gt gt ISATEEBABBIEWWEDNESDAYVIAN 1251 Twelfth IINight resumes By JANE nnhumiirou Womenl Edit Clur Twelfth Night parties get better every one member of the Bnrrie Art Club certain thecluba party is one or the moist enjoyabledunctiona of the year for members and their wive elaborations on thetrail slxths Monday evenings festivities in the library hall where the third annual Twelfth Night party was held started off with hat mak ing th creations fearfully and wonder made were in gcnious butthe most original was the one mode by JackrMarshail husband of the clubs social con vener who won prize tar his chopeau The prirewinning hat showed the female touch acco ing to our reporter Party convener was Llcw Beav er and the meaning of Nellih Night thecelcbration of the com ing of the Wise Men to Beth Ichem was related bythc club president Mrs Bark2r Several lold traditional games were played during the evening Odd or Even was won by Mrs iiarold Noland who went home richer by one plum pudding and Miss Berenice Young of Minesing directed the painting of com posite picture on the subject of the Twelfth Night legend An original game was Art Re lay during which teams quickly irnrermerwmrsmumostranonr War Christmas songs The titles had to be guessed bythe other members The game was con ducted by Mrs Kenneth Tread weil and thc winning team was composed of Ted Barker Sers geantMajor andMrs Jack Fin ley Miss Vera Lyons Mrs Gor don Reeve Mrs Victor Knight Mr Beaver and Taylor Burning Of Everg reens Folk dances led by Miss Louise Coiley and accompanied at the piano byMrs Stewart Pagewere entered into th enthusiasm be fore the delicious refreshments served under the convenership of MrsMarshail andher social committee Then the party guests formed big circle around tables holding fancy cakes two of which contained the hidden articles that led to the choosing of the King of Bean Saunders and the Queen of Bean Mrs Iioberta Gil bank Toronto ELLERS nuns Goons sunz ALPIIIJE BthET of cosy flannelette 70 by90 inches Whipped in singles for extra wear Attractive striped borders with blue pink green gold predomin diing Moneysaving special 97 ZELLERS LIMITED 60 Dunlop St PA 32439 nd husbands and there are more anthems around every January tain people to burn the Christmas evergreens in the fireplace while snake dance moved slowly aroundthe halL The evening ended with members vainging Auld unmsme arouni the glowingfirc McVeigh and Mrsghobcrt Bush rusmpsi su red and greenmotifs were the Poinsettlas The Twelve Days of Christmas were illustrated by dozen paper rnodeii of turtle doves apartrldgc in pear tree elc beautifully made and loaned to the clubforthe occasion Arden Horsewornon MissResalie Howell who rc ccntiy became ehgaged to Peter liarvic son of Judge and Mrs James ilarvie of Lookout Farm it Barrie shares an cnihu sm for horses with her fiances mily Daughter oer and Mrs Howard Howell of Lukeslon lvybridge Devon England he has been riding sinceshewmsmliver was brought up with hors es She rode one of Mrs Harvies Arabians and one ofher ponies at the Barrie Agricultural So clety Exhibition this fall Miss Howells present visit to Canada is her second She met the Harvie familytwo years ago whenshe was in this country with her father Mr Howell is Can adian in Canada since June of thisyenr she has spent some time in Toronto as well as in Barrie She is flying home to England in February and her fiance will follow They are being married on March second in Devon and will be flying home again to Can ada Silver Anniversary Among the many hicssages of congratulations received by Mr and Mrs James Hart on their recent silver wedding anniver sary wasoneI from the Town of Barri As exvmayor Mr Hart town fathers The couple celebrated the oc casion with an evening party at their home on Parkside Drive attended by about twenty friends Guests ncluded the brides al tendal of twentyfive yearsago Mrs Ward nee Vona Ness of Barrie and her husv band now resi uginToronto Mr and Mrs Hart received large number of gift flowers and card ltxwasdittingjhat their anniversary should be cele brated in Barrie They were married hereanuarterot cen tury ago on December twenty eighth 1931 PartyingAt Orillia Arno hoseseen dancing to the music of Bob Hunter and his orchestra=in the ballroo of the StcpehnLeacock Hotel Orillia during he past week were Mr and Mrs Andersqllr Clark Seymo Miss Karen Jones jig Jack carpenter of Barrie rwasr uotaforgotten by thorpreaenbit of the wiva 43 declares wmsé ed in England Opening night of that should prove to be along run feature will be held on Jan 11 when the Ben rle and District Home and School Council meets in Hillelest School with Mrs McLaughlin of Bax ter headinganail atar cast The first night audience will consist of the president andrat least ï¬ve member from each as million belonging to the council workshop has been planned in volving four discussion groups de THE mnaoemr is announced of Miss Rosalie Howelb daughter of Mr and Mrs Howaui Howellof Lukesiand The library hall had been declt Ivyhrfflge Devon England to Peter iiarvie son 01 Judge outed tor the party byMrs James Hnrvie andMrs Harvie of Lookout mm RR Barrie in lvybrldge The marriage will take place On March 1957 seek $4090 Minimum Teacher Shortage More Acute Than Ever Secondary SClJODlS memberswas held on Thursday NeedAdditional AOOIAnfriuiny Miss Helen Spanis and Cockburn of the Barrie District Collegiate institute staff dele gates to the annual assemblyof the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation have re turned from Toronto where the assembly concluded last weekm Teacher recruitment superan nuation and salary schedule ob jectives were among the import ant topics discussed by the 300 delegates who represented 8200 secondary school teachers in on tario Norma Duffy of Central Secondary School Hamilton was elected president for thecpmlng year Singleton of York Township was elected lst vice president Barrett Toronto 2nd vicepresident Donald Thom as Kcnora 3rd vicepresident and Dick East York treasurer Board of Regents cted Knight Port Credi Campbell McGregor FartWilliam Morris Toronto Blake Speers Ottawa Board of Governors Kil Brantford Neeb Rhcnill North lda nice Oshnw John stubbs ch rman the cachet rutmenb ouheil 55 the shortage titqualified teachers had never been more acute The councils report read by Mr Stubbs statedthat lusive of all known sources an additional 400 secondary school teachers must be found each year inythe forseeable future The council plans to provide at least 400 with soap each per year to assist them through un ersity towards teaching area the end of the fouv years no ersity course thislwould mean that at least idit studentswould be attend ing and the aid required would amount to about $1500000 per year The council has placed its case before the Industrial Foundation on Education which now must sell in ustry and others on pro viding his mone Another plan for easing the shortage to he started immed iately in which outstanding teachers will belent hy large boardalof DAYS ea lendlease Aopcration educationtnstnalller boards questing assistance 1970 more than 15000 no tcac ers will be needed for scci ondary schools alone The counclb is working through highschool boards and through the federation in concerted at tempt to attract senior high school students to teaching as profession The assembly also approved the suggestions for improved pension plans partly as device to at tract new recruits The plan if accepted by the superannuation commission would permit teacher whostarted at 20 to re tire at 45 on pension rated at 50 per cent of his past seve years salary It would also low exieachersto returnto the classroom at around 40 years of age and still retire at the age of 65 with good pension Under the present system teacher qui ting after 25 Years would receivel 375 per cent of his past 10 year sala Salary on merit which fro time to time has been suggested in various circles was reiecte almost unanimously by the semhly It was felt that this would lead too and to out the bundle of the provinc The delegates did howeveA give substantial revision to sug gested salary schedules The oli jectives sou ht would be a$4000 dnnual mi imum for qualified secondary school teachersup to is $16000 maximum for principai These it was aimed out are suggested object as for vario distric in nego ati with theiv boards nd are not fixed minima ormaxima as would berthe ms in trades union rates of ay Th highest salary paid ary school principal $10200ata Ottaw school The assembiy tokahother ep tovvards ultimate professiionai status for Itcacbers by approving plan for documents of prof sion to teachers meeting am standard and with ciear re ords of however the OSSTF board of regents does not apRFove teacherphewili not re ceive oeumentfron1the federatio andwill not benefit from protection from thefeder signed to help associations wlth their own particularproblems This should ring the curtain up on New Your full of promise for Home and School in Barrie and District Thecurtain rise at 815 pm Hollows Branch Will Entertain Two institutes in lieu of the regular Decem bermecting of Hollows Womens institute sociaigniberirlg ot Jan3 at the home ofllifra Carr with 13 members presenL Final arrangements were made or the January meeting when the Fisltere Corners and Cnniatowq Wl members will he guestsof the branch in Cookstown Town Hall Mrs Smith was in charge of the afternoon festivities whichin eluded some amusing contests and few gamesofeuchre The high light pfitbe afternoon was an ex changeof gifts Tickets for the Wl Variety Night in Alliston were sold An enjoyable lunch was served by the hottessandslunch commit tee and many good wishes ex pressed for the New Year Ai Canadian Club gt WILLIAM ovnnrav dustrial commiss her for the City of Cornwall ll address the Womens Cum on glub on Thurs evening in he library hall 1928 Mr Coventry nowre esinvthe that is the hub of the new of therfederatlon that teaehers today have gr ter responsibility than ever before He advised teachers not take torigreat load outside the classroom JWe must keep in mi tas toteach and if other es influence adverselygvour chieverneuts in the classroom those other act cs shouldj curtailed ononoajmnpnnwere combinationof slurpe tides arried during the holiday season in StPeulls United Qhurch at Orilli The bride latheformer Irma Marilyn Hall daughterof Mr and Mrs Williamlllall of Wyevble Her husband go former Orillia resident is the sonrof Toronto They aremakingithelr homjin Mr and Mrs ALR ll Barrie New Loweu Recent Visiiors Mr and Mrs Don Duff and Robert also Mrs James Prosser spent New Years Day in Toronto with Mr and Mrs McMillan Mrs liï¬orilson and Dorothy of Barrie spent Sunday with Miss Matthews Mr and Mrs if Paddison and family of Bientwood spent New Years with MrnEï¬PaddiSou and Mrs Allenby Mrs Norman Sehell of Siayner visited with Mrand Mrs Wcs hates for few days Church Service Sacrament and BIptismwere held in the United Church Sun dayLJan Alisomembersiwere receivedt into the church from other places Meeting The Womens lnstituter met at Mrs Paddisona on Wednesday evening lioll call wasanswered to appreciate by current event Motto You must have knowledge of the past the present by Miss Mathews Program historical research by Bliss Matth ewsn Mrs Mumbersongavc areading on indian settlement of Nottawasagn and Sunnidaie Miss Matthews gave reading on Early Settlement of Sunnidaio Road Lunch was served by the best cases MrsW Mumberson and Mrs Rowe Recent visitors lilr and Mrs Douglas Day and family spent NeyvYcars witbMr and Mrs Zion Mr and Mrs Piaxton and Sharyn of Angnscalled on Mrs Paddison and Mrs Sunday m9 OPALESCENT LOOK The newriook in makeup is the pale npalescent look transparent and ethereal to go with the Edwardian influence in fashion eaand sauce mixture Freeman Day Mount Ailcnby on SARDINE SUGGESTION Canadian sardines have ion been popularin salads sandwi new and delicious way of serving the tasty inupenaive little fish if iii pizza pronounced pectin or the uninitiated we add that pin is an ltalian dish which lglpresentl receiving acclaim this aideo the Atlantic Basical ly it consists at circullr yeast risen crust containing lily seasoned cheesetomato fii tog It is served as luncheon orxup per dish and as party snack Its easy pie to make piz za it is suggested making he dough with unprepared biscuit mix and makingtlle filiin with Canadian sardines tomato sauce The car added flavor andfodd value to the dish and also lct as Ellriliab Arrangcd spokefas ion from the centre of the pie they bring to mind sells in the sunset and hence the title of our recipe llED SAILS PIZZA 2cana antounce cach Canadian sardines in Aoli cup biscuit mix 14 cup milk cheese cup sharp Cheddar cheese cup Munec can tomato sauce Drain and separate the card es caerving the oil iQombine th prepared biscuit mix with milk Knead for about 30 sec ond the rollout into an 11 inchcircle and fit into greased 9inch pieplate Flute theedges of the dough and lightly brushr allIov wrth oil from he sar dines Arrange half of the sac dineso the dougbland sprinld with hat of the grated cheese Pourthe tomato sauce over the sardinesand cheese then sprinkle the remainderot the cheese ove top Arrange the remainingrsarL dines spoketashion on top of the pic Bake in moderatciy hot ovc 400 for 20 minutes Makes servings Hauntmot in Ducting Ointment bri quick anth diet ut om umment inrovetSOYlfll Wei help you ilronsiotmjytiur Buriemenlinio guy Recreation room We cairhcip you design iust the room you need rod Snotr friMEVONanE has rurumuo Kuomemc PANELLING ATGREATLY aeoUceormcr Regularly$2150il per SPECIAL Patel disc KnottzyPine giVe your room Warm rustic appearance which will always create friendly atmosphere The and 10 ards can be applied with minimumof was and effort Knotty pine for naverage laxzo room on howbe bought for asrlittle as $90 And remember have credit pie which will suit everyones budget The Bad mania Miu gym be only too happy wirnour oriuoorron on your part