Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1957, p. 3

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Won Thewomens committee or 113me Agricultural Eociety is olvgaysready to listen to su cations for improvingtheir sectionivof the local all air on isthc reasonwhy the cooking and needleth divisions show steadygmwth and improyement over theycars One of Vthejnlost frequent requefisfthe committee members havewrecclved Is to my judginfidemonstration so that cooks and craftswomen may fluhuh gum Huh learn how points are compiled and they are planning to hold gum Just that come last day of the montheln plenty of time for be completed align 1957 exhibitorsto learn how thdwlnnérs are picked and benefit by the knowledgeW jThe demonstration will be held on Thursday afternoon January ihlrlylllrst from 1V0 to four oclock in the afternoon In Trin ity Parish Hall ieaturcd will be slew classes of iood and crafu most common to all of our fall fairs women in other cen tru may benefit by Barrics example lneharge of the demonstration of six classes of bakingwhile bread yeast buns chocolate cake light layer coke apple pie and lemon piewlll be Mrs Warnlca Mrs Kenneth Cavan agh will judge such crafts as lea ther Work woodwork weaving needlework and knitting Both Barrie residents experts in the qualified judges tions these two fields are of their see OldTlme Party chance for the New Con adians of St Marys Parish to get to know the other people of the parish has been arranged by the Catholic Womens League which is sponsoririg anoldtlme parish party in St Josephs Auditorium next Wednesday ev ening The new parishioners whom the party conveners are anxious to welcome includeof course number of very recent arrivals in this country in the form of Sllungarian refugees lt ishoped that large number of these new citizens will beln attendance Musical mixers games such as BAXTER Ladles Aid Mcctlng The January meeting of he Baxter Ladies Ald was held at the bone of Mrs Ellison on Jan with on attendance of It gt members andtwo visitors present The meeting opened with the call to worship and the singing of hymn and Scripture reading Bible study questions were ably prepared by Mrs Hubbard from the first and second chap ters of Luke and were well an swered by the members Two worthwhile readings were con tributed by the program com mittee Lost Chances was read byMiss lrene Denney and The New Year was read by Mrs Walkom The secretarysreport was read and adopted and the treasurers and sick committee rcports were given Roll call was answered by verseirom the Bible containing the word weep committee and the moved by Mrs Edgar The offering was taken and dedicated with prayer by Mrs Maclachlan The meeting was broiight to close with the slngr ing of hymn followedby The Lords prayer in unison Dainty refreshments were serv cdby the lunch committee in charge Mrs Gauley Jr Mrs Edgar and Mrs Denney Avote of thanks tothelunch hostess was Cold Weather Trouble number at folks going to work this morning had trouble starting their cars owing to the severe cold it is the coldest in part during this winter rlfappy it They Happy Hour Club held thel Keuchrex party on Friday eveningrand the high scores went Ladies Mrs MacLacblan ge ts Gauley lon hands low wentrto Mrs De pr ent Sunday it Mr and Mrs GeorgeMcKnlght wo daughters Patsy and Nanch spent Sunday with ends Midlanda MrandMgt gnu 11 You no at this ing by way of gt remanied he same book Name Bingo and People oi Distinction Paul Joneses and dancing to the music of Neil Iiurtubise and his orchestra will comprise the program Mrs McVeigh is party convener Working on lhccom mittec with her are Mrs Jerry Coughlin Mrs Glenn Scandrcit Mrs Jack Coleman Mrs Tony Saso Mrs Clarence Corbett and the eague president Mrs Robert Clifton Coffee and snack will be served during the evening Holidoying in South Mrs Evelyn Clark leit Thurs day for Los Angeleanalltornll to visit her sister Mrs Georgc MooreIor two months Mr and Mrs Peter Sinclair are leaving today to motor to Florida They will be visiting Mr Sinclairs brother and sister Inglaw Mr and Mrs xJack Sin clair winter residents of Miami Beach andvarlous other places In the state before returning in few weeks time Mr and Mrs Earl Coxarc in Toronto this week They are staying at Thevlark Plan Televiéion Convention Mr and Mrs Ralph Snelgrove leave Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Paul Mulvihlllof Toronto for Tut songArizon attend televi sion convention They will be fly Chicago returning in ten days lattersparents Mr and Mrs Ferguson at Warminstem Sundya visitors with Mr and Mrs Mcnaw were Mr and Mrs chk and two children Mr and Mrs Atkinson of Toronto and Mr and Mrs CIMEnary of orange ville WH Husband In Hospital Mrsuw Armstrong had phone call last Monday night to tell her that herhusband Cpl Amp strong who was serving in Egypt is nowin sunnybrook Hospital getting treatment for diabetes Good Sound Glad to hear the train whistles again and the CPR employees who are living in this locality are settled temporarily at least Explorers Meeting gfheJanuary meeting of the Baxter Explorers was held on Thursday afternoon Jan 10 with 11 members present under the leadership of the counsellor Mrs MacLachIan Owing to the resignation of the president the vicepresident Lloyd Gordon conducted the rmeetlng pening with the Ex plorerf Purpose and the singing of the Explorer Hymn This Is My Fathers World The secrets GaryCochrane read the minut ot theprevious rn ting andthe treasurer Wiekc dc Jongpgave the report from the tree ryv The counsellor conducted an came the new Chief Explorer or president and Yolandaishaw be came the nein Chiei Explor The ecrg nd treasurer asionary story wnsiread he he counsellorrrom the study The program committee had fine program prepared with Car olvEdgar ary Boutli Brian Gauley and olanda Shaw taking part Several members received Explor Expedition Explorer lPrpyer and lunch pro back to work again and the strike election andLloyd Gordon be pinsfor passingthe first The meeting closed with 1the rim camomc WOMENSme coni mlttée in charge next weeks old parish party being held by st rys Jhurch is made up oIMrs Glenn Scondrett Mrs Clarence Cdrbett and Mrs Tony Bast back row left to right and an Itcv Trimble spare Hblly WA met at Mrs Grahams onJan with good at tendance The missionary con vener Mrs McCorrlston hpen ed with Hymn259 followed by prayer by seen Trimble Mrs Brown read the Scripture and Mrs Fisher concluded the study book dealing with Indian Educa tion Mrs McCorrlston read an article on Christian Stewardship Hymn 256 followed Rev Trimble told spme Vhisexperi encesin the mission held at Clark lelgb Manitoba He stressed the importance of giving generously to missionary maintenance so that more student ministers may be sent tothe western provinces to carry on is work Mrs Srigley thanked Mr Trimble Mrs Cochrane took charge of the meeting for business Next place at meeting will be thehome of Mrs KJohnson Roll call is Scripture containingr the word Witness Program committee Mrs Srigley Mrs Pryde Lunch assistants Mrs LCochrane Mrs Collum Mrs Cochrane re viewed ihc work accomplished by the WA last year Several thanks for cards were expressed and Mrs Bulmer reported on the monthscordsand treats sont It was decided that the officers Would be installed at church on Sunday Plans were made for Valentine social In the church basement on Feb 14 It isgto be In the form of erokinole party and committee are Mrs Collum Mrs Johnson and Mrs Gapp Lunch conveners are Mrs Brown andMrsBentley Another bale of used clothing is to be sent and articles are to be brought to the vided by the Home and School Association Minnathong obert ACameron celebrated his eightyseventh birthday at birthday party held for him by his family in Baxter Orange Hall on Saturday Jan i2 i957 rThirtyeight sat him to of tur key supper Inhonor of Mr Cam erons birthday All eight of his children were present as well as 14 grandchildren and three great grandehildren Mr Carneronvwas presented with avrocking chair by his fly as well asseveral other smaller giits Durln the evening lrene Denney and Ed Denney played for some square ances and other old time dari rCameron was able to still take some of theidancing The family had jorlrneyed rn St Catharines Markham Toron to Barriehand one grandson was home on leave from Halifax where he isserving with the Itoyal Canadian Navy r1 CITY of course having No comblnatlon Plate TY CANADIAN AND CHINESE FOOD 29 DUFILOPST BARRIE part in led vln prayer Schoolzto laeda and lovely luhch was served by working Jan14 inHlllcrest lhchostess and sslstants church nSundayyvhcn th cersof theWA Were natal Church Annual Meeting Annual meetingoi Holly Un ted washeld on Jan It in the church basement Murray Srigley youngest of Mr and Mla ered broken arm last WeckS Home Mrs RayLougheed baby daughter arrived horn fro the Royal Victoria Hospitalon Silnda me And School Horne and School Association met in Hollyschool on Jan with lfi mcmh present Mrs one opened With the Creedrev peated unison Mrs Ben 0y read themlnutes andMrs lrvine gave the treasurer report Mrs Johnson gave reporton thecost of skating link at the schhol was decided to lcavethls over for another year Mrs Lackle and Mrs vBrown reportd ontTeen Town nd it wasdecided to get more information Mrs Ortt to bring report tqthe ng Aletterwasrea arrie and Storm Sash EFdfifi Egan all coarser Elilihlilflii ii Yidfiifx BEHIND Till OLD Pi Phone Brttii link ALL RA Hutu board is to great advantage Mr Mackle Grah rn The God Sav The gt refreshmentsware served meeting at stlnsan Wed allay evening ltcldat Mr and on Saturday jeve ng Seven tables werevia play audvp zes wentto Hill coronation hold their nex race mg in Helly churchbasemehtf on Jan22at pin ltvwlllbe hea Mi making oll pastry Mr ndMrsH Moore sadism 1m canliter SHOP Built Cupboards RAlL AIR STEAMSHIP HOTEL HERTZ RENTACAR UlalVi School Macklcm public spec attendance address the duties who gave an nter this with lb schoo was thankéd by Mrs eetiri closed will lion vets Dish The DDZLQVEI Club held their ad Mrs Brl liucbieiliuty An enioyahleeuehre partywa Mrs Lackies Bentley Mrs Johnson Little Allan McLean sponsoredi by Littles The next not it Wl will charge of he convenfer Mrs Willi KW Collum will demonstrate Everyone wel Mov To New Mom YOUR i553 MILWRYS passe LVi rm BAY utl litesrte Illltl member ude to pair of Infant bootees but small also will Wlal hour over nded the meeting Weekend vmuh Inuitrte Jennett mat the ad infilchmond Hill with Calvin Kirby and Mr and Mrs liebcrt Greenwere in Meatordlaesday attending the funeral or very close friend out or hospital Sherlda was able Wedding Anniversary congratulationsxto Mr and Mrs Walter Amos who will fly have moved into their new homeIcrosgfiho highway Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Laloar on ihe birth of alson Had Appeodectolny Linda Scbell underwent an ap pendcctomy onMonday We hope she will soon feel belt is scandal the IA Ionic lotI household Manure packed and loaded for trun feral new home Dont let can happen to you can as for North Amtrtcan Van Lam JWileA vcd noch more Limited Anna in Noun American Van Lines Moving and storage in Burton Ave Phone on wuss WWTWMdPMail finiall UIcK SEDANsockizsml or equipped withDynaflowCnstom Radio Air Conditioning Tires like new Two tone Black andenly Thousands ofmlles of dependable driving AtAM eySai Alli rlS Inltl llll Hi It ELK mlill if LTD in ll Goths szt Crust 9N or rarvnozrrs prag FEATURES A71 sous JAMUARYgVSALE imamum Durable gleaming white baked enamel finishb rall Extra large front opening permits easy loadingand removal of clothes The cylinder is completelyperfor atcd to obtain best possible new timer control permits co plete flexibility in selection of dryingtime Extra large capacity trap convenientlylocated atbase of drye circulation while the

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