Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1957, p. 10

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Birth ot Son iComltulations to Mr and Mrs Daoiist of Cookstowa on the birth at son on No28 1956 Royal Victoria Mospit Ban Brcab none In Fall Miss Dodd tanner mobile school teacher hereha the mi IortuneJn tall in bone our the ihoulde shell now recuperating at the home at Mr and Mrs Kenneth Pegg gt Mrs McCuish white at curling matchjt Cookstown rink had the misfortune to all break ing bone in one wristi OFU Meeting Mrs George Irosser Early presides ot the Ontario Farms Union will speakron parity prices to the farmers and their wives of thisdistrict at the Leg ion Hall on Jan 17 at 830 spon aored by the Simcoc branchhi the OFU Everyone wcleome Instituteihiewsm itle reminder to stitute ladies to attend the Holt lows meeting at the town hall on Jan 16 at pm Institute ladies are all invited The Institute variety show at Alliston0n Fridayiau 13 Mrs Farts and Mrs Maycs to or range transportation Leit tor Alberta Campbell former Cookstown boy lctt for his homI1 in Spirit Iiivcr Altaa Spend iag several weeks visiting rcla tivcsin town and in Barrie visitors inTowii Visilors with Mr and Mrs StanleyCook during the week were Stewart Cook oi Brockvillo with his parents on Saturday Ronald Cook ol Gravcnhurst the weekend and during the wick Mr and Mrs Kloske and tom ily and Mrs Lillian Richardson and son Lee at Barrie Measles Dianne and Douglas children oi Mr and Mrs Kimball are confined to their home with measles Toronto Visitors Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Archie Currie were their daughters Miss EvelynCurrie nurseiritraining at Toronto Gen cral Hospital and Miss lsohel Currie oi Barrie Alliston Visitors Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Albert Gilroy were Mr and Mrs Roy Downey and children and Mr and Mrs Earl Gilroy and iamin oiAlliston Mr and Mrs Faris Donnell ind Miss Louise Donnell wero weekend visitors twith the torm grs brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs Donnell 13 lioss Social Group Ross social group met at the home of Mrs Colwell Ramsay on Wednesday Jan tor another work meeting gt The niee ing was opened by the president MrsE Fiidey who opened with prayer or the new year hell call was answered with 19 members paying tees and there were two guests present Includ ed in the correspondenceuijead were several Christmas cards from former members This was greatly appreciated by theladies Two quiits for Toronto lady at he quilted soon asdonated to the ncurliug rink tor suitable piece of furniture The members ecided to have lucky drawrand danceatathe Cookstown town hall on Friday March with committees formed to look aiter this and make ar rangementslt The next meeting will he at Jan 24 Retreshments were erved by Mrs ND Lowes on Thursday the hostess assistedh MrsK Dermott and her com tee of Mrs lIanna Mrs Wright Mrs Milligan and Mrs Allan lt Presbyterian WA Meeting On Tuesday Jan thé WA Presbyterian Church held eir meeting at Mrs AlbertI Er wins with good attendance Aiter the singing of hymn Mrs Posno led in prayei The presi gt rs Brayman read the scriptures Posiio were read and approved andscv fighthlltk note were read it call was onward by verse tiorn thenibie nggral items at holiness were discussed Eda lunchWE planned for the niiucted the iqction ototticen torithe no Wain tins The president mmittees which are family Mr and Gordan Kneeahaw new weekend in MarilynExelfland kl Simian no follow Sick andlviaitlngéMrs Erwia Mn McKiltlgan Mrs Posno work committeeM51 Maya Mrs Pegs Mrs Goiiop Mrs Braymm Mrs Mrs Hayes Mrs Gum property committeeMrs Blaymln Mu arsenic takirigfiffect Hopper Mrs Peggy Mrs It es tits titans Mrs eve we come an we are cohsists niall the indie audi Math tor MIS Hoppc Mrs Gibb executi appointed becember consists oi President Mrs Brayinan vicepresidents Three Communities MrsrGibb Mrs McKilllgan sco rctauMrk mith nastiest Ilia on Mrs IIughe The executive hadebarge at opportunity at seeing the original short program Mrsi Brayman Iull length tilmroi Martin Luther gave mesaage or themew year which was produced in Germany Mr Ition read an IMEFESUHB copies of the iilni were purchased article pert to new by the Loyal Orange Association year Aeontest relating to facts front the Bible was conducted by he Bflfighfi Show hmugyout Mrs Smith and was won by Mrs Thc mecti benediction Asoclal halihour ioliowed and iunchavas prepared by Mr McKilliganand Mrs Mayes The February meeting will be Wednesday Janzz VChrist held at the home otMis George ChlirCh Ivy Maycs CARLEY Weekend Visitors Mrs Bix Beard Mr arid Mrs VJohnstone and Aldine and Middleton oi mg Effie Auguliimnp Oxillla were first oi the week LN Pro visitors with Mr and Mrs Ev arctt Johnstone aim or Daughter gtCorigratulationavto Mr arid Mrs Catholictchurch and was given Gordon Booth the arrival at protection by Frederick the Elec another daugh torxray ordon oothspentia few days In in last weekinSunnybrook Hospital having Xraya nicen Visitors Mr and Mrs James Beard and film has trncted large and in boys rotJarrattwere recent vis terestcdcrowds Many have gone ilors with Mr and Mrs Rig Beard more than once to see it tor the wrINewa The Hobartrcariey met at Mrs Rix Bearils last IWednesday atwhichtime it wasplanned to invite speaker to the next meeting to beheidat the home of Mrs John Nash so to invite anotherbranch tojoin with our was homa torrtheweekend branch ISIS will be the 60 Mr and Mrs Gordon Madill of anniverser the WI The mBm Richmond Hill spent Saturday berswere also asked to bring with Mr and Mrs Walter And along their husbands for the even rows and iiiand Mrs Harold ins Goldwater Visit Mr and MrsJMilt beard Ware and tamin oisimcoe visitedover recent visitors ivith Mr and Mrs the weekend with ML and Mrs Morley Beard oi Goldwater Anniial Mee The annual congregational and wMS min at the name of Mrs WA meeting was held at and nee Change Wednesday at uBsrinicéi Goldwaterspen th home here OUIO Penman LA PRAIRIE party of hunters bugged deer and loaded It int eir car trii Arriving home he the trunk and Another she killed it dbsed with the following dates and places showing For Utopia and Ivy arc to have an The Iilm will be shown orillic Monday Jan 21 St Judes ChurchwThornton Tuesday Jan 22 St Georges ChurchThointon Show will commence at punctualiy in each case gt The iilm has hccn rnadein the authentic settings oi the medieval inSaxony inltitfi he studied law and theology at the University of where he wasva brilliant studen tessor at the University of Wiltcn burg and great preacher and writer lIehroke away ironithe Roman toi ofSaxany However it took 30 years or terribiewarfare be tore German protestants were peac The German Re formation was secured by the Peace oirAugsburg in 1955 WhereAiLhas been shown the xiii significance oLthe tilnulicanJ cities castles and churches where rainindies dialkc Middleton mm Golimnyvvfiorni andLarry and Loisot Stayncr spent the weekend with Mr and mm was installed mute oiion Lodge with Itt War Bro an Installinxomce gt put masters and visit Officers ntthe iodgcnrc oi lowa lmmedlate statute Ernie Fiotron aenlorwarden It Helena Junior deli Rog chic chaplnin arb surer Tippi McKay senior biejiinlor deacon Ewart Thur low inncr guard Corbett ier WG Waihin nlor ste 1nd Whitliel and II pit iLooa sour On Friday evening in the Jr Ingc italia very pleasant evening or progressive cuclire Was had Winners Ior high aco Emerson Adams and antima Fanciers zzyéaraid Toronto dancerhas been attract ing attention inLondons cale society Newspapers have reported her in the company of the Mar quess oi Milford Haven and than Heaticlram Str tWinatAA We 5110M Churchilis son aw She is NEMO Roybinson Balletof Canada She has been Home For Weekend Miss Margaret Rowe of Barrie tormerdnnccrwith the National on the stage and in films in Italy and England Andrews Mr and Mrs Jack DcGuerre Lloyd rCoborn gt WMSMeeting 2pm There were zzmembers and three visitors present is West and Mrs Andrews had the program assisted by Mrs ltowe Mis Vernon connell led in prayerand Dalton Meher PTiiankYoue ELECTORSi to your VillhgeICouncil tor Ivic McMASTER read the scriptures ISeveral llelt parts were read and Mrs with life membership cert ca Rev Mr Love conducted instfl Rowe presented Mrs Conn ation of officers and pronounc the benediction aiterthe c105 The usual social hour hadron SAFETY The coffeedrlhking campaig promoted by the FortFrances Chamber of Commerce befor Christmas not in reporting hat weren serious autoacciderits brought to who attention of to police over or mus1 for thecorfiidenceyou have shown in eturriin l95l ARCHIE bucxwoarn if HARVEY Robinson Mildewconsolation hr Draper and Norma ard Rowley Trier bier in play Th ladle served anaemia 35tm at closed atteiJhichtti vco edtelyeahmenta podIran In if wit and um disorderw backache uain FlANCECO Wimm lltsiIIw limit unmasth flumfimmhd

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