HOtiSE VWllHTHE BFsTIINBARllIqgt enurcnunmn°viwor 17 WEE DAYS WEDNESDAY mnxsniw undwichualrlProphét cookies In Skinner left to gun udly evening alter upendinzylhe past three weeks with her amenM nd Hrs Ray Cuppage nd other reluch Vestry Mceflnl tilic Yleslry niseiztinE willhe held ome lr and urnsMG Mutton Tuesday evening BAWBHOBTXMW wryheld ohm Th Iltlnrd Partyi oer party wil belhursv day night in the hall this week eggn 3131 5111132 went Fd Myseflamid 15W our of glrdens in ismllyof Oriihn spent lheweck hay jcn one feeling we hove end with Mr and Mrs Viagncll it wise proud of in ourJown Dont forget the Snowflake Tor ind Iiso some very lint photw at Mrs Ernie Bamhnrys this graphers week DEAN MARTLN ANDZJERRY LEWiS in momwool on BUST YQU HAYENfl SEE THEM no IT NOW FRIDAY SATURDAY EVENING snows Areso pm CONTINUOUS snows SATURDAY 239 pm unnd 63rd éues tlons answered bytil experts VJ The nobk Bells cap at corn in thoileid unenl old red bnrnnmnd when the shootln tarts the dxuriu shalt wilh loyi gameMarjOï¬e Arthur HUNNICUTT sin EQCKNRQLL sronulswnsaonu To PLAiII navenun In Sitpronoun leno amnun um In nun they 20m CENTURYFOX pr RICHARD EGAN DEBRA PAGET LOVE ME TENDER 4nd ntruducmq ELVlS PRESLEY ElENING snowsdsso pm MATINEEVWEDNESDAY 230 us 30 UTE so EATS ENTERTAINMENr SAT ContinuOusZSaturday in scHnIcOLoii MCREA FELiClA alga Two ncmv mm illr and Mrs John Anderson and Donna otoriilia visited Mr and Mrs linrry Kendall over the Weekend ln Chargegï¬lservice ltev Edgar Pniireyliwiii be In charge of the service at St Aid nns Sunday evening Jnmzo wr Meeting BERT COOK program ngsvo out circularsnn urns Indnnnuunncd there will in contest lor ï¬e best Dr ails wili VC PARSONS nnn nced membership drive will be the two weeks in February as it has been iur the post three The munlhiy meeting of the Womens lnstilutowiii he held at Mrs Clarke QraWKQFds Jan 23 Program Mrs Clnrke Crawlord historical research cbnvencrFaod conveners Mrs KondnliMrs Smith Mrsxd Pugsiey Johnston BinnieImus vs lslr mums 815 PM HE IS SO SORRY hut INSURANqEJs better wal to straighten you out whentronhie strikeshere is an insuraneeCow erage to protect you against most hazards of today so before disastr er strikes YOU let us study your insurance needs and advise you how to get the bestInsurance the lowest comparable ivuss nAnDY llhrariln had arranged display otgnrden books available Now is the line taxmakel pseni 411m books ghoose from among this ran miiisltor your weekend read muesli1min dwxi dine byg Dustan iLnndseaplnx Tlsns Jorv Smell linings Ralph Bailey vergreens ljLKumllen lhe Roe Gardcn Indrwmt to anwin lti Bisslnnd afiinnts Indoors MnryNobie How to Giow Beauttlul Hnusc Plants Everett Ciimbing Roses Van Wil son The Complete EBuok oi Bulbs Rockwell ThePruning Manual Christopher iv to Pinnt Grounds Your Honip HBn iiolico oi iinnuni Meeting The Annual Meeting hareholdern gt of the ï¬nned Illnion Century to know itwas inprint will he held in the COMMUNITY HOUSE 53AM The woinan Ghrdener by tfer Tuherous Rooted Begunils by Olten Garden Encyci edlz by Sey mnurLA TliESE ARE ALL fairly rc eently purchased books It Bgrrie Library and there Irc nanny more BE SURE YOU get out your old seed catalogues make sure yuur name is on the list for now one and readsnnd rerend them Cnlnlozues are wonder nisource at lninrmltlon and now they are so protuseiysiiiur lratedjou can almost see the living plant POEM entitled Myself up neared in this coiumn recently it was marked as writer IAnnnymous The poern Wu taken irom shook of poetry tree urc nrthe henutllul poems in ihe book was gilt to me 13 years sgo and is called Book ot LivingvPoeIns cornpfled by William Bowli pub ished by Albert Whitman at cago inrwdsn The Jucm was written by DArcy Colpitts qt Barrie years ago when he was patient in Grovenhurstgllosyital and Mrs Colpitts recognized it as her husbands wprk Its small world The Coinitts didnt Do the passing bi our 58th Anniversary Wehnve runny pleasant gt emories of the friends we have tirade and of their generous sup Rotepoyers oy purchase TqirPrepayment Recepls during nuaryFebruary March 6nd of the follow