écnai retarded émérkably EifediVe Service in field Cf Retarded Child There are grout needs forjhe training of 0ntarios great which for theirlimited ca acity is quite extraordinary children and broad ï¬eld for research into the causes and pre vention of the condition Dr MnGrif in of the Canadian Mcntal Hen th Association medi cal adviser to the Ontario Associ ation for Retarded Children said lodhy lie praised the achievements of the OARC in organizing special schools for retarded children throughout Ontario Though set up only in 1953 the association now has more than 30 such schools and receives grant of $50 psr yur per child attending cm Children whobavc marked mentalrelardatlon are still cap able of learning social accomplish ments and manual arts as wellas in some cases limited academic program he said Unfortun ately their needs have not been the particular responsibility of any specific department or volun tary agency in the past Generally speaking the Depart ment of Health cares for children at institutionasuch as Orillia but takes no responsibility for child ren still in the home The De partment of Education provides schools for normal clildrcn and for those with an 1Q of 50 or over For seriously retarded children with less than 50 iQ there were no services it the child stayed at home until the DARC came into being Thc education of mentally re tarded children is quite differ ent matter from that of the nor mal child said Dr Griffin The school for normal children takes it for granted that they will learn those essential aptitudcs such as buttoning ot clothing at home and provides an essentially academic curriculum The mentally retarded child however needs to be carefully taught the very things normal child piclrs up This is frequent ly task beyond theparenthe said The special schools or training centres started by the Ontario As sociation for Retarded Children are providing remarkably eff ective service Experience has shown that in this setting the children make pro at Thousands The Canadian Mental Health Association his cooperated providing professional adviceto the Ontario Association for lie urtled Children he said Our hope is that theOARC will be able to help nine children when they grow it to undertake simple jobs in the community In other cases needing constant sup ervision it may he possible for them to work in sheltered envin onments Eventhose who must be permanently institutionalised should beneï¬tfrom the earlier training by being happier and more easily managed he said There is growing up on the community level operation between different de partmans and voluntary agenda in the care and education of ban in increasing co comet Siree Installs Prestdeni And Executive The annual meeting at the We ans Association Colliers Jnlted Church bcld on resday evening the lidlcs warlors with Mrs Edeyir be chair The theme of th devotiona or the coming year be Ye hail be my witnesses Rev ErLewis after tha ng every WA mernberfor the plcndid work done in the pol rear conducted the installatinr if officers tablet The ends as follows Honorary president Mrs Dewitt past president Mm ll iorrester president Mrs Edey lst vicepresident Mrs Chisholm 2nd vicepresident trs Charles Kearsey recording secretary Mrs Earl Smith corre sponding seerctaryLMrs Flock reaaurer Mrs Rowe tin tnclal secretary Mrs Has let social committee convencr Edcy strangers Mn dicapped children of all types and this should be fosteredhcsaid Cooperation in some centres has already started he said in the case of children who are hard of heari hard of seeing orwho have heart conditions flhc plight of the mentally re tarded child is most serious and pitiful one lCh deserves great deal of public attention hesald There is great need for re search in the field mental retardation incurable but there is possibility that re search in the field at indoctrine function might help to show us how prevent at least some cases Kiwanis Club WIII Entertain Town Councrll it being theannuat civic night Barrio Kiwanis Club will enter tain the members of Town Coun ciiat dinner today at Community House Ted Nettleton will be chairman and the special speaker will be him Wagner of0wen Sound president of Georgian Baybevelopmen Association INVESTMENT CAPITAL We would prefer to see Canav dians develop their own country but surely it is better to have Uncle Sam take part than to have nothing happen Cochrane INorthland PosL Prov Many at have Julian oo 2o ppm slxweoksv antibly without starvation or on VIlA lhuniuto IN insurance itntuilca rhnwu be dnnporous to be too fat But he ridot oxcon weight unsc at glly canalso ho august our way thou ds follow th aw vim1 Reducing mu domino VITAmm give mnemoniclurid ollriVlTATHIN circadian Youll 9me onlo Conenntrntad In Urry MRS BRUCE npov parsonage Mrs ierry Quinn Mrs Johnston pan try Mrs Johnston Mrs War ren wilgar hospital Mrs Williams Mrs Cooper pianist Mrs chlsho devotional Mrs Vlctor Knox and Mrs Hallyard group Mrs Coo group Mrs Millward group Mrs Adams group Mrs Pratt group Mrs Win chesteru Annual reports werevread and approved With the new Sunday School building nearing completion the business meeting was devoted to discussion regarding the buying of equipment for the newlritchen it was decided thatthc next regular meetjng on Fe 13 will Soe ding Sleighlflldc BarrieSoEd Club laghelding sleigh ride and square dance on Wednesday jnlght to he opening of its spring austenl ind allyoung peopi oi the town anddistrlc are invited to attend sleigh ride enthusiasts are ask tomeet atthe new at eight oclock The group wiilre turn there later for squatelabo ingaadreircsbmmts Dali erght is organizing the sleigh ride an Bob Thomson will oe chairman the social part of the evening The following Wednesday even ing Ian 23 there will be agen cril meeting of the semi at the to discuss plans for the forth coming series of social and ethics ale the form oLa potluck sup per All ladies of the WA are urged to attend Members were sorry to learn at they were losing one of helr memhers Mrs chrose who is moving to Sault Ste Marie With Mrs Chisholm at the Officers KinnisClub installed tï¬i957 giano Hymnl7 was sung and the meeting closed with the benedic tion PRUDENTlAt OF AMERICA OPENS BARRIE OFFICE The Prudential insurance Com pany of America is establishing an office InBatric effective Jan 19 od the second floor of Owen Street Jeffery willman age the office and supervise the activities of several Prudential agentsin the areal Mr Jeffery comes to Barrie from Icobourg and prior tothat he served the company in the Haliburton area Mr Jeffery began his Prudential career in 1948 and since thatfltimo has been valuable member of the companys field organilalion Although there was no Pr ntial ofï¬ce in Barrie previously comp any representatives have lived and worked here for many years The newotftcewill make further expansidh possible and enabie the company to provide new standard of sergcc to its policy holders HARRIS VicePresident Mrs Kknekeshavvd Is Hosress To Ebenezer WMS TheJanuary meeting of Ebert ezcr Womens Missionary Society was held at Mrs Ernest Knee shaws home avith an attendance of 15 members Rttv HI Sanders openedthe meeting wit hymn andprayei ascripture reading foil ed by Hefgélenuinstalled the officers to the low year Tbe president Mrs Gordon Kneeshaw opened the meeting with poem We GrecttheGlad Neerar Roll call was an swered by payment of fees Re ports for the past year wetemost 42 Piece encouraging Mrs Everett Knee shaw read Temperance in the Home Mrs Wilfred Kneeshawf and Mrs Joseph Hambly were in charge of the program Mrs Jacxnurtm VicePresident PARSONS Secretary cannon moo Treasurer Kneeshaw Mrs llamth offered prayer forMissEade the missionary for prayer and Mrs Hambiy read uchapter from th study book on Formosa and an article Over to Ko After sging hymn the meeting closed with prayer The WA held shortmceting to make plans tor bazaar to be held during the latter part of October Theres alot of life and the application of little more leisure could veiy well Matthew Kneeshaw gave the scripture reading foliowcdmy an interesting paper by Mrs Wilfred in this mean fuller and more purpose ful existence eAmsuong Advert er annals MONDAY Janna it 1951 mt Activ tesif Are Neglected otContinued trompogc one Club who after being reprimand cd for some motor infractions startedtn tell me what he thouth of mo and the police force dont feel that it is mydutyto take the parents place in the home did form clnlor these boys but from that in support did get The fact of Juventle deliuv quency are more serious than current periodical attention would indicate All too frequently pub lic interest is maintainedonly when the problems warrant bold headlines At the momentyouth and its delinquencies bold the Spotlight Tomorrow youth wii1 be forgotten Then another day more teenagecrime and again public attention will focus on youth Last year in Barrie 35 charges KNOCK51 Therewere ï¬ve tables playing at thecuchre party Tuesday even lng last Mn Joe Cochran held high score for ladies Selby Carr had gents bighymn Eddie Webla had mort lone hands Mrs Clifl Webb and Mrs bottleCowan won consolation prizes Lunch finished otf an enjoyable evening To Speak Parity Price Mrs George Presser president of the Ontario Farmers Union will speak on parity prices at Schomberg Hall on Jan 16 at 830 pm and at Cookstown Legion Hall on Jan 17 at 830 sponsored by thelsimcoe branch of the OFU All farmers interested and their wives are cordially invited to at tend eithcr of these meetings of juvenile dellnqucncywcreprc erred There are some who hold that this increase is simply re flection of our having more youth it that is trucwhy dosome mun lcipalities show decrease in MVA There are more cars but we have received the help from the motorist to cut down the ac cldents Why cant we help to cut this tell of juvenile delin qucncyi Getting back to minor hockey the speaker claimed that 51500 was spent on this last year but how many minutes of hockcydid the boys get Delinquency control and pre vention cannot become the sole responsibility of the police do parimcnt nor for that fact of any single agency There are rcspons ibilitics upon parents the church the schools the local govern mcnt and other agencies of the community What are we waiting for he challenged Lion to thanked Chief Tschirhart for opening our eyes Wellif you got into that from the bottom you came up too far to the need of supplying that no porlunity for recreation which youth requir WANTED To Buy Or Rent Boom Bungalow in goodlocation in Barrie Not more than four years old Write to WILLIAMS STAVYNER ONTARIO DRAPERY LINING orDRAPERY TRACK son moat are oars until January 19 we are offer lng Free Drapery Lining with any order for drapes chosen from our completerange of fabricsThis lining is fine imported Drap ery Sateen full 84 104 count This Special Offer vice of measuring savour carries with tour regular ser and hanging ONE WEEK QE rnnh nnnrnnr rimcx or the mnhypeoplo who desire to dress windows with Unlined Side Drapes and leave up present glass curtains we have this special offer Free Beam Drapery Track is supplied with any order for unlineddrapcs 34 mm Sr when ynumeed drapes see us it will pay to see us now Barrie lent Awning 105 PA84314