sperm JOKBSCU JUNIOKALLSTAILS gt gt The0l1A Junior coaches cast their ballots tor the leagues dream team this week andthe results went like this oentreBill Sweeney ol the GuelphBiltmorea rightwlnRKen Girardand Bob Nevins cl thefforonto Marlboro tied left wing FrankIMahovlich of the St Mikes ors defence Harry Neale andRon Casey of the Marlbo gt Among the npteableabaentee from the allitarteam were Eddie Shack and WallyQhevrier oi the Biltmores and Dick Cherry of the Flyers While the coaches are far superior to this reporter III judging hockey players we still cannot agree with the choices of both Casey and Neale of the Marlboron Dick Cherry whocould be included as rcarguard has played better hockey on the hlucline than any other we have seen this year Wally Chevrier of the hills has also shown lot more than either Caacyand Neale Shack seemed like the likely choice to play on any iunlor allstar squad The coaches are not allowed to vote for member of their own club thus player of the calibre of Frank Mahovlich couldnt get sev cn votes We only hope that when thesecond half of the schedule is completed thevctcra take good look aroundand not cast their ballots just tor the sake of getting it off their chests FRANK AND Goon Speaking of allstara ii Frank Mahovlich had to play the Flycrs many more times this season hed probably end up talking to him self wednesday evening asreminlscent of last springs plwous when Gord boveday drove the huskie winger almost out of his mind Love day has shown all along that he is terrific checker and never looked better than he did keeping Mahovlich oil the score sheet the other night Gord skated with Mahcvllch wherever the big fellow went whoth or it be to the bench penalty box or JIISI for skate An illustration of how closely Loveday stuck with Mahovlich could be found in the number of times he Loveday touched the puck it wasnt too oltcn At one stage of the game Gord grabbed the disc and wasiracing over the St Mikes bluclinc When he crossed the line he stopped fired the puckinto the corner and went back to centre ice to he with Frankie Earlier in the day Loveday commented that he could stick with Mahovlich last season but this year the Majors star was just too fast See that the guy doesnt even know his own ability JUST NOTES TimHook another of the Barrie boys who toils for the Majors had quite an evcningtaking shots at every Flyer that went by even when they didnt havethe puck The officials undoubtcd ly realized this and must have thought Oh wcllhe lives in Barries0 hermust just be fooling around Bob Bouchcr the St Mikes offseason acquisition from the Ottawa Canadicns did not accompany the team to Barrie Dcfcnccman Bob Pallantc was dressed but did not see action thasabadcnli Statements and cquntenflatements are flying in all directions since Terry Sawchuk the erstwhile nctminder of the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League announced recently that he was through with hockey At least one story In much larger paper quotes member of the Bruins brass as calling Sawchuk quittcr This is probably ab surd It doesnt seem possible that Bruins could pin such label on Torryhave the fine service hehas given them If they did then thats another thing too While on the subject of the Bruins you will be interested to know that they will be playing an exhibition game here in Barrie against the Flycra in February This seasons edition of theflruins includes such former Flycr greats as Real Cheyrcfiis Doug Mohns who was re cently chosen tothc NHLssecond allstar tcam Loo Labine and Jerry Topper Toppamni Another big event coming up is the annual hockey game hctwcen the staff of thoBarrie Examiner and the employees of CKEB radio and CKVï¬fï¬lwkrocceda go to the Crippled Childrens Fund Under stand Bo McLean is going to broadcast the gamewhile he plays Bet ter not carry the mikein his hip pocket James Parker along withyounger brother Lyle hasleftfor Arkansas to start training Lyle it is reported will he turned pro by Bill Daly the same gent who handlcsvthé booking of JJ of the final Brier game against New Brunswick The outcome of thegame had been decided and nothing was at stake when the 5000 fans in attendance began calling to him to demonstrate The CrossFire Some years ago on the occas io of dinner party in honor of the competing rinks taking part GORoi iovaRsHADOWsjrRANK ME AND MY simnow fhatsthewaylIGord Loveday ottlie Barrie Flyers played it with Frank Mdiioviich eithest Mikes Majors Wednesday Because of ï¬ovedaysclosegunrding Ma star practically out of commission theMoiors didntpresent the Flyers too much opposition as the 120 score would ln nt do single tnlh novlich was never too dangerous Accordingly With theirvbi The Brass and Glenn team of Barrio will represent the Grey Simuoo district in the Ontario Basketball Inlermcdiate play downs night at the BDCI gymwhen they scored an easy 6948 victory over Orillia Last nights contest was also regular scheduled game in the GreySimcoe League Owen Sound Camp Borden RCAE Edgar and Collingwood the four other team in the league areclassed as teams Owen Sound seems the likely choice to be the group reps The Raid ers are several poian ahead of the next team Last nightsgame while notas tough as it could have been was nevertheless cxcitiug The home town fans of course got great kick out of watching the Brass and Glenn crew get strongeras the garï¬e progressed At the end of The locals corned the right last dlcate Lovedays shadow on the boards shows how close he stayed to Mahovlich all night gt hnler OBA Pléydovvns BRASS GLENN HDOPSIERS DEFEAT 0RIIATEAM £943 Coilingwoods bantam and junior teamswillbe the guests with he ï¬rst hoop games starting at pm nanos inANiro Loner Arthur Bendeil has been in stalled as Worshipiul Master of Manito Lodge No 90 AFAM Collingwood succeeding Bro Robinson rm ceremony in the Masoniclemple MrRob inson waspresented with FMs jewel Capeï¬ace is Newfoundlands most southeasterly point and Capc Ray is the southwesterly tip ost highsearing maaucn its the game mm 120 tdiveshing crane St MichaerstIoiiege Majors Wednesday ntghtyit is unthinkable toplek oneplayerpn the winning stood out morethan so it the others But in this game The unanimous choice of theyions was Gordon lbveday hoylayéd right wing Wednesday Btatistieglly Loveday did any goals he didn in theMajors cage WhatGardy did do was play me and my shadow with St Mikes perennial allstar Frank Mahovlleh it was miserable evening for Mahovllch During the entire performance he couldnt play solo act even once Wher tever Sir Frankie gaily tread Love day was right behind him Mahovllch Dead ln nutshell Mahovlich was useless and accordinglythc rest ofthc club wasnt too dangerous Thanks to Loveday Mahovlich managed only three shots on goal through the game Thanks to Gordy again Mahovlichspcnt four twominute periods in the penalty box Midway through the first period Father John Crowley coach of the Colleginns moved Mahovlich back to defence post but not oven or could keep Lovcoayaway he game was great one fur the tow fans thntshowcd The ilycrs carried all of their goals and while the Majors were natur ally havingirouble the Flyhrs were moving the puck around like never bctnrcAthis season Assistant coach Bill Long who has been handling the club in the absence of Hap Emms said af ter the game that all he did was open andclose thegate Only two of the Flycrs Lovcday oi course and Gary wards didnt figure in any of thc scoring plays Edwards whos been having trouble lately was use sparingly until thethird pcriod Jimmy Joscpllson whos been looking more like the 195556 lo scphaon during the past wcck led the Fiycrs on the score hoard th three gonlsand pair oass ts Jimmys three goal pcrform ce was the iirst by Flycr1h sea lo Morc remarkable was th ct that his goals wcre the only shots Inc had on the not And they were all good onesytoo DickCherry was thoonly other Fiycr to connect more than time He scored pair in the ï¬rst lod The remaining goals wcnt Billy Forhnéi Jack KaneIDanny Patrick COLLINGWOOD DAIRY Jack Williamson and Kris Moi ler have purchased Kens Dairy in Collingwood from Ken Warm ington who has moved to Fergus Mr Williamson has held dairy positions in Omemeé Believille Toronto andwoodb dge Mr Mailer is native of Denmark where he learned dairying and for the past five years has been with lands in Toronto in the annual University Curling Championship for Westera Can ada where had made few afte meal utterances tothe eag oung enthusiasties from the prairie halls of learning com mitdcd tbesin unpardonable of anyspeaker of asking my intelli young audience if they had any questions One brightieyed engineering stuglent his cheeks still flushed from the bracingychill air of an afternoon at the ink hisieet with an slacrity that bodes noone lll bu yours truly and fired this verbal query in my direction is it not possiblefor hislong1ide At first he demurred but final ly he yielded to the insistent cries and his slide took him more lhanhalfwaydown the To cap this historic moment his rock coasted gently into the cir cles and stopped majestically on thebutton The spectators cheerl ed to the echo as the two four somes shookhands in the manner known to curlers of four centur ies Yes youveguesled ill He that young eager beaver who asked the bother some question yearsback but at this moment hewas the SkiDJJf lhe ï¬rst half the score was 3923 in favor of Barrie At the close of the evening Barriehad in creased the margin to 26jpoints Four members of the locals hooped the basket enough times to score in the double ï¬gures Don Nuttlieledthe parade with is points followed by Doug Ketlt 1816 Jack llo 14 and Don Crosby 10 cooper and Childerhouse had 11 points eac for the battling militant Next week Brass and Glenn close off the regula Sunday the boys go to RCA the L954 Canadian curling chain pions sMatt Baldwin was the case youdunt reside in and really meant to ask himit guards botheredhlm anymore player with longsiide to am utfrom thevhack in such that he can get around guard and remove astona that would be impossible with nor hack delivery paused conds for vstation identiiic tion while his question sank ltook deep breath nbe franklt wasn ttime and been boda ded with this particular missile becaus was always identiï¬ed with the contro ersial slang slide inthose as lint it is almyrjdlff rie andrbistr Mercnn lé Hockey edule they Corps l1 last en EImvai fi shed fatop heBar gar then 11 Ar hosts to Fitapatrlck Peacock Seymour Child Crosby 10 lluttle liore 14Keme so Nuttlie Sarglnurtth ball squad mosta one bch nd him in that depart Lodeay Kane Norrcna ii and Savage 20 He didnt scorea goal he didnt set up even et single shot on Bob Savage in roamMurray Davison and Dale italic Murray Got Winner Davlson who played rugged game throughout was crediicd with scoring the winning goal of the game whenhis long drive from thchluclino zoomed oyér Savagefs shoulder at 113 of the initial frame lt was only his ace and goal at the season and first in the Barrie Arena in two seasons He helpederp up the scoring with an assist on Dale Rolies goal with i5scccnds remaining in the game lliurray also had the dubious distinction of being partly rcspon aihie for lostltch cut ovorilu left eye ofBob McKnight liar ric boy toilihg for the Majors way through the final session Mc Knight was carrying behind the Flyers cage when Davison brushed him along the beads in the pin it seemed that McKnighla forc head rubbed against the screen lic did not accompany the Majors back to Toronto Wednesday but Instead spent the night home here Thc Forhanllolfcchcrry llnc continucdto pace the Flych scor ing attack with an evening put of four goals and cigh ts lhus Cherry and Rolfe became the first localthls season to score moi7 th 30 pain Th have 33170 ts Rolfe has 29 points andrissllll the teams top goal getter with 18 Cherry has the Is 22 but Fornan is only ment Keeps Game Puck uContrary to usual form the lily cra accepted most of the bumps and survey indicated that tlicy didnt escape scottfrec John Cliaeo czcwski who presented the puck to ltoss Brooksaitcr the game own with badly bruised Dale Rolfe was complain ing about sore kneeand Love froin stopping one of Mahovl iis shots The shutout was the sccond oi the season for Brookstlc scored the first one against lcterhorougll in Pcterborough Tonightthe Flyers hepped up enough to display the same kind of tatooing on the allstar Toronto Marlboros Tomorrow night the Fiyers play in St Catharines lllonv day they play in Peterhorough andrluesda in Ottawa against the Canadiens They should be real tired boys by Wednesday which fortunately is day of rest ience Foater Fuller Wilson Hook Rimstad Pallant Eore Wards Angotti McMaste Sly Ma hovlich Ubriaco Mcnght rowskl Discra Matliussi Sonoski Barrie goal Brooks defence Chasczews Davison Ashbee forwards Cherry Rolfe Forhan Patrick Black Josephson Edwards First Period Fiyers Davison Cherry Flyers Cherry Joseph son Chasczewaki Flyers Josephson rename Mahovlich 47 Kane QWilson 54 Sly Second vPerlod Flyers Josephson Black gt Cherry Mahovlich and Kane oster 859 Mahovlich rm gt Patrick Third rlod 310 Flyers Black Forhany day fella hit ofpain on afoot 5TIIEsbPPbRTUNITY St Michaels goal Savage de on LIFETIME fBUY iNOWi 5T0 35st 107575 Alllniakés hndv models ardtops convertlbies