was elected unan an olthe Barrie Public he inaugural meeting atflillcrost chool onWednesday Seated lefttorlght Mrs Bessie Clemmens Ralph thlgrove ohai anvJr Gable Back row left to right Macharen George longstaiie iness manager of the board hrnsun ly as at the board Absent ironithe meeting was Dr Frank Shannon In taking office or his sécond term Snelgrove thanked the board for the honor There is no organization ianarrie ieel is more important MaoLarenwas appointed vlcechalrman and indicated that some day he hope Mr to assumethe lvcro ewiy elected member of elbo ins office ohchairman leade Commun rs ItleSf or anada7s Speaking to he anadian clubin Barrie last night William Coventryylndustr Commissioner or the citypor Corn wall claimed hat communitieslying aIOng the great waterway the St Lawrence whoshowed imagination in leadership would become those who would take Canada to her placaot destiny greatest nation in to world ottomor advice to ou would be toset up inmiediately com mittee to in at ow your community can take advantlt gt The theme Coventrys talk to an au choc Whichjin cludcda fewnew Canadians was the St LawrenccS way project the rici ry joy develop at large size uld findtheir moot its construchon and the Way as tar as Port Arthur Fort fut henctitswhi ayvbe de William and Chicago iromthe He point ed um 12 we day The problemepwglsï¬i raise ves Rages Inverse sols oi17000 tonnage with draitjoi up to 27 feet approxi matelyfllo feet from Montreal to Lake Superior Thc greater part of thislgain in height had to be accomplished between Montreal and Niagara Falls The physical problem was not nearly so diffi cult tosolve as the international difference of opinion between Canada and the United States international Control lhc St Lawrence waterway people had been dreaming of the time when through great locks and canals ocea golng vessels flowed through both countries are iconLrolled by the hit national Joint Commission whi was set up to protect national tcrcsls In 11932 treaty betwcén the two countries was proposed calling for joint action betivecn Canada and the forthe de veloplnent avoir the St Lawrence howeverthis failed to the pressure the American rail and crests American government that she would dcvclnp the Seaway even the States did not wishtojoin brought ahout immed pcals in the supreme CoIirt ofthe United pm pletc aspect of the Rivers and waterways which consent of Lihe Amcrii Canada inlbrmedthe vc abortive ap the power and to the lion Lionel Chevrior presidentof the St Lawrence Seaway Authority and native son Cornwall Speaking of the latt hesa Hehas been tough wththe Americans shut he gained their rcspc In his negotiations wit the Americans Hon Mr Chcvrier had guardchhc right ada and gainedior ths untry cvcry advantage He had made it possible ii necessary at some uiure date to build an all Canadian seaway with thee nun imum oi reconstnrction Looking to Future Turning tonthe future pros pects Mr Coventry reminded his audience tha the type otfreight carried at the pLesEnt time on the Great Lak was in the bulk cargoes the largest quan tity of which was ron ore tol lowed by petroleumproductsg it is expected that in cheru ture the importance of the trai ric in both these commodities would increase With the open ing of theseaway ore couid he pleveland petroleum products could be shippe overseas Significant Cut But themost significant cit would be seenin in shipping wheat Rail costf wheattoda fromPortgArthu 55 cents per 100 lbs companies stimatc Itha only addiivc cents per 100 bs on shipment Arthur leiload up In othe words wheat shippers will savc 50 cents per 10 lbs at present ii charges Th away transportation bring Ca adisn goods in plans to port alon th 11am can shipped from Quebecby boat to ifthey take their ships Ito rm Word has iust of Cleveland thatthc Depot bor dock site It Parry Sound will be used or transportation at irjon ore from the Moose Mountnin Mine near Milnct Ontario torthe variousaicel mills on the Great Neville Keclc general manager of the Georgian Bay Development Association informedthis pier that while the number ca ployecs will only be oboutilx men some 500000 tons of con ccntrated ore willbe handled throughout pihe navlgatlon se son The ncwcompany knovIn as LowphosOrc Limited wiii erect mill at Mooscbiolintnin during 1957 and be ready or pro duclionlo 1958 at which tlm ore shipments will commence through the Depot Harborsltb Engineering plans Ircbéinu studied and decision ontbe actual dock location will be mad in the early at 1957 accord ing to BradleyF direct Hanna parent company We were for some time con ccmcd about two alternative in cationsy Key Harbor nndLittlg Current But final decision been made with the cooperation of the Canadian National ill the Parry Mr Keefe co Parry Sound will over point of the train crew moaning employment for an other six in the region Dopotllarbor Is one of the best deep water locations on Georgian Bay being located on Parry island Just Parry Sound with deck facilitlcs already stalled which were used for the and packs material in gone by At the present time the extensivc docks are uscdonly In minor way by the Ccnt ry oal Company While this isnot veiopmenrffor arry area yet it is an incentivct work being carried ion 11 Bay Developmen As cooperation with the Parry Sound Industrial mmis slon and thc local Chamber of mmcrce who have spentvcon derable time on theprojcct saysM Keet This th ihce he lincorpora eorgian Bay Devcl nt Assoclat allttle ovei nd half ears go Rarfly Sonny Keeping The week early was mod erate and turned colder early Thursday with strong north west windsand1lght snow Bay lcehas thickened and more shantlesarc out To part sunny atcly cold has beenengagcd to an the dock and harbor fa ci tics and new industries are being encouraged to settl the 9121 Land pranceindustry teat possible jiorth rch of public relations for thcM be the stop transportation of grain and coal Weather yr nreielscd iron7 theM nann Com moms ClapIra The Eject oi the week Icck stall coopcrntlon cl illegitima oi Barrie Bolt Now campaigno NItlonal BmploymcntScrviec to level out and help cllrn ie winteruncmploylnenti eniand lor skilled men Mad laborers increases Ind their tea are at Drew och ol die workna derllh nlhcnnn be done just alliahow andcni loycrc naeholders pointot Planolorrenndva In an erlcsn lnconru heft on chnesday Jan two picsoltsccuring living by series of petty thefts and other often cameup for hearing Wiumhzaigelow 4i nhgie andCpl fie police with ctt oi scvernl cl oastare ina public record produced Act Crown At rneyKennedy ackt01952 with terms ygar and iinal of six th 1956 in lia ï¬parated was rgad with iehther nd pocket He claimed it had been given hlm by his Barrie CNR station na charged withintoxication in pub lic Hisrccord showed Ihe had Just been released from six months tcr gt weregquite phce Iabout th whole thing andwill again have accommodation in the jail for twomonths They claim ed Toron 13 their home town but hav bly clock and 811 by piano progra handbag irom gigantlsrgcahe 3w we mg tone ire or wgï¬meen lithe witefwho was to meet him at the W35 roped Preparatlons are now going ahead or Barrlcs flrstwlntcr car nivsl on Feb 16 and 17 Barrie Chamber 01 Commerce decided on Wednesday to sponsor this pm lectazas wintcnrttracilon tor the tow lhe1naincsrt will be inter national specd sutlng on thallce of Kempcnlclt Bay under the aus pleas of the Central OntarioSpcod Skating Association Tap skaters mm the States will be competing coming from Lakallncld l3utiaio Cleveland and Rochester Cloxed racing events or Barrie schools aro also planned Atro phy or relay competition between Last night th Roxy Thea Margaret Parsons and Ciiflord Poole tho iamousCanadianjmusi cal twosomc from London Onlt uric presented the finest two heard le since the memorable visitot Vera Appleton nd Michael Field slav eral years ago liftppearln here lnthe played lmus that for thenmost Their program particuiar lstlngulshed and IS tiful Sonata in lithium Brahms brilliant variations themebyiiuydn Miss Parsbrlsi an both of whom had gal ed reputa tions as solo performers helore mbinlngltheir talentsihare mus to th peri dcdicatcd temperamental mannerismsa the piano Eshe nevertheless follows the lead er composed spouse Their The twwpiano in Sec veiy tr slated the Barrie public schools islaelng positions litt ng staccato work and the for marlonettes prehentedibyG ThomaiThcre will also be events for collegiate students gt To add do the carnival vspirlt many other attractions are being considered it is hoped to have torchllght procession moccasin dance ï¬gure skating andbarrel jumping Kenneth Lahoile the ace barreljumpcr has already stated his intentionolbeing pre sent Such an event will necessitate the clearing oi thc ice on the bay ondthc committee in charge is proceeding straightaway with this soitba the commu may have Distinguished Program Choice 0i DuoPianisis Brahms janfdf Mazarlj willkS are highlights oi Etching was chargcdby CpL Neathway Jonesmf Bar composition Bac Toccata in minor but hereas in Francks melodic Prelude in minor the twmpiano varrangcment seemed superfluous ihestunning passages of the Brahms variations rather were this tim Gcish ns Khan dy Biue wheret second piano reated he illusion of orchestral heir ather heavy Viirstrhali th wo charmingr Liszt com The Nightingale ivel Frlsk The irom Hungarian dlikew strange pieces by Marclctto were ct troduction to the trlking appe ance 3=Aiso ncluded were two impressive wo shy Mr Poole ude an Aeol The couples encore selections re TheChicksflby Moussor gsky razilian Dance and The Blue Danube past president sociationw ism Bell intro duce the rtists the program of the as thcybenefit of skating on natural Ice it is hoped to havc an area of lcoclearcd for public skating by thecnd next week This will he kept clear through the winter and should prove an attrac lien or people out of town The special committee oi the Chamber of Commerce is under the chairmanshlpo Thomas and has asits members Grant Mayor Ross Rogers John Camp bell and RalphSnelgrove Ross Rogers and Jim Campbell are or ganizing the special events Mr Campbell was associated with the organizational committee of tho McGlll University winter carnivaL The commllteehope to make this an annualovcnt Theraclng cvonis will be hcld in iront ofSt Vincent Park which will provides natural grandstand for spectators parking aiea will be specially provided Becomes Director Guidance Service CLUTE has been apltj director 705 Guidance the Ontario Depart drication Wellknown eschcrs inNorthfSim he taug ttirsta Wyevale his help 00 then lls dale liter School Midland It while is the tormer Dorothy RN of Collingwond wo hildren Peter 12