WIDNESDAT LIAN 101951 AADIAN PRESS By HARRY ECCLES Canadian Press ENLerter Britains new Prime Minister Harold Macmillan assuming oii ice at troubled time has been wished good luck by Sir Winston Churchill The Labor party has raised the possibility that the tact the Queen was apparently ioreed to choose between Macmillan and But ler lord privy seal might involve her innocently in political con troversy Macmillan former chancellor oi thecxchequcr is regarded as member of the Conservatives right wing while Butler is classed in the more liberal faction of the party The Labor partys shadow cablt inct said it is examining the constitutional implications of the way Macmillan was sclected La bor leaders also came up with demand for new general elec tion Blames Conservatives With painstaking eitort to avoid any criticism of the Queen her seli the Labor party chieis an nounccd they are calling new meeting of policy planners to dla cuss the method of selection De puiy leader Jamcs Grliiiths said we believe the crown should not be put in the embarrassing position of having to make choice between rival claimants tor the premiership from the same party Labor said the Conserva Iivea should have made clear who their leader was keeping the Queens task on the level oi sim ly approving the choice The Conservatives toliowing party tradition had not elected deputy tosuceeed Eden when he resigned with startling suddcn ness bowing to his critics and his own impaired health The Queen was known to have consulted the xMarquess of Salisbury and Church Then came the royal summons to Macmillan Some commentators on the events noted that Macmillan was an enthusiastic supporter of the Briiish inteivcntion in Egypt while Butler vasthuught to have been lukewarm Perhaps it went back as far as the prowar period when Lord Salisbury Churchill Eden and Macmillan all were con spicuous antiappeasers Butler in the other hand was closely associ ated with Neville Chamberlains efforts to come to terms with die tatora Hitler and Mussolini Maemillan told reporters after his appointment he would not call an election at thistime He dined alone with Churchill last week and on emerging toldreportcrs have su ed at th dam PP aunt of all Wilma Simmers ngarian police arrested cight university student leaders on the eve ot planned meeting of the Hungarian Students Federation in Budapest last week ti nwas formed at the start of antiCommunist revolt last 09 tober and students were prominent in the demonstrations at Oct 23 which touched off the armed Iiplt XlSlilgS Budapest radio said that one workerSWas killed and woman injured during antigovernment demonstrations last Friday in the Budapest industrial suburb of Czepel island The radio said poi ice tired into croWd of ivorkers demonstrating against the mail agcmentoithcirtaetory The Hungarian Communist party newspaperblamed demonstrations on workers councils thatdissolved themselves tin provocative man ONLY ELNA oAass TQMAKETiiis orrsa it you can find nnyotherhome sewing machine that does everything this Elna can do BLNA VArrnnge iree time trial See Elna alone dares make this Imllln Her The Elna Superlrintic does all your dressmaklngnot orin stitch handeewnl sin dams mendascws on one tons makes buttonholea sin gives you hundreds oi decorative stitch sfit saves nn nvningn farn MOZSWDO yearly ori darning and men thg alonc ltscqrtytngeaae becomes aibig work mrncn giving you can advantages hothportable and console modela noea everything iii can do Einawiil buy in youi The federa Nfld Buy iTViQRfyou her in protest against mansir ment New Ball Inquiry The plan which ended the nine day strike at Canadian Paciï¬c Railway iireniencalls tor the gov ernment to setup board oi in quiry to investigate the question of whether the number of Bremen in diesel locomotive operations should be reduced The crux otthe stoppage which had all CPR trains ldlelrorn Jan until thestrike ended late on Jan ll was the CPR plan to pull ilremen oil diesel locomotives in yards and ireigiit service The motor issue in negotiations on the strikeending iorrnula was whether the ï¬ndings at the new board of inquiry should be bind ing The CPR wanted them made binding the union was opposed The union won out on this issue although Prime Minister St Laur ent announcing the strikecnding plan in Commons suggested it would be diilicult tor ettherside not to accept the final report of the board oi inquiry CPR President Crump said in statement that the prime minister had stated that alter the investigation which now is being arranged finality will be achieved Mr Crump said have accepted this assessment Gamble of Montreal Carr adian chief of the striking Bro thorhood oi Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen CLC said We are very glad and quite satlslied with thesettlement It is estimated thatthe tieup cost the national economy some $10000000 Three ihousand the men had been on strike and an other 67000 CPR employees were made idle while other thousands in industries dependent on the can for transportation hadto bé laid off Trouble Spot The government of the British protectorate of Aden said Yemeni attacks were beaten oft lastweek at Beihan 150 miles north of Aden Another attack by dissid ent tribesmen on tribal guard post in western Aden protectorate was unsuccesstul Britain has charged that the little Red Sea ltlngdom oi the Yemen has ananced and backed dissident tribesmen who have made attacks across the Aliens Yemen border recently The Ye men inturn has charged Britain with making attacks on Yemen territory Last Chapter Coolly accepting his late John Gilbert Graham was executed in the gas chamber at Canon City 2010 last week for destroying an airliner that carried his mother and 43 other persons to death mong victims when United Air Lines transport wassbattered by dynamite bomb Nov 1955 was lllrquima Windsor of St Johns Graham 24 lather of twochil drcn never disclosed motive for planting bomb in his mothers luggage but named himself bene ficiary in $3750 light insur ance policy on his mothers life MOVIE TAX CUT There is some merit in the Maritime movie heuses asking discontinuance of the amusement tax becauseother distractions like TV srecutting down their in come so drastically theatre is an important business to any community many times its tacit itics are thrownopen to thepub lie or eommunlty gatherings Sussex N11 Kings County Record WILL Juniors Farmers guests CBMC Monthlysupper meetiiig oi the ChristianBusiness Mens Coninut tee ntBarrle was held in Barton Avenue United Church on Tues day Jan with at present Chairman Roy Tracy was in charge Alter staging the theme sons flunk You Lord For 58le my Soul Roy Carlton oi Allis ton returned thanks for the rheal Ernest He led the singing with Ken at the piano The North Simone Junior Farin era executive presided over by IhomasRosa ot om Station were guests at theChristian Business Men at the meeting and were wei comed by the chairman Reply TALKING DOG Mrs Paul Skltch oi Calgary lsfphotographcdwlth her talking dog say the dog attempts wines andgrowls ihreeycanold black mongrel Mr lid Mrs Skitch to lmltitewords lichens wit combination of Innis Continued irom page seven board to rule on the matter as to their desire to continuejo pur chase all supplies iorpupils which now amalints toover $6000 He felt that this was something which needed caretui management The board unanimously agreed to ntlnue the supplying at all the including text books notebooks pencils and other requirements it was also agreed that supply company should meet the teach ers and obtain from theme list of supplies required to complete the term Mr Crane stated that the Bar rle board did not make those supplies tree to pupils It was ielt by board members that as they obtained adiscount it was cheaper to buy them in bulk than each pupil having to get his own it might bcthat some that could aiiord the required books would begoingshort Mr Crane got the business un der way Mr Long eed busy keeping the matters to be considered bctore the members InspeciorJMoeklin in Attendance The district inspector waslin attendance and was asked his opinion on thesupplies He said the department favored these belv ing supplied and that theyallow ed grant to cover portion oi he costs He said he had so fa this year completed the inspection of the Painswick school where there are three teachers board thatrthis school was on very high standardand thatall three teachers were very effi cient He hoped that he would find all schools equally as good as he went through the district The two new members of the board Fraser Sutherland and Robert Green took an active part in the work The various committees were set up as follows Vicechairman Fraser Suther Eldon Wiccand Robert Green board previously dealt with The valley Taxi was ceessary supplics tor pupils End keptthe secretary He told the land iinance Lloyd Booth and Fraser Sutherland management property itohcrt Green and El don cho Bert Loughccd was reappolnt ed secretary manager ot the at the same salary Two transier contracts were awarded the contract ion trans portation daily pupils whoxhad to be taken from the Crawiord area on the 14th to the Holly schiiol where another room is In use in the small building at the back of the old school the sum of $4 per day two trips daily Roy Goodiellow was awarded the contract for pupils that are being transported to Stroud and Craigvale school at the sum oi $375 per day This was ior an arrangement which had already been in iorce since fall Trustee Green brought up the matter of the oil supply being allowed to run out at schools He asked li the supplier could not give this better attention as he was sure that there were oth or who would it they did not He was told that in some cases the oil was not out when thought to be but trouble had been in the stoves At one school where the tank is outside the oil was known to have been removed by some one Chairman Crane said he would advise onthe matter The cost of oil for December was $535 letter requested by Trustee Booth sent tojthe teacher at Knock Mrs Wilda Johnston on her decision to continue toteach after her request to resign was read to the board This hadron suited ingetting the board out of very difficult situation when they were unable to obtain teacher for Mrs Johnston Swokllowed Wire Brush Hair Mrs John Webstcr while cat ing her idlnner last Wednesday had the misfortune to have wire irom cleaning brush which got into the food get stuck in her throat VShe wastakcn to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and from there when it was found impossibleto relieve her was rushed to Toronto It is report ed that she is now well on the way to recovery it is not known how the wire from the brush got into the toad neverbefore bargains on two otthe most popular as This ior PEAS applesauce 49c saw mamas other He sane manna PEA SOIIP VTissuesa BEST BUY ARKEIiLCHOICE 20oz tins Peaches 49 swnrrs coupons Ham 49c deanxswith pork oz tins Beans 49 49c SALE FEATURE TOMATOES 49 sans VALUE Regular PEPSODEHT TQDTII vials sizs 1Saiatogaltliiifltltilt iieii wniieriiiisi sunsruN Fresh FRUIT VEGETA 49c ahmmnamni Brights annoy Quality HIBLETS 00R nnbitnnt 49c surname Libbys Fancy Quality fltllll cocaine Red White Lends Again or 490 Eijsiriiisi shunning 49 SALE FEATURE Choice Quaiiiy M1 rarities snail Golden ltoiirllb bags31o 49 he thanked Gothic tor the invitation to attend and gave the meeting some tnnrms tian concerning the activities 01 the Junionhrnieslm Rev 51 Gordon Wattles of Simon cochairnun oi the Barrie Crusade or Christ prayer cont Inittee spoke briefly concerning preparation or the Crusade he ginning Harsh 10 Mr Waniess said Let us cist denominaqu aside and work to gether was raised on the term and knowthat in order to get crop one must work the ground We must pray individually in groupsand there is no limit to theppssibilltles it the ckusade is grounded in prayer we cant have too much at iLZ Testimony time in charge oi John Colvill brought evidence at tac sans minions Kountry Klst standard ouniity at 49c ea 49¢ 49c 49c 15 oz tins 490 Mon this MrVColwiii told sioryloi the saving and keeping power at Jun cirm inuie momma latIJGreer John Smith and John Colwill nun having his tongue removed for cancer The doctor said You will never speak what are your last words The man replied Thank God or Jesus Christ Scripture reading was by Han old pnndon prayer by Ed Brown and Gordon Withers of Angus The speaker Hilliard Orton of thlowdale was introduced by Heath In an inspiring address Mr Orton spoke at the great need of the day Paul was sailing for Rome when great storm came up so that they cast outytopr anchors and waited ior the day we we sanemmni Sallilith Cross IllilA fillies loosens FEATUREl in the storms oi lite the speaker 91 need the Inclimditt the Rock which is Jesus Christ He came to make God known He didnt come to use good people there arent any lie slid the greatest anchor oi all is our iellowship in Jena Christ with the assurance of sins iorgiven Many people today hnve an out ward look that appears but there is trouble on the ide He exhorted his hearers to build on Weaiii educatiou popularity in civic ariairsdo not have the answer liyouhavent Christ you have nothing Meeting closed in prayer by Rev irimbls February meeting gwill be pastors ni when the piston oi Barrie and district will be guests oi CBMC or this 49 strains ae351549i toe sAnE rnarunni DOG F000 49c Sam FEATURE Dr Dillards Champion 15 9n Hams PASTE wax 49 we saw mamas Gold Medal PEANUT BUTTE niesr any and White Brand maginc cairn salmon ii 49 LmBYS SLICED 20 on tins Beets 31 some lumpkin 49¢ llpkg Millie 12 49¢ large tubes for 49¢ to physrttgc PASTE Ins intrpkgsgz tor19c TISSUE trolls asc BLES Redlz While Lends Again rieliy NATIONAL pkg oi TeaBags gn49o Assorted Meat Spreads 49c nmnyfs poian as on tins Spaghetti 49c 49c COMBINATION DFFER Km oz éilaiiiiisnï¬aeks 8i seenFEATURE Pussnxlfooistidl Fflflll vlifiiriiioraosT envelopes icorr nani sizic Animal Design oz tumblers Iii 21 49c EECIAL oz pkgs sienna Files in 49s nan an wmrn tall tins Evaronarazn Milk 1449c AYLMER Tomato or Vegetable 10 oz Soup b490 SUPREME Sweet Mixed 16 oz tars Pickles 219ch Reg value 55c gt MCCORWCK Newrllquidmlrncle ior imiiynuni is in 8025lior49e1 5ioi49ti sh dies as Lux TQIIiET soap 52 Quality reORiDA Wiiireoarmk Grapefruit