Ru to ma HEKNEwALoNG BROADWAY it all began becauso Damon worm broke Not Ila broke since he was one of the highest salaried sports writers in NowYork Bill Isis typical of the breed he was temporarily short fund Whoa the doctor toll him his appendix had to come out and that the bill for hospital and surgery yould proximate $500 Runyon shut seif in room and drove hi elf towrite book of fiction Both the appendectomy and tho ficllon came out well gt mog azlne editor promptly mailed Run no $1000 cheek and offered to buy as many more shortstorios of the same sort as the author could WNW That was the start of fabulous saga of Broadway Story after story poured from the keys of ltunyons typewriter during the 1530s They were sardonically humorous tales peopled by col orful dramatis persona of tarn MAURICE KELLY Chiropractor gt This is to announce that Maurice Kelly DC is now IRACTICING with BURNS irnpractor ll5 Dunlop St Barrie OFFICE HOURS Monday Thursday 912 25 710 Tuesday Friday 912 as Saturday tHZ FOR APPUIN itrlfl CALL PA 83l94 arrows Nenrly thfee quarters ofn million Canadianslike you borrowed from HFC last year HFC is Canadas largest and most recommended consumer finance company backed by 79 yearn experience in helping families solve their money prob lems So if you need up to $1000 visit HFC Where you may always borrow with confidence ï¬nalise 23 Dunlop Wm lqsond neer plum 3552 Mama our OllulA DIANE ss Mimisno SI East hand than chino 63 Hurontarlo strut second floor phone Ill COLLINGWOODL ON lied saints and haloed sin rs in collected book form stories comprised an original body of American bigcity folklore They brought Runyon recognition as an American classic long be tore his death in 1946 itadioflel evlsion the musical comedy stage and motion pictures all have en riched their funds of character and story material from his crea tions Today his name is thick eted with those of Mark Twain and Ring Lardner in the ranks of American literature Runyon wrote about the Guys and Dolls he know along Broad way the gamblers bookies touts fighters tight managers promoters chorus girls and night life celebrities These are the Guys and Dolls who scored brilliant success on the musical comedy stage and as represented by Marlon Brando Jean Simmons Frank Sinatra Vivian Blaine and host of supporting players now have been brought to the screen in Samuel Goldwyns Cinemr Scope film version released by MGM Short Alternates Goldwater Loses To Orb Combines With lineup short oi altern ates Coldwator intermediate OilA team saw its firs action in the regular schedule at Cold water rink in the subaero wea her of Jan 14 when Oro wallop ed the locals 127 Extreme cold urc Coldwator intendsto show reversal of form in the return match with Oro at Guthrie Arena on Jan 18 Ora piled up an 80 lead in the first canto in the middle ses sion Coldwator outscored the vis itors +1 Each team notched three mnrkcrs in the closing chapten With five goals Lou Stoddart shone tor Oro 0m and remaining tallies were by llobinson iii Hickllng Hastings and Forbes Dodg Miller scored two for Goldwater while one apiece went toW Todd Peden Gilbank Orton and Beach Only penalty of period one was handed to Hastings for slashing in the second frame lteinhart was penalized and Morley Kinncar drew Goldwaters only penalty both for slashing famine on ï¬nance ussl EV COMPANV Save 23d viii cos luv thumbJun Int gar tin can use Inntn in giving no um Floor vFlaor Benulyi no LtMlYED to his credit Wayne Hiekllng added three for kept the attendance to low fig Flrst bonsmel was held Wed nesday in the new Alliston eurl ing rink which has iour sheets of artificial ice Although the building has been in use since early December the olficialopem mg was conducted on Jan is by MayorErnesl Hawcs before large and enthusiastic gathering izln thcezirly draw McKinney Brampton took first money with lhree wins Barrie rink of Harry Michie Hazen Edge Frank Hargreaves and JuckKennedy skip got the prize for two wins while Ted Hipwell won the consolation in second draw Ted Thorington of Orillia won three games for first money Second went to Stan Appleton of Unionville for two wins while Herh Shannon of Barrie won the consolation hav ing Ray Mitchell Bert Brovim and Bruce Wicebn his rink Amby Rivett filling in as lead in place of Bradford rExBoxer 1tives 15 Gallons Blood For Red Cross ST CATHARINES 10151 Stanlcy DukeV 41 said he has given Ilablood llonatlnns to the lied Cross lle said he believes this isja record for Qatario lllr Dukes contributions are estimated to total is gallons Mr Duke native of Wales and onetime amateur boxing champion in 1South western Ontario said he used to bleed freely iiithe ring He was favorite in Barrie rings around 20 years ago Ibled so freely when got cracked on rythcnosel thought should give my blood to people instead of mm Gibson and inns sailinst CAGUE are presidents of the mens and womens sections of Alliston Curling Club of Mitchell for the last game FIRST DRAW McKinney Brampton lzllipwell Bradford Reid Cnrnp Borden 6Brock Collingwootl Ritchie Elmvnlo 9+Crawford Cookstown Ken ncdy Barrie 8Lamb0rillia McKinney Ritchie Kennedy lteid 3llBKilllltÂ¥ ï¬lenricdÂ¥ SECOND DRAW Appleton Unionville flShannon Barrie Thoringtor lin l3ï¬AilisonJ Uollingwood CummingBramp ton 71Dixon CamprBorden Steele Elmvale 9Cassie Fer gus Thorington 15Applcton Cumming Steele Dixoniv Cassie Allison id Shannon Thorington 10 Cumming Ap Pleton 10 Steele Dixon Allison Shannon Cassie extra vend Barrie Hus jThreé Jobs For Reform Ldbfirg Atthe request Borne Town Council the Chamber of Com merce have put forward thre suggestions for the use atroform labor on projects in Barr rHoad ing the listris assistance with the putting in shape of the MilePortage The chamber also suggested that this type of labor in ht he successfully use Board on their makingnsbeach orBarrienear Nelson Snuare Reov Murray Mills that the first obs reform labor gh tackle theywerc available next year could the watercourse at Queens Pa AN axawnNizn WA suggested the canvas you AliaMs ear wa ow aspen FROM ouzeooo OIL Poona an 32414 and they ziré hapiiihiboutine their this new building Frank Thompson secretary Don Robertson Bottles vice Mrs gt nndnylra Findley lead as other plnyen git fountain ehad three wins with Tmmernntrics alshhidthén wipsbut the Granites hldbest opening of EGBERT Church AnnualrMccting Egbert United Choicn held their annual meeting in th Vsun day School room oiillionday eve irlg lnn withinpot lucksup per There was good attend nhcc at the meeting They had very suc cssful year and also ended the year with nice balance on hand Rev Barnard gave goodire pit of the work he had done uring the year Altar the social part they had the election of officers Treasurer aldRouse elders Frank Thorn son and KennethBrolley board of stewards Kenneth Broiley Went The Unionvllierlukof Mix Andy Grant skipping took second money with is aggregate Bar ink entered by Mrs Amy 4who was unable to curl had with is plus for third Wlb liarrls took over asskip andothers on the team were Mrs Emerson Webb Mrs Jack bron andMrs Fred McDo well Two Winn Group in the twowin group ï¬rst money went to the Toronto High Park rlnk ofIMra ii Shaw Mrs Ew Slbbald and Mrs it Muguire reading rom rkip to lead with it plus In uitally the lead Mrs Bill Me ormer residentol Bar hu band having been with the BcllZTelephone here several yearsago before transfer back to Toronto VMrs Ja cs Thompsons rink of Mrs Vcrn Adams lira John Ough andMrglloy Smith had Lw winsplus til for second prize One Win Prlres rlliksvgot pr es for one win Thc High ark entry skip Sonic Cau ey nd Mrs gtC lliacNeill had 23 aggregate With it ag gregate was Camp Borden rink Mrs ton wm Mrs lnnetï¬udd vice Mrs Beverley Neill second and Mrs Eileen Simmons lead SuccessfulEvent The bonspiel anisnnual event was highly sliccessful with Mrs Archl Fraserin hargc the draw andprizes presented by the lrs Gcorge Seymour There was afuli entry list of 28 rinksjnd play in the two draws was completed by 10 group of hostesses from the Barrie club added much to the hospital Roy Holt organist Vincent Golden Wedding Mr and Mrs Harry Smith at tended the advise saddles 9W andeia Rohert flolt in Toronto on Sunday Jan 62 Sondny Visitors Mr and Mrs Gnrvin Burns spent Sunday withMr and Mrs iiarry Anderson Knock Euchre Club jWoorls cuchre was yheldWedv nesday evening Jan with four table playing High prizes were We by MrsWoods and Kenneth hands Truman Sandy McCuaig CliffordMooney William Stevenson Mr Woods Braden Consolation Edna Broi 0ur Workmanshlii Readunabl ram Nowyo towered by on life nsurance policy with Me lo Fed by Mrs Robinson with skipped by Mr qunlca Jlamp It waawery romantic he Proposal to me in Lite car ood tlaldgcepted him in the Eggpj an BBN The minute bandon Big Ben the clock on the House of Com mons in London is 11 feet long VI nariintwolfl FIENBB Mflltlils soon Donna Dssofo banana 15 Bradford Sluice retro leum Day or Night You Are Assuredot res mu erriii To Sérve You Your Order Receives Prompt Attention When Ever Call You con TOPS saiwrce ron your can BESUBE To sea USiincoe Petroleum TEXHEil Service Station ownedï¬ Operated By Edson Marshall chc SM lllfln SL rnomi reason PA as rnososs AFTERNOON ALLEYS Mar us DUNLOP ST 33am BOWLING ACADEMY lints litters ron BEN BowLINo web SAT NEVENING MON srdclnr warKLy rmzas nwsimeo ro Lamas AND man BE RESERVED rksooija in Minimum 48 Mary St Barri rA Co Representatives Throughout Simcoel aspirin2mm MEDICALLVSUItGICA ity um rw children rlll£Nvl timitiHAiIUH MKlayer iii rononncz Agency Manager Barrie lHllll long last remondous used car mum offerlnl this on oneyen 5r competition hereto tn we riders Limitedhon been chartered lAilo Bondenplnn défln buylnr unit railing ee IIIS tremendous all may dcrlrnbie prod