the Real Original home Burl ers Ellllili lillli Years yer somegoldtlnze locIlL ltings on across cementing which turned my mind ba rd and so wished ta con stiterncnt in The Exam inera couple of years orso ago when someonenwho declsred he at one pfltho originaicurlm of Bnflienientioncd low names of otheroldllrne curlers here Yourintormant canicto llarrie gas small boy with his family from Southern Ontario in l880 have records in my books of the name of members of the Barrie Curling Club in their District Cup and othcr local games sev eral years previous to 1880 That statemcptx was coupled with the opinion by your reporter thatstrangciy enough there are no early records of curling in Barrie gt Well have just looked over couple at storiea wrote for The Examiner for Alex Mac Larch Just 38 years ago on that subject Latcr Alex Brownlec secretary of Barrie Curling Club wrote shortskctcb onthe same subject And in those two stories some information is given which should satisiy anyone who is now interested in the subject itr earliest netivities in Barrie the curling games were played on any place available which provided nsufficlent sheet of whether it was astulnpy own the two ponds opposite thoold Judge Ardngh home now Bayvlew Parkv across theslreet from the Mayor Motel out at Little Lake on Kempcnielt Bay or any place which provided clear sheet of ice for carrying on thegamc Then the Ma Street skating andcurling rink was erected about 1876 or 1878 which after ed satisfactory laying space ral years hiatcr on ated in Agricultural Park near the presentday arena and so onward KI cannot just now locate refer enccsloearlier games but on Feb 21 378 Barrie defeated Churchiii by 20 shots in Barrie when thehomo players were Donold Farquhsiso lioss Cotter McConkey inter sheriff Joh McLean Balding Thom Shortreed ltev JohnLcipcy March 1879 Barrlegpiayers were Alf Arnsli manager of the mercc Samlount Conkey Dean OConn MnFyfChï¬réhI Jl Wclls an crs were Re Brown Lean druggist Th6ma reed Dean cap Mc Corkindaie Lake Ontario steam er captain of Toronto who spent his winters inBarrlc and liicL Stevenson who had just recently come side On Feb 1833 rrie players were Alf Arnall ticA Jones who had feed at in Barrie and operated grls mill at but INSURANCE to straighten youvo ikessthere isan ge to protect yo haurds today er strikes YOU lot us étiuiy your jlnsurance needsand advise you how to get the he Insurance at the lowest comparable cost Alex Brownlee Barrie to lre McKee Drury George Scroggic original lendai Rev helper and Sam hunt William Ibunt strong drygoolis George Lountand Hollow ln anothergame in the same your players were ll ltchay Carnegie Balding and George taint Jan Dean OConnor Cotter and Sevenson on March 11 1885 harrie play cra were Laidlaw Bill by ment Shortrerd and Stevenson Ross Dean OConnor holding and Sam Lount was only small boy too then and saw many of these games above at the Mary Street rink as it was located only few steps above our Grant home and also knew all of those above named as they were all personal friends ofrmy family So think know what am writing about Messrs Lehigh Crease and Craig later town policemen were earliist caretakers Among other prominent spec tators and curlers in those games were Dr McCarthy Peplcr Al Balding John Dicke son ll Lyon Dr Wltso RobertBigeiow who had taken over the famous Bingham house Phelps sheriff Dave Powell Jonathan Henderson John Wat son Ewan ThomasMc Kee Purvls brothers hardware dealers Dr Spohn MPP Pene tang James and Martin Buxton Cockburn Ardagh Dan hlaantt judge George Plaxton fire chief Lett Ed Mocking Phil Holt Sam esley John MneWatt Barries irst postmaster some others whose names have slipped my memoryafter so many years absence from Barrie Those were the forlginai eurl crs of Barrie and their families were among the most prominent members of the professional com mercial political church and so cial eles in Barrie in those early days left Barrie and The Exam iner office to see some of the rest of the world while there were many other prominent curlcrs here since then am naming them from references in the local papers that sometimes saw but was notpersonally acquainted with all of them in 1907 Barrie rink won the Ontario Tankard and was made up of Donald McNiven ll Grnselt Georgelogg John Scott AE StaplctnnW Harvey and Alex Hab Cameron llahbick Harry HookaA Doc Simon and Mutt Robertson Another rink which won hon ors was made up of Cam eron AD Simon Meredith and Griffiths awell as an other one with Rev Shortt Bert Robertson Harry Armstrong and Sam ltohinson 0thdrs listed as those long past Dutlon Sam Caldwell Bob and Sam Stevens whittiker John MacNabbyDick Rogers Mike StritchvJohn Clayton Edgie King Bill VCaponp Billy Mann Fred Warren Ernie Williams curlers of Jim Va Dan McMillan John Hinds McKeggie Jack Ben Sam Neill Charlie lleWson Alf Creswicke Charlie Edwards Charles Stewart and many others whose nameshave slipped from my memory just at present And among my school associ ates at thoWest Ward School in 1876 Central School in 1880 and the old Blake Street Collegiate Institute in 1882 who later he cdma worthy successors to the above named were Mr Andrew Hey Who was mathematical mas ter at the last named place for 50 years or so Pro Boys Harry Arnall Leighton McCarthyLAl bert Dymont Biliy Bell Ha ry Jack McPhee Dick Dalton Murchison and probably others whom havegtorgotten They all were curlers those longpast days Foreï¬n countries increased otheirrsales in the Canadian mar ket by 26 per cent in the first eightmonths of 1958 compared to the same period of 1955 and probably in 1889 and days were Bob llnrry Sanders Hunter Kennedy nett Frawley Mick Shan acyGeorge May Robert Nat and werevgiven yMrs Bidwe merchant did not have enjoyed ce maith selected brooms etc thev gnme nevertheless section TwoPagesl to i2 Creamvjrogiucers Mast Strive to Meet Demand forTBuiter Cream producerr thraughout Ontario must strivetfor increased production to keep pace with the growing demandvtor ontarlo but tersald ThomasByrns Forest Ontario newly appointed chair man of the Ontario Cream Produc ers Marketing Board Mr Byrns succeeds Harold Martin of ards Landing to the op ex cu tivepost of the organization which represents the 50000 cream pro ducers throughout the province Ltishman of Paris was elect ed vicecbairman tozsuccced Mr Byrns who has held that post for the lasttwo yeira to assuming ottlcc Mr 13er predicted that thegcomingLyear would be an cvcntfut one ator cream producers and alldairydar mgr throughout Ontario One of the signiï¬cant challenges facing the industry he said not only in 1957 but in the years to come would be to maintain pro ductionnt nhigh enough level to supply Canadians with as much butter as they want if Canadi ans consume as much as the 318 million pounds of creamery butter theypconsumed in 1956n then our production will he short by 12 mllllonpounds MrotByms added momma yon Mr and Mrs LJ Fraser and family visited recently It rtle Lakeatltosseau On Guelph Course Dale Fraser and Pete Johnston attended the short Guelph for weeks Recent Visitors Les llutchlnson of home Mr and Mrs George Hutchinson and family of Gravenhurst spent the weekend at the Hutchinsonhomes Mr and MrsAllnn Partridge and family of Columth spcnt New Years with Mr and Mrs Partridge toutso at Mr and Mrs 11 Partridge and familyvspent Sunday ith as amassed Miss Eleanor Beardsall Torrie spent Sunday at Sound Mr and Mrs VicMay and girls spent Nevaear at Midhurstiwith Mr and Mrs Cairns an Owen Mr ahd Mrs Mare iidonandl family spent New Yearswith Mr and Mrs HLalande imvale Miss Eleanor Beardsall ndRay Torrie spent NewYears in Oril ljlilr and Mrs AMsrchiidon and family spent Sundayvi ting with Mr and Mrs Paul Shanihan and MR and Mrs ambitian Bar Back To Bill Johnston returnedthls week to his studiesjagoAC Guelph Young Couple Honored shower was held on Jan at Edgar Hall invhonorof Mr and Mrs Dyballlnee Betty Bill well The young couplereceived many useful gifts ric wr Meeting The regular Vmeetlng ofthe Womens Institute was th home of Mrs Dicker onion wth 12 members and ne visi swerin roll call tend ed to make this winter Several cards of thanks for boxes of treats were read Av aha ranged for Bett held at Edgaryllall was arranged to 18 at the school of our community diary wh was current events assisted by Mrs Mr Benlla ll courage artillng Whenl askedjher how she knew this she said her mother had told her so Halifax déntist reported tothc annual autumn clinic of the ontreal Dental Clu tvas his enviction that children would not fear the den tist if thiscmotion was not plantedhy parents Do you think this sound conclusion It is good pianjLa can help achild tarantieipnte what might be alert ovoirl situation suchas dentists The child who is preparedi less apt to be afra Parents id navy dccclitc ichiid aboutthc Neither should cause of tea they hame him or silence him when he xprcsScshisfear Re pressing ar drives it under ground mto the subconscious mind hiking oycrf the situation which Irlghtens hlm with sympathetic adult helps child toface his tear andT understand it Lilchild who is fearful of dogs may grad ually be encouraged to get to know and love oneparticular gentle dogllnn fear is terrible handicap llclp your child to be free of use less fears and ltivatcgbis to ace necessary Jean Our menta hosptals andmc ical clinics are filledto llowing with fearful worried adults Much at their lack oi mental balance can be traced hack to an insecure unhappy childhood Fearwas used too often to make them conform to certain standards othehavior Everyone from the carlles days experiences some fear new bahy exhibitsfear of sharp noises and is tealluretaliingeseitingit° fear is harming the Children fear getting hurt Some times they are frightened ofeni= mais and of burglars Theydread being alone being left the dark Strange sights startling events and strange noises also scare them Children as well as bu theyenjo The stockpiles of butter avail ablcat present will be sufficient totnkecarcrot this discrepancy in productlhn nnddemand for few years but gtMrByrns called on all dairy farmers throughout the province to gear themselves for greater volume to take care of the growing dairy product tway problemThc shock may be ByNoncy Gieoyar the mother is empcred or the father drinks child may live in constant fear The older child dreads ran ure Parents sometimes place child in an 1mm aiblc situation by expectan thni race in sports or on high marks beyond his ty What does fear to aehilds hodyL Sometimes it is accom panlcd by Ian egtcoss of energy nd childlmakes quick fli ear is often behind the running great from overwhglxnvng ar that the ild almost rnyzed Au nxmudwmm in poor mental certain necessary for sclIApIese ation child should fearthed of traffic sufficiently to step and look both ways before crossing street Parents encourage child to face fear andmake an in telligcntreaction todang tagious than 1notherrwho is terrified by th dcrstorms is bound to taffc her child She should help him understand what causes lightning and thun der If she can calm herself her own poise will reassure her child Threat are poor way to en force discipline Chiidren should lookones poll mflllJIs friend and should be helped to be un afraid of darkness Parents should le en not add to childs fears Fear may seem to work the immediate uatio But the parentwhois constantly re youngsters developme goal of child training BY happy we adjusted use fulcitizen who can one his fears and accept responsibility for his The needs of Canadia CROWN Hltl The January imecting of the Evening Circle will be held on Wednesday Jan 16 at 815 at the home of Mrs Maurice Partridge Roiljcall payment of dues and exchange of Christmas cake Tea hostesses Bernice lilcltling and Shirley Atkinson rill lillllllCE will le ephohc lemony 394009 Miami ammo or me PmdouraMnrhiog um IA ii 6Mqu OntoIon nl 1h Onlnrb finderfl Markting loom KNocK Verna Shannon has taken up duty in the hospital at New market The Community Club will meet Tuesday afternoon Jan 15 at Mrs Bruce Wicoainstead of the usual Wednesday afternoon Lets hermeneuter Meeting The January meeting of Craig hurst Womens Institute will he held Thursday Jan1l at 830 pm atthe home of Mrs Harvey Oades Motto It theréwere no clouds we should not enjoy thesun Commentf Miss mcherdson cellr My worst baking fallure Program Agricultural convener Mrs Weir RecreationMrs Craig Lunch Mrs FincherMrs Craig all get together for our first mcctv ing 011957 Mr and Mrs Bruce Wice and family visited with Mr and Mrs Dean of Elmvale on Sunday DDOTELT WHAl UOU OWN WSUAE ill PHONE Slaw GENERAL INSURANCE Roll WINTER EMPLBYMENT inmnimnw£ax seasons Your illits sameness Wess dw modcling repairs cleanu RS ARE Is the time to complete those interior jobs in the home officeorolant pain ng wallp ring renovations rc Noinlneelsname addressand contributions other than tinanel munity projects in Barrie over1th gt lhstlons1lease provide your name address ominatlon Forms may he picked uplat the leaseseal your letter and mail not lnter th nomination Collie Street JUDGES adults suffetlrnm had dreams ln homes wherepunish mentus very harsh or where actions hild CALL THE EXAMINER Pninrme runners $2414 Dont plant fear in your astilve BarrleVColnmun carsShoul nnehmp nnd phonemumher