Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jan 1957, p. 4

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and The est Coiumnf motivated humpre we hrlstpus pres arrived quiet back door the residence localman liir Strabane must have at to tvalxkplaced rock weighing over 500 ponnds in the kitchen Neatly wrapped toowith greet 2AigtJ strip of sandpaper the note Doityouraeli kit curlcrs Make your own stohes sun boiling over the reIusal at th musicians union0 let Camp Borden army band pl tor the schoolwchildrens para at Elnwalegt last talk and later the Santa Claus parade In Barriel wai most interested in the article of December 1956 Readers Digest headedz The Uri nihat Fights ItsWorkcrs Further in the Digest was most revealing article by Clitton Fadiman DoYou Speak Slurv ia This was timely How oltcn can you recall hearing Lazugenlmun Ho ever is that any worse than gonna Well was all set to get up again when another event occur red which setme back on the pillow box of roses arrived from the florist Well they say the best time to enjoy lowers is alive Iam enjoying these love lyfldng stemmch alongside calendar someone also thought tullyvsent to illustrate long stems The lowers came tram my ser vice club See what mean lions €V Speech Outlines uncil Broblems Continued from page one In oldest mayor was unable to be present as usual since he was indisposed Mr Blair congratulated the new council on takingoiiice It you follow the procedure of last year you will do wondeiiul job Goal to Beaeh Her Honor Judge Mrs Hamil ton reminded Council that in 1952s had predicted that Bnr rie would have population oi 20000 in five years There was year togo for her prediction she understood that the figure now stood above 18000 The retiring Mayor Eldon Greer added hiscongratulations and said that while he had re ceived much praise for the work In past year hebcleivcd the it was due tothc council who di the job Annexation Warning In his short address Roy Hickling Reeve oi Vespra adA vised the Barrie council to stop lookand listen on themlatter of annexation He also pointed out that Vespra and Barrie would be called on to cooperate on the mattEr ot much needed exten sidn to the Barrie hospital William Maleomson on behalf oi Maleomsons Insurance Ag cncy presented the newly in stalled mayor with suitably inscribed gav irrn he ing business wnth thc ity tor50yea The Council cecpviedtthe in ntion of the Kiwanis Club to nor next Monday night This is the annual civic night of the club One of the lirst official acts of Cbuncil was to agree that the Mayorshould declare the week commencingJan 13 Winter Em pluyrnentflampaign Week The proclamation will be made by the Mayerrat the request of the Un employment Insurance Commisv sionof Barri ior to journment Mayor municipal rm tee consisting of IteeVe Mur ray Mills Deputy Reeve Lester Coo andAldernie son RobertGolds tee whose function it is to ap pelnt aldermen to the various committees will report to the special meeting of Counc morroyv afternoon Huiérs Kill Woif tail fell to Nottawasage lcn Burn Miss here hem held in the county obuin lawyer Drahc char into Iruitrtorehcre aid each time he asked info the tel phonehe was told toniorrow about using the telephone the hearing for week on at the countyjall HAWKESTQNE nouny vim Debbie spent the holiday with Stayner with by Mrs dale Nine Tables There were nine tables ot car played at the Community Ha Friday evening Jan won first prizes Recent Visitors and Mrs Ted Johnston and sons spent the weekend Toronto in the villagoolver the holiday and family spent NewYcars Toronto Bible Society The Bible Society $13778 lnthc village and trict which was deeply ted llollday Guests Rev and Mrs Lark and Iami Hill all of Toronto were holiday guestswith Mr and Mrs Irwin McMahon Trustees hIeeting gt in the Community Hall Dec 31 Harry Kendall was rccleeted Leslie Jcrmey and son Jim Jer mcy are the new village trustees Ior 1957 Irom Tomato Miss Marjorie Shedd of Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Leonard OBrien over the holidays Mr anti Mrs Dick Boughen Woodbridge Weekend Visit Mr and Had Accident ing Dec 23 and is confined hospital inOrillial With Mother days with hermothcr Mrs Ii ard Prophet and hrother Bill bun Years withyher parents Mrs Irwin McMahon Police who arrested Drahe told Magistrate Al Barron they could not recall any conversation Magistrate Barron adjourned and Crown Attorney Harold VDIuiman promised to make an investiga Mr andMrs Don crawtnrd and parents Mr and MrsCulham Miss Gail Kendall spent week Miss Betty Tudhope ot Rug Mr and Mrs Crawlord Mr and Mrs Jim Leigh Mr and Clarke Crawlord and Mr OBrien spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh Willow Mra Clarke Crawford and Bill OBrien Helen Anderson of Tor onto spant Christmas with Mr Mr and Mrs Frank McDonnell Mr and Mrs John Scott and family at Stayner visited relatives Mr and hirslFrankIIarrlson collected apprecia Mr and Mrs Irwin Westington spent New Years in Orillla with relatives at Kitchenertor nearZ ly twojeeks and refined per mission to use the geld bong to been the curlinl Club min on Wednesday night Dec 25 1956th he xuflued heart attack and mod but lil Township late Charléa Hind and the term cr Annie Malta his parents on lot8concesslon lnnlslil until 1906 whenhe was married Jennie Rodgers andl took up farmingon lot on line There hertarmed retire mentin 1947 and moved to Thornton where the rest of his life was spent Charles Kindle wa Conser vative took verylt muchzinterest in sports particularly hockey andcurling and in th urnmer he enjoyed gardening and work ing with flowers as hobby Beingpublicsplrlted he had been member oLInnisiil Areal One School Board tor number of years of late Mr Hindle attended Bethesda United Church where1 he served in the capacity oi elder superintendent the Sunday School and also as Bible Class teacher When alter retirementl he moved Irom the term toI Thornton he attendui Thornton Upitcd Church and was mem her at the session attb time or his death or ds ii His wile Jennie Rodger pro deceased him in 1936 andin 1946 he was married Margaret Em ily Robertson who survives Also twp daughters Mrs Prosser Lula oi Mrs Hartley Evans Bradiord and one son of Cookstown There stepdaughter Mrs John Kuzyk Margaret in Singhampton and sister Mrs Grosc Bea trice oI Barn There are also nine grandchildren An infant daughter died while they were on the farm Funeral servr cs on urday Dec 29 were taken by hcv Barnard of Thornton Unlted Church short service at the iamly residence and then at the him Joel in in is 1y PEIIM ersml the many bunt flow er were Arnold hedge My Andrews Rev Mr McCormaek Miss Phyliss The trustees meeting washeld spent New Years with relativesin Mrs Garnet Litster and Susan of Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Vic Bell Mrs Ophie Leigh had an un tortunate accident Sunday even thin and Mrs Douglas Wilson and sons at Toronto spent few ow Mlss Agnes McMahon of lIailey spcnt Christmas andrNew lwau one wasborn in Haliiax NS and graduated ill arts from Acadia University Woliville NS has been appohib ed manager of the Canadtan Pacific Railways department of public relations Mr Wallace has been assistant manager of the de partment since its formation in 1945 Following his graduation from Acadia UniversityiheserV ed with The Haliiax Chronicle the Canadian Press and ThevFin ancial Fast and received his MA in economics irom theiUniver sity of Torontoin 1934 to BUYJT Arrange treehome trill See why Elna alone dares to make the mining oiierl 21 Supcmltic am dressmakingnot itch handlgwn Elm mun new on mu buttonholes you hundredson stitcth ravesv yea the advantages it bi and cgn ONLr scNA oAkssjo MAKE Thisiorrsnv it you can ind any other home sewing madliinethot does everything this Elna condo sonvou lack Francis gt Allen Mn is an Scott Sharpe Bean lcr ArtMe emf Black in good health aadanloyinz ompson Thamu Cousins Wilv qt name Cerium fed Hopkins and Charles Sp oer pollen ot the flowers were rela Va and friends and also Thornton United Church Barrie icurllng Cluh Thornton Ilunt Club and hollow Woman In stitute Following Long Illness Mrs Robert MeCénkey Passed Away AtyStloud Following lengthy lune Mrs Oh in Robert McConkcy passed away cu Ive ed you don Friday December 28 near the vLtiF Rowe rector or Si mondD tromAlllston Torontorand Delhi replace your heanng midi Fred Webb in Barrie There Jaimiein Toronto The mm thedecal Amy 01 Cami 1111 anJa and or WIlclarlandllildred initial in Neely Zellna Mn WNeely Ethcl in Stroud mm kt yuan5mm IheSault SteMarie canals theGreat Lakes carry moreyaar Iy traffic than the Suezand Pm lmacomhinrd lFlowcr bearers were it thkWv Cook Ray Neilly Francis Idciar land George Webb Itch tlves and lriends were present from Stroud and district and 11 gt builifigfiiufl finite Same As Low As $109par week Soldy Rented Repaired Stroud and iron Mclt STAR BUSINESS MACHINES Conkey Toronto two brothers Altred Webb oi Toronto and 22 OWEN ST MCMVOY arehlso sixraisterS 35110 Edn 66595 hell Stroud Mrs ll Forbes Sale Startngomorrowht 9am Exciting Values DRAPERY Evier Department Ilandy 20 30 size buy six at this special price PINK awn YELLOW onanN nsnpnosn err extra SAVINGS wanasso AND mm AL eruow cases finest dualitymlain hemmed cases 42 3t size are snzs suns sHEETSCiiSE Heracnrsr DOUBLE Made fromsuperior yarns to as sure stronger heavier and longer wearing sheets Whiteonly Choice of two sizes SIZE 12 99 TOUR VCOIVIPLEVIVE 058 mom5501 FINAL CLEAR OUTof this line of drapery material We can make them or you or if you prefer to make up your own drapes We Will cut andWmatch Free at Charge 45 and 48 widths Florsis Scen ics Abstracts Novelties Boiler and Screen Prints shown in all colors Many 01 these sold regularlyrto $495 yard DRAPERY LINING TheIlnest quality lull 48 width Ivtmv AND SAND drapery linin 89° Heavy duty steel track complete brackc nd end Big Size 54 long 13 wide oHoids Bto 106armentsfi Made oi strong plastic in attrac tive green color Has double ban gers and 36 Openinngippel arqwnst Toiwmm LEURE TTedTowels Thcse large 26 xiii towels made ot3a fine quality absorbent linen comeilnplain whi with attractive c1 ed borders and

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