go MEETING con omens NEED The poultry industry has tackl ed the problem of following their product through to the consumer Eviscerating plants have been established inmany areas and can sumers are now offered packaged birds ready for the oven and for those desiring to buy in small quantities packaged cuts are readily available Kilauea at the Mrs time hpcnedming with an worship and hymnihd phyer Vibecl ture reading was Psalm 00 rea mponsivul last was Morenad and approved corre spandencerwu mad and with Alsb business not don Cochrauc gave reallilll rWhen lng accountor some linn Becomes as Gold PM We Greet the New read Pat ton Mrs Nelson gave and on the horn life of Armagh Mrs Gibson gave vcryinterostl it slonary work carried on in Amen so Franc quiz onchaptcrd otSt ï¬t was conducted and hymnand the Lords Prayer brought the Here shopper makes hérselectiou from attractive displays ataI poultry counter inset shows various custready for quickly pre pared meal CHURCHILL Home for Holidays Mrs Young and Misses Lillian Sloanw and iCatharine Paterson were at their homestor over the holidays Christmas itors Sloanswere Mr and Mrs Sloanand Ted of Barrie Mr and Mrs icks Jim and Don oi Markhamand Mr and Mrs Chcryl of Campbell Watt Miss Watt and Douglas of Toronto Mr and Mrs Worgan and children of Thistle tonp Mr and Mac Stewart with IMrs Mu Constable Mrs Colin Campbell and Mr of Stayoer atGordon Mon Mr and Mrs Jack Matthews and Louise of WillowdaleMrs Kin nearand Mrs Toronto with Mr and is Kinn and Mrs Richard renerend Ann of Weston Sloans Christmas in Midland Mrs Ivan Burke Leo and and Lois spentChristmas in Mrs Pater tuines and trained the mciuldren who presented pag theNativity at the St 15 on Dec 23 unday arldiain Sloan and Misses Mary and Lillian spent SundayDec 30 in Markham Infroronto Mrs George Squibb was in To foriNew Years Mr and Mrs Sloan and Ray at Wes Mrs Constable and boys Breckenridge of HlLtSDAtE Receive Diplomas Those receiving Robert Raikes diplomas from SL Andrews Pres byterian Church inl956 for at tending 45 Sundays outpf 52 Honorary Robert Raikes alumni diplomasfor eight yearsof per fectattendance went to Larry and fa xly Cookstown New Years Guests Mr and Mrs Wiggins New ton Robinson Mrs5mith Clark Smith and family Thornhill and Longhurst Barrie were guests of Mr an Mrs Matchett on at 5w Hillocks Birth or Daughter Congratulations to Mr Curling Activity Lo activity around the curlirlg rï¬k these days AThe club held their first bonspielon HEC emblem shown here is symbol of bonfldcnoqglfyou need up tn 31000 to solve your money problems youm oonï¬denoefrorn HE ACanada Ernie and fo am HFC was Drennan Othefldiploniasio lie Manning and Nancyiaylor Sevenyear seal wont to Doris Thompson fouryear seals Mare garet Thompson Carl Tain Car olyn gtMartinrxthreeyeiir cola Lionel Trew Nancy Trai Holiday with Relatives Mr and Mrs Frank Planford and Bobby spent New Years at Owen Sound and Patsy returned home with them She spent the holidays there iih relatives At poohsville Mr and Mrs ThomasMorr on at Cooksville with Bill Morrison ni lmins Miss Eva Rumble spent the nonm amazon snows ar moor OD plu FEEEJEEbbit Wit one air gun entice holidays in Timmlflsl WilhM turercading idllowcd by prayer Bobbyand loiespcntNew Years and Mrs Douglas Ronald Holiday Visitors Hnliday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Robert Martin wcre Mrs gtRoyMartin of Vancouver Mr and Mrs Leightzon Slessor and Betty of Weston Mrs Agnes Martinpfforillia Mrs May Buv chanan and Mr andMrs Russell Marshall of Body Mr and Mrs Georg tott of Wycvale Misses emary and llenc Buchanan of Mount St Louis Bollday th Parents Ross Rowatoi OAC Guelph spentthe holidayswith his par ents and Mrs Tyson Rowat licce Vi tors gt aner Ralph Bowman or cd the WMS annual Rowats and meeting to close Reid ml Mrs My Qua were assistant tea hostesscs and plcasant chat enjoyed ov ihe te cups At Ahnual Meeting Mrs it Guison Mr Coch rape and Mrs BMcQuay attend meeting in Aliundale Presby cr Church on Tuesday Toronto callc tuckrecently Enloy Hockey League Waync Dunn Gury Thompson Larry Drennan and Frank Orr are among those enjoying hockey in the league at Elmyaie Cecil Frenchsponsors practice every Saturday morning Toronto vuu James Taylor took and Mrs on Mrs Mary Howard Taylor Mi es Evelyn and Marilyn Taylor to Toronto Saturdayfor the day Mrs Miller and Paul and Val erie of Collingwood are spending week with Mrs Albert 509 WMS Meeting The MS meeting was heldon Tuesday evening at Miss Bessie Mr Harvey Johuson opened the meeting With scrip rs William Richardson read thankgtyounotc Mrs Ja on read letter Mission study give Mrs William Thompson from hookihe SkyPilot ot the Yu kon writer who we ked as aininister anddoctorvin th gold rush in 1897 Meeting closed with hymn and prayer Annual Meeting gt The annual meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held Friday evening Jan 182 at oclock in the Sunda School room ndLady ihlam Mature with spilt Far comma It Malay our lvm rcpireicntedGbyg PM rs an am agectlvely tn namesake revealed the economic and spark uai progrcasjthatihnbeenmade gt mounds 33 am Angileantcaurcb will hold service at2pmicrthe podium months Innare nan1w mm rot Innsat the rum chl WllpADpflNfl may uï¬ora American Van Luna modal united uuu or North Amcrical vu Limes Moving no stem ï¬rearm Avr ran3 Thugs LT BRISTOW PLUMBINGHEWNG 84DUNi0PSlWEST VJ onwpaavsno mm wear in nu Annuai Meeting for shag16mg Royal Bank of Canada Mu Iquesï¬ons Canada deVelopuig her human resources as effectively as her natural resources PresentteochersI salaries niche decent Tatqndoni impossible toniiosa who Ir and mould character ofyou Effect control of inllqï¬onmoy not be Ibroodor control boinkpowers The depressed oaupatlona status of Cahadian teachers in churches schools and universities and the dangers posed by our ap parent neglect of those responsi ble or the training and building of the moral character of our youth were emphislzed by James Muirihairman and President of The Royal Bank of Canada in his address utthe baelts Innu meet ing in Montreal on Thoragglu hary 10th it is clea enough that the economic resources at the disposal of ourschoolsand univer sities and even ofmany of our churches are insulliï¬ent to main tain decent living standards iori the devoted men and women whose life work it is to train the minds and develop the character of our young peopl said Mr Muir In thiswe are faillng to make the fullest and wisest use of keylhumah resources we are all ing to give them reward consist ent either with equity orincentive and we are endangering therefore the future welfare four whole economy CRISIS in noncarrou anomaly The economic pos on of all teachers has deteriorated rela tive to other professions of com parable training and responsibil ity and relative tothe working force as wholelhus the teacher today ï¬nds himself in the same occupational epressed area which he occupied as long ago as 1776 thh the present disparity between the salaries we pgyfllll teachers andthe salarieswe pay for comparabletalent els here we cannotexpect torecfuit or to retain enough qualiï¬ed mennnd women to maintain our present teachin standards our schools and ivarsltie llere then is casewhere the allocatio of our human resources would seem topbe unresponsive to rdinary operatic of theprlee mechanism But this is only partly true In ilctythe supnlypf teach ers is likely over period of time tobe onlytoo responsive to the mechanism the market will konly too well and we shall tnucb of what is best in our broughthe sp drott smallya staff over too many courses and students and through the deterio tion of the staff itself We as citizens must government business or tel ction ensure that our and nl rsities are prov edwith sources of funds sufflcientmto attract to retain and replenish trai mg and experience LA on sun ml The copllnuin thre thosehuirnan ources of titlentt mg require Ytiobarypressure some does this ncre CAN PRESENT cones HALT tunanone Mlhere atleast tWo sources oi nflatlonary pres sure which the central been with itspresent powers will tind difficult to reach said Mr Muir it is possibleeven with no increase in the money supply torincrease the activity of that supply by putting otherwise idle funds into the hands of spenders through the ordin ary devices provided by the gapital market money supply to increase he funds available to busi nessmen and consumers from sources other than the tirian rial instjtutions ordinarily controlled by our monetary authorities In bothgcases we have the classic phrase an in crease in the Velocity of circtilationbut the implica nsfor policy are suffic tly different to mcri separate treatment tltwouldseem to be at least open to doubt whether the present facilities and techniques available to our classical weapon upward movement ofvinterest rates largelythruugh commercial banksmay by itself prove of distant scene but would at least appear1h in order to bejair and order to achieve thehest re sults our monetary ndcre dit control may have toem brace wider area of our ï¬nancial Worldtban it now rigorou monetarl hol icy has already enjoyed large measure of success in the tradrti nal of bank crediL Its ov all success may dependin ure on the efficacy ready reached hank Area or on the eaten aion ofcredit control by the central bankor other organs of grave meat to cludeu source of in polnts in Canadian Total Deposits have now passed $3ihillionniilrk Sedgewlck Genetalman iger noted that not only the assets oi the Royal Bankreached the imposing total at $357l2298320 but that deposits had passed the sxlla billion mark both do 131 his ory While our loanin olicy during the year was restrictive one saier Sedgevvfclr line wil our agreementtwithBreBnnk of Canada yét themuoyancyj at our economy demanded that we accommodate many rvlng cli ents with new Maï¬a ofcredlt Forthis no the commercial loans of the in creased by $125000000 lust over 10 The banks liquid position he pointed out continued strong tqtal quiclr assets of $195d26058 representing 5788 ofvthe banks liabilities to the pub lic Capital Funds now stand at $137701833 representingjau in crease ol approximately $36000 000 during the year in spite at lower balances in Government of some $45000000 said Mr Sedgewick deposits of the bank increased by approximately $218000000 The number of our depositors grows steadily and we receive much sat isfaction in realizing the high pen centage of the countrys popula tion who deal with us Earnings for the year were $12487268 alter providing for depreciationand in come tax This figure compares with $10858480 in the previous year Mr Sedgewick cussed the banks extensive building and re novation programme and men tioned that branches and sub branches operating in numbered 797 while those abroad totalled 75 RYAL BANKv ABROAD result the assetiposition air NonDomestic branches continues at high standard For over ten years spec section of the banks ForeignDepartment has heendevoted to the development of information necessary tothose engaged in trade and the perms ent staff of this department is augmented the flow of senior men between overseas branches and Head Office This Mr Sedgewick me oned makes the bank well equippe to render speci uedand ess Lservice to clients and others engaged in foreign operations Hestressed that in an organization suehas thevRoyalBank there are always worthwhile opportunities for young Can gians who havespecial ap hides and are nterested in banking career abro cre sed demand