 1100 Thesc are due paying members The number does not include those who sympathize with our aims and who support us on all those occasions when them to do so The Farmers Union pointed out Mr Adams is not self sack ing ltsmembers are all pro agrieultural marketing whichwill benefit all farmers wh th the be members pi1 no Duplication of Effort Councillor Lester Cooke Bar On Thurs Noted Jurist To Speak Here At of Rally Councils from Fleming and Midland Owen Sound Orillia an Tottenham will Join with Barr duplication of effort Knights of Columbus meeting dayevening Jan George Bou chey local Grand Knightbas anA nouneed Word has come that Huronia Council willbr ga del egation of 75 members fr Pen etang and there is av ry indica tionthat till est assembly Knights in the history of Barrie Speaker will beer Justice thur LaBel of the Data is possible for Council for big intercoune StJosephs Auditorium Wédnes will be the larg dayCouacii had heard request from the Simon County Federa tion oiAzriculture and now they were being approached by the Farmers Union Was there need for duplication Mr Adams indicated that the Union was of the opinion that the duplication was RENEW There was evidence that the Federation of Agriculture definitely promo ed the interest of the taxpayer at the expense of the farmer As an example of the need for the younger body he told how the western Farmers Union had achieved government aid for grain storage The Federation of Agriculture has failed to achieveanything for the farmers in the past year llivai Organization Couneilior Case Coliingwood You are arival organization to the Federation of Agriculture Harry Adams es 1Councillor Casez isthtre any real cooperation between you and the Federation of Agricul tum Harry Adams The Farmers Union willcooperate with any organization it it is for the hen pfit of agriculture Councillor Case Can you tell Coundilwhpreicentageof your i160 members are actual farm ers lfarry Adams Woare fam ily orgaaiution and don paying members payfiti per family lt is osaible to tell you theper ce tagsofthé mem ership who 0riillar pared to work hnrd to bring about if reforms said there appeared to be elegarion OFU waslworking to that ad balance sheet was subm tted withthe petition and the request has headreferred to the agricul tureeomii1ittee of th County namedfor eachmember for super vis WilkinsonAngus schoo MeLachlanlvy Utopia and Bax ter ApplegateColweli Grumblo rated and Mount Plea an about end of the vaccinat proI grhmior preschoolers in th at and someiuljhnn districts as Pearsun should havekept lbtllldiilat numbervof ch dren at the United Nationsinstead ml adlhe sewed dose an standing with Russia and the tiny be ted States in eondom tion off It the two mother coun ms of th was vl tore to set great Canada ours in January make and doses havailable to those who Tu bin to home affairs resulted It gt sperity Duringvthe ratioind 3315 hd 595 children received their first doses as When During the second round 8338 couplesvraove in they are told children reeeived their second they better not have children or dosejaid 392 thew Keyes and 100k Er avet ethemf dose total 7455 vaccinations some the schools forwhieh he hadbee archite Supreme Court of Appeals form erly lawye London and how member of Our La of Perpet us Help parish in onto which Rev VOBrien served before comng to Barrie as unite of St Marys Pari il introduced prone to forget what the word British means we would have had today Commonwealth of gt United Nations at whichnocoun again allthnse try in the world would dare giant whofihazelhbaen so kindly shake mailed fis 04 Siéiteof my In MrFergusous opini 12 Ex mlv th nks lot Itncver thought icuumtor flu Affair Minist Lester 911111 Drovide sfleh solicitous com must stay home more the suburbsyet VVasfaced with cost of its own upkeep and as churches in the new res body has been ith the increase in population suburban areas said the speaker They have beenunable to tlppiy adequate houses of worship The brightside of the picture was tha today men and women ha en to high level of Christian living They are plac ing thevemphasis where it he longs They think less about themselves and are abeut others This efforts right across able forcope rt Keyes Oriliia attended in regard to building four class rooms in Angus this year Mr Keyes hasbeen the architect for building number of schools in Simcoe Co ty The board agreed Medonte Proiectsé For Conservation Farniinmates MOONSTONEBrejeels Medonte Council would ilk to see carried but nflBSlhystheConservation réiwmnd gird masituiioiifiuiigiauigz Warm dishw 5195 °i of the 55mm can the following proposed at eou With no thought ciis inaugural tin theirowa Build new ross the drivas to rats township property and maintain and clean up he grounds no er eommu Developapubl parkion the FleaMedonte line err Lak Dogunderbrushing Dads and under el Perform any mingor tree plantng at Medonte eommunltyvparits bnBrennan coune aetiv ties Murphy lecturer weak PFay will concludewi buffet lunch Bame Hes 43 515th xlhe regular business meeting 33 figsmégfifiv will opeh at 01p and inter Cafiaaa has resuliéddn communal ceuneilassembly minist iCanada Vx as mattervef fee was diie out ref siekjbay one day earlier here app Dist piiioricd ana immigrationlpeli jwhichgt stewards are Fred Kin or

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