Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 15

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weannsaav JAN Magistrate Foster presid ed with Assistant Crown Attorney Kennedy Chief Tachirhart and Cpl it Neathway Ihad court duties gt Adjournment Asusual number of adjourns mentx were asked and granted in cluding two charges eachagainst Rcrtlluyck and Robert Mat tire of Camp Borden laid by Cpl TBildiell RCMP for theft of butter value over $50and for possession of the samcas of Jan 1967theproperty of the De artrnent of National Defence Ad ournrnent as rcqucsied by De fence Counsel Gordon McTurlt is to Jan 18 Made No Return Also on charges by Cpl Bildfell several convictions were made for failure to return income tax state ments for 1955 with Vflncsof $25 and costs of $350 each Suspended Drove Charged by Cpl Winger with driving on Dec 20 on Mary Street while under suspension oi license Paul Vickcrs was convict Cd and lined $75 with costs of $5 December Trouble it was back on Dec 12 that charge of driving while ability im paired was laid by Prov Cpl Shaver against Cpl Stewart Graham when he noted high speedand no stop at the barrier Unfortunately the accused had previous similar conviction of two years ago and the penalty was 14 days and license suspendedfor one year runnsnlw JAN to Magistrate GR Foster presid ed for District OPP day with Crown Attorney Thompson Sgt Bonnycastlc was on court duty assisted by PC Scragg Ch ristmos Aftermath number appeared for having liquor or beer in an illegal place including Russel McDonald who was charged with having ale in his car at dance hall onDec 28 and he had been drinking The fine was $15 with costs $450 in the case of Ernest Barker he was found with liquor in his home by Cpl Kellogg on Dec 22 butit had been declared apublic place on previous date and the fine and license suspended was 15 withcosts of the liquor adult Drunken Drivrng An unusual number came under this penalty and included Roger Barton who was checkedhy rc Hedrich on Dec 22 near Allis ion when he was weaving on the road and crowdeda truck over TestsJafer brought conviction and tern of nine days license sus pended tor six months and car impounded two months Another was Gerrard Crawford who was picked up on Dec 14 on Highway 90 at 1140 pm by PC Robina and charged after tests at District HQ The result was convictionandierm of nine days suspension six months and im pounding two months On charge by Cpl Kellogg Leonard Boswell was convicted of impaired driving on Dec 21 in Essa on Highway 90 at high speed and waslined $100 plus $5 license suspended three months and no driving for six months Also by PC Robins was charge gnlnst Horst cheking on Nov in lnnistil of careless driving on 11 and then 400 where the officer said that he had followed at speeds to 90 and then slowed Convicted for excessive speed he WflSl lined $50 with costs $5 and license suspended two months Another conviction forcareless driving was on charge by PC Plaxion against Lawrence Kuku rudza on Dec who had passed the eruiscr at high speed which called for chase by the officer The fine was only $10 with costs szso Long Held Over The final hearing of charge of careless driving against Carl Moore dating back to July 28 in Vespra was linked in with anothv er charge also laid by PC Campbell Moore had denied be ing the driver of car involved in an accident when pole was struck The case was tried at length shortly after the charge datewith strong defence by Toronto barrister and with anoth er man implicated Moore had no lieense at the time and was still without one until this the final hearing Evdcnce of the officer was that car had slowed in front of Moore and he had struck it on July 28 in Vespra His Wor ship found him guilty and imposed fine of $20 with costs of $2740 Changed To Impaired Defended by John Livingstone in charge of drunken driving laid by PC Jones OPP on Dec 20 on 400 in Vespra Gerald Hunt pleaded not guilty The officer gave evidence of impaired driving and His Worship and Mr Thompson agreed to the reduction in the charge fine resulted to the amount of $75 with costs $5 for two months Also Reduced gt Another case somewhat similar was that at Elwood Chantler charged by PC Primmer with drunken driving on Dec 21 on Highway 93 The officer found him in his car which was onvthe boulevard Onesguard post was damaged The driver who had received slight sdrstch was on the verge of intoxication but eon victed under impairment wasfined $80with costs included and his license suspendedfor six months Went To Sleep Charged1by PC Parke with careless driving on Highway 11 on Dee 15 Edward Corner of Letroy eouidgive no explanation except that he may have gone to Go by bus Relar Enjoy the Jeauly olfhe open country side from comfortable reclining chair In Iururlous Highway Traveller randyIve rotm cocoaccnaooeao SAMPLE alienation mq new you days $5551 Frola mono Includes Ielumfarebx bus sleep while on his way to work at Bradford The officer said that the carvhad rolled over after leaving the road had gone 150 feet struck guard railthen 203 feet more and was 402 feet off rmsr hummus tripletsborn are held by their mother Mrs BruceVadden and nurse Jeansliore in an Abbotsford hospital The babies all girls have dual citizenship until they are 21 Their father adainHarmer lives at Sumas Wash ington No of the triplets were born New Yelr Day thethird early the following morning cr rnoro New No Warning The pastweckend cold snap was ushered in withoutthe usual warning and hence quite sur prise It was marked here bY lack oftlie usual outdoor activity Thanks from Carriers John Sander carrier for The Telegram and his brother Robert Sander carrier for The Daily Star and Star Weekly wish to thank all their customers for their cards and gifts at Christmas time May you all have prosperous and happy 1957 Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors with Miss Edith Grccne were Miss Mac pherson Portage la Prairie Man itoba lnnes of Prestwick Scots land and Jnrdinc of Troon Scollaml Birthday Party Mr and Mrs Fred Brown had birthday party ou the evening of Jan 12 for Mr Browns mother whose birthday was on that partie ular date New Years Visitors Mr and Mrs Bruce Culiingham anddwo daughters Mr andMrs Mike Stasko and daughter of New market along with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Allen and baby daughter of Uxbridge spent New Years with Mr andMrs Alfred Allen Recent Visitors Mrs Ernest Knapp and Edna visited recently with Norman Mayes Strand Bereavement Mrs Knupp received the sad news from Kingman Alberta of the sudden passing of her young est sister on Dec 27 Mr and Mrs Joseph Fink beiner of Crediton had recent short holiday with Mr and Mrs Eugene Finkbeiner of this vil lage Well Represented Thornton and Egbert were well represented at the dinner at Col lier Street United Church Barrie last Saturday under the auspices of Simcoe Presbytery Mens Council and at the open meeting afterward addressed by the very forceful speaker Dr Harry Den the highway The road was sliplt pery in places said Parke 0n the charge he was convicted and fined $20 with Costs $1450 Thornton man the great lay leader from Alabama At W1 Meeting lv Mrs ll Carr was present at the Barrie W1 meeting last Tues day afternoon at Mrs Harry Lynns Toronto Street Mrs Wanda Miller Mayor of Graven hurst was the speaker andpart of the meeting was recorded and could be heard over CEOR Or illia Wednesday afternoon of this week at 115 oclock Weekend at Home Miss Dorothy Campbell was home from Toronto for the week end ANGUS Sinctne Sympathy Deepest sympathy is extended to Sgt and Mrs James Kennedy and family in the sudden passing of loving father and grandfather Kennedy who died at the home of his son Sgt Kennedy CAP Campliorden Monday nigh Weekend Visit Revand Mrs Robert Lacey andfamilyT ronto spent the weekend with est Hammond Visiting Mothcr Mr and Mrs Robert McCra and family of Rutland Saskatche wan are visiting his mother Mrs Blair yMcCrackea friends and neighbors Mrs McCrackcn suff ered stroke on Fridayafteraodn Her many friends wish her speedy recovery Trustees Elected Congratulations to thevillago trustees for 1857 They are as follows Vic McMaster 201 Archie Duckworth 198 Harvey Robinson 181 and Garnet Finch 126 Twenty Visit Mr and Mrs CameroaMcRae and Mrs Er ngEEION Weekend van 10 Fatmer rpent weelo find with friends in Allandale Visitl Parents George Dobbo at Walkertoh spent the part two weeks withhls parents Mr and Lira Dobba Ralph Mason of Lakefield was home during New Years weak Sunday Visitors Mr and Mn Earl Johnston of Toronto visited Mr aners HagermanAu Sunday At Annual Dlnla Mr and Mrs Rutledge in Toronto on luesdhyattendlng the CooperWeeks annual dinner for salesmen hald thcfltoyal Yor Hotd Moved uto Rectory Rev and ammonium RWillowdala moved into the rec tory last week RevoMatthews is the new Anglican minister for Beeton Tottenham and Palgravc In Hospital Rev Gardner minister of Trinity United Church is patient in Soldiers Memorial Hospital Orillla following an no cmtionon Thursday Jan and latest reports are that Mr Gard ner is progressing satisfactorily From North Bay Douglas of North Bay spent several days visiting with hissis tor and brotherinlaw Mr and Mrs Jones Evening in Toronto bfrand Mrs Edgar Ritchie and Mr and Mrs William Coburn spent Saturday evening in To ranto Former Resident Dies The death of Dore of Sunderland former re ldent of Beeton occurred at his ome on Sunday Jan The funeral was held ain Sunderland on Tuesday Jan Funeral at Cteernorc The funeral of the late Mrs George Davidson oi Creemore was held on Saturday afternoon Jan in Creemore Mrs Davidson was sister of Fachnle In Hospital Mr and Mrs Service visited their nephew Donald Taylor on Sunday Donald has been patient inthc Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto for the past two weeks Meeting of Fire Brigade The annualgtmcetingand elec tion of officers of Heetdn Fm Brigade was heldon Monday Jan GordonNichul who has been Long Branch spent Sunday and Monday with Mr and Mrs Duckworth and Mr andMrs Doug earnan las Vlsiting Granddaughter PeterGysel isrvislting her granddaughter Miss Dianne Van Vrisschie in Barrie while her daughter Mrs Aliceyan Vrisschie is pdtient in the Royal Victoria Hospital having undergone an operation on Friday morning Jan 11 Her many friends wish he speedy recovery Wallace Hoov asked to be relieved chief duties The£ollowln¢ are the members of fire hrigadovfor 1991 Chief Gordon Nichol captain Ernest Dale secretarytreasurer Dr RMcKclvcy members William Strachau Fred Dale Gordon Haw tonh Clltford Coburn Peter Ur banaki Dick Colmll Lawrence Hawton Lloyd lloblnson Robert crumble melt Clifford Cohurn was appointed to round the airenveach Saturday in the year at 12 oclock noonin order tomakesure siren is in order From Barrie Mr and Mrs GordonSpencer of Kairte visited with Mrand Mrs Strangways on Saturday Viiiting Relatives Mrand Mrs Lilly and In total onSunday Mrs Wiggins spent few days last week with relatives in Toronto W1 Meeting The regular mectingnt Beeton WomenfaJnstiluto washeld on Tucsda Jan 23 in the library room wtth 20 members present The president birthRae presid ed The meeting opened with the WI Ode Creed and The Lords Praych Tho motto wasihe past can not be changed but the future is in your hands The roll call was answered by paying one cent for each letter in your Christian name The minutes ofthe December meeting the correspondence and all bills and accounts were read by the recording secretary Wright The treasurer Mrs Dobbs gave full report The Variety Night to be held in Alliston on Fr Jan 18 plans were That short course Yo Food and Your Figure is be ng held in the Library room on Feb at WANTED ToBuy Or lie liquid Busflaw in good location in Barrie Not more than four years old Write to WILLIAMS sraruan ONTARIO Lots of Toronto visited relatives have had good your may be better countries nsflltant chief Paul Coburn Earl Ham on think lm drunk say Doni just stand than daring and waving your hands in the air4 nd all ladies of the town or vicinity who are interested are welciirnci The wt banquet far the mem bcrn their husbandror friend will be Held early in February Several plans were made inro gard to thistevent Mrs Colegconvcncriot historicalrcsenrch gage most interesting paper on the history at our mcrnorlaisgates at the main entrance to our Community Par Meeting closed with the nation al anthem The Wigrace was re pcatcd and lunch wa Mrs Wildash Mrs Ramsay and MrsMasonand social hour was apentn BEAVER COMDANY roooo Yuan Iad been dflungflmmmm provinces and better towns to live in bpt we dont think so Red Deer Adv EOR SHIPMENT sronaor yew MJLIIZMdraglphell gt170 BURTON AYE PHONE PAHSSS local toutsalum unvmo rvcd by lltle Mrs MenuhinMacho noun WIWMHIMIIIW vlrMa no on loan at Hmflim Our Hour lanlul Finn Manna Irllllant Floor loamy Phanclor Equipment rv tion today LUMBER LMITED anew Door Min VVe figured folks would go for the 57Bdickandlbig But we sure didnt figure Ibisthe mosr rousing receptionweve ever seen inailibur new Buicks Weregctting more enthusiastic italicalong with the signed orders rzrsaa ever before And n3 7Bulck has that sleek in years of selling shield of vnster dimensions at greater visibility The sweet solid surety ofa new nestedbridefiA brilliant new handling and cor 101d suspensio modern answer to todays clt anew SafetyMr der at onr mi eséperbou torque and horsepower here to deliver that might the powerpitch action or an advanced new Variabie Pitch DynaiiowJ Dynaflow ofsucb nstantancous obedience such smoothand versatile control in rive the need for Low is will truth youve never bossed eenly motion so solid in feel Its ahead ahead ofthe ndustry evcnahead of your ve so smooth in 24 Advanced hymnmas Dynamo is 0in Dynak Halcl outdun hooligan Superan Imr drmdextuln mlnlbcspriu Sc slyM derlunlanim Rudnuutroul GENERAL MOTOit VALUE

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