Kaye PAR csn Frawiey 11 EwotSaurin intend Ter Mount St Louis ht re wiredprovincial honor certificates andpins or having completed 411 Homemaking Club units at SeturdoysNorth Slmcoe 4H omemaking Club Achievement Day in lay preacherpirom Nashville Tennessee ashlon at rally sponsored by the United ascents Streeovnitedchurch on But hurchï¬was well filled tohear his nd lthhis personality and pointed in illustrating his meaning from veningwith humou planning to 13 under the ember Christ vltwas as simple as that but it was ratherihard to dot His touch of southern accent change of cadence at one time the conversationalist and the next moment the preacher added light andshade to talk which kept the interest of his audcince Elmvoie Mrs 6313 centre oreachalrmano gt stltutes SimcoeCotiiity which 11 homemoking tclubs throughout inadethepres tationz Winter lireviii BI zzard Iypé It Snow Thewick chancebid withn range from 81on he to libelow Sunday nlght This morning brought blimrd right from the north with dropping forum npddrivintmw The thermometer fllfld drop ping 11h otter an lrly morning rise and today that promise ol rel winter To truckswere bury thishnorn ingrand nuny rmjerernot hroughtout ntnll Tcrnpcnturec were Jan Jan Jan Jan 1m 10 Jan Jon l2 Jln 13 Jan ltEarly Below zero Underwriters Elect Qï¬iders The regular monthlymcetingot tho SimcoeMuskoka Life Unilev writcrs Association was held Carters rcstaurnnt in orllila which took the form of mo hour luncheon meeting ccutive Post prcsldcnm key president president To Swal Moclsaac cCullough well Bud Yic Ellls The speaker atihlsmeoting was Donald Tudhoné agency sup or tendent Lile the Continental iiiylhopc born sndeducaicdin altho gh Dr Denman th is counirymcn bolicy for an hourlhe mossage was old it was in but the manner in which Dr Den man put Jit before his audience must have made lasting imu presslon fWhat we need todsyhre pco pic who chnd un and say We must obey Godgsaid the preach cr And the nutmomenthe was talkingperson to person about th Middle East situation using it ow that people today would ratherhave the material things than God Then he posed the irreconcilabli statement if material things are thesaufce oi happ 55 then those with the most mate Vol things mustvbe the piest Man does not liveby bread alon reminded the speaker It takes tears and sweatand blood itear worldl earth He rules in wants to rule her oithmn singing us try to do His will pe Plea der the directioflri of George president save adcmocrncyi Vlt takes Asweat andb od to redeem Dr enmansaidthat in the ir ï¬lgthe oniing season He iilstroug on nited Church MissNorh Do in Mrs Ronad of Elmval Mr is Singing Torontokhas spent 24 yearsjdthc nsutance business Iboih in ï¬lter states anldhpandein Ce FARM Hits moo CASH in the first sixman bsoflp56 farm cashincome in Canadawns 13per cent higher than in th correspondingpcrio of 1853 loyed another at Com munity House Iollo ngsuimef growin IS llelief for Hungar ianCanad us was brought up by Garry Woddger ythree Hun garians havecome the district and he suggested that adonation of 5100 he made available to the relief committee if required Roy Quane 815 sing two cyélés or Hickling favored this becaus songs The hymn singing with Christmas over support will be needed Charlcs LoWealso spoke to the motionwhich put 1hrough Lion Ed Myers nintroduc Insurance Company Mr interesting meeting onfiunsday nighuJoa cityo close blessed withsuoh All parents want the row up with strong healthy What choice has Barrie rny Auto ca ee tense he speaker Barriesphief of Po Edward Tschifha erly of Kitchener who hombre tests of ot duo lamar luvmm CAIJILIIMI IanII ovumtaun ms VAYRDENtELE The firstvhuslnessot Simcoc countyï¬ojmcil when it con varies tomorrow at pm will be the choice 0LWarden for 1957 Four councillors have signified their intention of standing for thiShonor Fisher Ganton Reeve of Me donlc and County VCoiincil vel eran was nominated iorwarden ship last year and will be seeking election again this year res vmms mirror Reeve of Noitawasaga air Aiiruu 15 Ass Reeve of Bradford election ident ofllillsdalo he is descend ant oi Medente pioneers and due ing his years with county council he has held many ofï¬ces During 1856 he was prominent in lhe part he played in connection with the establishment of the penal form in Medonte James Patton Reeve of Notta wasaga is another Council vei eran and was also nominated for wardenship last year He will be seeking electiou again this year In County Council be hasdevoted much of his time to the affairs of agriculture gt and has scrved as Ichalrmt on the om mittéc William Keller Reeve of Mid land is popular figure in Coun cil He was nominated for warden last year but withdrew later He has statedthat this year he hopes to gain the honor or Midland During the past year Reeve Keller has been chairman of the Roads and Bridges committee Arthur Evans Reeve oi Bxad ford is one of the youngerme bers of Qdunly Counc Al though nominnte for Wardcn last year he withdrew from the it is expected that he will he ssgkin lectioriM is year or honor ofbavlng the Warden of the County from Bradford would Orillio curlers were ï¬ve upcom ing home and the Trew rink came up from behind to tie them Members of Roy Smiths rink were Mrs John ough vice Tankard Playoffs Roy gt Smithin herlfirst time asjskip in any scheduled it if and rink of new curlers loycdtheir wayfl ough to the ilnalplaydowns for riot at yesterdays section in Dorie Tte Midland rink they qualiï¬edrto meet thescction winners at pollingwood on Tues ay Theonly other iromrï¬arrie at went to Orillia Mrs Dave Sinithsswas beat outvin the ï¬rst game by Mrs Trewwho went on to win her afternoongaine with rink skippedby MrsJean Murphy of Orillia onah extra and The iih Mrs skip er Jack Nixo second VGeorge Kennedy lead They beat on Orillin Hospital rink handily in their iirstgam in the morning and in the fin roe bygt passed tough oppo Mrs Del Hastings rink Midland The winners of the Collingwood playdowns go toTorontoJ the Ontario Tankard playdown Members of Mrs Dave Smiths rink were Mrs James Thompson viceskip Mrs ge Dangerï¬eld second and Mrs Gray lead ST MAURICE CP Far ers in this district V100 llllles north east of Montrealcomplained of dogs lost 11 and another lost eight to theroving dogs Imi sheep 0neiarmer bemost welcome to that munic ipalliy During the past year Reeve Evans was chairman of Finance committee 7mm Budget ounty budget wlil ho tho prclpal conccrn of this first gt Council session of the year and in connection with this it may be that the councillors will bensked to consider new ways of financing the Childrenshld Society Rs quhsts for grants from various organizations normally supported by County Council will he coipidj cred prior to striking the budget Last year for the first time the Farmers union askedior fin anclal assistance from the County The Moldy regularly supports the Federation of Agriculture and turned down the requestfo£ the hanncrsllnio it willprobably have to consider again request from the younger union There are ndlcationslhat road grants to urban mun ipoiitics will come under ï¬re again from rural townships Increase in grant to urban townships was only gained lastyear after much debate and is not favored is many al ipnlities iis Cccilc Ontario Ml stcr of Public Welfare has advised George hnston MP for Simcoc Ccnir of the complctecxpcnditurcs involving the new construction and alter iions to the Simcoeï¬ounty Home forlhe Aged at Beeton Thcadd on to the home at Baotou ially opened Oct 27 1053 ccommodation or 45 res tsrequiring bed care and no beds for staff Cost oicon struciiun equipment and iurni ingslwas 338346 87 Foralter lo the ting lding the cost was $11978937 1955 refund of salesta the net actual cost was $4962 03 of which the province 50 per cent the cent on mp2s residents ncedlngfnur mat care 27 hcdlcnre and two married coiiplcs also five staif is