Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 8

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Material Not mucli the tent at Strat ngt byv theShlke tlvals latest public on the 1957 season you in théright sent for planning an olhc the Avon the committee sends along piece oi the tent its only bit of reddish brown canvasbut4htbe mem ories it brings back 01 summer evenings walking through the park3beside the river to thegay theatre at trum eters heralding at he players on Actually it 91¢ ricd pcople heretfiurqnnti the tent whenit mcdownforlthe last time bit large to go in the ex hi ton hall dont you think But what Mll we do with it You cant let an historic thing like this go to waste Do you wantto take it home Tom Wait lll tell you what well do fWell cut it up in little pieces and Now iKs up to the rest of us to ligure out what to do with the lcnt think Hi just put it away in the drawer with that Henry program and that Merchant oi Venice postcard Then years irom now be able to pull it out and say remember when there was Just tent at Strat ford 0n the subject of thatiflnc group at players who strutted Tanya Mqiseiwitschs fine stage weve been watching ionrev views of the Canadian Players production of Shaws Man and gt boasted Ted Sunénflu Simcoe week ago guitany hm Penal ny cumin Thoit Saidt fine memory WI ceed it omitting the Do Man and Superman was being Presented as no quick wilted battle kit the sexes played usual with minimum of sets and propert es With Campbell in the leadihxmle and his wife Aria Cassatt playlng opposite him the production Ilso television Monday he he nsnih H0 and Jae Hiiitrallgweli know to theatregoers The hachroidsainundvcrown Hill were frosty and clear but not Quiet last Friday evening not within hearing distance two sleighloads Examhacr staffersnnd thei families and friends Cecil chappella farm on Highway 93 was the starting finishing point at the houran half long ride and Mr Chappel and his son Bruce were the drivers or the sleighs that took in over the snow onthe moonlit night Thankfully the party took placebefore the below zero tem peratures set int Mrsw liowa pymcnts home on tiighstrect was the set ting or the rest lot the evening highlight oi the Mexican sleighride was anhot chili con carne supper at midnight Music before and after was supplied by at the piano and Shep antesax The evenings entertainment wasarranged by Bob Hooper Lorne Wass Marion Cough and Don Richardson nd Mia it Grecn en tertained at dinner party on Saturday evening at their home nnlop St West in honor at on and daughterinlaw Reverend and Mrs Howard Green who are leaving this in Gardiner ck movinfiv opened in OH MY WHAT PlEl cohtietiiig students at Macdonnld Institute Guelph admire Betty Tillmans champion vcherr BDCI Students FinalisiJn Safety Oraioryr Barrie District Col eglate in stitute student Mary Jackson was one of three high school finalists in the public speaking competition sponsored by the in dustrial Accident Prevention As sociatlon who addressed the first dinner meeting of the Georgian Bay district association at the Stephen Leacock Hotel in Orillia Abbott Conway of Huntsville District High School was the winning speaker The other dis trict finalist was Sylvia Silvie oi MldlandPenatang Collegiate The Huntsville student will go on to the semifinals in Toronto Main speaker at the dinner was Mahson chief inspector of the association who illustrated talk with many true experience The local student descr the distribution of pawphlets and brochures cfthe IAPA thus Plan Party in Schcsbl New Plos womans instltute met in Tuesday Jan atitbe Mrs Stewart Co ect answered horne ofMrs Jack CamerooSix teen members Zand three visitors werepresent Cline Ramread the Mary Roll call was use forbid soc number of thankyou notes were read fro tins who recatvedj rtmas it as do tied to holda Valeni tine any llutha School on ridty eveninfijeb 15 to celel rate the 50th anniversary of the founding ert Kenn Mrs the Institute Mrs George Smith home the tuitionquit use my Vmfit even more flavorful wlian the ai itxla the objectof competition charming coeds at Can flle alrh mums Winsome mmBethllll man 01 Churchill wyearold nd degree student at Guelphs onald natltuta is nowthe that baked thejtop pie in titition with22other coeds media Instituteand repres en mi Macdonald institute in the damto finaiaagainst the Weatén University winner at Chnadian Project Past Noble Giafindsi New Pics Wornén PastNoblev Grands oi Beaver Rebekah Lodge identified baby pictures or themselves for amuse merit their meatingu at the rs Partridge 18 Eugenia tr The winnerot Was Mrs Elliott Colea Miss Bessie Ranney new Fusi dent of the noble grands club presided atthesgathering Two minutesloi silence was observed in memory of the late Mrs Eliza beth CorbettPNG The club has decided to make infants laycttes as in previous ears and wool was given out to he knitted into baby jackets and bootees Mrs lucky number the evbning Msr hostess MméyJiiiiis held the cup and saucer for Bishop was co oi the wood op Westinghouse teatkitchen in min iltonlast Thursday morning She proudly brought the Ontariocrown hometo the Royal City Miss Sandersonacdonald Institute is 11 oonand a$50 on She presented yltha beautiful orthid and entertained to lunch by the Cherry Grow rs Associa tion Later this month inToronto nette meets girltironr the funi Versity of Mdntreal who is the Quebec chanrpion to bake it out ampionahlp bowl as large as theolog allows tirom lthia amailer bowlsLIre tatt en until the that one is about five tnchesin diameter Besidestbese bowls dude from aingierblock of wood there are also those sh ed irotn laminated hardvvoods The finish given thine bowls in very important part of the man utacturing process Careful sand ing reinoveti allroughncss and Ipecial pale varnish or shellac ves it lasting shEen When varnish has driedthe bowl is agalosanded this timeiby hand tolopen the wood grain Actually there are two kinds of iinisb liar wooden ware high gloss or buifed aBQIIISE the buffed finis ewes tha pares an to absorb the Canadian Canners ttnuted will also compete in the National BCd Chetrd libele ti will be Plum andZChcrry Growers 11m ketingBoard When Bette actioni to the victory WILMIIUJIIPPWJD On being asked lithe judges aa pied her champion pie as com fmentedTbey to nearly all The judges for the routario championship at Hamilton were Wynne mesmeme super visor home ccononiiu app ea divisioncanadian Westingho PIIV smiles We dcscri til founding of the Girl Guide ind Boy Scout movement by Lo Bad Powell or her listeners Vhowuth founder hadtin the Guide badgea wit lent ementaccompiiahed wor thy an ward frilin thidea are the NEE listed nod in the World she pointi ed cub PUBLIC SPEAKING Its Imaaing what happens to the human voice when persons are calledon to give brief re port of the years activities at their organintlons annual meeta ing The voice fades intoa mutt teredniumble and the content tannin score Becauae ot thi g4 weekend lor Kyoto Japan The young Anglican minister and his wife depart this Saturday for the East and expect to remain in the mission field for four years Anumber of friends andrela tivcs called at the Green home during the evening to say fare well to the couple Post Misiress Of Lodge Presents Da ug hiers Jewel At he regular meeting of lo Vited Allies Loyal True Blue Lodge No 337 in the True Blue Hail Mrs LevinaCoTe PWM had the pleasure of presenting her daughter Mrs Barbara with manyxsaiety vices which have been developed tested and recommended by the association She told how group of men working machine were repri manded for not wearing their goggles The next day they re ceived superficial injuries when an belt broke and the goggles MrsJainés Kenny and Mrs Jos eph Belcou erenamed com Imittce to make arrangements The bazaar was discussed it to he held Friday evcnin Feb in HuthsSchool Five othe Institutes arc to be named Edenvale Van Viack Crosslan Centre Flos and JacksLake Mrs rep Pm sand diawn Mrs Archie Wanless their Cg £th case hinges Ken mm progrdi committee and Mrs Shaw first SEEneg tiney the lunch com flavor and aroma of condiments bod seasoningit iii the most pop ular witbsalad ianeiers Salall making is easy if remembers afew general rules Nways choose fresh crisp lettuce or greens andbrink by hand never with scissors or knife For variety try romaine endive chicory or youngfispinachJeavgs jHere is the recipe salad dressing which is the specialty of the Pavilion Fleurdemys famous restaurant in in Quebec City Rub the salad sot1 with garlic From now until the en TIMEAT REEVES JEWELLERS to sayto the owners of the rings and cleaning free first year We are pleased to offer this tree service to any and everyonewliov ends this advertisement At the sarneftimefiwe are oileringsomejcryspeclal bargains in stock balancing sale which is now taking place in our store PAMPER YOURVBOWLS Cooks pamper their wooden salad bowls just as it they were goid plate Thclear that soap and water will remove theiihe nish and the garlic flavor has He orcedwa gentl treatment and add accorded nothing els be kit teaspoon mustmd ii tablespoons olive oil llé tahl poo inegat Taragon selves13 ey etc Rawn conducted an interesting contest in which every1 one was asked to guess and write down what was in each of num of small dishesbakingfpowv cocoa health salts etcitlrs Jack Cameron was the winner Mr Show placed second The Vitamin El and Blood Buildin no in Dr Cbuaa Nerve ood vvoui pagoda beipbnfldtrpym Ilhoalth helpyotlfeel areaa able so lorch on had Ira10nd hwle Ceiebra Birthday Here Dr Ch Nav Food fighim nerves so love with iii to enjoy your full our walk Party Browning with her jewe1 After the meeting the annual convened by MrsEccles and Mrs Tortliigtonwas held Bro George James PWM acted Rev Donald her father of Gladstone Currie QC of Barrie celebrated his 93rd birthday last Tuesdayby attend ing meeting of Barrie Presby The ng motto from the embers discussed the to now dévelopcdiinishes for woo en ware which not onlybring ut thebeauty oi thewood but also serve asprotection against terdetergents food acids and teaspoon Worcester sauc Saltvandpepper gt7 Mix in ingredientsV 1211 add the salad greens Toss lightly as Santa Claus Quite anumber ofmembers and their children and grandchildren had an enjoy able time Sister Lucy Kar es with the ungsters Everyone present received gifts eireshments ere served be how might en that every bit isicoatedands counter inc salad accessories are nowon the market labels Whichreeommend wss you would fine china Anychéfmflteil ya that the bowl into which salad remixed is as unportantjas the actual in gredients That is why wooden tery oi the Presbyterian Church in Canada at StAndtews Church here Mr Currie tookpart in th meeting as member of the court He was entertained by Ellis son and his family at irthday part filling75519505 niijsiioiiiiniviirnnrngtiiiiiiiinoiis eW Mrsy AleEFinlay gave pape on the topicCommunity Activ ties and Public Relations She remarked thatnot enough visiting asdonenow and suggested that cone with hefore the you my allrmdtuaio IVFEeoIsoy size $123 save MM mt buns bid tfilbn ALLuNEWI 57srocK my Walkers made large purchaseon these per fleet fitting NemnvFoiiéslations Coretierre titt service insure comfortable tittin flhup his wee and save money osiAHwE wowssows so DOULTQN churns oij onbnnwnAnanoniNz SHELL RQS IRE ROSE

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