Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 16

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New 5mm Recent vnum Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson Mr and Mrs Rance Delaney Mn Wilma Palmer and Mrs Alton Anderson spentWednesday after noon last with Mr and Mrs Harry man at Creemore To California and Mrs Arthur Worrod and Mr and Mrs Hillary Keogh left lastWednesday for Ontario California and will visit other places of interest We Florida Trip Mr and MrsTim Wilson left Saturday by bus for Florida where they will join Mr and Mrs Sid Butler who are spending couple of months there Weekendlwith Grandparents Patricia and Bill Keilmn at Camp Borden spent the past weekend with their grandparents Mrand Mrs Wice Sunday Visit Bruce Tough and sons lrcl and Brian of Toronto spent Sun day at Mr and Mrs James Toughs Toronto Trip Mrs Thomas llarnett Sr spent few days last week in Toronto with her daughter Jean Mrs Jerry Gcovanilia Short llollday Little Nancy Irwin of Port Credit is spending four weeks with bet grandparents Mr and Mrs James Drummond Visit Mother Mr and Mrs John Henderson and sonand daughter of Toronto spent Saturday evening with the formers mother Mrs James Hell derson Take Charge of Services Roy Carlton ob Alliston and ii Heath ot Barrie had chargoof the services in the United Church on Sunday morning last Evening Auxiliary The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church met on Monday evening last atMrslLly Baxters Mrs James Henderson was the speaker Variety Night The south Simcoe District Wo mens institute are holding Van iety Night on Friday Janltl at pm in the Arena Alliston The Womens institute throughout the district will be taking part From Moose Jaw Flo and MrsDavid Fiannary and threexhildren of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan are visiting Mrs Flannerys mother Mrs Margaret Ciaridge WI Meeting The Womens Institute will meet on Monday evening Jan 21 at 813 run at Mrs Maliion goodattendance of members and friends is hoped tor Entertain Bridge Club illn Waikem entertained the senior bridge club on Tues day evening last Mrs Palmer Mrs Carter and Mrs Tough had the high scores MixedEuchlw Mr and Mrs Hammond entertained the mixed euchre club on Thursday evening last Mrs Hammond was the winnet of the ladies prize Mr Barnett for the gcnilcmen 87th Birthday Bart Carrol one of Totlenhams senior citizens celebrated his 87th birthday on Jan lie was born in England Jan i870 Coming to Canada when quite young man he has resided in Tottenham and district ever since Formany years he has been merchant here His grace cry business and store which he operated up until Thursday last Jan to he sold out to AbDrury UTOPiA Martin Luther Film The Maitin Luther film will be shown at St Georges Church on Tuesday Jan 92 at pm LONG TERM The President of the Republic of irehnd is elected by direct vote of the people for term of seven years BHEXRTMIX 1570 DAIRY RATIO surlm man ovum AMAZING LOW rmcn Home lurln Supply mmINA CilOWS For Livestock Poultry Surge Dairy Equipment 11 Mulcisrérsl Phone PA 82982 smcos comm GRAINGROWERS near EXTRA rnonrs WW NaChurS LIQUID PLANT Foop MUREAY RUMBLE at Mt No Blenheim says npnyoo whent Just before am loint mu with NIChum Liquid Fertilizer yield check show ed an inereule 108 bushels er here on the sprayed porv lion compared with the check Itrlp umprayed feel out have received an excellent in creasefor thelmlii cost material used Call your NAiciIliitS Crop Service Man srlw BELL inn No Barrie ZARCHIE wANLEss RR lie 1Phelpstoni iiicanes MOIID IFMIJER aan Your own records will prove the valued SEIIRGAIN Super Laying Mash These records can prove theres extra profits when flocks are fed the SlumGAIN way Hens keep healthy pro duce heavily for MAXIMUM PROFITS Your own records will prove snortth Soper Laying Mash promotes steady high egg production overlay long period The result more eggs per bird Your own records will prove saunam Super lsying Mash promotes better feed conversion the productionot dozen eggs with less feed This is the ration al test of value of aleying Call In soon and discuss the use of SlumGAIN Super izaylng Mush for your flock Ask about the new SHUEGAIN Egg Pro duction Cha designed to simplify the keeping of recordson every phase of laying hen operation Lettheae charts prove what SHURGAIN Super Laying Maahw do for yo havefheen here inquite substan tialnumhers weraeitherrentirely BRERETCNHELD NATURAIJSTSL Laue NOTES Thennrereloo Club members participated for the sixth eeosee utive year in the annual hlrd counting whichhtakn place over this continent in the last weék ol Dccemher Twentyfour club members and friends in six parties searched along the high ways and coilntry roads in fields and woods and along the shores of Kempenfelt Bay and Lake Sim coe while other mehlbers watched their feeding trays throughout the daylight hours of Dec 29 The day was suhny tvith coldwind at about 20 miles per hour alas the temperature down as low as 10 above zero The hay was not frozen over Therefore it will be noticed that we were able to dad consider able number hf waterfowl But the mild fall weather which had kept the bay open was also proh ably responsihl for the factlthat many winter birds which should missing or were represented by only few individuals There was one exception to this in the very large numher of Snow Buntings seen in two dittcreni sections of the territory One flockwas estimated at well over LOO while the other was placed at above 200 This was the first report of these birds inthis dis trict this winter And they were probably just arriving Altogether 26 varieties were identified mil 1907 individuals being recorded only one year plan 30 months at have we hadiewcr varieties1952 with 25 Our best year lay far was 1953 when wewere able to find 40 species in thenumher of individuals the closest to this years total was ald 1953 with 1454 TheBaid Eagle seen over Toll endnl and the Great Blue Heron arthersouth on Highway nwere the real sights of the day The heron was the tirst we have had on census list and aneagiehad becnon only one previous count order of numbers wasas follows Snow Buntings 1200 estimated Chickadees 171 Goldfincth l55 Blue Jays 105 English Sparrows 69 starlings 84 Juncees 23 Her ring Gulls 21 Goldenieye Ducks 19 Scaup 18 Goldencrowned Kiaglets l3 Ruffed Grouse 13 Tree Sparrows 10 Downy Wood peckérsT Hairy Woodpeckers Whitebreasted Nuthatches Am erican Mergonsers hingnecked Ducks andone each of Great Blue Heron Whitewinged Scoter Boughlegged Hawk Bald Eagle Piieated Woodpecker Carolina Wren Cedar Waxwing and Mirth ern Shrike Ggt BINGO AS OUTLET We helieIIe that hingo ia harmless outletfor the gambling urge which pervades most of us and on excellentmeans of raisJ ing money for doservingcivic projects providcdproperly con ducted and supervisedPrince George Citizen $1091 701 Just one example at our law to $1250 longtime higher This amount has on even dollar pdyment $4500 Nut Rul lunglrtenlu lugaivAILcunodionloun Collipnny mn WILSON BUILDING Post Office Square The complete list to the day in agate Crochets ihe fashion And these little glamour hats the smartest sllapesof the season Easy single crochet and rib stltch sparkling sequin triml Pattern 7077 Crochet directions for tWOhatsédulckto do using straw yarn or knitting worsted Send TWENTYElm CENTS in coins for this pattern stamps carl gt not be accepted in The Barrie Examiner Household Arts Dept 60 FrontSt WestToronto Ont Print vplainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER Two FREE patterns printed inaur ALICE BROOKS Needle oralt hook tgstuuning designs for yourself or your homelust for you our readersl Dozens of other designs to orderall easy fascinating handwork Send 25 centsfor your copy of this won derfulibook right away MANSFIELD Laynlens Service The services on the Mansficld United charge were very capany conducted on Sunday by two lay men of Barrie andvdistrlct Mr Beers and Mr Judd Funeral Services Funeral services were held at Alliston onSaturday for Willis Vail whose deathioccurred at his home near Toronto last week He was son of the late Charles Vall and Mrsl Vail afidvin his younger days had lived with the family near Mansfield Fire Destroys Home James Armstrong Land Lizzie lost thelr home andall their her longings by fire about six mile south of Shelhurne oil wellnes day evening Jan At the time theywcre staying for few days with daughter Mrs Stavely owing to the illness of Lizzier On Friday evening Jan4Mr Arm= strong who is86 fell and broke his leg at whip and both he and Lizzie arevin the Orangevilie Hospital George Milton and Alex Armstrong of Mansfield are sons of Mr Armstrong and the lamin have the sympathyof the Mansfield people in their misforv tune FOR SCOUTERS AND ROVERS When 100 Scout Leaders and 200 Roversufrom Canada fiy to England next summer to attend an Indsbaa world gathering of Scoutersand World Rover Moot they will participate in Cou ferenee sessions based on ideas submitted byLeaders and Rovers from Scouting countries through out the world including well over 1000 Boy Scouts the Cana dian Contingent to JiMthe JubileeJamboree Indaba and Rover Moot at Sutton Coldfield Warwickshire will be the largest ever sent abroadvfrom this coun try nationalisation um Sitli small rollilll Your liiiilllWAilii surplus surreal EMPLOYMENTCAMraIGN wEElL WI PAY Vt TO HAVE THE JOB DGNE we SIMPLY MUST out NBLOKOIE imirmow DQIINKW Meow enormous roman min arms on name meleuasom WHAT WIS LliFlLE HOLE is usao so mass MAKINGA ChickyYodng wmreameasns i5 LYINS HERE WAITING FOR mm MAKE ME ByWolt Kelly moniamrmfifor some snow wwus MEDICINE was oavs Ase

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