Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1957, p. 10

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ii ill iliflli ii 5+ ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN you can eavo do the claret floor beneath Iackataaodakirtan Dont use wire bangers They leave told marks the shoulders and force the out of line They may also discolor cldthea Padded or wooden hangerl aIce but Clarinv hangers are perfect tore skirts and slacks Evening clothes can he boxed bung out of the and covered with neer at has Ihe salvation Armthtadd bevpmtcctcd by plastic covers lt Dont use plastic to cover furs can it dries the leather Womens thatitotés events were reviewed by Mrs Lougheed Roaming in the Gloaming was followed by contest conducted by Mrs Barthwick on Trees Prilt iCiiizeInsi1ib Theme Crossland Wi This Month Grassland Womcns Institute hold its December meeting at the home of Mrs Joseph Strath There Iwere 12 members and two visitors present The meeting wasopened bythe president Mrs John Aqduton Roll call was answered by bring ing canned goods and giving the name of the cannery Thesegoods were sent to the Salvation Army at Midland Mrs LomeIArther read an ad dress and Mrs Anderson pre sented Mrs James Strath with lite membership certificate and pin 46 years Mrs Strath who was completely taken by surprise thanked everyonerior the honor Mrs George Anderson was host css for the rest of the meeting Christmas carols were sung and Mrs Lyons sang solo paper on Christmas prepared by Mrs Strourl was read by Mrs Lyons contest was conducted by Mrs McGinnis on birth stones of each month with prizes going to Mrs ESpeirs and4Mrs Jim Strath draw was wonjby Mrs James Strath Santa then appeared and pre sents were exchanged followed by lunch The January meeting was held on Thursday Jan 10 at the home of Mrs Doan There were 18 members andthree visitors pres ent Tlie mottoifor the month was ECitizenship like charity begins at home Rollcall was answered by Something intend to do this yCaULIa good citizen Arnumber of cards and letters of thanks were read along with letter from the provincial presid ent It was decided to hold card par ties in the members homes this motor every two weeks The first was to be held at Mrs McEl waimn Jan 16 The program was presided over by Mrs Wright The song Loch Lomondwas sung and Mrs Areher read an article from the Federated News Current srecmuzso SERYICE ALI manna or IlilIlIII TELEVISION Every Installation lnpcrvlufl by our technician unkind REFRIGERATION CO 113 Donna Var She has been member tor IIIVIr IRichardson Iof tailgmiit recording sécre aiy aggsffitihahbg osts It even Mariy thank you notes and Liké Dickens the 109 CollierSt Barrie PA 804 Latest in Fashion Yours tar privacy Iand economy us went to Mrs 1t McElwain and Mrs WStrath The draw was won by Miss Janice Stroud The next meeting is to be held at Mrs Lougheeds Lunch com mittee is sandwiches lira An derson and Mrs cake Mrs Aushcppard and Mrs McGinnis draw Mrs Am derson Hillsclaier Sponsoring Club Girls Proiecisv The monthly meeting of Hills dale Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs GrantDunn The meeting was opened by tho president Mrs Gordon Thomp son Roll call Bring sample of Christmascandy was answer ed by 12 members and one visitor The motto Peace on earth good vilill toward men was explained by Mrs Dunn Mrs Gordon howat reported successful course with the club girls The Milky Way Achieve ment day was on Jan 12 in Elm vale She and helper are going to continue the next course with the girls Keeping Clothes Clos ets DinoDate Mrs Drennon was in charge of the program Christmas carols wane sung and gifts were exchang Lunch was served by thehostess assisted by Mrs Thompson and Mrs Williams Each member brought sample of her Christ mas cake Omario Founder is TopicOf WCTU Clipsheei The first meeting of the year of the Womens Christian Tem perance Union was held at the home of Mrs Lennox and Mrs Emms on Parkside Drive with good attendance at members The president Mrs Lang man opened the meeting with New Years message and call to worship vThe hymn 113 So Sweet to Trust In Jesus was song The minutes were read by in the ills nee igreetingsIivere read from shutv HS Scripture Awas stead by Mrs Veitch arid IMrs Langman fol lowed with an inspiring paper and prayer Mrs Frank Adams conducted the clipsheet the topic at which was the life and work of Mrs Letitia Youmaos who founded the first WCTU in Ontario The mceting closed with hymn and prayer by Mrs Andrew Cumming followed by social halthour VELKAY Maternity Dress Shop opposite the Library Falcon and for her wrltlngs on In reformer and gambler who Borthwlck were married in st Pauls Anglican Church Innlsiil Township last Snturdayatternoon The bride is the former Joan Constance and the no Lea rinkheyor sum The groomds thef son at Mr and Mrs Thomas Seamleh of Strand TheyvwillIheIImaking their home in game Inateadut an old bed sheet in half and make slit in the middle tor the racksor in cloth bags hanger to go through Thcbest and easiest placeIor shoes is on the inside otyour closet door on wire or wood Evening shoermay be kept In their boxes with floor or in cotton Ihoc bags with pull strings thatare com studio Pinkney daughter of MrsIJack McArtIhurfI run FOUNTAINOVERILOWS by Rebecca West The English author Rebecca West is known to many people for her excellent study of Yugo slavia Black Lamb and Gray treasOn trials in England and the Nazi war trials Years ago she also wrote some fine novels in cluding The Thinking Reed Now alter lapse of 20 years as writer of fiction Miss West has produced long warmI novel of an English family in the early years of the century which she cells The Fountain Overflows In so some ways this is rather oldlfashloned story reminiscent of Dickens It is full oi charac térs many of them odd It is full of incidentof small family trials collectors and has murder author has good quantity of sentiment and emotion Like good nineteenth oenturyfrauthon she is also inclined to melodrama and coincidence She manages however to make it all very pleasing and believable enough The Fountain overflows story of the Aubrey family liv ing in downatheel house Lin London Their early days were spent in South Africa then they went to Scotland before settling in London Each move has been step down in the scale but at ways they have kept their pride The father is political writer loses job atter job The mother gave up her career as concert pianist to niarry She loves her husband but has to spend her time worrying about bills and livingin hope that her daughters giiuuin ova ENTIRE swoonor wINrizn cLorn coars womans MISSES morons 25gsf shins UtaTo AT CLEARINGPRICES Knutzmciunms 394 Infinite IItililllllY coins +stc uses sKuHS Models Show Proper Way To Wear AcCesIsories Mrs Leon iarrlck director iii The Joan Garrick School vividly demonstrated the proper and im proper way to wear accessories with the assistance of two of her student mudels at the monthly dinner meeting of the Soroptimist Club II Miss Joan Burrows and Miss Josie TersIgni displayed the right was todress accessorywise for an occasion There were 29 members and guests at thoIdinner held in Com munity House Mrs Vance presidehtfwas in the chair will be the professional cpnciirt pianists she had hoped to be The eldest sister Cordelia pro vides both tragedy and comedy for she wants so badly to beja great violinist and has certain technical skill but utterly lacks the heart and temperament that IIeri younger twin sisters Rose sands Would make her an artist Maryarc goodlmusiclans and her small brother Richard Quin is good and likeable deho often helps to smooth ve Indeed be good but the author succeeds in making him sympathetic charv actor II The story is told by Ros of the twins who has sens vrty of outlook and feeling for music that her older sister lacks SIhoI also has certain objectivity ing the tory when he is 01 she combines the mentsIand feelingsof child with more mellow and mature out look Mr Aubrey isa clever jqurnfili ist with shriawdness andvision but the emotional outlook of an adolescent Althoughhe is con ccrned with linprqvementa in society he is irresponsible and changeabl in his relations own tam At the some une he has an imperious Iwill One at the interesti inls is hat in spite of his eccentricities aadcontradic tions anduhis unfortunate effect on the family 1h author manages tomake him not an ogre nor Week hateful charact unfortunate sometimesthe author goés gneralizations Altogether tho it is entertainingand refres filled as it iswith warmth ity and variety and intemting characters Readers should The glad to know that the author plans torwrite more about Aubrey family and that to be the first book of hIe tion are holding their bakeaale athr Tarbushs new rastaurant on Saturday Jan from 18 prn EVERISINCEIEVE from of the box identifying the the side forstocking and glove Now that the postYuletide tidyingup eriodr hasrsetln Ial wayIs ind tan eitcellent time to clean out closets andII was par ticularly interested to come acrosa some closct tipsespecial ly for onéclosct women it your entirewardrobe ex cept coats and boots has to fit into single bedroom closIet it requires careful organizing Find orbuy square hat boxes round ones waste too much space as large as your shelf will hold Separatevhats with tissue paper and place as many in box as will fit without crushing xtep hats of the same type in one boxtailored in on dressy in another Paste label on the bats inside Use extra space at boxes stacked sidewise Divide your clothes bar into four sections blouses first then suitsor skirts then dresses and last evening gowns Dont over crowd Your closet is too full if you haye to tug your clothes off their hangers Having all clothes hang in the same direction gives little more Irpomand much ater appearance But if the closetis too crowded weed out rarely worn items and told them away indrawers or in suit boxes hung onja hook ihink the simplest way to do thorough closet cleaning job is to remove everything from the closet then start in and freshen it You can either completely wash out your closets or use one oi the closet sprays or bombs Now hang few lightly perfum ed deodorant bars or preferably tcwhomeIInldc pomanders These are any to make and give such femininer refreshing touch to your closets and draw Take wellvshapcd medium sized orange handful of cloves some spice and little time Wash the fruit well dry thorv oughly thcu rub with greased cloth Beginning at the top of the fruit force row of cloves into the irultIin circle mak ing sure that you pushutem deep so that only their Continue until the entire orange is completely covered clove heads Place fruit on clot so thatthe juice that has een forced out will drain lor afew hours tJombinc two teaspoons each powdered orris root and cinnamon Rub mixture gener oust over clovestudded orange Wra in paper for week then genty brush off excess powder Wrap in meIsh fabric and tie packagewlse once around each way Tie and knot firmly at top of pomandhr leaving long leng ths of ribbon to make the loop and bowthen hang in your newly cleaned and arranged closet comma come The Ritchie Evangelistic Party Openihg Service Sun Jan 27 at 815 pm In the 100 Hall oruan MEETINGS 11138 JAN 29 to MON FEB in the EASIERN STAR HALL mnsomc tumor 11 OWEN STREET under the nulplcea or The Christian and Mialuau anqu ItCalvary Fellowship cuumn unusual Musical ennui cu mun11mm and solIn MUSIC WITH CHARM Massaors wrrIt cnaumoa EMMANUEL BAPTISTI FELLOWSHIP OFLEYANGEMCAL Bamsrsi MALE ioU THE nonoNro BIBV REV macaw MILLMEYER moron amnmLa SCHOOL ARTETTET 11 non scNIon STUDENT momma pm rasroa rheacmivo 30 pm sruoeNr naesjos oca MUSIC mourns sronso mm AND msrnrcr ion by NIsrnnIAL ASSOCIATION ruesoavto FRIDAY iANUARv I22 23 24 25 22 EssaRoad 9s ytcrlan Church 23 2425 St drevVs Presbyt anchorcm jSPeciA SPEAKER go the Services oLoIsrfrnmAv sat0 as iIIs Battime soioisrrrnmvror to heads show suhpay JANUARY 20 1957 Ionso EN ant 1133114 ROUNESS MING 230 PflICOIPANYIHEETING 615J0PEN Am pomSalvation Meeting Bright Happy Singing Good Gospel Messages Allar Iwelcome to make the ArmyIthclr Church hom URTONI AVEL Ir UNITED CHURCH Mlniatcr= ii Trlmhle ha on Mr it JIDanielatrganIat SUNDAY JANUARY go 1997 945 amaUNoAvIscnoOL II 11 amBegtnncrit Department 11 umMORNINGWOIISHIPII The TragcdyofFnlfilled aéures pupHolly United Church tamerEVENING wonsntr IlToIbe orInotto beI 815 mmLYr masmn support the week of prayer servlccs EYERYONEWELCQMEI COLLIER ST UNITED Minister new Lewis MA on Organist and Cbolrmaltcr Lloyd Nford SUNDAY IltllUAltltL LouMORNING senvtca Contemporary Truths About God Gods Justlce in Hungary and elsewhere THE CHURCH SCHOOL 945 anteJunior Internicdiatc and Senior Dents om tumPrenursery baby alt ting Nursery Kindergarten and Primary DcpartmI enta parevenmo SERVICE Encountering Angels EVERYONE WELCOMEv EIIIIISIIIIII Stlllillt£ Services ISunday School SUNDAYfJANUARY 20 197 00 amLIIE one IQ9I Tomlin 41 Colllér St Barrie ALLAnIn WELCOME 290 Bayiieid Street Rev EIGIohIeen Minister SUNDAY JANUARY 20 1957 10500 oathThe Family BIble School 1100amMornlng Worship 130 pmeEveningWorshlr WarmI welcome Awaits You aromas MISSION Anglicank 95CIoohIst snowman mvsn THE navALLAN 930 anyJunior Sunday School Zuni reeI Met Iodist Church CHURCH Own and IWorsley Sta REV JAMES FERGUSON Minister CLARKEMUsHacF Irganist and Cholrmast SUNDAY JANUARY 29 1351 In an and pan ITIIE MINISTER 11 urnThe Church School tor an oiI Praycrlervlces Jan 2245 coup ro cnuacn rlItINITY cuuncu epsilon 24 Collier sL armIANv 11 January BIWIanII HOLYI conuUiva 930 amItolyv Commuuidn Sermon Senior Sunday School Broadcast mJMIOIIINING PRAYER Sermon APPEASEBIENI or TIIEJIEV SHERRING AIChurch Nursery Junior Sunday School 7oa plméEvcnmng and Mission nry Itlm IAN OLD MANS TALE CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlap and Toronto Streets REVICEQILI norms IaA MR AJE CHURCHILL Organist SUNDAY JANUARY 20Iasi 11 am HIE TWO SUNS Junior Congregation pan HIE WORLDS BEST SELLER IN STORY to Read the Book of no Gospel Hymn Sing 815 pmYoung Peoples meeting The Week of Prayer Jan 225 inc cauncn sonoOL 45 am4unior Intermediate and Senior Bcginners and Primary BE 01 IN CHURCH rmsra TlSl cnuacn Clapperton St at Worslcy REV LUCK BA Minister rinss CLOUGELEY Organist and Choir Leader SUNQAY JANUAltYZO lbs 950 aimS AYSCIIOOIM Classes For All Ages 11 am PAULS rmsr SERMON f+501 sermons IEVERYONE WELCOME Convention ofIOatarioI at Quebec Week ulna SAINT aroma Anglican Churcb Allan ale ltcctor1 NewtonSmith BA rganlst Mrs IIIAW Ath ChoirIeader Mrs ix titanium am no COMMUNIth ll tumMORNINGPRAYER nonHOLY COMMUNIQN EVERYONE WELCOME 1045 sumsenior SundainSohooI =l Essa Iloud Iliosbylerion Church 94 Ionacause SchooI Organist MR rnANK DUTCHER asylum gt Ivourn LENTINE gt PEAKER ooaoTHerIMAN SIOLOIStI

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