Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1957, p. 7

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ploycdindreiilble you no proble drive uuyin one our GOOD USED CARs can IN AND SE2 miss 49 PLYMOUTH COACH Good lnnsportallon $2400 Monthly gt so PONTIAC Sedan New motor good tlm $2200 Monthly Sl FORD SEDAN Cheap tnluportllion $2200 Monthly 51 AUSTIN SED ltchullt motororillnal buck llnllh $l800 Monthly SI METEOR Sedan 11 Ind intertnraa new Permt am anlrouy $3000 Monthly 52 METEOR Coach Automatic Irlmmlulon ndlu new paint $38 Monthly 52 OLDS SED Autunutic Innlmisaion Radio latte seen to be lpprecinted $4200 Monthly Must 53 FORD COACH Originl blue hnlsh 32000 mllea good tins mechllnlmlily perfect $4200 Montth 53 iEPHYR If yamiv nhmedlatldnfloflly un lllic Door In T01 STEVENSON Ml YF or MUWCI PHONE PA 8520 as owner sr na CHOICE USED CARS HARLES iN BARRIE ARE GOOD AGooD CAR ls coon INVESTMENT I955 CHRYSLER men white wall ndh Ind lent Coven 1955 Buick Riveria DylilflW 1nd custom ndlo 1955 Ford door Stdn Incllilo biuu 1954 DODGE good running ur India 1954 Plymouth car I953 Plymouth SRDAN completely wrclu print l953 Plymouth Suburbn tone Green model 1953 Chgsler WINDSOR whlle mu tlrer L953 Chevrolét Deluxe tedlfl Dirk my eleln good runnlnl ear dlo and seat covers 1953 Nash Statesman 1952 Dodge it cnt Sedln lJll3u THE BUYERS vou not am coco CAR To 501 vpu ArAPlllcs TiiAi ls turns 11qu ms AVERAGE IN YOUR OLDER CAR ALLOWANCES TODAY Windsor Deluxe Va sean Only 3500 milu by CHEN owner bulitllIIl net tllu clutonl 5mm one owner low milego Ltonc whitewalh Oae owner car but Crunder Sedan toneblue clean Pin Stdn tone blue Good nlnl car 1954 Chevrolet DELUXE CLUB COUPE Id blush It covers EON tiru one owner checked over sent AN 004 mnnlnl lookln car Just refinish Whitelnd Medium Dilu Ionnd Custom Cliatom radiil ton green just installed new uruohnls nmos door szolc fitanlflshup VIAUMOTQRS HUDSON HILLMAN SALE AND SERVICE 11 sowm sr UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY rrlvmly owncd DODGE HARDTOP Ill air Club Coupe 29200 Itlull iwotollo lilht and dark blue Seat raver llnre new cus toiil ndifl luckUp limb windnw wuhera undervalued Rcllillrly let Ilceo duili linre new Ind cure iully rlvcn All tire excellent Mechenlraily peflzct PHONE pA 66358 WANTED Mud 300d Shilpt Phone Mr 305 lHtf Convertible i2 slnclalr 1159 WILLrAv cAsll lor luteJrlodri low milere cur erle or phone Darth Lerloy mm 11 1949 Faith Coach healer good motor Ind body m5 Apply cedar Court Sewice station north at llama lion good condition new lira 31100 mph 1m Lowe llrudlord phone 1r19 tor Ind short wheelbaacApply Dennis Moran 29 Ann St or phone PA £4907 1351 CHICKs PULLETS growing to the and Grade Large marketsBray ilu them tincilidlng limes lnCmu Prompt suinglam some started or meat birds including Plinh White Rocks Hatchery has wide cholcb Ask us for fortieulhls huntL ll Copcilnd RR Dccton phone SSrlz 24 NEWMOIIILE Home hedroom calm gifter rurnlsned Phone PA H4112 enilILs PA solos lsatl lass morwonn rrnller luc fully equi pea til c3 Propnu gas sleep lemme PAh Mala isw PT 01 CENTURY Mobile Home occupied weeks stall and assume payments Fhone PA 841132 4451 41 TRAILER rully turnlehed rooms 195d model sleeps small 511 down payment and take over pay ments Phone PA was 4478 may RUDM ANDBOARD wanted by young nun nmlerably cult and Phone PA ssoso lls gunmslllzp hrdrooro snurtment wllltcd all conveniences No children call Mr Osborn PA H3541 llofv NErAHm no 13 1951 anlelniLE Standard lrmlmhe so RED Dump Truck with Comet 1m Accommodation Wanted Ur rtmscdr THE STARS wh to be shown on the chTV BARR EXAMINER LEAGUE Head Pin Comets 58Klugers 51 Blue Streaks 48Quictziypes ihk Spots 41 Routers 32 Mondays Scores Klugcrs Comets Oi Streuks ink spots Quiet1ypcs0 Rout ers Don Ssuhdérs had the mens high single Of 231 Mr Palmer had triple total of 658 Mrs Barnett topped thezwomen ln score of 246 and triple of 536 KElthViEW MENS LEAGUE First Division Valley 15 Union Carpenters 13 Lakcview 12 CGE l2 Barrie Tanning ll Shamrocks aeanrl lliyjlsion EarrloMolor 16 Duncan 14 of it Tent 4t Awning lo Rockets Cliff Brown Tuesdays Scores Union Carpenters Shllmracks CGE Lakeview Vsiley Tanning of 15 Cliff Brown Duncan Tent 81 Awa ing Rockets Motor Sales Earish had the high single of 293 Forth had the top triple of 724 MENS MAJOR LEAGUE FirstDivisiyn Wright 18 Hy dro 11 Se on Up 13 Deluxe Hydro Legion 15 Second Divislo Eopaco l7 Denis Sheard14 HEP Cats 13 Webblz Gerorgcs5Legi on the third or six Chryslerjrestlval bnlh departments with single Thompson PDEBI sths network Jan owill supreme Court Opens Monday téoatlllued irom phgéone Dion defendants John Rcid solicitorJor the plaintiff Divorce 19 narclsy Allan plaintiff Maroric Barbara Allanfltd Allan Sle urtqefcndrnts Jobn Reid solicitor fOrAhe plulntltf Div orce Mcrvynmcbert Wesley Stock dnle plaintifi iPatricilv Shirley Stockdole and Frank Cooper dc lcndlmts John Reid solicitor for lh lsintiti Divorce Stsnlcy Mchb Hoffman plain tiff Gwcndolyn Elizabeth Hoff man and Lnrry Sheffield defend hntsJohn Reid solicitor for theplaihtiff Divorce Reubcnu Thomas Caurvoisicr plaintiff Margaret Dcnsldu Cour voisicr and Eric Vesitis defehdA ants John Reid Esq solicitor for the plaintiff Divorcet Robert Douglas Kerr plaintiff MemoMalic Ker by Edwin John Myers her Gunrdién ad Litcnl and Hamid Morrison defendant Messrs powsn and hc tarsufor thEpinlnti Di Aivirl George Bremner plain till Pauline Dayrnnnd Brcmner and Harold War on defendants llcitcrfor the plaintiff Divorc Harry Hcrbcrt England plain tiff Elaine lsobelEngiand and Neil Olimcr defendants Griff ith yBinghamp solicitor for the plaintiff Divorce Washsgo Electric and Plumbing Limitedplaintiff lisssun Bun kctt carrying on business under thufirm name and style of Arab lan Knights Motel and Restaurant and the sold Hasson Burkett car rying nnthnsiness under the firm name and style of Btlrkett Motél slid Restsuraht and the said Has snli Burkett inbis personslcapa city defendant Alexander 23 dreRichsid Tucker centre Collins left and Lisa Dells casts Dorothy Gcrmairl DrOgram Rodio Feature Sunday 430 305 Radio listeners on Burrles CKBB It 1230 onthedlni are swnredf an tolerating new Germsn Prognln 0111130 to pm on Sun days itL ls Icondllcted by Henry Bunnenbcrgof Barrie andjpecinlly prepared the many new Cnnadians 11 the district Suiting ijeb this promup wiiilncressc to an hour from to p1n right after the news defendants Edward Kendall solicitor for the plaintiff Div orce Margaret Grace Darling other wise known Margaret Grace Palmerplaintiif Roland Pai inerdcfendont Messrs Living Stan and Myers solicitorsrfor the plaintiff Ania solicitor farthe defendant Annulment mlnAv JAN 13 noes CAmB EGGS POULTRY As quoted by First Cooperative Packers of Ontsrlo Barrio Hogs 31250 Saws 2400 Enos Lsrga Medium Small LB lc Pcéy Wee Over lbs GradémA Grade one FRIDAY JANUARY lfl Root Estate soars Elects Al Ross As New President AlRase was elected president 6f the Barrieind District Real Esme Bout It meeting held in the Community House Wednos dly other utticers elected were Jack Siesscr vicepresident Huh old Forster secrlitarytrusurcr and directors Charles Rogers Coulis sud Harry Mlchic ANDERSONAl Royal Vlcturh HM punt Barrie on 1111 In 1957 Mr Ind ll Ilnlcy Anderson in Lam SLAI plan v1 rt ill um co up Barrie on Jun 11 1957 In Mr Ind Mn Edwin wait 60 Dunlop fit ugliitéw 15s Vi rt 11 It oy on 111111 1117 to mtgm Blrfltr Mil JamurMormw lilan SL Ion DonId Jamel MORIKOWAl Drileville Glhelll or iii on Jim l2 l957 to Mr Ind nlamt1 Morrow nee Domlhy McMulilln doughter Lynul STEPHENSONIi ROYAL Vitian Hos pltll Barrie 0n Jln 57 to Mr Ind Mn Chute Slephemon 38 Kempentclt Drive mil Gerla Ruben TAYLORAt Royi Victorln unitl Baffin on Jim ID 1957 In Mr llld Mrs Sydney Taylor Peel Sir dnulhter APPRECIATION would like to thank my irlcnds Ind neighbor who lent in fruit Ind card during wadI recent roloent him the nurscs at novel Vlctoria Hos pitl Ind Doctors Rcldiumblill Del nnd MncPhenofl Ilsa the folks hLeo Molel nlld Dnllton WA Ind wt or their unduea Allen Bilflhln IN MEMORI nnArEnln lovlnr memory or my dear husband llaward Draper who sued away Jan 13 19521 en Iii la still and client As new ranIre my eyu My lholilhtl Irelln the silent grave Where my dur hnlhlnd flu Der remembered by his Jill Dollie 11nd daughter Ellie liAUGliin lovlng memory of dear mirth So lov And Lyell milling flee And know that you no 1191 in our Fullers chosen Flue SIdly minedby ran Alden and Iry daughtemn LAIJaiiLlNin loving memory at my dehr husband Jamel Henry Laugh lln who paued away so ruddenly Jun 13 i955 Too dearly luv to be forgotten SIdiy missed and ever remembered by wile Berti McNABBln luvlnl memory Hel Estrial rte who parsednway Nov Slxysam huvc parsed since thlt ml 11y When one we loved was called way God took her home it wur H11 will But in our berm Ihe llvath atul EVDi loved and rcmembercd by 1nd Mum sistcrs and brothers MUlflin lovlng memory of dur hulbnnd Harry who passed away lan 151le lNney Taiehtéd Ian Will BOHerehFOr SpeciallMeetihgs MRS REBECCA RITCHIE talented musician who plays var icty of instruments including 42 sleigh balls 32 hand bclis 28 musical glasses set of siivcr cord bells and Hammond Solovox will he heard with Rev Tholnrls Ritchir wellknown Irish evangelist in series of special meetings which will open Sunday 27 in the IOOF Hall at 815 The services will continue in the Eastern Star Hall Masonic Temple 17 Owen Street every night except Monday at 745 un til Mondllnycb These servi ces will be conducted under the auspices of The Christian and Missionary Allince On Tuesday nightJl1n 29 the Gospel iiim entitled Contrary Winds will be shown This is in natural color and runs 60 minutes Mr and Mrs Ritchie have trav elled extensively throughout the United States Canada and Great Britain This Will be their first visit to Ba insroute sror The 350th anniversary of the founding ofVVsasa community of 40000i11 Finland was cele brated in 1956 mm APPEALS 10 0111 ERS MAY NOT APPEAL TO YOU FonA iiiPl SYSTEM my TRUE REPRODUCTION own gm llition $3800 MOnthly nudlo This car 11 In line con Mondays Scores Seven Up Wright Deluxe Legion Hydro Hy drol Legion HEP Caprice Webb Denis Shesrd Georges Sharpe had the high single 0R BEDROOM fully mrnidhrd self contained apartment wanted for Feb or Feb 15 Write Box Burns Dreamer 1lss no or 1952 DeSolo Custom Sedan Automntlc Radio Ulhl any l952 Dod CHICKS gt REGENT SED to choose trout 151 panAc Sedan by or eggs and meat Thirtygtsix yeors Forbcs solicilor for the plaintiff Boulton Marshall QC solicitor for the defendant Services Ren dered Rusell KitIdes Rose plaintiff Verna Elsihc Rose and Eric John sohdefendantsloulton lur Grade hen we1ay Hello instu Sndly misled by his wile Annie to lbs aild hmily Grade LONG RECORDS $23 to lhe Scottish record office at Edinburgh has continuous bis 205 lbs toryfrom 13th century SELECT YOUR OWN COMPONENTS AMPLIFIERS SPEAKERS AMFM TUNERS SPEAKER ENCLOSURE MANUAL TURN YOUR Car SHOULD or 311 COVER THE DOWN PAYMENT ON THE FOLLOWING 1953 PONTIAC HA TOP rladla lilr eandltloaulg neuter tone Pill LOW mileage xx $132500 RD 1954 MERCURY COACH Custom built radio air conditioning huter Ciczncsl 55 we bnvc seen in long time $1 55000 1955 EQRDTCUSTOM coach One awaer Low mile1e tone palnt air conditlanlng heater l9 $165000 1957 FORD CUSTOM qu sedan automatic trnnsmlsrioncu51 tom rsdlmybitcwlll tlru Under 2000 llllltl $450 off List 1911 Coupe blue lilh ItllI 1m AUSTINSedun 1949 PLYMovfm sodan 1m r0111 stdaa Low nnee 1941 cnsvnpurr Sedan 1m poncr sedun work Make otter 194s CHEV coach USED TRUCK VALUES 1952 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery 195161 lrlou panel 1950 one man Panel ma cnsvuouzr lgdomEmress PLYMOUTHS NOW ON DISPLAY Ar 55 ownersr wnsr LIMITED Chrysler PHONE PA 85355 OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 55 Dunlap St West Barrio Phone PAS 427 1951 eruovra crlahrool Sedan 1947 KAISER Sedan need some motor 1957 ear HAROLD HILL glymollthv largo 172182 BRADFORDST DOLLSki or January 195 ersonul scicction behind our loud PLYMOUTH cmahraak Club lock send for prce list Phonu 852 Tom Kenny hunt Ba LET HUNTERS show you haw Dckalb Chicks will make you more pronton your farm Many records show how Dekalb eat less teedulny more eggs live better and make you more prailt Give usva mil to service or when thinking of chlcks Phone or write Hunters Poultry Farm strnuu5ll5 24213 AUCTION sAtEs rueslllty Feb 25 Auction sale oilIgl class farm machinery rarm stock poultry buy and grain for the estate of the late rhalau t1qu nt Lot 21 Can Adlaln Townsil Sale ablz oclocknaan sharp reserve as the estate harm he sold Jerry Cnlllh llnAuctloneer 8111417 Filthy libreth Auctlaa sale of Hol stelns rural stock implements my straw and same household airects for Wesley Valcue at Lot 13 Can ll Tecumseth Townrhlp ulna west or Highway 27 Sale at pm slurp No rotate Is the owner is retiring Terms ash Jerry Coughua Auctlnlr 8ll4l721125 IiiE omAmo slumCerLnoAnn Erasmus lNJiiiz MArrEIt or sections as 111d 61 at The OatuiorMuaicipai Bond Act nso ltlsll ChapterZEZ mg iN THE MATE an Ipplicstldd or the corporation of the Town at Barrie for Authorityto dispense willyl vote of the ratepayers witnrespeet to mmflucing certain streets Ils set forth in Schedule hunched hereto 11 costJi $5450000 Ind vth issue at dbenturu in an amount not exec ing 12125000 It THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby Ippolnts Frldny the dnyni February 1957 st the hour or ml past ten oclock in tile forenoon at the Council chambcls Barrief tion DATED Al lq certain stree in High nndslmeae street mg Iardstreet to rot Dulce qun to lanulu street from to Road cliluulop Street West from ng Streut to Anna street to alullsidc Drive fronts Duulon street Owenstrect from crova street cult rlttlu street Coluer Street to Parqubar had ytli ple of 772 MENS MAJOR LEAGUE First Division Lakeviéwda CN Telegraphsdl Kenwcils 11 Dom gum 10 13X Depot Legionz Sccond Division Barbers 19 Westons 13 Smith Farm 11 Cor ner Cupboard Cap1C0 Stew arts Wednesdaysficores Lakeview5 13XDeputj2 Le gion Dom Auto CNT5 Kenwells Copsco Westdns Smtihs Farm Stewarts Cor ner Cupboard Barbers 294 Dumctte had the top tri pie bf679 gt uIld Evening Pot Luck Supper The first meetin bf the yésr of St Georges Anglican Church Evening ill on Wedhésday tookthe far of luckfsuplt per attended by 20 members Plansforthe tlined bythe president Mrs Lamb at the business meeting that inllowgd APPALLING RATE things in our world today is the everincreasing numberyof deaths caused by accidentso the big ways inDur homes sn places of businessu eifort lir DNTopthis 9th day CHAPMAN sccrctlry Marr hndthehighsingiei$f Qpens Year Willl One of the most frightehing1 shall QC solicitor for tho plain tiff Divorce Gladys Dorothy Finkie plaintiff Wallace Burk Finide and Margaret McDonald defendants BoultnnS Marshall QC solicitor for the plaintiiirlllQSSrs MacLaren and Wilson solicitors ior the defend sllt Divorce Hugh Riesberry plaintiff Flor ida Riesbsrry and VRalpb McIiugb Grade Grade Grade Cspons up tn 38c nccnrding to weightrnnd quality OWL over lbs 45 lbs Under 23 FRIDAV AN 345 The curltanner Alla Own Home 4341 ttuwd 1100 all 111o Jul no sumuv Vim 1210 Thil 11 100 Men on ooc in no couth undam moo alum Elihu 106 Jim column snow 1100 cu Now 1115 Today in snom also Lela Music xina latrne Turn SATURDAY 430 rummar ucmoen 55 New no counter Motll crnta 5311 was Dill Hickok omon sunnna up Mr Fixit pus Eddy Arnold or LollyTownum so many lunch Fury cam show oo mu noony Msrn ch oola fllr 515 nonm 1230 11 10 Eulletln uo nailIna 2011 Null 205 name 210 500 New coo Neu 511s store 520 now rearlerlee rnie cavelome of nlts Nan Tel Etlhlllhk Music by Three sua Pr snow 302 hm ll Movmnm sh IM 11 II 05 IRWIDIY 625 New Heldllnea Weather no aha 1130 Wresuinn tar Today 110 launl nitma not Nmmi 1715 commonwulth This 130 country Clilndar zoo Junior Magazine 1110 This week mouonv JAN 21 PROGRAMSf 1215 11 re Report nauae Port to 515 chRTvflcuANNlL 1osa Wayne shuntr own no circus lay moo Wuhrn rneam 515 rnu aniaa Iulilloas om New no Wnthn us snort 1oo Jar lacklun uo Guy Iamhnrdo no Millionaire us camera 9011 Love Lucy up nonny Vuugiln 11100 studia an 11m cue Mm 1115 Todly An sum russpnv JAN 145 The commoner em on Noun uuwdv Donny Marti Music up Junior Junction coo wmern Theatre no no Weather us soon Lila Plzyhouu 130VIrlvlnuo 145 Invitation rIyhaa Loo 1111 Chow Show Mo Dragnet no new the sun 1unonlm lPavmy all in And obediulro 1osa pm continence 11 JAN an Live 111m riltainhere flury look int nines 115 Mull oy uelechrlno 110 Bob none snow 1513 New Headlla 200 euadn nylon min 313 aacr gorilla coo anélu 05 quest conductor aafljkrml Pr Idlinu Bond chlnl arty tii 315 oljin vie astrrowo Ind country soo NIIIHcmlhl arntl nun Milton To Buy 0rcht iloonl Bungalow in good location in Barrie Not more than four years uld Write to wuulus gt sTAvNEn ONTARIO TABLES AUTOMATIC cho CHANGER PICKUP ARMS eAnrumGEs WHOLESALE PRICES iNCLUDE smvim com Now Eon FREE DEMONSTRATION TELESllttii 36 Mary Street Phone PA 83810 GET PERFECT Tv RECErrloN fl PA 11111er Your TV set properlyadjusted to test pattern at any time day or nightywithhuur Dynsscan Portable instrument NO EXTRA CHARGE PHONE DAY OR NIGHT 82013 lucrnomts

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