Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1957, p. 5

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MECHANIC oi anyway one BRIGGS AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN 5teedy podfloqllor right FRENCHMOTORS bomréhrsnm 75 Human 51 Emma MARY ELLEN COSMETICSLTD 230Adelnlde St Toronto 0ntario REQUIRE axciuslve representative or Billrte Area smart allleciivc mature woman to soil our line oi beauty products euleot earnings assured on commission beets Toreedey training period in Toronto All expenses paid include recentsneprhot with iuii personi dole incoraplets coniidence lad DEALERSHIP AGGRmSlVE RELIABLE sALEsIlAN totmpmeni Slian To II of China lied soiling mechan tools and industries etc at ment to gang étqrha ifunuvilie Brleehridga lrca IKullul Ippllcllit Ihnuld reside In the are and must provide commercial link and make rtesoluble Investment This vacancy is due to the rhgid blunts expanllurL In the area at 51 particular hppiy in own hillifl ln ItIEgltlnu In expericnce plume SNAP0N TOOLS OP CANADA LIMITED lull Fllst Avcnug West NORTH BAY Ontario lto MAN WOMAN REQUIRED No sxpurtenco ncccssnry Are ois looking tor chance to bet iar ylzlir position You may be driv ing ck working in on others running machine in inctory sell ing goods orservice touching school or doing lot diiicrent thingspeople do to uving Yet you are dissatiaded with your loblow income aopic you work with You still think lhere is Jab somewhcm that can oiier opportunity and security We can oiicr number at men nnd women hlieli aiob with inst growing Tempe any regardless ot pest experience Promotions and increased comings come very last Stutt niesdoy ian is Effie shlrpCommunltylIous poem org 7i5pnu sharp li lldUsBKIEPER to live iii Adults in North Toronto shiary $100 per month Phone PA Misti 145 USBKBBPEB required by adult cniir El Live In Apply to Mr Laing 74 High st Phone PA Halo 116 PULL on Part time work good pay ior hard work Younger nicn desir able Cal essential Apply llox a2 Bud Examiner 1H KIND ANn ilellabie day core wanted ior year old while mother works Sunnidnle or Queens Park district Bax lit llnrrie Examiner 144 xerluBNClm woman to give day care to children 95 Monday to Fri dayMust be capable oi assuming re sponsibility Apply 154 Collier st GIRL 0R Mlddin Aged Womlin to core for children and doellgltt housekerp ing from it to daily Monday to Fri day Or live in Phone Mm Lynch at st Marys school Barrie i2lt5 MAN WlTll CAR Would you like to increase your weekly income $10 to 15 or more during your spare time sell gltewielghv Products to consum ers in harrie Write Rhwieighs Dept Aiw247Monirg Pq it hummus cood working Candi Cepahie ot givlilg instruction he famous gins Sewing Machine at at Ma le Ave Barrie 12 dnight daily or phone ior appointment PA Milli 149 AVON PRODUCTS luv openings In Bunla nd Vicinity for capable Womgn who have at Jun fourijiuurs day aspne away Irum hum Good coin mlsions Write Miss Towers Apt 3W lfilrwllson Avel Toronto 145 sALESMAN wanted tor Burrle camp Borden area Salary and commission with transportation supplied nospio iiutiorl henehts and pension plan weeks vacationpey end of one ye Apply to singer Sewing Machine co to nunlop st Barrie izd WANTmhy the Vlillge oitnmvalc an on yearly salary tohandie both hydro and village policing or will consider applications separately AP piy giving qualifications and salary expected to waste Clerks Eimvuie tario on or beiore ianuary ARE yoliAMthlgtisilr so we con Eulranteayuuarl income or shims per week in selling iroln door to door our 225 guaranteed products Toilet ries Medicines culinaries Tea coiiee Adventurous commlston Specials with tree products moo needed Jltio Inuit also sl tiubert Mon rel has rpsijrlONsWAbtiEp Alan good tumd ul boonaeolng NW Box Barrie Examiner rvr wamNil lloor done ohm um 345 vomitva look Inlfallflil In own home Illa PAlZfll or PA TYPEme work done In on boos Pm and eirlcientmeniee Phone PA om sislu Wilsl LOOK aitcr chllilrui in my own home while mother worke Central Phone PA 561 24 nulAhLz leisoN will look alter children in own home while mother works Phono PA Vim 245 MIDDLE AGED Widow required poei tlon light housekeeping Live out Phone PA Mm unoxultrisre iuliy quluflfllivtonh plcie set oi hooks good at typing Energetic reliable in years with anti llrm recenin pensioned Desiree iuii or pert lime poslilo Moderate sei ery Phone PA Will or apply Box Damn aamlner zl WANTED QuANTlTY 0P7 CINDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE mEETI Phone PA 82907 lmti HIGHEST PRICEs PAID ior SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA 66487 We also sell lcr beams liell In prlllllolclllfl INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL Bunion St West chfllla Phone PA 66331 or PA 81204 Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAPIRQN METALS FURS HIDES RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LlVE POULTRY lll cell hes prleu downhill pi iii Phone Burris Ellyn PA 82931 W288 MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 204 Turin St 315 WANTED Good citIan second cut Aliniin Hay Phono PA 987 334 PAilt 0F childs Skates wanted sire about 9lyio Phone PA 35355 H4 cinNA CABINET and Filing Cabinet wanted Phone 41TH strolld alter pm 334 GOODUSED Cattle illhomers whnl ed Reasonable Thompson strand 23m 34 USED Lunlnlzli wanted or old house or shed with sun in it Phone isrii strands 345 POPLAR was and Bolts wontcd Bradiold Lumber and Crate Ltd Po Box 321 Bradford Phone 210 Bradioxili PiANoWanted upnrtmcnt size pre ierrcd other kinds considered ply Berard hutten otter pIn to Ne on st Phone PA Mm MONEY TO LOAN MONEY To LOAN on good llrst mort gage Dwellings prcrerred Box 79 Barrie Exhrniligr gt 3436 0065 PET STOCK nolilmli cthiE Puppies or sale Pred Cook PA tonsil 3345 GPnolAN siErlillltn Dog months did nlso Dug House for sale Phone PHAHM75IVI rill+5 nAclisllUNl Puppies purebred good selection blacks and browns Kittens iree Beasley Turkey Ranch Mldburst Phone PA 84192 rill11713 FRUITGVEGETABLES APPLES Northern SpyMclntoob Presh Applie iulce en Apple Butter Priced to suit every purse Bring own containers 95 cents delivery HERMAN FETCH loo suNNlnALE ROAD Phone PA 82729 liner pm 10107 APPLES eatln nndcooklng Prices to suityou 15o extra tor delivery liSPEEL Ottawny Fruit Farm corner Raseand Pho PA ham 2045 lie oriopy pmw3e day lire dingissllo Anms MAY lair mom TOVOEFICE PHONE PLOidle 40 Word in murtl80c louowing consecutive ingestiona at word 00c CASH RATE word minimum 60v Poliottillgconsecuiive NuMpEizs or insertions 2c lillisr BE PAID wingnnlizll word Dot NT troughs suit Phone PA omits STAMPS iyvrAYilounis ROCK STORE leAP wmnAlllilz tlili PLACE BIJY GOOD USED CLOTHING llmu Lequ ill Childrens Wear THE WARDROBE kollli Oswgfgmwllimh You and HM tilmoss Wee cocobetween elm brown Ltd nu and Splrlilin teweuery hrin In clothing that is an clean and in good to Vllll try In all It arygll Plsn Mouse stove and sleigh Apply ilurlls Garage Churchill or phone alrlz 724 USED CANVAS rulllllle or fish etlan ties be per lq II Barrie Ten Ind Awning 736 lumiloldl Humidifier itsed ior year in odd working condition lien lonabieb hone PA Mon F15 silANTY Isplywood two lines net gait hook spud no soc Vie Thurston aimcoo llulli ItIl GAB STOVE burners oven and broiler gooll holler in Al condition Apply 44 Blake Si upstairs 1H Buttsrill llYGlZNii Vacuum Citm ers rchllllt complete with attachments and polishcr Going ior as 12m an or Orimnl Champion maporotor Pans com tote with syrhona etc Phone sis smyner or My hodcrr Pickering lzth Line Sunnidsie itd VIKING electric ereiii leplnlor used yur good as new whito cnamal Kilt clicli lIanEi 00d cundluan Slim Wlnt ler 5th Llnainnlsnl Phonll iseiroy 1m 74 sTANOlNi CEDA posts and unit tree west oi No ll Highway iurther lniormaiion apply to Frank hell Brock StBnrrie MeCLAIlY Apartment sire Quebec itenge us mrdiulnsised oil space heater sod hsngette Meylnt WitstllngMIciiirlc all Harrison Ditch es coal ond wood range excellent con dition 95 small contend wood range 90 Robinson Hardware 74 SEED AND FEED HAY AND smw for role We do liver Apply ELKHI Gillnrd Phone betray ilrn iouoil MOBILE HOMES 1955 Tliorrwool Trailer 14 it tully equipped dishes Pro and Bill Sire Phone PA Halo 945 41 Pg TRAILERtlIilY furnished rooms 1956 model sleeps Small cash down payment and tallc over pay Phorie PA Minn 4445 NllCEILANEOUS TELEVISION RADIO SALES slgltvlcE PHILLIPS SPARTON ON DISPLAY JACK WEBSTER ALcoNt nEACli PHONE STROUD 10rd ANYIIME 51437 COLLECHONS Na collectInn No chili Credit Buruii oi hurrio 84753 as Max315 SNOW PLOUGHING nlthEWAYs PAltKiNGLOTs Phone PA 89907 DENNIS MORAN 5137 ASHL ElectrichOiors 16 Russ Sh Barrie PHONEPA llSSQI Phone PA 366 ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE ror New Motor Nooda nowindieg and pepsin see yHAROLD HART Barrio Electric Motors gt 53 aliens Ph PA szzno FLOOR COVERING Armstroliga Floor Covering Ollubbar and Asphalt Tile unoleulns oPlastio Wen nh Illlerhllniiéienplled and inatallod rhen mill with til bold nnd wel muhllshed reel Clil AI Rue sandy CHANGE OF ADDRESS APE Gfiovri ST AREA roam run Jlrlco tor births room time line rim hon flu PIN blleh hnL Ind to MI IPII it Fur Inldflllll rail AI ilore PA cm anytime CODRINGiON SCHOOL AREA slim nlli cc tour roomiramo bungalow iuly landtce clip impure age lint eir iurnece eil Al liner PA Mm anytime SPLIT LEVEL Three brdrcoou Indtb on upper level living mom dining retro and kitchen on ground level recreation room In basement iorcsd air on heat ing laundry tubs tiled bath with coi ored natures car port located on large lot carrier ior 741 per month including intcml rlnolpeiand toilet Cali Al nose PA anyum NHA RESALE Three large bedrooms including one bedroom large enough ior twin beds lame combination living room sod din ng roo kitchen with good also dining spa colored tlle bath ebun cc oi closet space ntl ural woodwork iuii barcnient with painted iloor iorced air on heating elo Indscreenl iully landscaped lot rent and roar Oieaming oak iloors throughout Centre hail plan This home is spotiaeriyeleen end plcesuro to show Carries ior we month including intent principal an taxes Nolsalnry requirements on this one Owner trensiemd to Mom treal coil Al kore PA Misc any time DUNLOP ST WEST 46 room brick hunt lacltd very close arena midde kitchen deGm bath oil heating landscaped lot gap age Poi nlil details and appointment to see this very clean and modern cell Al hoserA oazi NEW NHA $11150 lull price Ihrre bedroom brick home VIII room with excellent Will Egon ior arranriag urflirnltura kit en with exhlult In Your pl callimit Illa birth In basement tamed elr oil heating This home carries fur $5773 per mullill llizludln In rlncipll plug leuI Limited on PA cam anytime NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick home located in the Grove Street red 1411 eiien IiIlLOIul merit with lorced air all halting place tile bulb This is an NilA music with no salary 61 Muhmenu per cent mnnfille lor lull details on Ulla home on Al nose PA 86298 CLOSETO HIGHWAY 11 Loni two stonyllama installment southerly iimiu oi Barrio room and tree bath lng iie iioors Large landscaped lot Low taxes Attached garage Reduced or quick sole Pull price mica Down payment $2500 Phone Les Pope PA omit Hive you business or residenilll property in or close to Barrie you wish to sell We have inquiries ior Spring piirclilisa Phone Mrlle or visit Les Pope PA 56298 98 ACRE FARM FULL PRICE $7500 Tn cinse In estta thisEarn lllllrl be sold Only one mile to or chidwcli srrtlons 74 acres good loam gt12 cred lllld lllvuls 12 acres good lfluh spring Ind well stony mm and lilinporcll good condition hydro 40 60lnrn Large garage To In spect phone hes Pope PA loam FARMS Many buyers are calling now regard ing purchasing lamp this spring Your terns ii you wish to sell might be the onethey would like Indlitiy To list hone write or visit Lcs Pope PA 55 It HOMES WANTED We stlurcqiiire tounbedroom homes Tor clients with rubslentiel down payments We also require live or six room bungnlow wiuicentrhi location ior client with all cash it you are thinking ot selling cell AI Rose PA Misti anytime nitrous BUYING OR smiNci ANY TYPE OF PROPimTY 0R husmitss VISIT OUR NEW in WNroWN LOOAfriON 91 vDUNLOF ST riotili oppositefiucens llntsi on PHONE PA nsziioNo OhLicArloN LACEY REALTOR piece Hot All all but Good water ND TESSO vREAfifhEsTArh loom3mm PHONE ANYTIME PA 82678 currliltotnt liAltllLD masrm 9W FA NAPllnt Emmi maltTom ID II but CALIchit IIIn All rooma In my nodule 11 three hedrouum armti floor arrll iemily lion and exceptionally Hr clothes club This Whu one lie nlcut klldiaiu In in Torn Harm lion VACANT lull immediate pumaion Illa he Von nnomble down payment hone Pinealtn Now to see this horns WELLINGTON 5mm nih pmiesalonal mlnl llama II in voudlrful tondiliun It turbo Jlulltlia home you ero loosing ior Thruway ilrll room on III will mar Wllh bedroom lntl bath on the mend floor Oil ll of Gaunt Torin may on matted Phone PA um null for all ppoinim htvto aloe this home all BLOCKS PROM THE new LOBLAWS new brie iiuoeaiowewaits you Tail bedroom bungalow VllIh isce ceramic tile bathroom is run Silenced end is waitingior you im only also down Phone PA outs MORTGAGES We have client1min to buy lsi or and mortgages li you are dulroiu DI ulnar Your mflfllllfli oiilce ior turtner tnlortnatloo is niroblixlitlon BARRIES MODELrHOME ll vyml did not lhllvlonderflll model home last tall then call this oiilca now and we will be show it to you This II one home that has everything The lnllowlnl are tow oi the extras stone orepieea with heaiaialor thermopth window kitchen exhaust ien curved eroorlte kitchen counter 10v lane dmlle Illel closet doors ttecbsd range with hrceteww led bathroom info lot with mnllgl ol 68 gal NHA FIN ANCED Rulanubil tonne FOR RENT selection of houses and apartments tor rent inedith poluulo Don daily Id no SPLIT LEVEL Blrrlel only nav brick mill level This holne her homd ior nie very large living room dining area end large kitchen on the main node amlly olzedbgdroomr Ind built In on Ill second laval Hot Water heating Laundry room mm iinenced mmiih clrrizl In mortgage Phone PA oilla toul your new home LOTS LOTS LOTS venues good on or lots to choose irom some eye grand view or my bay Priced irom $90000 and CODRINGTON ST LOCATION Close to Public lliti Scphrhléuhoals one and hill olnrey uric home with oil hinting piece In on In first floor Ind mli bllhroom on the sectyltl linur NHA RESALE Phone this ollice tar iurtlier particulars OPPOSITE BARRIE GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB NRA tulle Illl behliullll room bunlllmmun be run to be won clatfid Dont hesitate Cell PA lian FBROWN REALTOR s2 illGiI $i liArtilll PHONE ANYTIME 896 CLIFI ll laiiOWN Bottom ropeden CllAitiilr hEAD OFFER COMPLETE WIMEIH WOLFENDEN Pbo PA Cum he Iortliilo na DR JwobllsTch gt BAYWOODH Animal Hospital Large and smnuAnimars llw 2M7 NORTH albumin storm PHONE PAS5792 Hus14m PlLTIB QUEEN Lnr rent by day or week hone PAVoiios Hli TEAM women ior sleigh ride ior oiiice arty Contact ha lensminer Irflimmcdiltely 2t 51 HGNSAanvsJoékotvql acrvic Tru silk screen show cards 40 en StPA nili1 niiAo smelt ltBMovhn irons your mil promptly torsanitary dispo Propjerty Manigement Listinga solicited il TlFFINST OPHVIlelnd NBAWlniridfll TOUG awe MAT 305mm rooms acompetcnt lleal mate service Exclaim pod collation clllhy lrvlch an In Iglaunr llnctlnn Arm ntllrmiutimrvic Illd private income hayghl II III 00urvl¢a IIrho Tar Blah clll 53517 GDP 541 call this There hPPY to EAL ESTATE Blind Pam iA Milan huymATliiono wmfootioM storey home in mull mocillonlmuguonl BOW decanted Largemodem kitchen dining mint hrid ting min dhrn bedrooms end ih up 2ih°°hllth PA wrxr PAlilt AltltA Very modern beeuuiul ropen nun3E hut dining lerea would rte tn room no rooms and piece bath Pull basement rereed eIr oil best dun llfi Vela aid lhll hung low is one to be very proud oi rlcs slim Ternu Con tact en Connel msmsu esu PA um 31900 FULL PRICE 0n good higher in euro BarJ no room clapboard home with vbhrn Iran doodgerden hire lot iolnin real bltghin you lust cant lose cell nan council Evenings pliono PA Mm PULL Pillar lznc 0P TOWN ruu Pilici 500 D1 storeya bedrooms upmln bedroom downgood tired kitchen end uving room FCC ll bath art in it in Low texeslow doan ment Monthly Plymouth only Call Perc ord Even WI DHDIIQ PA conthorort sixtulle bedroom bungniow only years DH SIVQ Yell monu Willi his Olin Very low lnlrmt IIID liltla $54 monthly carries In crest Principll and Hal Chll Den Carmel melting cnli PA 57702 DD 782 WE ALWAYS AVE iiMNY OTHER LISTINGSM Only till he Illnwn in our ad II me So if on do IIDI lee what you WIIIK rmsJiln coll our own during lite dill PA 85914 or evenings phone Pure Fold PA BBSW vcninn phone Dan Cnlllieil PA 57102 evllnlltzs plum Don Cantu PA 34751 CALL US ABOUT OSummer cottages imma producing homes duplexes Older homes in both town and conse IFIrlnl and hcrdlldr oNidA homsyflih lnwdowii payment ohuildiog lots SLESSOR RecallEstate 1H 69590 STOUTT MILES FROM BARRIE NO 11 HIGHWAY loo acre ierm so acres tiiiebie No conlrlicl included in price more solid brick house with all city com venigncu including iuii celier end hot air heating hank barn to 74 with Idiegl stenchionrand water howls to accommodate 32 head 20 sir im iement shcd all in very zoodcontu ion 511000 down wiu give yoltpnss usioii WEST END 339001uli rice ior this Zhedrtlom very rnciue bungalow leeturinli ilzy sorencorner cupboards endpad tled buiiHn breakieat nook Situated on uiet well kept street largylevei lot wth pienty oi room ior garden Aluminum combination storms and screens includedin price very enlau down payment will give you immediate possession VIEW OFQ GOLF COURSE Peaotiiul bedroom cllvbounl bunge low with View or country overlooking goii course Aeompletely landscaped int Huge living room with open lire piece and large picture window ultra modern kllfllen lind lilifli Hill blle Full price only $15M terms We have good selection or homes and incomeproperties to oiier in all else end price ranges and remember we are the lieni Estate Busliign Exclusively LISIIWIIH STOlrlT TilliN MOVEBUT YOURLISTING lNViTim GORDON REAL ESIATE BROKERS lifoz DU NLOP ST WEST PHONE PA 8590 oiiica Hoursd am to pm 154 PHONE 28781 cut an Hirold Farmer Chuile lliedll UNIURNIIHKD mcnt with all modernlcallvenlences 17 CH GOOD SELIWTION TOgtCHOOSE FROM St Phone PA pilot ENQUIRIESINVITED ZAPPLYi Box 40 Build BM goons PhohaPA Po IJNWINIlm who LAID ell llmhhld mm Cm tni 1550 PA In IHA ucliT uouufispinr Rooms 3503 month Plums PA ossiia lsu Pilgrim woman minute mm Plvrlolnu Phone PA my lssa BRIGHT clean lumlxhed Clue In COL one PA IWll iHI MODERN BOUEI ln mud Aivlg Willilln Glhbln phona 9r Sllnu EMS iurnlsbsd and hutrd Opin meoi Phone PA slut IllerBpjlilg ltootrla upifairs children weieoni Phone Anus lotti Pu lino Bedroom with board ii an Central location Phonex PA doom aeiicooteinedheeted un mialehed apartment Phone PA omit tillied RMMID modeln unhlrnlilied sport lnent on let floor all boated con mi PA ow lsu NEW Room Apaltmrnt with prl veto bath One child welcome Phone PA on 1524 IIDOMBD Home Icce bath and Tom Allhlullle 1546 KING 0n mill SlV Phone PA mu noubh ti rooms end tteth clue to GP Oil heat Phone cilii prownheei Estate PA um 1H4 AllLANllAhhi room haunt51 bed roome lull basement on bent out Phone PA E7550u 1515 NIW LARGE Apartment bedrooms reii contained Ap ly oa Campbeu Ave or phono PA slim lotti noun large rooms and both down town sail month Apply 92 ammo alter pins 15 ROOM Apartment heat water lights supplied on main bus ll Adults Phons PA oust lQll kooMs iumiahed or partly Imth cd cwoentranss immediate pouedr alon Phone lam Orcemoro 15h ltooot Apartment private trance sill month in Thornton rho lira lvy MrsjKnuppThalnlon 1545 RATED bedroom modsrnmpart ment ail conveniences Available in stroud Phone to stroud lslutl MODIRN room hrlck bun slow on heating garagecanlrel Av lebioinb medieieiy Rent 535 Phone PA 3130 imam Apartment private entrance kitchenette Ind bathroom newly de corled Adults pnlerred lintNI St 15 UNFURNIEIID Aplrllnenlhjrid demiIurnillud rpmill Agplv 258 Dunlap St East Barrie on P5 Must 15zt lslsnllotwl Bungalow automatic on boat and hot water complete mod ern Possession Feb Apply plus Road iszti NEW MODERN room house and garage Vacant Feb Apply it Hopkins 4th house oil so Highwa on slderoad 1546 ROOM furnished lpuflmznl luluhlg ior working couple Absteiners No children Phonh PA 34752 oganyply 122 Mulcmer H5 rumsimn brdsitting room oiibnt water heated use at trill light kit chen privileaiu Down town Adui Phone PA till ill45 HOUSE rooms and betbroomon Iimn St Untreated Vacant Pc Phone PA om ioati liousltNewton Roblmons Highway $35 per month Available Jail II ii llugiies Box 72 Westonoiit 65 tall IHS LARGE room heated spermlent eel contained sbedrooms vary central Adults prelerred AV 95 Phone PA Mitzi I1 SELF CONTAINRDS roamed upstairs apartment Outlilde conveniences Part ly mulled Clou In nhooi South 01 iidllh iflmanA $33M 1545 qumT brunt sell contained uniu Ished 1Poan enknilheht good closet re Adults only oust litad partment Witii electric stove minus Icoiiple Prelemd PhoneiPA 1644 UNFUBNIBHEI flnnu tnni KNIIlId Illian in Alllndlle nehr In Suitable or llflht housekeeping To share beth Phone PA Meat 15 APAltrtrrNT Main Street arooms relt contoined 2nd lioor Responsible business con la preie Avaiisble fiprgihox at 511mm Bun blow new electric stove and retrigera or nimlabcd orurlllir dished immediate oaselston Close to gigaliwuy ion rooms open as double rent Preierliuahless couple without childre ltAhnlllners nrunmsnzn all contained room epnrtma ithii hioekdowrs town neurone lo rent5uitibusioese couple cesium muslin hubris stetentrance avy nreierred Hnil base Cnntlnllotu hot whlg WBHAVB unable fibril ind roomeduniurmshed apartments Illia furnished hed lllllnl main with centrally located APP Owen so 1545 aw lplrlmlm Ind gtblthuprtllrsllvlnl room chall own basement with lauiidrYjtubs Avail his Peb Ap ty de time 113 lr his nested artliten hammsu 111 Incas om lint enwlilh aev wring en Hendystonge oppcu Suit Abatainere us month llama isltili kitchenette Immediats pnssusitm All klt nd dining Wm downturn etlrn or so my coat oi advertitemrnt honHound white birchind eineo nee so Piste black collar 33 mu name oi Pill Phone PA ham 41h LonSum oi money in email liberlelom 11 Kira newndqfldly mgry 711 ROOM Tillman mall ior rent Irate it PA 51048 BOOM ANn BOARD ior gentlemen Phonl PR 151 li loolll AND BDAID in Ann Ihnrin IA OHM noon AND BOARD central Phone PA nose iziflm noon AND MAID or one or two lentlenlell in Munrth miloit Phons PA auto 1H4 loom AND nnAnD llt privaié hotno Cenlnlly lacled Apply Box 75 BAP do Zlhiulner 24 00 AND Bonn ior young men to are room twin bode diurnal and Bndtord Sta PA sms 1145 A4ccommndatioti Wonfad APARTMENT wanted or rooms eeii eo talncd liearonebie Apply Box as Barrie Luminzr it ammonia unfurnished lelleoh lhlnud Ivlrtmuit wlnlcd roun Feb Appiy Box 11 Bhrrie Ellmine 44 zoom tarnished apartment healed wanted tor ismily or Will pay up to Apply Box is nerrls hum Iner lldl desired Phall my very Autamoulishh HALWIGS BALANCE SPECIALS AT BELOW Wholesale Prjqés BALANCE OWING Is Trill m1 PRICE YOU PAY NOTHING MORE 1949 FORD Custom Deluxe Sedan Nice original rreii ilnish no rust out clean interior good tires excellent mech icel condition throughout This one is steel Balance Owing l9 ONLY $342 194 orllllinl Dmorro Sallimi hcnutiiul ircy finish with clean orillnll and and blue interior custom radio heaierf end delmster outstanding condition throughout This one is beauty Eli ONLY $32715 1947 cHEvrtourl lleetllnc Scdeuet tiiui two tone green ilnish custom mdlo heater and deiroster new tires outstanding mechanicni condition scarce little one owner automobile Act inst balance owing ill mi im li 1947 FORD coach Nice hluc ilnish heater and drirostcr good tires Ai merbanicil condition round reliable transportation Balance owing 0NLY$27318 1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan heater and delroster excellent motor good running illtle car not no nwiiiz ONLY sans6 HALWIG TRUCK SPECIALS 1954 GMC PICKUP New commercial mgn hoistsheater and dctroelor directional lights verylaw mileage This truck looks runs and drives like new hurrytor this one SPECIAL ONLY $950 1951 gt CHEVROLET PlaitUP Nics green Ankh halter and dalmllfl direction throughout SPECIAL ONLY $395 or NODOWN PAYMENT TO EINANCIALLY RFSPDNSTBL PEOPLE See our rne dlrpie or late model one owner automob cs lrian id cboose irom HALWIG vees USEDCARH ZSUPERMARKET PAS6652 91BRADFORDSl carn Very reasonable rat th complete iris unto ry clean in excel si cnhv Coich Whitsuch Aiupton Ont éontfllliin HAW JEEP with will 116w ii Uit too miiae um ltoger nadir ONLY $29841 lights good tires outlunliinl condition Nice biacir Iinlsh

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