FREN seeps Pillowssmith RILP WkNTED COMPETENLT PARTS MAN npe Tim wln Chrysler muttV ierred hut not menuLyltneni 0M8 of automobile Dim Min the math reuuiremeot 600D WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY III SCIIELL CH MOTORS 15 Bradford St Barrie lliI APRRENTICE DRAFTSMAN This position olrers interesting uorir Vilih promising ruturc tor Iligh Scth lrldIllR You will work an rho drawing required or our exhaust all Pfleni Ind other plllfll of our busineu dly week lump lnrunnte and hospitaliutioo Liberll impell assistance wlll he given The lumen Illl pileIll In lend Ryelstln llixli tote orouto or condensed draltlnl course Applyin wflllnl PutsoNNEL DEPARTMENT DeVILBISS Canada LTD PO BOX 280 ioii TOAN AMBITIOUS MAN Wlio may be earning lroln $2400 to 000 Ind Villa no mum in his present occupation Age irom to to man who likes to meet people man determine tion as well as steadiness oi on tprelcrahly to years with sent ilnni there is an opportunity open that entails no trovellinr tillers pen sldn ille Insurance bonus and ad vancomcnt you think youquallly your non commiial enquiry or Iniormllilnn lnvlicd in conlidence WRITE BOX The Dorrie Examiner MALE OFFICE CLERKS required or Government Departments at Barrie and Camp Borden Ontario Clerks $1620 $2070 Clerks 2A $I950 $2550 Details and nprlicï¬llon terms at Post 0H1ces National Employment oilices and the Civil Service Commission APpiy holore JANUARY 195710 the vll Service Commission 25 st Clair Avenue East Toronto Ontario Quote competition number 511554 lor Clerks Quote competit nillumber 57T55S tor Clerkf I8 MEN WANTED or cutting and skid ding logs BaxterAlliston area Phoncv PA 32875 llitt IIOUSEKEEPED required by adult Cull le Live in Apply to Mr Lallig 74 ilgh st Phone PA Main 1112 FEMALE Housekeeper under 6n years wanted iar ranher widower All eon veniences No outside work Apply to Moore IIR stayner Ont 178 SALESLADY to work on cigar sod to bacco counter Good starting salary with scheduled increases complete henellts Apply Monday Ian at Uni ted Cigar Store io vacATloN PLANS ahead Earn good income close to home represent lnl Avon products Friendly pleas ant andprontahie worit quickly puts dollars in your pockels Write Miss MTowers Apt 06 151 Wilson Ave Toronto Ioo AGGRESSIVE AGENTS Waited Ingood Vulcan territories Seiliram door to dom our 225 wellknown and guaran teed products Toiletries Medicines Culinaries Domestic ITeal Colfe Their quIlilY assure you repealed orders High commission 20 need edr Dept 513i Hubert Montreal loa OUTSTANDING Opportuhlt No coal petition in town $200 cash is all and you take overlhis established unique small business No equipment no ren Its anodve iscd service Our mien delivery allablc also Suit ambitious man who wants to be his own hoss Owner plans to leave Counc try Allreplies answered Box Eon rle Examiner Ia ARE You satlsiied with your present income and chances soc advcement not investigate the money mailing ossihllities that could be yours as an ndepondent watltins Dealer in neon byrilrai locality Selimallonnily ad vertised produannsccssitles tor both home ï¬nd term No investment lor produc you have car or could obtain me write or intonaatioo to Dep The Watkllu Comp buy 350 Rock St Montreal Que irnIAILISalesli Hmneï¬trrle Hate WANTED would or dare In ha POSITIONS WANTED elkwhurlu onIAih requiresiim housework Anerpooas Phone PA mil zu uaar rulsoN requires nonu ï¬mzbythh day PhonaPA 519943 PRACTICAL NURSE LI tree It Ic Inn to care or convalerccnia one Simud mil HY WILL lIOAIlD children in own born by day or week Aliandale dLilricl Phone PA EM 17sl LIAELE PERSON in Allahdaie will look aiier children while mother work Phone PA no or PA 52950 aisuAaus mason with small bro Maire houukéeplng position lea In Apply lon D5 Barrie Examiner WANTED QUANTITY OF CINDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE STREET Phone PA 32907 HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA sam We Also sell MIN Ill l3 ehannels anti preinforcing rolls INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Dunlap SL Wait FaniaI PholJe PA 68331 or PA 87204 3891 Barrie Metal C1 Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS HIDES RAGE BATTERIES FEATHERS LIVE POULTRY In st ri Eiliis$euliprfcei puihonlluiz Sta her on out WAR PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard nild Olilce 204 Tliiln St tisu PoPLAn Loos and Balls wanted liradlord Lumber and Crate Ltd PD iiox lzl Dradiord Phdaezlo Illalligxfz slmi EOI PERSONAL PitIvATE READINGS Phone Orillia PA Maï¬a 30743 MKS FREE ll Mulcuslu 5L Wishl to notin all persons wanting to con tact her or new residence Napier st ailop PAIN 0P Rheumatism Sciatica Lum bhgo can he helped by taking RUMA CAPS Recommended by thousands or lhunklul users 5k yourDrulZgist loB win vohn rlshcr or 43 number land street asrrle wllillDI be re sponsible ior an debts incurred in my name alter is date January is m1 without my written consent IF CONSIDERING MARRIAGE no cult Marriage Wemro Specialist by mlil Established 1901 Over 0000 cllenLa rich and poor Inlrried aiml dy scrupulous secrecy Simmonh Box 71 molten Post OIIICE Winni peg nVIU SEED AND FEE lIAY AND STIiAw for sale We do liver Apply xell Giliord Phone Lermy llrsz 10713511 DoGs PETSTOCK GOOD COLLIE Pups or sale Apply Fred Cook lift Barrln or phone PA 85650 iotl TEItItIEII AND scotty Pups ready to wean Apply Keith Itohlhson RR Barrio or phone Slroud 2414 386 DACIIEIIUND Puppies purebred good selection blacks and browns Kittens rcc Beasley Turkey Ranch Midhurst Phone PA BZI92 Jib147d LIVESTOCKFOR SALE iith ll Pigs one due sows one Phone 9r4 Ivy 2o YORKSHIRE Pics weaned Apply William Edgerton gm borne ba POIth naiTPurppseEuil Calf months old Don hcotty Leiro stroud 53m PUREBBED Holstein Cowp du days carrying third cell Rinehart RRgtl Burriephorle BSIIS 573 IIDLSTEINIIelicr Jersey Heller pasture bred all vaccinated Apply Cecil Sutton shanty Day Phone 0rd 4013 939 ltzdlsTEIIED dark red dunipurpnllu snorthorn Bull 11 months regis tersd DP snorthorn cowshne due Ian 21 Fred Bellamy Everett Int 911 zoo RHODE ISLAND Iled and ALï¬ht Sussex Pullels also Cows Hereiord registered and one grad Electric 45 Grindm ll Plume reemore 2121 947 um corona columns Deadil elpr Copyr 51ml weekday preceding Issue VADLEISMAR BE TELEPHONE To PHCE PHONE PAEIIII 741 word lltinmunlSOc Fouongeonseoutire losertions at is word minimum one Willi EVENt P995 wEAYviouTHfs BOOK STORE ptove Phone 5troud lqril LAIIVI WIIIIE Ianey Shier the like new SID Phone PA Hm1l iiAltbwoon in tlt lengths tit double cord deilvered Phone PA mot 114 SPACE eater mull Coal rid wood Annex Coal lMlInllll Water Heater PA Mm 11 rise Bedmnm Suite washing uncle in cedar chest Electric tioor wilt sher All in excellent condition Phone PA 0434 TAanP Electric Range very nice condition ll hi clock dee jail and Illlly Iniomn It even in drank 8L weninis 778 lllNllIAN Mllklr Unit used only one yearprlew condition Very renumth priced Allan Lenno Painswlclr phone Slroud 563 70 ELELrIID HYGIENE Vacuum cloon err rebuilt complete with attachment Ind olieitrsr Goinz or as eleh Phone Mitts 74 IlliIINElt electric stov Kiichen Cupboards panel doors puny cart single rillnu and paddle Apply 83 Peel Dr phflno PA lMW 78 animal Diaporatcr building gathering tank In harrci storage troll quantity or pails elc Wnlaer Caldwell Shanty Day on phone no 0rd 719 WATEELoo Tractor hp snow plow and gardon attac meats about year old Metal wheelbarrow rub bcr tire Phone PA 54621 cuulc roor llolrigcr tor and burner Moilat Electrl II nge Both in good condition Appy to School st itCAP Camp Ilordcn or phone Igugv NE BULK COOLER DarlKaol HODlb er purity in perfect timdillflll Elna ahie Terms to responsible buyer Also unit Eurifl milklnl machine oi Oliver Shanty Ill Phone Ort 020 va TYPBWILITBES Dulce machines pod lilies lddinl mlbhlned task TIMI lllfl Indsbrvk Goaum 11 II Prances st Barri phone PA BDX 281 Smith Corona repruentatlvd 1point LADIES walnut writing 125k modem bedroom suite hookclle headboard apartment sire Westinghouse aclrigerator rpmlly aize shinp ma chine chrome ltllchen Se Ch of drawers lovely mahogany drcsslng ehen inteleg tools door ward rob ontique Engi rosowood sewing tabl set at mahogany antique chnlru full size wllnut bedroom suite rurar pity plete practically new electric portable sewing machin record or and quantity oi classical records hoe qualiy Duncan Piler mahogany dro lcai table air at blondu call tab es pair or honde cotree tables Jotlts Used hirnlshln hood Phone PA In 13 POULTRY ï¬ï¬w zlo liYLINE Pallets 934A iii weeks ld Cyril Conk uayvlcw Drive Dar PA 32739 HdJl PitoPEltljlr FOR SALE ICUFFB BROWN REALan FOR Homes In Barrie citDistrict oousmrss PROPERTII PARTMENT Hours lloMEs dooln sELEchN To Chide Fdloid PHONE PA 82678 cim Brown Harold Porstcr Chflrflefltld cum BROWN REALTOR la liioli ST BUYING 0P sELLiNGSEE BROWN IT WILL PAXYOUP ioiitiao TOUGH REAL ESTATE BUSINESSBEOms ocompetent Real mate Service Exciusive andeoniidcniisl listings aprivnte EritlNIIA iinanung pious ï¬Specillty service on buying and Selling peruleIIl¢ome homes 0T0 sflectl hopdmgr arms and mail Euslness ro crtles sold oattal listTng service MCGQEY loUVGH PHONEPA 83442 115 Iload opplaowllngudrlopl eaconnd Annourlcirlg Barriés Newegr Vlrld VMOiH Mederrij SUbdiiisiorl Archiiecruraiiy VDeslgnedf pLosEiTo solloom CHURCHES PARKS AND DowNTowN LOCATED WELLINGTON ST Between Ilerczyi Eisn Rondo arid servicesnow otritetldlt Vnow rar Pricelrad iï¬ofscsidam nine year oidjatone Ind rules room an vary bedroom on Iboaecond floor are All Ill IntI hive cmptlolully IlrIe chutes Clinch Thil link has an the ninet Michell In the Town of Bllrie This ham VACANT and PM cry reamu oven ylaen PA DWI NOW Id leg till home totally This pmlsostooai mlnr homeis In wonderful tondillon +ufl Ihl hon you Is coLLIEIt 5mm one PA 82678 curlr Ilhowu NAPIERSTREET sures WAITIth llfll lh Ike Ibm on can be vet fin wmlmemli STREET ll ml lookllil tor hree very large room on the main floor with bedroom and Mill on mom floor Oil beat DI tour Tetml mly be Irnhled Phdna PA now ior an appointment to see this hotntb conRINoToN STREDI LOCATION Close to Public and Sirrulelchofls one ndhalr storey all heating lloor second ilcor ihia omee lnr lurther particulars We him have Ihll location Ck llama with iece hath an the tint uu bathroom on the NIIA REAL Phona ao room lluhgalow In OPPOSITE BARRIE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB 5th lulln be teen to hal re clllgd call PA 361 Now hood Selecllnli or NHAHomu nvalls lhle Willi low down paymenil This bcauiitul room Dont hesitate CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH ST DARRIE PHONE AN 51 ME PA 842678 CLIFF Ir hRDWN HAROLD FORSIEII CHARLIE READ lse RJ¢ SEESQEQR PEONE PA 934 MEMBER BARRIE REAL ESTATE BOARD aAIIiim NEAII LE PLAN FULL PRICE $1200 ii room house on very nice lot bathrooms and kitchens In need of some repairs Hlndyv mans chance to own duplex with good income For tull par tlculara just phone our oiilce Esy terms can be arranged COMMERCIAL LOCATION WORSLEY sr4liooo storey brick home on good cor ner lot rooms Ind an it Very good family home or II come home in central location but consider the commercial osslhilitiu Call diilce anytime or further information NOT JUST BUNGALUW This one is extra large 75 50 with large bedrooms dining rroom lovely big modern kitchen Living room meosureaizl ltug Brick lacing sou Parti tioned basement lirand new Decorated to your requirements Considered one or the very best buys in Barrie at Simon Phone and ask or either Percy Ford or Inn council ANGuHm New stucco bungalowciose to ILEW school Llrï¬e living room Kitchen uullly mom Ind illle bedrooms modern conveniences Builders home sacriï¬cing at cost price Call Dan Cornell phone PA amaze LEPRoYSsxoo Modem room bungalow on lot Iize 60 200 LIIKE kitchen dining and living room bed rooms lixucllent high uelllng basement Low down aymcni For lull particulars ca VPerey Ford Evenings phone PA 33517 EARRIE suavawï¬oo Dill price for this very nice room bungalow Bright and spotless All through All modern conveniences mimet Taxes only six Easyterlos Paymenu only so monthly CallPelcy Pord Evenings phone PA 65537 CODRINGTON $149300 bedroom bun slow it year old Savs res money with Mali very low terest rate sign mon ly carries in terest principal and taxes Dan council Evenlngr Mm WE ALWAYS I1sz OTHER LISTINGS Evenings MANY onlyi My can he shown in our ads time So is you do not 599 what you erli here Just call7 our Dulce dIiIring lag 1ny PA 593 oreeven ngs 7p one ercy PA 89511yevenirIES phone Dan Cantrell PA 87701 CALI Us Auouf Summercotilgea gcomo producingholau duplexe erhlilized inthh who and coun emidetoched lid ck noun iecahllh hardwood it tell rise htoment£ond at that hitpk Yiih bun DOM full price Irébm two ISO to lestnbllshed street $126qorstuootl one mo gage Les Pope PA 8529H Hardwood tldon All rlevel living room sandy loam 4llxtla norm IOR SALE MIMI prion or thin rive room rim OM lion Jim mm be hmrlnd to Vllef bullish lil ehPlIJInI with cu nil vulni1 11 Fur nil dotlit eall node PA sm anytim wmamomlt mil price ll roomde no In llrgt kitchen dinifll room Ill WI bedroom or tree bedmmr lull alumni Ml air lumloe lot IN III Tu only About lIl Clll Al Ilium PA um nyllln CODRINGIDN SCHOOL AREA 500 hill price lull mm 1mm bungalow mil lande ed IDI Ir hut Ilr HIKE II Al ROI mime LARGE HOME home an rooms an extra large as wood floors three piece bath two piece hath downstairs mi hare meht hot ruler on heating new moi Ind new ureatrmigiu bcluillul lreed lol ill I32 DDVIII ymani only tama lower down payment might be Irrlliled Call Alltore PA um manner DUPLEX mil price In llnrey brick in come or investment hamnhree room and bath upstairs and three rooms lid lollet downstairs Corner lot with gun boclled In the Vlclnlly C65 Call Al RosePA MInylime ARENA AREA room brick home located very close lo arena modern kitchen modern hllh all hEllllIl llndsclped lot III age Forlull Illa and ap ointment to see this very clean an modem older home callAl nosoPA um anytime DUPLEX 1y YEAES OLD 4500 iull price only years old two bedroom apartment wlth living room kitchen end hath stairs two bedroom ortment with vlng rootnl kitchen on bath downstairs lull bur mont Iorced air on heating laundry luhs This duplex wrs built ior duplex and III reps to hydro met ers and entraoc oth apartments are modern and are an excellent in vestment or good buy tor home with incotlie upgel artmenl rent for tall pcr mont Al Role PA um anytime ior turther particulars wc melon ST Him ll Drll any ho piul llvlnl room kitchen and bli lull basement GREG air all hutin Inurldry lulu lo one to lhopplnl and hauls Carried or $65 per month Including interest principal and taxes Call AI Rose PA 85296 anylime SPLIT LEVEL Three bedrooms and bath on upper dininfl room And kitchen on ground1evel recreation room In basement tinted liI all he inf laundry Lulu lilcd hnth with col ored ï¬xtures ear port located on ilrle Itll Carrie or $7141 per month including interest principal and taxes Call Al Rose PA $52 anytime NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick home located in the Grove Street area Large kit chenllill size basement with Iorced air oil heating our plcco tiieAhath Thisla ouNIIA yesalc with no salary requirements For iull details Rose PA 85198 NHA HOMES Our selection of NHA Itollleé is extend cnt This selection includes homes on this home call Al with down payments as low 241971 with monthly payments as low as per month Including interest and pig clpal plus taxes Now is the time to buy your home while the interest rate ls only by per cent Poran oint ment to see these homes cell Alp use PA 35295 anytime 51 NEW NHA stmso full price three bedroom brick homellving room with excellent wall space tor arranging of iurniturc ltit chen with exhaust inn our piece ceramic tile bath mil basemenlorced air all heating This home carrla or $5275 per month Including Interest and rinclpsl plus taxes Located on Al PA 5293 anytime GoOD GENERAL FARM 100 acres clay loam dare iall wheat to acres new seeding to acrcs iali ploughed Large Lshaped and barn village barn Water in house Furnace hydro school church mile Itlll rice cash required no me To inspect phone 99 ACRE FARM PULL PRICE $7500 To close an estate this farm must be sold 0nl one mile ma Caldwell Stallone Negros gogdr l2 acres sandy vi l2 acres good bush Goadmter spring and cll 2storeyb rooms and sunporc oilcondition hydro bar Large rage To in spect phonelcs Pope PA pom MELOSETO HIGHWAY 11 sohiiolwilohté ï¬lrhcr Hut air all how Aliucbed Reduced or quick Dale migllgcea $9100 Down LesPope PA Pagglfnvumn PM EEFOREDWING TYPE153$ PgolpERW on 01mm NEW DOWNTowN Robin OPPOSITE WEI493 onPR NE ï¬llNO OBLIGATION REALTOR +22 emotion REALTOR PlioPElIllcs FARIllr Duslesies RENTAIE Exenange oiPropartlu IrophrlyMunlilemoui ngtln is llcited hm block mm me three hidroolrl brick per cent mungtie Goods roamed house Duuida rooms Large Jantlscaped olr SELLING ANV ausmlrss Thorium roitTsAu HENRY ELRICK MCHIE ISOweDEt PhonePAmsa OFFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE QUEENSIARK AREA sma roolu brim hard wood noors thmdgllou on hosting hone in In excellent condition Priced at 11M Down pegnut tam SCHOOL DISTRICT rive room unriy and hail Dncll class to doznlwn ood also at gab This one is very good son lion oil fluted tumult with Item Anti mm Pflao 10500 DOWNTOWN LOCATION SIX room two liar Brick home lloaviyl eroo iiiifllielxil an ea cv 810M VIia cash CLAPPERTON Smear rive main one and hail storey Brick Dam loc ed close to down town IIllluuLBehool are Good all living room nulls use kitchen three large bedrooms with lenly oi closet space our rplete Eammaa gara This home is In excellent coalition complete with storm wip dowr eombinaiion doom and screens Price Slim QDUYING 0R1 Emma MDRNIAGI WAN ATlONAL Iloupmd IGNBRAL INSURANCE oAPPhAlaALE llenry 2lrtcit Idlchls lielion Aillace GORDON ou REAL ESTATE ï¬ROKERS SHANTY BAY 38000 down main lulld brick on here ior pl room undnllhcd wl lirlnle tnlrlncn flood income WI lb Illiel piece bllli lol DI rup in kitchen lull cement only o1 rupborry had Mirth well NHA RESALE slum lull rice bungalow onPcodnhg living room with agent lire iaee View Thll home excup Iona deconied and large lot is nice scoped Can he urchased on any terms and ham late possession can be arranged and us todny lor ln speciiDlI NO II HIGHWAY 31000 downuriew bedmom thII on large garden lot south Barrie lulI poured linemen with mmlce riere bnlh lint lnde le floor hrvughoui plenty of cupbolrdl in we lovely hright kltchen botb salt and hard water with complete pressure lyr tom and dralrir Ihil home is mod In every detail and has all conv Di cute city home WEST END 600 mil price room solid brick in urge level lot New glossed in mm room added recently plusllrle sum mer kltchcn hot oirheating with coal Here is good vsiuelnsnoldertopc home In handy location FARMS wenavc goodrciectlon at so to I00 acre Innsclase to Dorrie all reosonohly priced ALSO Mony listings oi homeslnail price ranges Motels in all surrounding areas Investment rtl ert mm lesth and around Several new NliA homes and resales YOUR LISTING INVITED LIST wlTli STOUII TIIEN MOVE ouT YOUR LISTINGINVIIED GORDON REAL ESTATE EROKERS IOZfDUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 85901 OtflcbvfloursB am to is par 160 Reta Estate Broker Owen Sire Selection or three dim liA homesiust completed Lo est rote Monihiy paymeots less than rent Por iurttler phrtlculun call Mr arshali oroato street clolelo bungalow withwirlt sunrooan neautiiuily deco tell all red urnv ace eompletewitbscreehs and st mu garage Cnilrldr Marshall st Vincent Street+hedio ample closets living roomflzI den kitchen 12 i2 buem Oil hot waterbeating lectures other homes lntliiyarea well Sunnldalo handcall lidr bi shau CONSULT us ON tbogv Down ayaient housing Egchgnger Proportion National Heaths lam lucdma Prop IRantall gt Euatqeie apportuaiuao VOPropeny Ian IIVilIiulL Dunlop room rlred 11 Two JBBDIIODM NHA homer with attached garage located on one well eatabllilizd rtrestPhone Daystol construction amt Ioa Pan Bill INCOMEJHOMBIXIDIN bloc rhedd oathro hisado rooms non downsideand out rain mont pilrllllerlilm hilly turn Pliohe located Im 18L 1224 zTu luld newshound cf5 beacon mira 00 MI MN VG minI rhola 1me mull Phone PA Itch lflfl 9111 or tllllby mlm Bedroom In Ill home 01 KM punt Phone PA lull unmruiahed heated Private entrance Phone PA 45 Rooms lad kitchenette Apply 87 Owen 51 or tilu DOWNIIAIII Ml undo Amine phnan PA 43 31 nus antiDb pme lsa°° ROOM BOARD noon Ill Phone PA am i233 noon on acorn and Bo rd in quiet home Phone PA Minn Ig tor middle ed pensioner Reasonhie haby AltiIng rholl2 PA ll ROOM AND BOARD woman or FRUIT lr VEGETABLES flit Pa ottaw Peel Phone PA so Construction Equipped To Do All BU LDING CONTRACTS tLAitdE on SMALL aging eonndellveryi are asm aotsafii ILDING TRADES HOME REPAIRS BUILTIN EUP iwAllns and all small loos given special enlion during the Winter uuon TELEIIIbNE TODAY VPA 84313 SHIB MISCELLANEOUS COLLECT IONS lo collection No Credit nlirun lllrrii Phone PA liln Ind mklril Prices IROPEIITY rail RENT APARTMENTS IMO Indium MIMI finer healed late mum aligned and living Mai Alto lam rm IMMthflll Burlou Ave ground floor Rent In eluded at APPLY Blessor Real Estate Phone PA 35934 lsI IAAdo roll Yam mmPA Mm do tiNyualellab room arthient with huh Pilooe PA coast isn IUINIIIIKD roots contained Phone lA anED Irilncnl partly htrn iahcd child we come Phone PAI IIouIE rooms Churchill heavy win In mimonlhiy Fhauu Elf MsT611 KDDMDD Apartment neuronalted partly tarnished hcaicd Phone PA Mall IH nooyizn tarnished artment oil healed separate entranc Phone PA ems AH MODERN liouseln Slroud Apply Will lhnl Gibblm strcud Phone nrla Slroud IHID LAIIGE nimished ticketping room on allli iloor Cell al Phone PA lsH IDOMKD lei conillned helled un lumilhed Apartment 65 Phone PA lszm IBH aoolh untumlshed spartment roe rtlculars phone PA 54771 or apply at human Ave lHu Puansllltn light rooms with kitchenette Phone PA mm 15 NEW LARURAp rtrnent WWW self conlllned An as Campbell Ave armphnnd PA critic iat IIODM private apartment main bit line Garage Child weicom Availihia Icb Phone PA Hui lBIsï¬ R001 unmminhedi healed Iplrb rrieht lvllllhic immediately Adults only Apply Iii Toronto st IHI houreli II Adultawn MODERN room home centrally loch ted oil lulled ply Dr Edwin Wilton Wikon Bull inc Burrie IH ultAlen meat all con Ah FURNISHED Room hot water hear ed electric trig and liove Available no ol saunasy hone PA actual RODMBD new house miles mat Calll Eorden and miles Ironrï¬lh Thom PA 84490 or apply 11 will st DOOM Apartment private coiritem kllcheneiie Ind bathroom new den cortedAdlllL1 preferred 134 llpierl stall CONTAINED Apartment coins with bath heated close to has top Phone PA Mm or call at ya Eurton Ave 158 SNOWPLOUGHING DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS rm Phone PA 82907 DENNIS MORAN k137i DA HI Electric Morors 19 Ross St Barilo PHONE PA il53Ql suo ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Thai inertia sea HAROLD HART Burrie fleetrld Motor gt 53 Owen at Plum aaline FLOOR COVERING Asmstroagé Ilaor Covering III bber ml will Llnaiellml lull Will We led and Ilutuha If Frauevmimlted WQLEENDEN Phone PA um saeu DD TOOK BAYWOOD Animal Hospital Large and Small Anlmnls HWY 2dr NORTHEIIMORE loom PHONE PA 85792 SIMLI ALI TRAnlERLSIZES TRANS CANADA RENT TRAILER fAreycm hOVIng Rouble in gettrigryou typing done éoirecily FQRA COMPETENT EFFICIENT HOME TYPING SERVICE ine manomth COMFORTABLE Bedroom 39 UPPER DUPLEX unfurnished rooms and bathroom laundry room newly decorated central sell contained PA Mud lSunl HEATED lower duplex sell coolainud rooms and bath lime and reiriler ator Central location Phone PA 34196 1578 WARM iurnlshed apartment rooms Adults Ahstainers Available Feb Phone days PAJMDM evenings PA eIm lsH APARTMENTfurnished or unfurnish ed private bath Suit couple Phone PA mu or apply 37 Blokes Apt No 155 Imolvl Duplex iu Angus Eath all heating electric etpve and relrigera tor Phone aims Angus or Stans Car Sol 15 ROOM tarnished or partly iurnished apartment own entrance immediate possession Arthur Perry Phone ldux Creelnorc IStill Rooms and bath heated very cen tral laundry room and washer sup pliem Phone PA 82059 or evminul PA B7IE7 1535 IIIlAiED lower duplex beautiiully lurntshod range irlg all modern con venlences Available to April Phone PA Imz lsuio VMe entrance unturnishe nil stove supplied newly decorated pply 225 Dunlap St West Isos SELF CONTAINED room apartment halt block irorhnew Loblaws Heat and water supplied Phone PA E6152 or applynso Maple Ave 15d MODERN unturnished new decora ted room apartment vatav trance and bath Preier business eou plePhdn2PA coo12 Itslo UNFURNISIIEI Rooms on ground liDDrhlin Allafldaiehneal in aid Sulta or ouse cep share hot Phone pA Ideal lsH IURNISHED Apartment rooms and hillIi welI healed quiet building Cell iral down town Reasonable rent Avnlls able at once Phone PA M360 1574 QUIET bright sci contained unfurn lshed room partment oil heated good closet gpacc Adults only Air Steinem Now avnilnhle Phone PA 52359 lsDlo AVAILABLE Now 3rmflmï¬d heated apartment Modern kitchen bath llv ing room bedroom iull basement sun room and private entrance PhoncPA N588 1H9 APARTMENT Main street rm self contained 2nd floor Respo ble hullnesl couple Drelerred AVlihbie Feb Apply Box al Ilarrle Irina rm ma roomcd artineht iurnislied central reridentlai district Alimodem conveniences Adults only Apply 162 Dunlolp St business section and restaurants Eur ness men ugly Phone PA Hostages ID pm even RES pm vflH WELL HEATED clean Iplflmulli in private entrance bath continuous waxIrv water electric stove tirepiatc blocks Lohlst Olhem iteasonablc PA em 45840 RODMED Apartment new fllrnishzd and heated Sill hie ior couple with out children mmedlote possession Apply 46 Aired so Aiiondale or phone PA up 1589 UPPER Ilium unnarnlrhedean mentbuiltin cupboards piece bath all heated water supplied Adllluoniy Immedinle pouessloll rent ply let Henry st FOE LEASE Modern restHr lition busy highwaynorth ol Barrio New building and equipmen Mellon proo guts for rill plriy PlyBox till arrie bummer is1oaJ QUE EN to rent dlyo git Ilttlna PA HI Miro 13mm mm as HW 8I6N81BYlae 0won service Truck amtl ll lh hhlcmmhvl INNIswooD Apartment modern roll contained rooms and bathroom Pulv pulled gr ulalurnlrlthellliIflontllflgkhhl Hs III 34 do irrrhmPAHIH Iiidirt oil heated Matti 2th noon Apartment piece hath prl LI