Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 11

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last1week By MINE mums sunt Inlltfleo only Three Coldwater are men escaped with slight injuries in an accident on the CPR track near Balm The workmen Ivan Hal Ge Bab Dunn North River and Ab Johnston Carley had been called out on duty fol lowing the railway strike settle ment and were travelling north on gasoline jigger about not Saturday lhelrccar reportedly struckm telephone cable lying across the track The Jigger was thrown off and the men tossed in the air Although suffering bruises none of the trio was said to have been severely hurt Ertentiveihe company headed by Vane Caswell brother of Mrs William Harvie of Coldwater suffered an extensive fire in northern Ontario Kirkland Lakethat fire had occurred there in building own ed by Caswéll Construction Com pany causing lossvof $150000 tocquipment in storage spark from welding machine was blamed for theoutbreak New Sermon Series Last Sunday Rev Charles Car tcr started sermon series at St Andrews Presbyterain Church on IWhat Christians believe Activitiesfor Goldwater Pres byterian ladies during the week wéreto include meeting of the SiWMS atthc home ofhlrs ALoeking Jan15 meeting of the YWA atMrs KcnHamitohs holne nhd Ladies Aid meeting at the church Thursday afternoon for quilting and business New Duties John Waterson who has been night operator at Medonte Star tion started new duties this week at MacTier Mr and Mrs Water son are retaining their Coldwater apartment for the presnt Secgd Postponement For the second time the inaug ural meeting of the Goldwater Public School Board had to be postponed when an insufficient number of trustees attendedn mceting in the school Jan 11 Present at Fridays session un til 845 pm when it was called off were Mrs Bernice William son who is not trustee this year but will assist the new board at its initial meeting as retiring chairman and trustees Fred Brown Dan Galbraith and Car man Russell Rev Ross Cumming secretary William Harvie and the press were also on hand Trus tees Charles Danby and Archie Tucker were absent Nomination Meeting nomination meeting has been scheduicdjor Goldwater Court house at7l30 pm Jan 21 mm single vacancy on the Goldwater public school board serving School Section No which in cludes portions of Medonte and Toy Townships The vacancy re sulted when too few candidates qualified at the regular nomina tions United Church Annual United Church annual meetings this week are North River Mon day Coldwater Tuesday WauA banshene Thursday The official board of the church meets in Coldwatcr church Jan 22 Presbyterian Church Annual Mervyn Walkers wasre elected secretarytreasurer of St Andrews for the 36th consecutive year at lhe annual meeting Jan 10 tsvasnportcd from Presbyterian Church ldr Walkers report ahowed that after all expenses had paid lbecbnmb bada large none on hand Rev Charles Carter chaired the meeting reviewed successful year lathe churchs life andled in memorial prayer for four members who passed away in the past year He advised that the budget allocation for been set at $41050 crease hat year the congrega tion sent $44789 to the budget Reports were given by Mrs Wylie for the managers Katb leen Galbraith for the Sunday School MagArchie Tucker La dics Aid Mrs Cooper and Mrs Andrew Dunlap Sr Willi Mrs Williant Wylie and Mrs Cyril Martin Young Womens Auxiliary Mrs Andrew Dunlap Manse Committee Lloyd Lcthen by Atld rs and Mrs Dun l°P M5 995 grduiroporting showed balance on hand Lloyd Letherby was reelected Sunday School superintendent and ltiss Kathleen Galbraith assistant George 1Kingsboroughllfrs Will liam Wylie Roy Galbraith and Gordon Cooper were elected to the Board of Managers Wylie and Lloyd Leth crby were renppointed auditors Gordon Cooper George Kings borough Jack ltlccaskell and Jack Letherby were appointed ushers Mr Walker thanked the itors Mrsmlames Emslie expre ed appreciation to Loekin for assisting church groups ang Mrs Tucker thanked the choir leader Mrs Lloyd Lethcrby and the chair for their services The leadership of the minister was praised by Lloyd Letherby who said he agreed with the re mark ot George Kingsborough thatthe congregation worked to gether like One family Mr Leth erby said outside of the church treasurer the contribution to the churchs life by the ladies groups was the most outstanding Before the benediction Rev Mr Carter expressed thanks for himself and those at the manse for the support accorded He told the members they must not live in the past but continue to grow spiritually to progress The business meeting followed Xsupper served by theandics District Collegiate held its inaugural meetingdast week Mrs Etley Lovering was welcomed as the new representa tive from Matchedashl Norris Walker of Coidwater and Albert Orton of Medonte resumed set municipalities Committees on which these representatives will serve are Mrs Levering Management Mr Walker Transport Mr Orton Propertyu Harry Tissington elected to his sixth teim as chairman of the ODCVl ls rd stated With ithe paint not dry on the Collegiate wing the increasedAregistration in the public schools will force us to plahan addition to the schooltoshe completed in all behind is ter Firemen are in charge ofthe rink management on behalf oi the ilHliii auralmanna or airmail ma nouounanan MR ansuone InChamberd FRIDAY3the as JOHN arcnnno nossr Luron the ammonium nyConml the Affidavit of William taratom Thomas and Neil UPONzheIHnZ what was IT is onbnnnn tnturvlcej upon the Defendantflohn of the Writ at Summon Statement or tag the nmeand spec al Notice or mini chi Ordelyhgethel wins the flotice for three consecutive weeks anhe Barrie lntlle Town Barrie mnoAYor DECEMBER AID I956 and name Defendants on banIr ottbe murmur UPON xe lleged by Counsel 1o tb Applicant lcbard om Clllm Mflthlllt of Plllnufl verity Trial In Matrimonial clumsy pulr thereon ndofled once week Examiner newspaper published in the County of Simone and Province of ammo and by delivering to and leaving with Mrs florence Gosae the Mother of the said Defendant mo Slltement or Claim Mndavlt Matrimonial Cl ma ORDERED on amine slat day or January 857 or lhn lervlci new 485Lake street tnthe City of sault ste Marla In theDistrietpi Alarms and Province or Ontario or tlneert ot sum fine medI Noticemi bede verifyinl th rwtse this 0rd zoom on you othll Writ In LeliaK iieiivered herewith an appearance 01 entered detault 01 your an leao court ddyau dee amen my be var1 face like as representatives from their Maxwell Monti aroreanldahall be meted ls tuna School on annuntheeting itll Paddhoaa on may unnum fthelastm tin me by In lyan Dntl wereaptuav ed Secretarys report byJtrs lDu trepurersrepdrr lattice The Senior Women llr stitute will loukaftertbe retrain ment booth for the two weeks period Suburb Weather recently permitted laying deg snrv Jayccea Executive Meeting An executive meeting of the Junior Chamber ofCommetee was held in the court house Jan In general mfettng of the Jaycecs will be heldsoon to advancelhc extensive program the young men are planning for 1057under Pres idcnt Charles Wedge Ilia Low Temperature Dy oclock Sunday night the mercury had it it low sermon jJirnLaznnaysotliciai re corder laut didnotgo lowen dur ing the hi ht as there was snowtall which temperedthecold sum With the sun out thetem perature was still 10 below tern at 1130 am Monday with the pros pect of colder night stillMany motorists were in difficulty early in the week due to the subzero weathe and Vocational Institute Board Suntler liit gives You complete shop in one sraAL AT an seer 29 we 26 666 28 673 SHE THIN BlANEL jasmine persheet l3rd one ENT wnH swcco PAIN NOW Black Becker Saw Drill and veryversatile outfit which work Regularly sold aweoo inn Si 384 bnns am aan IN annwoon awonlNG Regularl em Interment Iran flu arm Day tendent Mrs Clarke all was served Hospital Kenneth Paddiaoni in Barrie hospital Hope 101 speedy re covery it Weekend Visit Mr dud am emu stainton and family ofOshawa spent the weekend with the farmers par en tecentVIsltors Mr andMrs Norman Klan of Sarnlayvisited her sister Mrs WilliamLangma apdatqhny man Mr and CbirlesCanning andMiss Annie Canning Drillia also visitedtheir sister Mrs Wii to item Langman Hcontratu atlona Congratulations to the candl lddtes who won in th Oro elec tioh Reeve Kenneth Gillespie ill Gordo bell Harold Husband and Berna rd Itchy plotelele Mr and Mrs Rmid om visited Mr and llra Keith these days Federation Meéling The Federation otAgricnl met to Rugby schooljon Friday evening with good attendance Peter Naughton was present and showed interesting film Skstlng on Rink There skatingon Rugby rink onx Tuesday andiSalurday nights and Saturday afternoon for chll tlren Everyone is welcome Come out and support the rink Much credit is dueto the yonng men who banespent so mnch time making tirirrink Mv notion nocKEY something sad isjhappenlng to hockey as its halayed these days solnething sum from the specta standpoint Thata why ho key crowds aredwindling The tmesse thestlckhandling the passing game has gone in its place has come wrastlingbattle royal Whos going hockey from going lacrosse COMPLETELY ultimo 1an nun BEVEL curs 835120 nasronan role Cayman TOPS nu WALLSl mannannown robin 150 sq Reg Price Mark Down PAINT tour ass KiloTY PINE PANELLING we HAVEJWANY mom DO0RSGOING Al REDUCED airless wnvgNor qorna IN AND LOOK alrouNbf elf vuoioaui771qu one suns cowmm gt 169295 CLEAR sillWis mutations was lemma for preconunrnz unreliaarons nannies Astowss As Low As

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