Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 5

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Mn Alla cl Colliaxwood visited Mr and Mrs Graydon Kohl 15 stunt Bay Road over the weekend Mr and Mrs hiking horne ad Mrs Austin leit Monday morning to motor to Flor ld They will be spending two months in ForLLauderdale Captain Rene aGarneau Owen Street who has been stationed at Coma Borden let in recent weeks for Egypt and Mrs Garnenu and thilee two children Cloud and have relurncd toQuebec ty Among the guest seen dancing to themusic at Bob Hunter and in his orchestra at the Stephen Lea cock Hotel in Orlllia Saturday night were Ray Walton Miss Anne Kennlngton li MauriceAFiaser Miss AnnWindsor Mr and Mrs FeldeampMreaad Mrs Dreyndam Miss Carole Marv Donald Clark Seymour Miss Ka renJones Miss lscbcl Christie Jack Haslle Phil LaurieLeslie Fraser Mrand Mrs Kncchr tel William Anderson Miss Joan Blake Gerry Nashman Ted Wat son Wallace iiialien Miss Gloria chb John Lepsoe Miss Karen Johnston Georgeitcld Mr and Mia Manol and lie Adamson DIED MmllALHuddnnly on rariti lan is am John ThomaLMnrfli beloved bulblid bl Mabel flickllnl and dear ther ill II all Anne Mn nlelo ol oronto and nyce Ade iMrs have or Pembroke and brother or William OI oflull in his Mn ye lieut in at the iennett mnoru name norrie Funeralundue rrtd Jan in It pan interment Slxlll Line Cemetery lnnlanl OAKSAI the Royal Victoria HOSPI tii Barrie on newly Jan in mi Dr William HUOIKI beloved hut band Minnie Lloyd and dear her or Marie 01 Val dor uehrc Lloydnu ward bolh In ln hL 77th year Ru at the Jennett Funeral Home Barrio lun eral rervico Thursdly Jan 11 at 371 interment Barrio Unlonpem ery NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons havlnl claim III the Estate at CAIer REGINALD SHAW into othe village or ihomlon in the County Slmeoe reth lnxunuca agent who died on the 2m day at November lass must rorwrd nine to the undersllned on or before the 21 do of January 1957 liter which date asset will be dlstrlbuted nmonast the ponies entitled thereto and the Executor will not he liable to any person oi whore claim he lhlll not then have notice DATED at Barrie OntH0 Ihid 28th day of December AD as IXONE SEAGRAM Rows 11 Owen Street Barrle Ontario 1A7W ro WHOM ir MAY coucanN TAKE NOTICE that the Jury Sittings the Alllzu or the supreme court or criteria wlll be Holden in the Court House Barrie commencing mono JANUARY 21 1957 at the hour oiuo oclock in the oitemonn The Honorable Mr Justice Stewart presiding Jariualyji 1957 nanny smut county or Simone clearROOM scnoou NDERS FOR BARRIE ONTARIO Sealed tenders stipulated ruml wiu hermived by Jackson Yarn Asso elates Architects and Eiiglnccls5i5 yonze street 24 Northlown shopping Plaza wuiowosie Ontario Ilan mo pm ahnmuoy vnuory 1957 or proposed Bloom School or the Pub Schooeroard of the Town of HalHepflntarloh rimis and specifications may be ob tnined by General Contractors only alter ioo pm Wednesday January Id i957 mm the wire or the Arch tects aadr Engineers on deposit or man in the form or oertiiieo cheque poynhin to manifest and En mneen which will be returned when Inn and specifications Irereluraed the Architects and Enllneers in good cooditlon The lowest or any tender will not or madly necepted fucasofl You asaociarsa Architects Ind Engineers MHonbtown Shopfllflt Flau sass Yuan street erLonnLa ohmic 51 NOTICE OF ABPLICATiQN ro HELEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY or ONTARIO cz it hereby liven that The Ca out on oz heronr olBIrrte pp to the Legislative Aucmhly or the ravine Ontario at the next sesslonJor PrlvateA To authorize Ind vempower the uncllolth Corporation to pm nyin or Byvllwl Lnrxempi 1mm munlclpll taxation lands and handing Wned on pomuons are Iind Jar lenenl benedt at tne ll for recreationix And rovia nieh exemption it sit Inch taxesor noun IiiIou iiomn aridlaw unwound lone hosnine emuKt loyal Viewi nonpu Barrie Hawaiian an MB In new divi m1 as waif mnulli noni vutnria naplul Barsi on no II new tour and um uenau gin Barri shill nonunionAt oyai Victorianroe piui nurie on no In in air run In Ken mm damn live no Haitian3 possumAt Vlrto new lipnil on an 14 ion to and am amen Ruuell near non Camp Borden daulhler ironici CARD THANK wounurum Hrs Frank Look er whh to flunk their friend In neighbor or expression rot lym and condolence Ind belullml in loan of dear numb thinking noru doctor in Victoria rippun arrie MmALFWe with to thank menor ena nelfhbon Dr Blackwell and Rev Mal had ior their tvm Minnin loving memory at Idear humnd lather Illd sronoioihtr gnrqygdiulb who Placed may We rlre oiwoyi tocether in memorya llll No lull Coal but tomorrow Chi llmh Wherever la whatever Lilo My thoughts dear Harry re llwlyl with you Alwaya remembcrcd by wile Annie no rnmlly fihfiuary lohn William Lenten Tacumsoth Farmer Passes Suddenly gt Beeton World Seized with heart attack shortly after the noon hour on Wednesday Jan 1957 John William Lenton 48 farmer at south hall lot 15 Con 7Teeum seth suddenly passed away He had been in apparent good health Deceased had butchered cattle on Wednesday morning and it waswhile in the process of dress ing the animal in the barn that he was stricken Making his way tothe house Mr Lentompnssed away ii few minutes later News oi his sudden demise was great shock to the community Mr Lenlon moved with his fam ily to Benton district from New ton Robinson about five years ago and during lhatjlimé proved good neighbor and made many irienda inethe community He leaves to mourn his loss his widow the former Mildred Mun fly and three daughters Mary Marghrct and Jean The funeral was held on Jan 11 at Bradlordb George Joseph Carr In Hospital Long Tiine Died Dec 24 in Toronto resident oi Allandale or the past 17 years George Joseph Carr died on Saturday Dec 29 1958 at Toronto Western Hosp tal when he hadbeen patient since August Son of the late and IMra HCart he was ho on April 1892 in South River and was and there Entering the em nlnv oilhe Canadian National Railways he had been fiction iorcman for some time The late Genrgc Carr was an Anglican was member of the Loyal OrangeLodge and past master and also of the Royal Black Preceptory in which he was past preceptor ReviJti Newton th rec torof Georges Anglican Church Allandale conducted the funeral serviceln that church Tuesday Jan with relatives andfriends attending from Allan dale and Barrie nd also from North Bay New skeardSouth River Sundridge Toronto Fort Erie Ottawa and Oshawa Bu al was lnStPa Angli roaming squoted First Cooperative Pack od Ontario Barrie nous came eoaaj bulel leended to man In their Corners Holllriday Chdling she beth Loughee Continuation school lamenting Monday Jan 21y 815 pm 600 prize and grand total plcel at VDahcln for everyone at Siino dileCoiaers Hall Saturday Jan 19 nd every tvm weeks allowing lrom3 pm ton nudnightAia picesoi the Dutch Club epiillcdlhe Carpenter sunnldal an 18 pm hyrvrsoi Kdoxichurph Ventry Sponsored by PYiS Sup nidalo Corners Admissiondoe Golden Weddlng BoherLand Clarence Kell at tended the golden wedding eele bratlonol Mr and MrsuGeorge Sawyer in Port fidvTr last Wed nesday Mr and Mrs George Nesbitt Jack and erytmolored to Well and Sundaydo visilhlal mother Mrs Thomas Ncabltt 4ll Homemakinl Club Gllfordi Willing Workers 4H Homemaking Club held its eighth meetingat the lame itsleader Mrs Jack Hughes The meeting was opened with theIWilling Workers yerse Mar ilyn Todd read the minutes of the swercd by shotvlng completed slips or patch works Plans were iniido tor the achievement day heing held at Churchill on Feb Mrs Hughes demonstrated how knitted patch is done Three at the members demonstratedvthe removing of spots shmpao demonstration wa also given Lunch was served Euchre Club Gilgord Euchre Club met Fri day nlghlat Mr and Mrs Ross Neillys Mrs Kell andPaul Russell were first prize winners and Mrs Keith Kell and Frank Todd won the consolation awards Wills Meeting tciiiord WMS held its January mectingat Mrs Sawyera with Mrs Russell presiding Rolf call was answered by the word Faith by 14 members and two visitors Five letters were read lrom lhose who had received cardsand fruit at Christmas Mrs Kalire story on Christian Stewardship Let ers acknowledging two parcels ol used clothes seat to nve cas rellei and the Fred Victor Miss weiferead Mrs Kell gavelsome and advice on Beiag Good Citizen Mrs Boyea told aslory of log pallbearers wi am Carr Leroy Camille ard Laney Donal La ence McEachera arid Carr llonorary hearers were members of the Royal Blnck Pre ceptory Past Preceptors Fred Ellis Handy and Sir Knights Wil Crawford John Corbetiand drew Gardener Lovely flowers expressed remembrance and regret at the family connection also friends and of various ordersf True Blue Lodge 337 Blue Haven LOIBA 1129 Crystal Chapter 50 Royal Black Preceptory 601 Loyal Or onge Lodge 432 Belleville LOL 3199 and from the iailway Main tenance of Way Lodge 200 Thelate George Carr is aur vived by his widowt MrsSarah Carr two arms Frank of Belle villa and Laverne in North Bay three hrothersRny and Fre in New Liakeard and Edward Ottawa and three sisters Mrs John Loney Lottie of North Bay Mrs McEachern Sophia in Oshawa and Josephine Carr of Toronto Edgar Codi evlerbdrough Bur GaltrCenIetéry daylan 95 589 Waler Street Peterhorough where vahehad tesided aiace Aug ustfgt1956 and was tormerly pl Fergus wBelcve of Eda nughter of theme Charlegxrea and the former Mlda Carolin Boehmai and was harm aters Mrs of Tillhilt Mrs Minnie Howesro Gal ough and prlse Au last meeting rlioll call wasan re rtahd look up the colleclioii clesscn Brenda Hughesread Lorne Handy and Elmer chm iii all iiiiiiiiiii astronaut 131 33 aiohiiihu Dom DI Pram anon no muons lame my not rtetout 33 Idarhel moons wnther Report no BhoItIina noun moo inn tea main rut in honelee Ink show to Mldmolnlnl Variellel comm was main Immut inis iiomrmmn cunio ioao MinxPort no inn 1195 intuition iou eu unr ioosTen um mo Neva Llielopg Resident Much sympathy is extended to the family of Jacklerrier who passed away suddehlyat his home on Saturday evening Jao12 at the age of 32 He had lived here all=hin life and was well thought at by all bolknew him lleleave is widow Ada two daughters MrsM Browning El sie ol Churchill and Mrs Frank Little Joyce Winnipeg one sangGarnctt of Belle Ewart and two brothers Fred of Orlllia and Donald of Belle Ewart phan Hair Grass and showed some several years old from Hun gory Mrs Weaver had charge of the worship service with Mrs Sanders leading in prayer The scripture waxy read by mrs Rq Neillyfand Mrs Kell took the study in the Missionary Monthly program MrauWeaver closed the worshi service with prayer Rev Sanders took the study book on the East indies and pronounced the benediction Miaslon Band GillérdMission Band met Jan in Gllford United Church Suri daySchool roam The meeting opened with the Mission Band hymn and purpose £vele Sawyer read lhéminutes oi the December meeting ll callwas answered bya Yaarsresoliition eSavyye read the lreasurers with ArvidAlle Betty Ann no es read ascrip and seven other children story Frances Sawyer iron the children sails gihirekesr in THREE STORES iaynersiin Announcement has been made thatAlex Duncan of Durham sold his interests in the Dun ca Department Stores Mr Dunr can as been managing three stores at Stayner Durham and Hanover The change whichtook effect7 changein the operation of the store in Stayner Mr Duncanmpened the Stayn storeln the GartlanBloclr in June 1955 some aixanonths alter the RT ill store which formerly this location cl eds Wilma xiii aneuru Tennruea lrnle moo run um snort Nm lllfl BDofll irm sin 11 will mean no immediate was is if iaoo not lemma ma Mia and ceualn iaio murmur inanima in nu howllme va ooo Trldllll Pout 1000 Nan was moi I0 name can mention rnln sno IXJ Elnl WELSH 25 kuhhlfl Elnu Mono mumv moo Nun Headliner rnn Sports it Market Report um um Hrdiinn Bulletin Board Brenna norm austerit ruiinr Parade Non gt do 520 Mllloc New Hemline Camp Borden annru News Thin Ind country Warm Debate the Town on on OvérirChairmaia Oriiiia LP rilliaPacket and Times Orlllia Water Lightand Power Commissionslarted oil ths new year in argumentative mood as the inaugural meeting was held Withonly one change nel from 1956 it appears that the debates that sparked many meetr ingslasl year are llkcly to con tinue through 1957 Commis sioner Fred Alpnrt is the only hewV member taking the place of William Brown who retired Principal argument around the appoi ent of Com missloner Williamv Curran as chairman and P0 all mmisslon public relations Co mlssloner Harry Thiess op posed both appointments and in any dolng drew the wrath of Mayor MCramlJ who spon sored them Commission secrelaryrlroasurer Harvey Bongard presided during tlic election of chairman and committee head and the first motion sponsored by Commis alonar Alport and Mayor Cramp was for the app meal of Com missioner Curran as 1951 chair man Mayor Cramp observed that lt was the custom to pass the honor among the members and he said that Mr Thiéas had served as chairman iorlwo years In Mr Curran he said was represented many years of experience in commission matters through his newspapercoverage and he was inrnddition member of one of the towns pioneer families Mr Thliess said he agreed With what Mayor Crampsaid up to clot but declaredth in the paslyearthe commia ionvhad ex perienced numberrof uccasions when matters got intothe press which should aoi have appeared because pf Mr Currans assoc tion with an Orlllia newspaper deidnt seek th oh and am not particularly humans to have it commented Mr Curran Two New Men Welcomed To Orillia Board Larry Temple was eclected chairman of Orlllia Pub in School Board when memhers unanimous ly voted lo Farr was chosen vicechairma gt Opening the inaugural meeting of 1957 Lou Bayne busiaess ad lnistrii welcomed allmem hers especially the two new ones Broomiielduomario civil ser nd Simpson man Bnnlr of Com li ondetachnie tario Provincialfilolice has creased with the addition of Cons GedrgeW llonlrln Mr Hankin Wasjormerly sta at Orillia He married ight year appointment to mher oi the aeen ththe Mario cnuntry stvie person centred gt around his ap em to againbe incharge if 34 DZ liNS ears or 57 35 SPECIAL TOMATO SOUP semau ADBURY lNSTAEéT Ciififi SPECIAL NUCOA MARGARINE SPECIAL HAMPION DOG 0R AT FOODW SPECIAL wlm in out vowil FAB WelheysCherry Jum Welheys Blackcurrant JV WélhéYsApple It or 01 115 llNS mr HANKth Glam PKG sashé SlAlNlEsi EACH naifiox gt 92 sacu$I in 5199 MAY as PURCHASED IN iiuvjiqaiaw Vsionry FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CALIFQBNIA TBNDERTASTYVLARGE BUNCHES Bllfliiililll was 23° ONTAEID GRQWN FANCY GMDHWBETIAND JUICY MclliTllSllailPPLESdgimm 35° msii mom FLORIDArLDNG GREE autian ClllillMBEllS 25° ONTARIII GROWN FANCY GRADECRISP AND DMUNPIIY DELICIOUS APPLES 3W9 FLORIDA RPSBBUHWEEI AND MILD Hesterbogleed Pepsodeallgeitlul cream cowaol unlscun WHDLI eucxan wnra llllililWS arrcIALi loblaws Jelly nous Rurlluv on LEMON lvncu 30 Wesloas Sugar Ginger Wuiers 29c McKAGi now MONIV lAVlI Pldlllilllll Ceililioales now AVAiLanLe in Au Loniaw arcan wnh non in Muslim nurehu you may nounre one so one 1lellln eertiiem are vacuum on nisruv an LOILAW stones rhrmhnui calrip lublaw Goodwill Offer luriva wa NALLI uhivnui srauoaao Encyclopedia All ND BARGAIN Ill IODKAWEEKVLIN IIJV one WEIKLY now on IALIlt Pair VOLUME git our emian FEATURE OF THE WEEK 11 SPECIAL SWIFTS FROZEN MEET 55 via runsz chicken BEEF Imov LonLAWI Gailumberde FAC ELLE TISWEI ROYAL iNSTANr nun DING SEA 00 shims FROZENHEM iCLIII NOUIE OLIVES APPLEFORDI on ADELE $06G Lluum FLOOR WAX nRAroBA For To repealle DENTAL CREAM BET IOCKEI AK

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