Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1957, p. 11

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ROW AME interview Vain lines not invalvalnlaixnresz Never I3 return may from the wheatiltnationu inde 51 Im candamnation mum Etc WW which host did feel in nights one thisway an not be MOW num with the appearance of the fnrm with big red harnednd tbihoiney surrouhding Romuwhlchv Ls justeaat of the hing his littlecrossroads hamlet We drove in totbe firm house thinking wcwould lakes moment to wish Ho Earle Rowe the com1 plimenu tho Icasonflha moment became anhour and tum ed out to be one at the most interesting visits we have had for some time Of course we men tioned that The Examinir readers might like to know what we found out Being apolitloian Mr Row2 was nottoo hesitant in passing out information Supported Flemming Of course the first topic to start oil ivould he the new party leader Mr Deifenbaker and what Mr Rowe who been deputy leader under Mr Drew thought of thcelection Mr Rowe did not hesitate in telling us thst he had hcen supporter of My Flemmin However he was quick to add that he felt the party asva what had made good choice and he HousE organs airma ijiimiii strum wn twoyears thcrcwoiiid tiiLbe sufficient lliognve us thattptal in buaheia Macnadlan surplus This added tothe worldjurplhs made staggeringrflgureu Moat otrus have seen think but the big list of digitamonn litt hlr Rowe contended that we could not go on bonusinTg the price so as to kceplit on with world prices and market our wheat in opposlti tothegl away plan being adopted by neighbfl We asked him it he teltthitt wealso might adopt giyuw plan especially if it went to mém bers ofour commonwealth its tlons andit this mightnot vb way in which thegoveran surplus mtgr trade use of VHe agrees mat perhaps tint might be an answer liewas in agreement with the suggestio of some plan similar to the Arm ican one of encouragement of lowing land and growing other was sure that the newlender grains instead of wheat so that might accomplish much in get feed grain could be more plenti tingnow membersclccted cspcv iul clally in Western Canada He telt sure that nnew life had comcfor the party and that they wouldl following the next clcc tion be the govcrnmcntVot Can ada EicctlonNext June It came as some surprise to us that Mr Rowe who has been in such closctouch with things at Ottawa was anticipating general election asearly as June 1957 We mentionedmhe fact that the government had 400 million dolt Jars similus on hand now with still three months to go of their tiscal year and wondcrcd why it was felt by the opposition that tiiey would chance an election be fore that surplus hadbeen put to good usc Mr town was unable to suggest reason but still maintained that party was making prepara ns for June election ould Likellim To Retire My wife would like Iiic to dropout of the political life admitted Mr Rowe However he added that he had assured his Wham Em executives in their lastmeetihg Ws plan when the matter was mentioned continuous SATURDAY 23a pJn sysmne snows AT 650 AND pm BE suns Tosss THIS HAPPY HITL tallynod In hrs In Email on In to country it Loni Lin uvo WI and wuny MAlaERDSENBLOOM thuuicoton =ANVITAEKBERB when eanroon onicn rimsr NEWSREEI maximum GARY cborsk Hii You HAvswAlrso son SINCE HIGH NOON STARTS wnpNESDAY 230m However he felt that the whole problem had to he faced by the government soon Hc was alsoot the opinion that our dollar value being hlghcr the USA waa giving the people of that coun try free money to invest lnthl country on the exchange of mam uinctured goods which he con tended was fast boing controlled by these investments We should be making our raw materials into our products here Canada instead of buying back our own materials made into goods across the line We can nothalancc our trade so long as we only continue to ship them our rawrmatcrialsfi That New Plaster Product Weasked about the new mater lal that was being made in which the slamin had suehpersonal in terest This is ew typ oi plaster made from pulp and gyp sum mixed undersithe patent they have purebased Canadian and American rights from Ar thur Care and are tradingunder Attica Anvisra Pueaeurs recastmap DOROTHY MCGUIRE FOX NEWS THUR not sxni an that he wouldstay on Congratulations to ML and Mrs ament would almost indicate that Ray Lougiiccd on the birth of daughterson Jan at Royal Vic toria Hospital gtVlricty Night Lack The South SimcoeJDistrict Wo 12 at mens institute variety night will be held in Allistontarcna on Jan 18 at pm Tickets are nowavailablc and maybe pur Littles Hill Coronatio sponsor euchre homo otMr and Mr on Saturdaycveningk Downing or at the door of the arena BAXTER New YearsEve Party An enjoyable time was spent New Years Eve when the Baxter Butvling Club put on in party for the community in the Orange llail There were games songs and dancing local music assisted by the McGiverty family of New market and Edward Denney of Toronto staying In Chicago Mr andMrs Gordon have gone to Chicago where they in tend spcndi few months with their son law and daughter Mr and Mrs Walls Shonetsky end with friendsin Toronto Stayner Visit Florence Denney and fam ith relatives inStay ncr on Sunda Asimaay visit Mr and Mrs Ruddick spen Sunday evening with Orangcville chased in this area from Mrs he too would like to justho Earle Rowe the farmer of New ton Robinson We took ch net in as ing who in event of his retirement would he likely to be chosonto be He did not answer and it seemedlthat the matter had not had any outside the party candidate of the home discussion enbakcr hadhopcd that Bil would reconsider his resignation but that he felt sure the resigna tion would stand as with 300 acre farm wellstocked with good horses and cattle weekend once infa while was not enough time Then there was th netv business venture which the familyhad invested inand which wastaking con siderablefimount of his time One of them just had to be around and Bill felt he would prefer more homevlife Bill for Bill to be home ns Rowelands There is not the fund for party use that is needed to do pll the work needed and the costs of good publicity and travel are high Bill hashandled the party work for less cost than it was ever thought possible At the samétime he has visited every part of thcVDominio Surpl Wheat Problem We asked it his son Bill had any intentions along that line He said that he had not discussed the matter with Bill Asked if he felt that Bill would actually resign from the position of party secretary wheh he so capably handled during the party eon vention Earle saidthat Mr Deit farrn ad order which is to supply he Hotel new under construction in Toronto The plaster has advant ages over other such products in that it dries veryrpuickiy and only one coat is necessary Eiastcr may be put on ne house and lived inthree days as it willbe completely dry and rock solid then The fact that it only requires one cont may have some oppos Mr Rowe stated as this would if adopted mean less workfor them Like therailway firemenl who are now on strike be cause the railway want to pense with firemen on oil deisel engines the plasterers may objeet to the use of plaster that will cut their labor in half hits useon the newhotel result ed from the use of the materials of hich the walls are made he ing so dry that absorb the wet too tast fromordinary plaster and itfnlls off before it can dry properly The materials rheing manufac iured under 1the Care patents have provedto be successful in theiruseon these materials also oncindc locks We Wi have to build plant if th goes over as we anti ipatefi Mr ed The plant now islocated nDanfroth Avenue Toronto This is ason besides the far whyf Bil Rowe will likely retir asrsecretary Party The eager ma which plaster for the new Lord Simcoc tion from the unionplasterers red want he Consejvative Rowe di usses it might also be RCAF REVIEWS BUS EARSteppe activity athorfie and abroadmarked 1956 as busy year forthe AR Thelargest of Canadasarmed forces withsome 50600 niep nd women the Air Force found itself shouldering in ed responsibilities on the domestic and world scenesxliow andwhcrei thaRCAF served is the subject of this photogra montage 0n thclitldscanada Line Throughout he year elicopters of lOBcommunications Flight from Station Rockcliffe Ottawa flewin supportofMidean Line construction Shown is an helicopter landing sling oad fr supplies at one of tbesites under construction MN Duty Strikingievideiiceof Air ranSPortCommands mobility came before the years less than 48phours after having lertcd fortho move ron wer under way to NaplesItalywherctheyvare now engaged airliftirig troops and supplies to Egypt for Force Onevof the Celissis hownat Capadichino airport ith on North Americansklesconiinues unceasiiigly and proponents air defence System req infalllb teamw in cartyin average person might expect aga thing happen be party choice the riding Would turnover was six times that Charli Evansl oLBradfordob amount He Was doubtful Charles Evans wouldcare to give he was aware that the annual Mr VRowe felt that thlsarriight bea party choice but he had his doubts that Mr Evans who had very prosperous legal Vpractiee woul want et into Federal politics the taste part of Ontario and many of Mr Evans clients are manwhb are doing dds million dollars of business annually and they thel legal advisor right thereon the im member wouldhav to do cgates atthe Qttawa cohvent nl They had enjoyed the outing but that was all there was to that of oud had alaofbeen alternate delegat UNEinergeney famed MoontVesuvius in the distanct amn Defence Thewatch how turnover of top of fifty if such thousand dollars and he said that the tinie to rfederal politicsthat mightraddthat James Leon4 this convent 11 but was unab as out their duties Intensive operational ra radar members of the teamoontinues already high capabilities Here in an exercis sweepilowover thedomes ofa Pine Tr Responsible for share based antisub tection personnel ohm itime Command their skills inthe various phases of the like the P2V7 Neptune shown here low ov suh uringn train ing sxercis help them carry out theirtas Duty in Europe No 445 the first of tour IF100 squadrons designated for over seas service with the RCAFs No Air jDivislon left Ottawas Up lands airportfor Europe in the latter par of the yearA ceremon ialscndoff ineludingthis final inspectio by Defence Minister Ralph Cain ey marked the allwcather quadrons transfer to NATO dut 6On Wings of Mercy Answering almost 800 requests for aid aircraft of the RCAFs search and rescue organisation flew some 6000 hours Some like this helicopter on the lawn of7 Van couvers Shaughnessy Hospital were carrying put new concept in the movement of critically injured patients thrimgh1 crowded at ha and convoy pro stantly perfecting rk Modern aircraft attehd owingtothe fact that he had no help at home to take over We asked he hada picture of self With oneof his horses Turn to sixteen please Hoosier TONEGHT wohething that the member can do is to quotefigures For this reason we not take pencil with us aswe ewrthat could not be keep up with him personal reafim wli bainiglit like to take wifes ice and get out ofpolit doc not says in nien idle in the village Wei hope the sound of the trains maybe heard soon ag son Youn romaine Manna mom on 82414 when heg ntoquotations Weendeavored to stee 5th onth id Na eceived riov 027 PAS 4427s

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