Smith ni mama and ammo tl blind up by children non MK New Ephesians 4542 file kind Day oneto another tender hearted rueenjoled bx littln oigiving one anothervu mil llrlAulled as Social he by Susan Mm Gullyliner Thethlldre lulu guy Ills Madeline mdBobby wuson minted mr Mon 53nd cndq mammals udlton lnziup the collection In Smith meeting to lode also led the children in Korean Chii Obiect Mission Study The no optionlfluion Band ol Collier United Chilmh held Janua meeting lutWedhea day under the lrection ol Mrs row rman The main purpose udy is to provide undiluted hich will lend to an appreejauo Korean Yehudien authemheh of thehmilyvot God nen wfFhlff MVetnrhe You will be actinnln your own Venn nneswere presenn Peggy Hill was in the chair and by llilvrlfï¬r the Danylrlohnston readthe minutes timeheholplnayourcommumtyil vv 11ml Thispinlure wo lylioaga e3 olgthelnï¬maing £55K Clkumhj gt youaegyourmpalmlremodelvnnu inking Iahl wasmade so mi an interior decoration maintenance anshyired Lahrman Sash won especialNatlonalNQWPPfl ï¬icfmug me Th meme of the woman ï¬nd do wwk done Museum at Naturalllistloiy Thejwhoop tion Ill 1953 for his unusual pl turn ncsL hich as led by Mrs Lloyd lt mi WSixisnii bi ENS °EJai5mï¬i °° ma Davina thawlnter seasoni lull rca rmnn an co gague or an xac merelcamer Kyle spent l0 days observing theibirdsxyandphm telephoto lens from distance at qumoo 21° mm 13 mil qualï¬ï¬sdd 3339 are Willi tographing their movements who they stopped Lahrmans pictures we ï¬rst pgbliahedim mt not the war In wa nu serve you of their southward Anigration in Regina LeaderPost 50 hivlngr my 1a Wan1 Ernnu sugar Eederallon gt raining Coolie lukewa IJEiqm timgnmgamm jlum Secrejaryiswm lntoialargehoW elupnnmlsmmmd Men and materials are available now ea er kenwlth ymc gt mmmsé 1m Emu Theymaybehardtogatnextsummor Silver Maple branch of the lukewarm milk In to Womens Institute met at thé home of lllrs Wahles Ferguson Mn Wash Fovlnlorma on call your local vniapon Thursday Jan 10 The makings of 36 dresses lorEurop 9° NATI Nfll EMPLOYMENT OFFICE TANGY TASTE gt Eomraeézlgï¬gs were distributed to 21H 50mm as modem as eec ronic coo ing Its new dféSSij mtgtiny Elis Harold Marlin gave llVfll blhill W11 dï¬lisht all elastici Place in nil lidlbdlvll hEel Whch Vsornetlgllliie lint IN ummyoum MmllrdumrCMm th in mm all Iefl ease over an uguiu theï¬idsxigï¬egtfttxï¬e 3233 you jentertain the girls at mid ErWalm grace Irée 1m lg been Chappen semlarymrme morning coffee phrty shower mu doublet inlbulk bog Federation ul Agriculture spoke the New an hm to the Institute on Agriculture mm bridge TWO blespoom Melthutt or comparlng the resent da vndus grated ange rind add In this tl of or up 30yd yeastjdough gives tangy orange 593° ï¬gmmruse liavor to these lender buns The gang if Pal mi years ago agflcfm buns baked in gnuflin pans over 53 my Wine ls must have horse sense znltia butterscotch mmum are ll er 01 ergaln an Him de $3332 igémiï¬i 33 3mm it ll thirds of the farmers produced on flaw are delightlul when served with Punch down enoughto feed the population butter and marmalade at mum on lightiyllotiredv Today 40 per cent produce 90 per lng coffee parties and Sunday was and knead until smooth Dlv cent of the produce eaten and ex brunch idedoughinto equal portiï¬ns parted Values of farms stock Fornleaeh portion nto roll and equipment were compared ORANGE BUTIERSCOTCH l2 inches long cut in nuns pieces Shape eeh piec requirement used to be SIX yr 1d ms and path Todayit is DB uns dough to mum bl cup milk lace one hall ineach re six rooms and bath cup granulated sugar mmn panBm5h Tlrqbiems 6r rural life are small 19351100 531 melted butter surpluses and dependence on th Maiaaï¬ï¬xmg Clovertand iet mlï¬lllï¬rdan £61 mï¬rhe nrati gt ace ree lrom ra ed ML Chappeur gogcmï¬peam theasponns granulated bled in bulkabout lV with industry which is so com engldnpos aguve airy yea In rcializfl mechanizedhnd spear rï¬nd°599°5 grate orange ialized the larrner must work efl webeen egg iciently and proï¬tably Torneet cups aboui entwined present and future demands arml allpurpose flour ers must improve their methods cup butter or margarine hniques and soils and must cup1ightlyyacked brown veeliicient marketing on sugar grams trade policy and produce Scald milk stir in the cup world marketing products and de vclop their own program ilii°fa$iéfl PROFESSIONAL your gunman our 55 co Elnoww roo luau Nmmm3m gt of mullahs yours in the Chrysler Ima lulldln moronic mooth TorsionAim Ride There 15 no flelenhnno rowan muff c1 MEI lea ng as you round corners Virtually no tonnnzom cvcn on rough roads and no uncomfortalill slcrs proud hood when you brake GLADSTONE cmmrq can gt arid oE hwnorilllpis yours too with Chrysler For its liightSchp stylingrcfipcts not onlya look of upcrlativcbcauty but of quiet good taste la the those nth intuitive apprec ation of thehuut mill menIo 5w ukl Blillllinflfu Anrnun IILEAN Barrister eumsupn tn Bunion at Phonu LIVINGSTON ms ARRlSTERS 8r SOLICITORS 153 om St Rhone PA 3545 BARRIE ETRY Chrysler 560 We IIIch nine ram gt gt PIP ï¬Hwanmmn Fluno manic nunsman El Queen3 30m ILA IO umu noon to Kim