Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1957, p. 6

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Mr and Mrs WilihmA Darby of SunValley Motel are touring 014 Southern statesior couple cirwceh Jack Garner and Frank Hare graves Jr lei Monday on motor trip tuthe Southern States They will beaway lnrtwo weeks DIED BROOKSAt tho homo or her suxh Ier In wxlllum duhm lI comp honAv Barrie on hoody lI 1105 Sadlc anmt beloved wii the lite wmlnn Jnmu hooln one mother or Mn sThoms or Tamnlo no hits Willim unh trm or Barrie in her and yelr herein or the ieonett Pam enl rlome hotrte runenl service Thursday inter moot porn the been urvtca Wedneuiy evening ot no oclock upplm Butter Re hem Lodge No 190 KimmyAt the home oi his run Emulama Kennedy 71 Maple Drive near Comp Borden on Monday nn 1951 John Kennedy Ionnerly ol Guelph Ontario heloveo hushnu or the late zlslo uoponola Ind dear lather oi Narnia ul Colony rnd Jamel ot comp sorden in his 7m nor hestinr ot the lennett hm hutcrli service st no Pm on cemetery Cards of Thanks NEWIn the midst or our Eurrow we wish to alpltss our liemelt thsnlu to mnny or our relLions Hands and orgmlutlons or the kind nm and tympathy shown us in the ion or our beloved hushltd Ithcr Ind hrother hiru New nnd llmlly CAMPBELLMr und hln Leslie Walklnshlw Sister rid brother oi the Campbell Family wish to extend thelr rnutuoo to relotiver lriends and neighbors or the acts klltdrlgs manage or lymplthy and henutiiul norni dilating received during their recent benlvrmem or their beloved sister Minnie Compheu especially thanking Rev 111 Dlvles of Wealth United Church Hamilton and Rev Mr Field of Anzul United Church cultWe would like to extend our heartfelt thunk and mutude tor the mony ltlndnooses rho rlorol tributes by lrieltdl hnti ncilhbora during the re cent hereoyement of our heloved hue hood and rother Mrs George Corr and landly MORTGAGES moo MORTGAGE for role Will take 10 discount Apply Box Barrie 42 in Examiner woou FOR SALE WOOD row SALE by curd Cnehp Phone PA 9137 H4 crllcxs Liar HUNTEIIS show you how neltolh chicks will moire you more profit on your farm Many records show how Deknlb eat less lord lost more eur live better too make you more pront Giy usn poll or senior 9rwhen thinldng of chic Phone or write Hunters Poultry Farm stroud oars itscull AGENT WANTED Norms Electric Range elemonu deep well lllhl nice eonditlon thrnuzhout Must sell is owner moving Phone PA oasis venings 14 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE to as 111 WEEKS OLD Bishop phone PA 6587 llOleBlN springer Heller Regist nerd accredited Phone Coohstown ism 945 25 roux CHUNKS or Pigs sud 12 Saws showing Apply linlter Fan nelis corners Highways 11 and as slioltrlloxNhuus one registered nnd one unregistered but eligible 15 months and 26 months rhone llr2 Ivy 945 10 WELL BRED Shorthnm Claws Ibnllt due ltul 51211 500 to 700 1125 good quality Elli Blaklly Allistan not 945 Apply 046 REGISTERED British Yorkshire wean illhg Bonn und ants in weeks old Mel Hurlgin RR Moonstone phone ssrzl 925 GRADE HEREFORD Cow 61 width calf at loot APDIY James Tyne one RR Barrie rhoou zoriol Strand lt 934 PUBEBRBD JERSEYS young céws and hllten lresll sna springinu hole Highway 15 one mile enstoE Stmel phone mu 94 YOUNG Englishwttne Bugs service able age of registered Block Hol stein Hoiters bred in October Phone Ilrll Cookstown cowsLn years old Holstein due lost or Muy nnd port Jersey due in April 13120 lhll Lelroy Ififll Stan Winter Lina lnnlsfil 54 FRESll ona Springer Holsteinl Ends and unbreds Vaccinated as blood lute Buy oowerIith Warranty Phantlos Coehrono Son 14m strou 914 Notice TO cannons All persons hiviog claim against the ESL ol CALVIN REGINALD SHAW late orthe Vluale nE Thurman in the County 01 snoeoe retired insurance oreht who died on the not dry 19 rd lthewuttdeislliied rtruie 21st agentsoultory finalistwhich onto asset will be dtrtrihuted amongst the parties entitled thereto and the Executorwlll not be liable to any persongor whose claim he sholl not then have notioe DATED htBhrrle Ontario this nth December mil BDYS smallnlvl ROWE oweh street Burle outnrlo 17W Ticsro ANPJOIHEKSg All 6H0 lnv cl ll he again of thaPfibava lute ofttllg Village algalrdhke tin the County or simcae who on the re una wlthr the Mm Artery ho rub rm eo wlliproeeed to diatribntsthe emte vioz reg1d only tho elolnn yr iphhc the his notice DA EDITOR norm on Jan m1 In smith nu mo BL rut hmr too iliiehui null canonAt norl Vldaru nupiul norm ouro 1151 to in and In PnliL carm as Ihlpld st Bapis DIWAHl itoyoi Virtons Holvlul sunto on Jan ism to lir In pour lluwl hunter moorAt lion Vietoris Hotplul some on no 1357 to air Ind Mn meson Sithiya dfllhtlr dfltlltdlv intuitAt no Ii Victoria ital horrio op loo m1 at eon Alln Leon NllzlsltN lit ltoyl VlctarllHmplul Barrie on on 1951 to ur and tin Peter Nielsen hit horrie dlulhler moronr1 Louise Royal Victor llolpltal lsrrrie on on IT to Hr uno Mn Aubrey Smith s1 Shlnlr Bay Road daughter IN MEMORIAM hleRlNNBYln memory or the lute Dr Ethcl litKinney who poured away Jan l941 Looking hoelr with memories uwpoo tho Pith you trod Men the yeus we hod with you And leave the mt with God lovirtgly remembered hy the tim ily Kimpd Lake and llomilton BLACKdn loving memory or deor hurhond ond other who phased am Jhn mi As yerspun by you ore always re memhored wile Olgn iumlly rher on Pew reoo Ann rotrlclo GILLin loving memory at our dear parentr Iln Samuel olil who passed away Jul ion and Mr familial Gill who passed nwly Aul Lovingly remembered hy the litm hlllLSln proud Ind loving memm ill delr Inn Ind brother Flyinl Oilicer Murray Alllson Mic Mill aged liailh Squadron RAF rothunoen missior over Hanover Germany Jon 1945 lNorremomherod rod ndly mule ed Mflm Dld Ind Don IlEPPLESToNln mud and loving memory oi our dear run and hrolt iher hleh who died son to 197 poorer still or yeom deport Your memory lives within our hearts With lender love and deep rczrct We who loved you will never iorzei snily missed by Mom Nara Alice ond Jack to Capt Joe SteWalt Retires Fight 50 Years Sailing Avgreat sailing career em bracing halln century came to on end at Port McNicoli when Captain Joseph Stewart of Vic toria Harbor docked the SS As slnlboia for the last time Captain Stewart was given inrcwell dinner aboard his old ship onSaturday night He was presented with ccllarbtte cum picte with gleaming crystal Mrs Stewart reecivedo large bouquet of flowers Born Oct 22 1891 Joe Stew art decidedph life on the wn icr at an leorly age After learn ing part of his trade on Georgian Bay tugs Joe went further afield spelidirig some time on the At lantic coastal trade in the Carily bean and one trip to Italy ln the late fall of 1915 Mr Stewart joined the Canadian Pacifics steamship division In cluding brief time out for ser vice in World War where severe leg wound ended his cum bat days Mr Stewart rejoined the CPR Ftoln 1921 to 1939he servedas second and asfirst mate on one of the tour CP ships of that eraVAthabzlska Alberta Manitoba and Kecwatiu First Command Captain Stewarts first com mand was the Manitobain May 1939 He served on and the Albertauntil 1944 when he was made master mt he Assinlboia He retained that post until his retirement Thursdays George Burnsth was this mart atSaturday nights dinner described Captain Stewart as very competent man who always had the confidence of his crews He always sailed what we term happy shim said Mr Burns One of the masters Captain Stewart workedunder in earlier years and wbo waspresént at the dinner was Captain Frank Dav Retired fur the past 18 years and now residenboi Toronto Cape lain Davis said Captain Stewarts greatest attribute was his loyalty Now 83 Captain Davis is one of the oldest ying former CP ma ters Two other old friend of Cap lain Stewart who were present Shirl gt In lllller Kinetl Poll 19h of 1738000 bushels ot when it has been announced by At torneyGencral Kclsn Roberts of Ontario that William Lyle Moore well known orilila attorney hlid been named Qucehs Counsel in ihe list of New Years Honors lie is one arm luwyersthrough out the province to be so appoint ed and is the Only appointee in this immediatcjnres this year were Piitz oi Penctang first mate who also had 35 ycars service with the company and Louis Belangor nnothcr retired mate of long service Mr Belan gcr made the long iriplrom Lot binicre Que to hc present Tcrminnl agent lit Port his Nicall Willium Biggir recalled some at the old days oihoth the Assiniboia ond Cnpinin Stewart its he knewthem as young man in Owen Sound The Assinibnia has always had good masters and Captain Sth on was one oi the host said ML Biggar Superintendent of CF steam ships at Port McNicoll lilo iin told the gathering that the Assiniboia and the Kcewntin had enjoyed increased patronage this year both from passenger and freight standpoint He said the 10553 passengers carried were lttl more than last year and more than l25000 tons pi irelght was carried an increas more than Mr Malin presented Captain Stewart with cc arctic with Miss ssic Richarlson steward ess escnting flowers toMrs Stewart James Millmnn and Captain Ernest Ridd oi the Keewstin also spoke briefly II brief reply Captain Stew art said hercould recall many happy Years on the old ship Praising his present crew as one oi the best he said he had al ways had pleasant associntions with the company Captain Stewart said he was particularly pleased to see Louis Belanger who had been ship mate long beiore they joined the CPR About 50 persons attended the dinner iucluding members of the heads of several rail depart ments 16 Ships Winter lnLBayports As Navigation Closed Midland Free Press Herald Sixteen ships will winter in Bay vporis this year including ll at Midland and five at PortMc Nicoll Among them are dozen ireighters carrying more than 5000000 bushels of wheatior winter storage The same two ports had 22 ves sels tied up instwintcr seVerai of them in he tug or barge class Heading the list in Midland is Tiffill elevate where thrccCSL freighters have around 1800000 bushels in theifilldlds They are the Thunder Bay Sir James Dunn and the Coverdale Nearby are the Algoma Central ships Aigowayl and Aigucen both with winter cargoes for Aberdeen elevator Townhouse elevator in Midland has 800000 bushels aboard two CSL freighters Lemoyne and Ashcroft Across the bay at Mid landsimcue elevator are the big Paterson already unloaded and the ibarge Collingdoc of Patersan Steamships Three more CSL freighters new In otegiio inhossost Barri wl wiilwinter at the huge CPRele marhsaouagr 1th gang and nauo feet fen tullundscaped ply Alton Echo and Aminlboill or while two government lighiships 10 but still am ovaInitobI there il jmountinx relingthat tho goverpmeatshothlprotincill and tedarlllhonld rpendaomo money mania providing thir are with an Idequlte water sup name at Thornton Orange Hall Friday Jan ll 9130 Beattys valor at Port ItcNicoll with orchestra Lunch counter Adm3r sloniwc ard galley are the Rachelz Georginn Bay and thergialit McLagnn Part McNicoii also has the CPR gIICIIEQIISIl Kcewntin the winter rhechudrenr hid Society of 5mm County with to thank sincerer lho pemn or pehanl who left box oi Ilfllll iur Chmlmu ill to needy children oi the om 15 collier st mellma dump the Chflsllnn week the Edwards and the St Hellers will tie up in Midland WIDNBIIAV JAN con 450 on NIIIIQ and Died III 51 Iln Tin Tin Walk 11mm tn uoodm unlotto rights in tilIla column in ms Tony in room no Into III Antti menu ul IDAY JAN12 Ll cannon us countotuento Cliill $30 Wild Iill JOE uh oh mann po Illiil IA Edd Arnold 7M IMIYoTnvDum 730 Holiday Illldl Perry Sont Gil NHL Och ms xlno my short rmhou 100 arlm Hi Av uts 7m in soon rue country iunotlon mutton JAN to The chrlrtooheru on open nuis um 11 Eilifiéfii munminder 1min Milledm Thanh nitenlo rnntru Jo Wmtlln iN APPRECiATlON AllhhAh Plilllils CllS III who ckBB PROGRAMS DIALT123O wsonrzsnlw rail goldrigs Bs griml Ernthltv ton us oun r1 en us to llroiitlsuiReports 020 strength tor the an IN TNHISDIV Iig at my can ltm moo rteo auditor °¢ an honour Board no moon and country 700 Farm Mum Rewri roo hon lleholiher 1211 sport mrrit rm showeur ms Market Reportl Dori Hm 71o sports Calendar gag rigorI Hg 33 Ram 15 Re Joley Illl nun JO Gaelicdc ot mu 100 News Headline 300 EMIL hound Nowuut Lo Bulletin Board reierrom nlrhllrhts an second Bpflnl us soon eeoru noun or Dom as All Austrian ahamo Mm Mlll Prum Show Newscast 905 Irldilu PM hen Wflmul World no mnneuu emu sho It Plrlde 400 nrlety 1000 III Spam toos RIdio Freeout roo ot the To l0l5 llomemnkcrl cuoio News lltd Evert 58 on Lo 28 88a in ponds Ni man Tremor Pan uuoio cooltn sin110011 0520 Mutiueo 05 Blur Crab BhoI hen Hoodlum lushousehoid Blan co ngrden sports in Moxie nounuv mic gen hum 1200 Non iredimes on FRIDAY firm 350 1202 Town and country fir i1a Boom virrn nullttm Boul non Hemlinu Shovel sports cuehdu ma roiey show Mullcfl uyrterlr Na Hilhlllltu Soon hy rem come relill Thalth opou Neill Ina short sslrn pll SH faultsan gt 82 on fitmnxth lnr linen uutieu clock Florin latht moon Ret Weather Report New snort Round IJONsIl BJSvEDofll Boom 25 83 ms Murxot Report mo New 100 New liedunes lol Bulletin Bolm 1m second shrin 115 Aunt uury oo Newoust Womehs World omo Variety New quadpauper o5 553 age root mu reuoeme Emir shou v45 niomorulnr Vlnetles lam hon 1003 Rulin rrenout to Homemneu ciioio logo Tumor Post two Km 11m Interlude is Murit country aisle 52a littines News hiedither do cums horoen sports 30 News 10 Town Ind couutn wen rut nude 1000 New endpoint loosTop oi the room 1100 New and sports laoo Nous sport Weuthrr in also on wills SlllllEME collllr or ONTARIO THE10NOURABLEMR JUSTICEGALE 28258th In Chambers FltiuAY the 14th DAY of DECEMBERAD 1956 ROSEMARY MABEL GOSSE Plaintilf JOHN RICHARD GOSSE and ADELINE HUNTER neiendants UPON theinppllutlon by Counsel on hellllf of the PlantainUPON rend in the Miidavtls of William Bradlord Thom and Neil Maxweu Hermes sled arm UPONhurlng whht was Illeled bernunsel ror the Appli rr ls ORDERED tha rervice upon the neiendoht lohn slohora 60599 at the Writ oi Summo Shteflmntal Claim Aflldnvit oi the Plaintlfl Yer ing the some and special NvthB at Trial forZMattlmonlal CZHEES th Pu 1ishing this Order together with the notice thereon endorsed one week for three Consecutive weeks ii The Burris Examiner newspaper published in the Town at HardinIn the County ofrslmcoe Ind Province at Ontario and by delivering torrid leaving with MmFlor¢nce Gossc the Mother of the said Defendant at 435 Lake street in theCity of Shult SHAMIflepln the District at Algomn AndPIonnce ofOnlul copy of theWnt of Stun mans Statement of Cllllll Afllahvll verilylrl he same special Notice of Trix or Matrimonial Causes Ind ll0111 Order shall ha good 1ndmltllclent service it the said Writ ul Summons Statement alClalm Aflldavll of Vzrlng cation land spacial Notice of Trial or Matrimonial Causes upon the id Delendaltt loho hiohord Gas1c gt AND l5 FURTHER ORDERED that servi as aforesaid shall be effected not interi than the slst day oi lrnus vold ry existent hegistrsr sco NOTICE THE VDEFENDANT JOHN mcmn 60351 The Piulntiirr clolm is tor dhroi ion the msrrloge betweenrthe Plaintiff ond the netenosut Joh ltlehord Gum on the grounds or alleged adultery with the petendnnt Adeline Hunter it the Township oi Johnson in the District or Algonu on or hhnutlthe 9th day at October 1955 it you wish todetend thls actlod you mus Within ten days otter the service on you or this Writ hull of the Plain tlrrrstotement orc1olm deuveredherewith inelusive of the day oiueueh terrier causannl sppeoronee to be entorodror you in this notion and Within ten days after tharcntry or suchoppgurnnee déuver your stntement ornerenee lrsny ANDJAKE NOTICE that in aerouit or your so doingthe urr moy proceed thereto and subjecttu Rules of Courtyuu will not he entitled topotiee or any runner proceedings and you may hemenod to have sdmitted the rulotlus min and Judgment muy hoglveni yourahsencemtfthe rlaiotuis own showing AND TAKE NOTICE that in oerault or Appearance this action will he set down for trial or the Toronto nonejury sittings ithin sixty ooyrlrom such defIll Appenmnce ny be entered ttho Registrllrr amoe Osgoode Hall Tomtu no NNER st 1mm Yonge 53 TORONTO Enlizltnrs or plalntlllg KELVINKTDH AS LOW AS 100 th HARuwdlrE gt Phil00 RsrltiGlJltnltilis AS pr AS whom 31169595 mlG IN THE stroll AISPLIANCESI oNEYBflCKv DRYER hsiLilWAs gunman own ed nth Jast pot horj by or Highwiiy 500 it is suits unds

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