EVERYONE ENJOYS KNITTING LIT TLE THINGS especially for the baby This wool wardrobe is quickly knitted in sim plelWattem worked by repeating one rowvofpattern stitch only threemonths If you would Need Great Cradle lo Crave Ai the lnstructl this paper Size is for like to have To Mentally Retarded Basis Associations jProgram Onelout of three persons arejoy the home love that any other conservatively estimated to be mentally retarded to more or less extent of theseabout 8508 in Ontario have an lQ of50 or less 100 is normal and are con sidered unable ot beneï¬t from in struction in public schools These children are not allowed to at tend even auxiliary classes of the public school system in Ontario with two exceptions only The Department of Health pro vides Hospital Schools such as Smiths Falls and lorillia for some of these persons but there are long waiting lists of urgent cases which at present cannot be modated in the present lau In addition many parents keep their mentally retarded chil drenrhome sothatthey may en EXAMINER Photos Pictures byFIvero Examin er staff photographer that pear in this newspaper nvnlllbla inglossy printr mom SERVICE 100 150 tion retarded Canadian child may have The parean who wish to keep their children within their home atmosphere or are forced to do so through the shortage of proper facili in the government pm gram face tremendous burden ï¬nancially and because of the lixn iting factors to normal family life created by the retarded 1d they have heM burden in fac ing normal social activities in such cases there wasno educa tional programuntil local units of the Ontario Association for Be tarded hildren were folmed Asidefmm the lack or instruc dren found it difficult often possible because of their condi to play with otherSon theirblock Thusthe retarded child alrea dy handicapped by life was fur ther handicappedby society and tended tobecome lonelyand maL adjustedand in later lifetobe come more of burden than he The Associot The Ontario Association for Retarded chii theparents the natural outgrowth of wide spread actl among parents groupsin different parts of the province It was encouraged by the successvof the first school with training program or re tarded children opened in Kirk land ILake under hespons rship attempt to niinimlie the less cl ons for making baby ward robe just send Stamped selfaddressed envelope to the Needlecraft Departmental requesting KNIlIED WARD ROBE FOR 3MONIIHS Leaflet N0 CW92 Ontario Department of Education in 1947 gt In 1949 the Parenls Council for Retarded Children openedrln To ronto and opened school in 1952 Elsewhere in Ontario groups of February 1953 re resentatives Ifroxn Brantlord lightNorfolk Hamilton Kirkland Lake ndon Niagara District Toronto Well and andWindsor metin Hamil ton to form the Ontario Associa tion for Retarded Children Its inaugural meeting took place in Toronto in April 1853 Local Unit Since then theAssociation rapidly expanded throughout On aria until now there are 42 local units including the Barrie District Association or Retarded Children with total of about 3200 active members Each loeé unit maintains day school for re tarded children in its areayand there are now almostl000 hil dren enrolled Since 1953 these schoolahali been assisted by the Departmeu of Education which proiiidea gran naid 017 per month per child nder 12 for halfday at tendance andss er monthrp child between 12 and Jriclus for fullday instruflion These foods do no means sustain the full schools or the associatio Speeialized services are neede for children in school accommodation for the dren must be found ch be transported safely tered homes to central Theseare someo proble of the schools for retarded child ren whole has strong program of public educatiori research and legislative action are based on overall aid togthc or the Auxnjiryjciass ascrlptlve inforinationl on minimum mentally retardedfrom cradle to request Humiliation hone PA notj nary Corporal Rail Steiner Steincr is the menunder him parents started schools and in wnrn ed minem in ï¬nd0 1on engaged in modem warfare and it makes no ihaednpectriof human chanct whichan war rem in those depths of hu egndatlonh he height ithuman av and sacrifice Primarily it is thc of an extraordina haracter who In less ikilhil hands than those of Willi Heinricluxwonld probably have beenthophony tougbtendcr hero of arunofthemill thriller An embittered cynical young man bereft of all uaioru and burden ed with personal grief time and experience have merely intensified he is capable of appar ently merciless erueltytoward Yet he ispossessed by vast and elemental sense of responsi bility which will not allow him to fail eitherthem or his superior oilicers His feats of reckless courage his seemingly limitless powers of endurance his skill as soldier andhls gift for scathing inventive make him god figure of awe and terror to his EY unknownftolbem Steiner utters bouts of paralyv ing phy terror and agonizing doubt and indecisiolr eccssary lack of violence costs hid aliinward struggle and leaves him sick in mindlandspirlt The mooni of toughness and brutality wh thin Ian brit imp and magnificent story containing enough terror sue pense and hardship to satisfy the most avidarmchair adventurer In addition the association as Its concepts in The platoon cut 01f from its bat talion and trapped behind the Russian lines makes itshway back to the battalion amid conditions of appalling danger and hardship It is Steiner who saves them ilog ing them on with words who their exhausted bodies can go no furlhe controlling an sup pressing the individual greeds hates hista and jealousies that would have separated and de jstroyed them encouraging them byhia stubborn courage and daré ing irigenuit Two menarelos Zoll trai rous timof his own his an Ste ersrnge and disgust andD thetrusting the platoon inblind to hasty orde gt his arrogant they come close to hat Without hi frighten Sterne maelf often regards men with contempt =an disgust forth pettinesshand tupidlty Once on that terribleyjourne but ower than himself ha presenth individual by his en but thatheflcarriés also with controlling landfdri in Normaa Bates Itwu tale weary months of rdefeatxand re Longer béliev Butuch death causes VStelner récogniuble until at the last Social in him followed the meeting posseuso much as it mqu him directing all his important actions and endowing him with apparently superhuman strength of purpose andwill one by one in the ensuing at ihemcn die Their deaths eardnglessf events bich they no Lovhich perhaps they had never really believed sharp 88M of grief from which he emerges somehow rlncreaacd in stature the driving force within him more clearly defined and when he lies dying and only the angry and inarllculate Kruger is left and VSteincr weeps forms blindedcomradc it is revealed for what it is not loyalty or courage but love fiitliollsflu =gcnuilcn Ben1y Dunlop sfaï¬j WWW Service Tonight rodmen manma WORK AT pun rcu morons rom phone mason auras 75 Bradford St PnoNa PA SundayServices sparem rancnuucu i130 pmeï¬ireside Service mopnrenaows HALL EVERYONE waLconn ï¬ggd 0rganlat REV GMU1RBA 7M mtANK porch sounAvJAuuAnr 131951 945 lamChurch School agea6 and up ij 11 sumNursery and lilndergarten llam ma mGnTaousnass or Gonp pan or HAD ONLY ONE SERMON T0 PREAQH broadcastyCKBB 15pm room EOXLESVSOCIETY MAimN LUTHER riLiu comm JAN sroNsonan nrs aAiuua Aim nisriucr hummus Association cursoryissuing 24 IANil 1tY 22 EssaRoadkPresbyterian Church JANuARr 232425 St ews reshyteriari Church hallucination Spa in charg NUARY 22 VReV 4233 The Rev James Ferguson sadism mun SAM cansnu lsh Daditone Soloist from To rate Prayer Thlvaelr will be in March WEL¢°M aimavamiic sanvrca 100 ISUNDAY LIANUARY is 1957 ionsorg am 11 nolmass mun mpnoourANr naemm hasoraN Am MmSalvation Meet Bright mowismgiius Good Gospel Messages be conducted by Senior Capt and Mrs Nlhirney YoungFeoMes Secretary froiri Orillia Army their Churchhon BURTON Ave UNITEQCHURCH MInister Re in c1rimbieaAan Mr Daniels Organist 11 armMORNING wonsunr Openvthovyvlndow Backward éflollyrunlted Church menveuinomouaum mg Story or the Iron one no psnYP Fiuasmn EVERYONEr WELCOME In COLLIER ST UNITED Minister Rev Lewis MA on Organist Ind canonum Lloyd ford SUNDAY JANUARY 13 1957 pmeMORNING sguvtca Contemporary 1ruthsAboIit God oods um AsA Principle ln Nature And Whisper In The Heart COMMUNION rm eunuch scaooL 945BmIJunlor Intermediate and SeniorDepth 1100 LmPPrenursery baby alt tlng NamathKindergarten and Pflmaryuneplfllnenta Songs Of The Church The Sacrament will be celebrated following the evening service EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE servieesa Sunday schqu SUNDAY JANUARY 13 1957 rue l00FTEMPLE ll Couier ALL ARE WELCOME FreeM rhodist Church zoo aayiieids eet Rev 11215 Giï¬ieenyllï¬nister SUNDAY JANUARY 131957 LinaThe may hie School musManila we so primEvening Warship gt Warm Welcome Awaits You Services throughout the day will Aliare welcome tormnrke the WORLDS ansr SELLER sjr nines mssrou Anniea 95 Cook st also antLIOBNING PRAYER THEREV ALLAN READ 880 LabJunior sundaySch 1045 impsenlor Sunday8chool 57 ANDREWS ERESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen and Wnnley Sta 51 REV Mama FERGUSON Minister CLARKE liiuaBac FILCJ Organistand Choinnaster soNoAy JANUARY 13 1957 11 MMORNING wonsulr Lrzvnnmo wousuir l1 ulLThe Church scum ior all ages COME 10 CHURCH lt aerINrrv cuuncn Angolan 24 Call at EPIPIIANY anuary 13 mo mFnoLucouMUNioN sadismMouch PRAYER Sermng YE 1100 innMORNING ruAvnu sermon THE REV LOCKWOOD Church Nursery Junior Sunday School 706 pmnvaNsoNc sauiuori iaovnooo ran nav Shannan Iv CENTRALUNITED CHURCH Dunlop and TorontoStreets REV CECIL BRENN RA MR CHURCHILL Organist SUNDAY JANUARY 13 1957 11 in Whatdo you think ofChrIstf Junior Congregation CKBB Broadcast nth711m 1v 1N stony 15 Read the poor of asiher Special Prayer for and reporton the Leighton Ford Crusadertor ChristMarch 1024 815 pmYoung Peoples meeting cannon scaooi 1145 amJunior Intermediate and Senior 1100 amBeginnersand Primary TSEE You INKHRJRCH FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH Clapperton St at Worst REV ALUCK mss CLOUGHLEY Classes For All Ages 11 mmFfA REAL FAITH am EVENING wonsnnr Evanvonaswnacoun Convention of Ontario Quebec