We By Careful With Fire One of the Worst erpciiences these bitter days wouldbe to stand and watch ones home and all possessions burn Great care should be taken with healing equipment to see that they do not geioverheatcd and that if burn ing oil they are in good order Space heaters may gcthot enough to cause concern but usually it turned down they will soon get back to normal Use care with healing equipment and do not expect more than capacity large package of baking soda should always be kept handy It will douse any fire at its start Couhty Road Not To Become Development 57 The county road from HIgh way it to 100on the 8th line will not become provincial de velopment road this year In letter to county council the min ister of highways pointed out that two other roads which were previously designated were not yet completed The minister pointed out until these were de veloped the department felt there was little use in adding the nth llne The request made last year for taking over the 8th from Alcona Beach to Highway 400 as pro vincial developmentl road bdd been considered The other roads which have priority over this are the townlinc from Cookstown to 400 and road into Angus and beyond The county road depart ment is required to construct the roads and the province will pro vide certain funds si Pauls School Be Considered Board Theischool have ï¬sumy made ofvthe pros pcctivepuplis anticipated in the next fiveyears in the north area aroungt Pauls The board is desirous of knowing if the cone slruclionWoi new tworoom school is advisable at once Teachers are being asked to get an estimate of the proschool pupils in all parts ofthe area Annexation may have some bear ing on the building program War Declared Over Annexation Wc will1do all in ourpower tosprevent thevtownship from be ing divided These remarksby Rccve Allan Todd and sub stantiated by other members of DIGNITY COURTESY Aiqo KINDLY ConsularkAriou ARE PARAMOUNTi INUTHE seimcr fliter srrCKLEv i=uNEltALHOME worsley St that war has been no the council of lanisf means larcd 011 um not have ozetonthc Hiri dleEast to getlata battle over territorialencmacbment We or parently are to have lively bat tle right at home and we will be havingth rl age of being the war corresponde otytllevwhole matter is the people who are mostatfccted by the possibil ity of becoming part at the City of Barrie have net yet presented any concerted effort on thairown tokeep on as part of lnnisfil In the meantime when the matter of expenditures ate broached yr that area the mat thing the is heard is the fact that the districtnorth of the l2th is to berlcft as as possible until ti foundifi will remain in Innl The townshp will becolicctlng taxes from this portioii of the township for at least two year yet Whytherr should not any expenditure still be undertaken that is required When the matter of road be tween lnniafil and Essay south from Highway 90 came llp for discussion road supervisor Cow an advised that this be taken up with Essa and opened gravel flrni having bought Mount Jim my would use theroad for haule ing and would help with the road building Barrie garbage is haul ed overthe sideroad and 14th concession and this creates heavy trafficjnd menace as much is spilled and dumped on the roadside Council debated about the caste of this mile of road even with it shared three ways by Innisfil Essa and the province Thegravei company and Town of Barrie need an en trance to their outlets motion tohave committee meet EssaCouncil to discuss the matter was passed with Coun cillor Torrens dissenting The road supervisor suggestcd it might cost over $5000 it would create an outlet for develop merit in both lnnisfil and Essa Barrie has left this portion out of present annexation plans Board Appointments motion that exReeve Clif ford Lockhart hereappointed township representative to Bar rie District Collegiate Institute Board was passed Reeve Todd was appointed as representative the Royal Vic toria Hospital vBoard replacing exReeve Gihbins Park Reservations With zero weatherraround one would hardly think of summer picnics However George Mar tin park superintendent states he has already nine reservations He was given custody of the uni forms of the park attendantsas it was fiflt there was no place in the township building for their keeping Hermes De elapment Ask Plans Assurance With the change of the head of the ouncil the representa tives of the development com pany which is planning 24 foot building lot which will clude lsacreshopplng centre with at least 25 units and park ing area of fiveacres off High way 277 in the111tlilconcession presented request that this council replace an assurance in writing that the plans they pre sent draft of whichthey shaw ed the council would be accept ed and approved VTbey claimed they needed the ssurance be fore they continued with their proppsaLThey ld uncil they had found in some votherloca tions that after hey gotwcll ad Pli ra sass3 vanced in the planning they were required to make extensive nis is wiliiralzalnriiovlvianrw an no mow requirements would back some stories roa liQ matedwrliten my tentha were not not the present occupatlaoo lands bylaw The firm in andaavprlng to Lpurchase the reforestation amuntia to an acre in alt They won it use part of lists for the publicJandr required as the peg cent park donat VIII They have pit or purchase some beforetb soouncil ow urn Mason secretary the planning boarrï¬ suggested the plans would first have tobgap proved by that board before the council could acceptl them This the ï¬devcln en did not agree withclai tbeboardmuso Idviaory John Cowan asked about the roads and who would be respon sible for the making and main tenance He felt that if the area wa fully sold the cost of up keep of gravel roads and dust laying would be high The high ways department preferredperm ancnt roadways it was pointed out that the shopping centre would be all paved The firm claimed that many new developments did not have sidewalks The firm would build and gravel the roads to meet the approval of the high ways departmenL Before the motion was passed that the council would approve the proposcd plans providing the requirements in the bylaw were met Reeve Todd asked if council felt that legal advice shouidhc obtained Receiving no comment the motion was passed unanimously Mr Berocas said they were consulting their architects and that as soon asthe frost was out they would be ready to commence their shopping centre program They were anxious toget the de tails completed as soon as pos sible This development is just sfuth of the proposed annexa on Assessor Asks Off Appraisal Committee Assessor Robert Sprolilc asked that he be replaced Jaysomeone not an interested party to valu ate the property which is to be exchanged in Bayview Beach for lots which were originally set aside for park Mr Sproule and Councillor Beatty went to see the property and the assessor did not agree with the latter that the property being offered was nearly equal in value asa park to that which the plan dedicated The matter was left in abeyance Below Frost Line By the time this is in our read ors hands we anticipate we will be on our way south towards the warm weather where zero is not known Wehope we may get to see many parts down around the Gulf of lllexico We aretarting from Florida east coast crossing over towards St Petersburg and thence along this gulf through New Orleans and on till the Wanderiust fades and the reports of spring are heard from the home district or until funds are so low we have to turn back Insurance claims occurring should be directed to Beil and Saunders Barrie We may send of the trip Just to keep the readers of our column aware that we are still thinking of them Martin Luther Film St Judes Church Thornton St GeorgesChul and the 0r ange Hall Ivy besho ng thegfamous Martin Luther fil Monday Tuesday and Wednes day Jan 22 and 23 respec tively This full length lilmhas met with considerable comment even to the extent of being ban ned in some of the Quebec cities The showing under the auspices of the Anglican Parish of Essa will commence at eight oclock each evening It is an opportunitythat should not be misse Fine vTr Taker Toronto man who scaught when neighbors sawhlm taking trees from flat on 25 sideroad between Bth and 9th line ap peared in court this weeklan paid fine $40 androsts He had cut the app off 20foottrees Constable Ferguson of Innisfil police investigated Some others ho were caught with trecsfrom the same place werewarned make ttlemeat face court ppealanc ty For Expenses lay reads at Instill service at Christ Church Ivy this Sunday the mien immediately Dubuef ARNOLD BANHNG The Bishop of Toronto will be represented by Van Archdeacon Lighthourn OBE MA DD assisted by the RuralDean Rev Rowe MA an the service will be conducted by the rector Rev Bev Monks DScA Mn rating will be invested with thelnslgnia of stay reader of Toma ArnoldBantlug tiltbe ronof be it ntlng wellknown bed bree baehtoth townshlp dale wondered how much of the dollar actually spent reached the and close relation to Sir Froderlckjanung in if he attended Ivy nth Thornton continua tion schoo ad took two year IOAC Guelph the pruldeot 011w Brain of the Upperflanada Bible Society and has played promin eat partin theorganinllon of the Junior Farmers at Ivy 0n the cciinty level he has been an the board of directors of South Sim coeJunlor Farmers Association for six years Becauseof his keen nterest ln recreation activities for hisenrichment of rural and ur life he was appointed by Simcoe County Council to be board member of the Simcoc Coun ty Recreation Service last year This is three year term ofoff ice in which he represents the young people of the county Amongst his manyï¬other activ ltlcs he assisted in the organiza tion of the Junior Auxiliary in 55 represented South Simcoe Junior Farmer on the Simcoa County Federation of Agriculture board efdirectors andrhas par tlci ated inthe debating compcv titiou sponsored by the Ontario Junior Farmers when he was one of the team representing South Simone Thls tcamin 1954 was defeated only in the semifinal round Bible and license issued by Councillors Are AppointedTo County Committees The following appointments have been made to County Coun cil standing committees Finance Councillors Horne ToddDenney Cage Willidms heck Patton Case Mills Hick ling Mayhew Maurice Evans Barrow GillespieBates Little Middleton Devine SmallWales Pinchin Belcher Calvert Bel ford Curtis Hughes Somervilie Lisk Robinson Gray Roads ind Bridges Councillors Lisk Selby Habgood Campbell Williams Beck Maurice Belcher Joslin Verricre Borrow Little WalesDevinc Kennedy Peacock MiddletonLlCalvertV Rawn Bel ford Downey Gray Keller Mills Somervilie Kinnehr rnobinson Evans Gillespie Curtis Smalk Education Councillors Patton Case MacKay geek Quesnelic Hornc Cage elclier Ellison Curtis Campbell Borrow Bates Little Denney Wales Trace Do vine Keller Calvert Belford Town council Decide On Tabled Motions Two tabled motions inherited from the 195d council were dealt with by Barrie Town Council rm Monday night One was asking authority for the preparation of bylaw for the sale of land in the industrialparea to afirm which some zaldermen thought not in dustrial in the strict senseof the word The Chainher of Corn merce have agreed negotiations with the offer different propeï¬ykï¬c sequently the motion was with drawn lheusecond motionwas directly concerned with annexaï¬om and sought authority to engage Pro ject Planning Associates Ltd as consultants for Karrie to carry outa Physical and economical survey of the proposed area of annexation and to prepare brief for the sum of $300 The mo tion passed an offlc nthc Hungarién Army but who fled that country went out some three years ago to some jacquaintances in use Township to spend the night He was given his supper and bed and the ning was found dead Township officials have beengadvise at although was not ornev JUNK oi or your loan inson lEvans Aiderson Cooke Downey Downey Gray HughEsMills Somervilie Kinnear Jermey hair Health and Welfare Councillors McDonald Denney Habgood Williams Cage Beck Quesnelle Belcher Joslin Todd Borrow Rawn lrace Jermey Wales Dr vine Beiford Calvert Downey Gray MacKay Selby Cooke Som ervilie Mayhew Ltsk Robinsonr Evans Pinchin Kennedy Small Agriculture Councillors Down ey Caihpbéll PattonrMnyhew Joslin Bates EllisonyMaurice orrow Denney TraceWales inchin Little Jermey Selby MacKay Curtis Belcher Evans Cooke Devine Robinson Vet riere Calvkt Alderson Ken nedy Somervilie Belford Beck Gray Small Reforestatioanounc ors Camp bellI Beck Kinnear Hickling Cal ve Quesnelle Horne Lisk Bor row CurtlsMills Little Betcha Wales Peacock Middleton Jc mey Patton Rawn Selby Devine Williams Evans Gillespie Rob son Verrlerc Keller Case Som erville Gray SmallBelford Legialatlo councillors liawn Pinchin Ve Somervilie Al derson Evans Ellison Hughes Little Belford Hickling Denney Quesnclle Todd Habgood County Property Councillors ddleton Beck Peacock Gillespie Wales Bel cher Verriere Devine Kennedy Alderson Maurice Keller Bel ford Somervilie Campell May hew McDonald Small Gray Lisk Pattonl Bates Little Evans Rob inson Hughes Calvert Horne Printing Councillors Devine Councillors Mali ice Lisk Hughes Verriere Belford Horne Calvert Kennedy Keller McDonald Beyond the borders of the Peace 107Wllat th rich and booming area islike Now would seem to be the time for thekeace River country tolet the rest of Canada know wharCanada haan the north and wh he could have rand Prairle HeraldTribune 330 countrythere abounds an amazing amountorignorance as Keep Feb 15 5pm for Junior Farmers Valentine Dance in Churchill Hell Cometd the dance at Greafel CommunityCentre Jan 19 at pm Admission charge fr 74 Weekly Euchre at Stroud Com munity Hall Monday evenings at pmAuspices of Hall hoard 59 Belle Ewart Womenslnstllulc will be holding their euchrea in the school on Jan 24 31 and Feb Admission 50C Dance to the music of Andrews Orchestra Guthrie Community Hall Saturdayr 912 Admission 75c Lunch counter 131th Dance Newton Robinson Hall Friday Jan 25 Jedds Orchestra Ausplces TechGwlll Institute Prizes and lunch counter 810 Dancerat Gilford on Friday Jan 25 maid of Community Hall piece orchestra from Tomato Admission 15c50c Spot prizes Dance to the milslc of the Musle Makers Fridays and Saturdays at Pinecrest miles southElmvale onemile west toward Anten Mills off Highway 27 5ft Bradford Home and School As sociation meeting on Wednesday Jan 23 at pm Bradford Public School auditorium Special speaks crDr It Laycock Dancing every Friday night pm to am Modern records Spot prizes Allandale Orange Hall undernew management Lunch counter Admission 506 Christian Labour Association meeting will be held in Oddfell ows Hall Jan 23 at pm Speak er Aseltine Subject Cana dian Economic Order 810 Hustaur sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society to Brampton Dale Estate Orchids Festival alsoto Calverts and Feud leys Senior Gieenhouses Bus leaves Wellington Hotel corner Sunday FebJ Lunch option Fare 75 Si er coll ection at Dales for BramptonRo tary ClubFor reservation phone Mrs Mills PA 83749 or Jean Gable PA 84543 81013 FLOOD COST VICTORIACF Flood dam age to the Greater VictoriarvIater district installations early in De camber now has been estimated 518500 The flood washed out 120foot sectionofdzinch pipe and carried away some trestles as CAeenui KEEP ioma cum on Bur Donrsrlmvw cast their oyn backyards He felt umber had not done this The report and requut have been referred to the welfare com mittee for consideration and them to bring bulls recommend ation to Council Civil Defence on Wednesday Councillor Mirr ray Mills Barrle introduced Major Pearce regional civil dc fence coordinator who gave brief outlineol what was expect ed in the wlyfot orgï¬nlution In mount of arthe inter ceptionof enemy aircraft over Canadian soil was inevitable and this meant the possibility of bombs being dropped Folcivil defence purposes Metropolitan Toronto extending east to 0gb awa was considered the target area end in the first stage Sim coe County must erpectyï¬agoo refugees to the second phase 214141 persons would comeinto the countyat hour notice this sets every bi problem for each township so it theire tonal coordi edorganlning at con ty level Lanark had dolic recently for survey of all resources necesary and immedlal Be minded councillors that all coils were met on threeway basis 50 by the federiii government 25 by the province and 725 locally Councillor Roy HickltngVes prastated that it was thefcderal governments duty to rotect the country and in view this he felt that the federal government should meet greaterpart of the He felt thatSilncoeCounty Council should seek representa tion on this point RESIGN BLUE MOUNTAIN Norman Headway of Calling wood has resigned as chairman of the Elue Mountain Camp after 20 years it has been announced by CS Heaman president ofthe dOntlirioSociety for Crippled Chll ren recommend was most amondtof work time requiredby aï¬Caaadian industrial employec to payforj mans wool suit has decran from 53 houra and A8 minutes to 42 hour and 39 min ates Cenmlcaman refer to thing made from fired earth inc uding glass window panea bathroom fixtures wall and pipe tlleeng amelon copper china dinnerware and porcelain rill its called ILIFEINCOME ny nAnlBs ANDERSON 0hr le income plan lscspcclally dulgnedflor the man or Woman whb wants AGuaraniecd Retiremént Income for as longns he or she lives g2le Life insurance Protccilon until rctircmcntogc LThccost of1ife Income is lower than if similar beneï¬ts were pro vided under separziie contracts For more information just mail the coupon Iax muranunms urn INSURANCE nunnor ar wcsr PIIONB was would like to know more about your LlFE lNCOME PLANl Leave Malian am 10 nuivaoii or Our way is the happiest Fly Irons Cuauduï¬iililies swan cousraaoarion sanwcr rq rollers yto travel arrive Tainan pm For airline tickets information and reservations contact Baillie halvesciliisrlilwri srlivici illiiili om mm for limited one ten dollars it flit NightsMattress INANEE CG pply between him an treated confidentia