Mrs Sally Nap threetime winner of the china Trophy Terry Sawchukoi the Boston Bruins shocked the sports world today when he an nounced his rctiremcntirom the National Hockey League Mllt Schmidt coach of the Bruins re fuses to accept Terrys word hop ing the allstar goalie will change his mind after rest Norm De fclice who replaced Sawchuk month ago will again take up the slack Midland hank Wins Ontario Tankard Berth Arink from Midland skipped byMrs Dorie Trew defeated an Ontario Tankard stalwart Mrs Ann Fair irom Owen Sound yes erday at Collingwood Curling Club lto gain eligibllity in the Tankard playdown at Torontos £5on Canadian Rink Jan 28 and The only flnalist trout Barrie Mrs Roy Smiths rink curled well but was defeated by Mrs Frasers rink from Owen Sound which won the other Tankard berth Mrs Smiths rink composed of new curlersMrs John Ough vice Mrs Jack Nixon skip and Mrs George Kennedy leadwas tied up with the Owen Sound play ers on the eighth On the ninth end Mrs Frasers rink got three and won the game coming home The Midland rink which de icatcdhirs Dave Smiths rink in the district tests at OrilliaJasf week was one down coming home and got threeAendcr on Mrs Fairs rink to win the gameThe Owen Sound curlers have been annual Tankard competitors Barrie Brigade Ihreefl FireCalls But All Minor Although the weather has been frigid for some timewith extra heating in all buildings Barrie Brigade had no serious liresbut little trouble with three minor calls On Jan 14 one was IramAG Penetang St with roast of meat on ï¬re in the oven causing smoke and fumes The same day at 80 Donald St car became ignited in aggarage but was pulled out causing little damage This morning at nine oclock athdl Bayï¬eld ï¬re started in baseboard but was caught intime baililire it worked up inside the wa election37 have standing citizen Curling Club Twentyeight rinks from dozeneentrea are entard in the ladies annual invitation Hiram Walker bonspicl atths Barrie Curling club which openedhtil morning at nineoclock Playl expectcddo continue until9 Three Barrie rinks are in the tirstdraw skipped by Mrs James Thompson Mrs Jack Corby anti Mrs Dave Smith and Mn Wlb Harris Ire skipping rinks inthe second draw Visitors include Mrs Peggy Bradsh rink from Brampton last ye trophy winner Other entries are from oakville Fergus OshawaToronto Granite Toronto n1 Ns in so toilcddoruhmnailria Elyc years back madcbeadline this when he Gadsiiy of tho Newflork Hells defencemen High Park Toronto Royal Canad tans Unlonvillc Camp Borden Colimgwood and Churchill litrs Queenie Erascris bonspiel CDnVETIEr Felicitations To Warden Ganton Continued tram page one work oi the industrial and tour ist committee in the past yoli have had most energetic industrial and tourist committee said the may or of Barrie would advise the county council to further their work it we go iorward and tell our story then the future of Sim coe County will be secure Welcome thllcs Her Honor Judge Mrs Marjorie Hamilton also oficred her felici tations and in particular welcom ed the two we en councillors Mrs Minnie ahew deputy reeve of Toy Tow ship and Mrs HOTCDCBBElClICI reeve of Vic toria Harbor Former Wardens Among the spectators were three former wardensJ Simpson who was warden in 1913 and was clerk of thecounty for 27 years Charles Eplett war den ln 1923 and who has been present at every wardens elee tionior the past 34 years Harvey who could find only iive councillors in the present cond cil who had sat with him as war den 10 years ago Each spoke briefly to council Congratulates Friend Lloyd Letherhy MPP for Sim coc East tookthe opportunity to congratulate his friend and neighborFlsher Ganton on his known him He isan up who has given good account of himself in var ious civic posts Still on Council Three former wardensare rserv or many years ing on ihcpresent county noun cilJohnSmall of Adjala ii who hepoatlast year Roy oi Vespra warden in ltcr Middletongof Belore the see siortfuiitil today Warden Ganton appointed Councillor Patton as chairman of the striking committee which con sista at all the reeves whose job it will be to bring before council probably today suggests ed nominations for committees YOUTHFUL POPULACE More than half the estimated 1150000 population of Singapore is under 21 years of age scoutsotmoo 0F NlERESl l0 LOCAL FANS Oro Combinnsscored 12 times indeteatingColdwater 12 in an Intermediate gameplayed at Coldwatcr onday These clubs play each theragain Friday in Guthrie Stoddart connected live times for the winners WHickling was right behind him With three goals Thcothers went to Robinson Hicklip Hastings andForbea Goldwater goaiscorera were Pcdenmnd Miller with two apiece and Beach Galbraith and Orton in Junior competition MondayUnionvillefeked out an excit win er Elmvnle at Eltltvaleu Gogmin Thorlngton Darlyaon and Olmstead potted the linionville gna Tipping Camp be and Turner scoredforElm again in Intermediate fCcorii etition when they dropped in decision tosEllnvale at arse riordlast night Collings led the onslaught or lmvale oflmnrkera fol inson and Jackson ands gleton byt trnti gpovvorpo Ncrvilin up iiickï¬lobthingJolieffmln perm ortduetocheat col til at HOCKEY Adams chle Wallacecounted the lone Lefroy tallyp Aurora Belai the ï¬nal per Monday gain an 837 triumph over Barrett LaChapéle Bradford Brads in another OHA intermediate Cr contest Dale Watts dim Patton and Grant Edwards potted the lastper iod tallies iin Empire scored three Continued trons page on Piibllc warn slalom gnd Waste Removal Deputy Reeve= Cooke Aldermen Pratt Coughlin Edson Wicc0 Williams Churchill Fire and Light Aldermen Golds Williams Marscllus Paddison Trafï¬c Aldermen Paddi son Williams Mar sellus Golds Annexation and Clty Status Mayo Kinzie Reeve Mills Deputy Reeve Cooke Aldermen Paddlson Pratt Hersey Special Transportation Alder menJ Williams Paddi son Golds Deputy Reeve Cooke Reeve Mills Alderman Pratt Natural Gas Alderman PrattDcputy Reeve Cooke Aldermen Edson Wicc Coughling Reeve MoMillst GeneralGovcrnment Reeve Mills Deputy Reeve Cooke Aldermen Morrow JH Paddison Golds Appointment to Boards Appointmentswerc made to the various boards commissions and other governing bodies as iol lows Barrie District Collegiatcdn stltntc Blair already ap pointedat the Dec 28 1956 meeting of council BarricPublie Library Board Knox three years Barrie Town Planning Board Rodgers three years Ferguson three years De puty Reeve Cooke sublt stitute for His Worship Mayor Kinzie one Year llhrkctCoirimittee Ald0 Williams John McCaw John Clarke all one year gt Barrie Board of Park llianagc EGreer Elain lbpththree years Barrie Arena Commission May 01 Kinzic Aid Golds Ald Hersey taxpayerH We taxpay VGJE Me Turlr alltone year Barrie Community Association Ald Morrow MisJ Leeds Craig all one av Barrie Chamber of Commerce Deputy Reeve Co ke Coughlin Aldo all one year Barrie Recreation Committee Ald EWilliams Aid Edson Wiee both one year New ton threevéarx Band told Ald Williams Contractor5 Diiector of Public Large FredLoiig PUC Engineer Murphy Butler wallwin all one year Court of Rcvlsio CJGrif Brennan Aid Pad on Reeve Mills all oneyear Barrie Electrical Associatio FlicsTruni West Peacock flew from Malton Airport toRegina on Sun day to be with her mother who is near thatno tic would hesitate riwith tlrcs elected chairman ol Medoute and Victor Ross Oro Station chairmanfor Orp Reports wercvpresonted egos4b ing the various projects carried through in 19g Ihd the details of these tests will be printed in the hull report the associa tionwhicli will be available in tcwweeks Muchniscusslon There was considerable discur sion It the meeting as to the mostrusciul type of work that could be done In the coming year and the board of directors stressed the importance of con tinuing the testing at new var ictics of cereal crops grasses and cloveragtudyingiways JniLmea of maintaining soil fertility and reducing costs of production in farm crops operators were selected to lllillltl take prolecLs and arrangements will be made for worthwhile tests and demonstrations in township insofar as is possible Established New Goal Having achieved the goal of over 400members at one dollar per member in 1956 the associa tion cstablished new goal at 500 members in 1957 and the directors undertook to conduct canvass at once Worthwhile prizes were donated byrvarious members to stimulate interest in the canvass or members and the draw will be made for these awards at the tiitie otthe seed fair At the evening committee meet ing plans were made to again hold the aiinuai seed fair and crop convention at Elmvnle on Friday March March being preparation day Theprize list for the seed air was revised to include special classes for Tetra Petkus rye and hay and new section was arranged for Junior Farmer and 4H Club class for Garry or Rodney pats The usual classestor cereal grains small seeds and seed potatoes will again be featured Most lmportant The seed iairis considered of most importance this year as due to the very unfavorable harvest ing weather in 1959 doubtful ii more than half of our farmers will have suitable seed grain on hand There is reasonable sup ply of feed grain on most farms butseed grainpromises to be in very short main and all term ers with good quality oats or bar ley suitable for seed are urged to cleanup an extra quantity for their neighbors who are not so fortunate it ismost important in oiiercd seed grain for sale that grade and germination test he obtained well in advance of otiering seed or sale Seed grade and germin ation tests may be obtained by sending onepound sample of erealug in or four ounces of to the CanadaDepart merit of Agriculture 86 Collier Street Toronto feeof 75 cents for cereal grain tand slfor small seedspayable to the Receiver General of Canada is required for this service Send Samples Allgrotvers with oats or barley that will makereasoiiably good number of rco every dcr Bread Tour Master 51 nanny sameion was his been clccted ch man of the ard oi Orillia trlct Collegiate Vocational Institut ior his SPARES panics linenuoou LEAGUE Fuchsia 80Scarlcis 58 Reds 54 Blues 45 Green 32 Yellows 24 Yesterdays Scores Fuchsia Yellows Greens Blues Scarlets Reds Skiypnycbuk had the top singloscorc at 223 Edna Marsh alls high triple was 576 Katievtaw MENS LEAGUE First Division Brass and Glenn tziSupertostJZ Borden Bombers 121Baylield 11 Ernies Cromp ton Second DÂ¥isln it ie an ng Breadilrd Butlers 11 er canada Dry Mondays scores Supertut Crompton tieldfl Brass andGlenn den Bombers Ernies John Langs Canada Drv john Longs 15 Wonder Toast Mast rie Tanning Butlers Steve Wiggins had single game score of332 Les Gagne had the toptripleof 749W thlcn fol lowed with 748 seed are requested to send sam ples in tor grade as soon as possble two or three weeks this senior and our acedfair March ill soon behere Most seed grain is off colorAt year due to weathering at harvest time but color is not too important so long as the seed willgrow Seed that has sprout ed in the field or heated inrthe bin will not grow however so the germination test is oubly import ant this year other plans for the seed fair and crap3convention include dis plays and contests of various kinds related to soil and crop im provement along with discussions on major farm roblem MONSTER TURNIP JNNISFAIL Alta tur nip weighing ltipounds two ounv cos was dug out of the Allari Morison at Karlal here it had to becdug because his children couldnt pull LOP ST SPECIALS lN WNTER CLGTWNG PH PA 83652 the highest nutriti Byyeeding 3011 high energy 22 and maintain ens are based on crumbledpremixcon balanced with high energy grains thayyour poultry you can expect ncg sat tli sroaswine Discount ti onceintuit A1 scarnaus 711 on every item on men and boys wear obmnletcstorcxwide clcanncc VE As MUCH AS 50 nu special clearance priced 2m runs SHiRTS fasttwink SWEATERS Full iaahionedsweatcrs made in Scotland and importcd direct oifcr exceptionally fine appearance long wear easy to wash and tremendous reduction in price tonosnnavn VNECK PbLLovnR innatnral arid havy blue iii6 2195 SLEEVELESS VNECK runnovan in grey and natural shades Region 1695 WHITES STRIPES COLORS acounanmt sou AT 495 this exceptional group of shirts allnatlonally known brands of ten choice of single or double cuff styles Not all sizes in one line but all sizes in the gran Youll want half zen at this pllbe gigarance Special Groups MENS SUI IS Ar PECIAL GROW brokenrangeof suits not all sizes orcolors inxone line but sizes 38 to 48ln the group Single randdoublebreastgd style brawn of grey blue Regularvalues to 59 50 REGULAR 5950RAMGE taken Irightirom stock onthe displayraeks these suits offer selection of single and double breasted styles in tall natural and stoutsmodels izes36 to 44 trio wonderful gt cho of colors rwolraousanysuirs $7500 suits taken from regular stockoffering the lates tylcs many with centrevve tSingle and double breastedistyler regular ral tal and stout mm dels in the group Sizes 36 to 44 in saline choice or onto 5W VALUES Dozen of coa choose full selection of sizes and every one at special savings REDVKVJCTIONS