Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1957, p. 7

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yr yfldlflil tidiniilcsmniountedito millloiiv LIWQQTUY One otthcqstrlking taciorsds not only Political observers have hnticifiatcd the 35 mm 37 pe cm mm went in the form of death bane payments resignation of Sir Anthony Eden as rogue The other 3225 on can lulu were plans for special relief trains or ruck service Post it coltlclai at thwa Inidibay were pianniugtouse trucksbuses and planesioreach communities normally served by CPR nyTnAhaiischas Canldlan PrunstlflWdtcr Nearlyjlipflq work irics which depend on the way In order to gontinueopcrr tions wcrcaidie llaaivléraiurlilfiyl the Can an ac way Eiaenhowerc Plan fig e5g5 WCWM President Eisenhower hlfidlk men ed Congress for advance authority ppearedno coser to It comm Ameflun wept $2M fidjéfignmubgzf protcciihe territorial integrity moan camcqhencbl and political independence Vof nevi shoum be iprbhngéd hy Middle Eastern countrythrew ned by armed aggression from 1mmtdili21¥ Imam l°° international Communism Owen Sound SunTimes were the CP emplloyfs mm mm pupa The hallmarklot fanatic is that he lseunable mu £1273 103 wall fit P01301131 delivery hint to appreciate anyoncs vicwpointbui his own and 33th gTrtB session of the Senate and House upon this dubious singlencss oI purpose some lof plhgmcslf Marga Corimsi 5ethi sisaalt1 vllrgsshlggigrli ifiiigiiirtsfms mm hide 2335daggoggggdbggggnfg day he wiil seek momma in This comment is evoked by anew rt economic iiid funds for the trou lorohio in which Ford Brand is quoted as he they refused work were by Hidden Middle 355 ThEmonei concludes five years as member ofthc municipal Board at Controlrg militant trade unionist or Brand was originaiiyclected on this baslsiNow he says his council experience has helped balance his thinking and the best thing that can happen railway jprcading Layoffs would ho cnt periodJ In other industries ibout 4500 He also asked Congress to ver twoycar workers wcreJaid off iastwaek authorize regional program of and the total wanmouniing daily military assistance and cooper ln the British Columbia and Al align with any nation or group of heria mining ateas more than 2200 were odt1800coal min to union business agent is to be electedto city council It makes one realize that there aretwo sides to the picture in negotiationth It would be fortunatefor the We in general it more leaders and politiCiIns largeiand small could appreciatetth ciipcriencc Mr Brand has had Looking back over the years two 02 or greatest mental shocks came along thesamc lines In one instance it was froma man presently at the head of one of Canadasiiargest labor unions exhorting the membership he told them Theres only one thing for you never to forgetFight Blank Corporation In the other case the head oi0rcat= Britain for some time whole went in the form of benefits to closer to him have wondered how long his mg policyholders Tmmxmé 10mg health could stand the inevitable strain of mmth payments surrender and m1 dividends During the ycar the his unsur chcrthelcss the news of his resignation once mpnnics paid Over $90 minim came as shock and was received with accldcn and sickness benefits regret throughouhthecmnumonwealth rigid thecivllized world The ii worthot service to his country and the wail can OpmlonsOfOth only be measured in the pages of his ry gt Sirg Anthony throughout his political Two Stdes EVEFY Queson career has been man or great integrity man who has strived to dohis iullrduty to hisQueen and country and to humanity When he has felt that gas no longer possible because or his health he has takenthe loglca1 stepot tendering his resignation to the Queen He gained his political experience inthe shadow of Sir Winston Churchill and while thntyexperienco helped him to acquire depth or knowledge the very same shadow has tended to dim his personal ability as the QuecnsFirst Minister He had the Herculean task of following great man in the leadership are political party and or the country program is era in southern BIC and Alberta designed to deal wiih anycase 450st Granby Consolidated Mines of Communist aggression in tiic at Princoton and 29 at Olivers Middle Eastcith0r direct or in Eairview Mine direob He said it would author At the Lakchead 1200 glain lie imvioymlmwfl in elevator workorsifaccd the pros 1th sum poet of layoftyand at pulp and cure WPmefl 1° Ecmmiil plpciumms throughout Name integrity and political independ Ontario full production Aims ex 9° we Mum queuing Under these circumstancesit was inevit able that he must facecomparison both from his political opponents and from his friends To his credit is the fact that he has withstood all comparison man of culture andelegance Sir An thony labored for years bringing British US relations to state ofreality Iron icaily he was to seevlthlsfl relationship placed under severe istrain while Prime Minister because of crisisin the Middle East which in the wiew of hisgovcrnment necessitated notion Hisitwcntyone months of leadership have been tilled witherisis He assumed oiiicc with anatiqnni paper strike in progr Shortly before generaleleetion which re turned the conservatives triumphantly to power he was racizd wit internallab trouble ritain liv tighten belt pol areliko flock of sheep approaching Erossrodd MrL Brand announccswith relrcshing candor that mciiowcd balanccd lew ialpraicrahleto tho ot large Canadian religious dc omination was asked by student whyboih sides of certain topicrshould not be presentation congregation The clericstuntoriunate reply was that the people at the critical moment thcyrhust be given an¢xtrl shove to avoid going off on tangents All such exhibitions of iniemperatc lay contempt for the democratic viewpoint they profess to foster Thereforcwhcn someone like unreashning fanatical approach hedoc an excell enfscrvice the TnnsCadada Hig Begun back in theBusas means of started in sunny after prh to Sunday hooi loved an with true fricndshl souls with by ancient JBicsse art ch iuho brihges the groin communities of Northern Ontario which were expécted to feel the SW mum has nothing who soevcrjto fear from the United by we CPR States in the Middle East orahy where else inflthe world so long as its rulersdo not thémsclves hadmanageii with their stock ol days 3V Up iolast weekend the isolated strike first an they are serve destbecauso piles of foodandfuei If they reached the danger point the such aid nagalnstyovcrt armed pooled to be curiaile in matter Erasing kun my nation Com ational Commun 110 he said fThc rstresort io aggression Considerable backstage discus sion was key members hadaccompanlcd ailing the prcsld tsmessagc and cations were thelawmakers more weeks on it wt andGod 19 theistic war should work durins the dewmm Hie com hunte than for daily is begin to nirvtheh grumbiesand Rack way still hasntbcen finished nothing better So great became thecriticismand so strong the rumors that Sir Anthony Eden had to deny all tnlkfor resignation in major speech at Brudford in January of last year The present iswhnt we re muchnrjhe work government who apparently could give their ark and then realgned from ofiicc in 1938 ecause he could nottolerate appeasement wards Hitler and Mussolini SirAnthonylEden spent lifetime train ngior the office of PrimeMinister nusthave been his country in its entirety pastor iuture security on life urance is indicated by the new high ords established in this field during 956 eport states the life insurance owned by nadlan families in the ponies increased in the past yang7mm both federal and pro that in all the years that havcgone by modern built across this Thankyawfor Thank you fpr The federal govern ent oasts that much ot Thank you Godfor everything British RR Fijr Iiiremen haslound counterpart in TGreat ofyflrémen from all diesel and clcctri trains view of the transporticommission isthat And for nation Which binds gas pipelines railways bridges in jig time it seems disgracefui paved highway has not bee country ihe highway is paved isnt that wonderful7And ihercare only few hundrcd way not finishedattend vqua Of course the sixyear war perlo struciion but in ihepast 10 yearsjpnc would have thoughtIibat the federal autboritlesicouid have provided Canada with her own coastAtocoast high wayor takcnvaction to see that it was provided The federal authorities will no doubt blame provincial governments for the delay and so the buck is passcdu But this nationwide highway is primarily tho rcsponsiblliiyoi thegovcrnment at Ottawa and it should have pushed the route through Canada is one of the most automobiieconscious nations in the woridtoday yet it isstill not poss iblc for Canadianmoto atto drive across his vLctsiiope that by the tinict TransCanada JQshawa of The dispute between the CP Overthcre the British Transport which bperates the nationalized railways is gaged in negotiationsxconcarning the are unnecessary on locomotives whih tires Thisvisi the same view as was pu rate Ihclrtiinncr They were grace bnttaihcr thought they might as well follow the tea we Sunday School wisht reco lze Gods goodness in this Way good wayto begin is forth em bersofthcfami simple grace and thenrepeat it ogether Forithe sakejofyariety in time they food 7w eat irdstb ing ille Ilked his parents it he could repeat this before they not in cThahlt of saying chers suggestion and mother remembered rather guiltlly that in the home in whichshe had grown up blessing before eatingWims never forgotten Sn Johnnys family made abé gt ginning atreturning iii an before me to memorize ll want to2 By ms the iéiiowing vers is sungto th tune Old Hundred gt thaink Thee Father for Thy And IorThy bounty everywhere For this and every other gift Ourigratefulr hearts orihée lfhe or she wishes to thanks Inefonncr days grace bounty Wet lo ll care lift Another rse the tune of Now the Day Over is Father send Thy ble In homewhere this is not Gently the 1custom or whelrcv it has been neg ected sometimes parents per rillghway is finished the automobil is stillraround naps modded like John fath and mother ya childattcnding If grandparent is visiting it is courteous to ask the guest The Editor he editorial elpful out that Pineau as cheduled to arrive shortlyv There havetheenireporis he timing to take part in Suez talks aniong=ngh France Brit am and UN SecretaryGeneral Dag Hammerskioid Egyptians hive made their belief that France was icfiy responsible for this ad who enhmirie disclos suffocated when his into metal has fly torn iilmgn supported over Kadar is keepi it is slitbillion more as owned 10 yearsago andusiz billion thanxiv year ago aciiie ltallwa one of they we theCanadi is that thcrprcsenceot firem by locomotive safety That more thnnl000 trains are dived moto an vtravcllingalone lhfthethicklypopulated outhérn th British Islcswiththeirmu tensity ra way traffic

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