HOUSE0F ITS FIR SORRY no suowTHuirSnAY TDUETO COMMUNITY CONCERT yjliilliiiY Siliillilifl MflNliiiY TTIIESIIIIY jCONTINUOUS SHOWSSATURDAY 230 pm WEIINESIIHY 230 an THE Tskalrlc GARY coorsa YOUVE WAITED FOR SINcE HlGfl NOON sESuRE To SEETHIS ONE lTS GaEAT COMING ATIA aIITlIIl walla communal BACK AGAIN THOSE MANIACS OF FUN ALso THE rox MOVIETONE NEWSl lllli lille STARTING NEXT ALLIED no Dnlsvus GARY COOPER WllilAM WYLERS coalIrina DOROTHY MCGUIRE apex ROII MiiNliilY JilN 21 aspN HAND EARLY To GET YOUR SEATS Tllilil EIII the notorl ul Rona Brother nd In girl tiny ought toil ENTERTAINMENT Ev FOX NEWS mun rm sar IN TNIIIOIV no se noun To Iule presents RICHARD EGIN DEBRA EAGET ENING snows areso pm SilT CONTINUOUS SilTIlllliHYTï¬ll TWO ACTION HIT SEsz MENFROM Now ON withRANDQLPH scorr AND GAIL RUSSELL BAITLE STATIONS JOHN LUNDv WM BENDIX MONDAY TUESDAYWEDNESDAY vAN HEFLIN AND JOANNE woODWARD IN COUNT THREE AND PRAY Plus more TREATS GRANADA FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRES Mrs chki Ellis are so haul itingthis week with manners vis PAS4427 0515 FIRE 08 brothers in Everett =Margaret and Mary Ellis spent Saturday in Toronto Mary has been enjoying tivcday holiday at home Two Days Stay Mrs William Denney Horne payne spent couple of days last week with her sister Mrs Tom Exalt Mr ahdM Tlirnbull and Mr and Gaulcy Baxter spent saturday night with the llector Turnbulls Weekly Euchre Fourteen tables at the weekly cuehre Prizes were won as fol ladies high Mrslom Ex ell mens high Leo Berthelotte Barrie lunehands El worthAngus sie Duck nutmelsginwhospita ronto where he underwent an operation Everyone wishesior him speedy recovery lngand unable to Sofé7 oer Driv nngeeds Extra Care Each year the latallly toll takes sugden jump as early darkness an slippery roads com blue to makedriving conditions the mostha1ardousof the year Safe winter driving dcmandsgex ada Insurance Federation offers these suggestions to the motorist Slow down Normal speeds are excessiveon slippery streets Watch carefully for pedestrians who may be dressedln dark cloth gee because of scArves and park turn your wheels in the directlon ofthe skid but do no useyourbrakes When stopping on dalippery Surface pump your brakes rather than applying steady pressure To start onan icy surfaceuse secon highgeartomaintain iract If you are not sure it the rbad issllppcry try your brakes while travellingnot fas er thanfive or tenlmilc angho IBewa of sli pery be neath bridges orroverpasses where the sun ha not limited ice Make sure that your earsmanl fold muffler andtullplpe are in good condition suffocated of Ontario thousan fr tra precautions and the All Cau Each winter North Bey Nugget Some of theme dynamic nouncementr and predictions Northern Ontario emanate from member of the provincial legislav tux who obviously dreams great and glorious inure olthis section of the province Heiahkthohll land Railway The latest of his menu whlchhe sprang onthe LionsClnb wasa startling one indeed It was that the ONE siderlng building ln westerly direction to link up with Parry Sound And Ilithe from its northern termindl in iron ore brought from the Bel cher Islands in Hudson 1311 Well it wasnt too many cars ago that the ONE whichethen branched lnto rich mineral Vince Exnlnsionvis nothing to the ONE it has contan 1gp expailded and improved Its one merit and so it is not difttcult envlslo it adding another 100 miles of track There is no doubtflha the vas iron deposits of the Belchangle lands are due for develppmen and the ONE willplay an ore southward line to Parry Sound it would open up large expanse otvcoun try and would have tremendous ctfect onthe economy of this district Enthusiasm and optimism for such projects is catchingand they make interesting top for ulation ï¬g stridcs must be takengby transportationtirms in keeping pace with the country and the lake slowortin steps BEETON WA lileetlng The regular meeting of the Wo mans Association of Trinity Unit ary mom on Thursday Dec ar with nod attendance Thcp sident Mrs Nle presided and tho devotionalwas conducted by Mrs Hutchison and Mrs Wildash Following the business Session the election of officers was heldand was con ducted byfRev GNW Gardner Armstrong treasurer Mrs Kearn correspondv cnce secretary Mrs Hutchi son organist Mrs Dobbs ficial hoard Mrs The meeting close th prayer by RevG Gardner walsMeetlng The opening meeting of 1957 of the Afternoon xillary of the Missionary Society of Trinity United Church was held on Thurs day Jan air Mrs Wil dashs rAjargeuumber of mem bers were present The pres ident Mrs Dobhs presided The meeting opened with hymn and the worship service and The Lords Prayer Minutes of the previous meet ing and the report of the election of officers wererroad by the sec retary Mrs Ritchie An nual reportsvwere given by the various secretaries and the trea surer The president gannounced the World Day of Prayer march The study book and splend message entitled Godsunfinis ed BusineSs was given by Mr Ritchl few plans were made for the February meeting which will be held at Mrs Wiggins The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction the usual social hour followed with lunch served by the hostessMrsWil dash assistedflbyyMrs Ramsay and MrsMason Recent Vistors Georgina Barton visited with relative in Taro the holidays Mr and Mrs Bill Allan spent relatives in Toront Watson is Tuesday With Toronto Visit Mr and Mrs Hagetman ahd Brianyisltedniriends ln Torono during the weekend Attended Funeral ZSoveral from town attended the in Alliston on Tuesday Visitors at MrsT Mr the mm Ideclde to build ONE has never been known to ed Church was held in tho prim re rding seer tag tension during English nd funeral of the Ilate Eredlienry gownHm xz viq iN sHA MPP for Temiskamlng Ind1M chairman ol the Ontario North gt announce public in speech tothe Cobalt James Bay the amt would thI portant role in transporiin th CANADIANS eney Force troops tOhElalteli tamedsphinx near Cairo mans mnnnav Spectacular Fire spectacular fire in gas pump at Crawford Brandons ser vice stationjwas quelled Friday night before serious vdamagr re sulted Flames shotdolto 40 feet inthcair illuminating thesky in the centre olvthe village Pow er was cut off from the pumps and the fircmcndouscd thevblaze Mthwater The tire siren kept up mournflll wail when itbe came stuck climb to the house to disengage jThe station owncrsald atru owned by Propane Gas Com nyéin the Orillia meutruck anddislodgcdth gas pump and than departed Mr Brandon was attempting to str hien the pump on its concrételaland when it took fire Twelfth Night Twelfth Night cerem was hcldrat Goldwater school grounds Jan 7with Jack Tipping in charge of theprogram Village trucks collected the discarded yule trees trom Goldwater homes and the pile made crackling blaze that sentflahies over 50 feet slryward At Orlltiajnaugnral Coldwatcr Reeve Lawrence De vine and Lloyd LetherbyMPP represented the village at the in aulgural meeting ofgorillia Coun cl Bydro Blackout second occurrence last Friday night following the ï¬re at Bran dons service station was com plete hydro blackout ofthe area for an hour and half interiors ing with the theatre program championship ï¬ght on television and otheraetivlties The break wascaused bya sevéréd high wireloutside the local disE trict Moved In Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dunlop and two sons moved recently into their new home at Moonstone replac ing theonervlost ill fire The idence traniodern incor Henderson gtnd of Mark ham Char es Hurstoi Lindsay Mrs hiteside ofNewton Robinson Mrs Shaw of To ronto and James Hurst oi Tot tenham Sunday Vlslters Mr and Aitken and Hortop of relatives in mfrlEm weekend with root ylsuIn Belativeg Cromarand Gary vls relatives In Toronto last loyd and MisyLucille Show of Cookstown were guests of Mr nd Mrs County 23 WEDNESDAY JANUARY 91957 Devi70F SPHINX BEE FIRST of Ilnited Nations Emergr on guided tour Egyptian historical sites This group of Canadian troops visits the cr from National Domini rtewafer colonicde porating many of the newest im provements In home building and furnishings There are 150 elec trical outlets Lions in Charge Members at the Goldwater Lions are in charge of rink operations or the opening period of two weeks Thcxclubs next regular meeting on Jan 14 will have as serves the Honey Harbourlort Severn Romari Catholic garish warden of Sllncoe John Drinkwaterrwill addressthe€oldviatcr Lions on Jam28 Mr Drinkwater has many istoric reliestinhis Milla town ship homeas he is descended from early pionech who Settled in the area Plans Active Year Goldwater Legion plans an act ive yearpf service to veterans and to the community under the new president was overseas in World War and was an instruc tor in World War II with the rank of Major The Legion maets regularly the ï¬rst Friday in the month One of the Legion com munity projects this season is the Community Centre School Board Meeting Notices were issued for rifect ing of the Goldwater Public School Boardto be held Ian The retiring chairman Mrs Ber nice Williamson wasto attend to assist the 1957 Board hold its in augural session in thenew school Church Annual Meetings Church life playsj foremost and it is anticipated that annual meetings of lthe three local chur ches will show another ear of achievement by the numerous boards and groups functioning an nually It Was announced at the Pres byterian Church service hyRev Charles Carter thatthe missionary allocation which was increased iastycar had been met Hortlc tural Society Huronia Ilprticultural Sociéty holds its ncxtï¬neeting on Jan 31 Meetings alternate between the eourt house Goldwater and Insti tute liall Waubaushene 3f 1957 Plans Coldwater Communiy Centre Association Junior Chamber of Co me Speaker RevnV Purduevwho 15 president Ritchie Lane The helping to operate 4the rink for part in the affairs of Goldwater striving fora new community building this year the anemic FORT DEFIANCE THUR 1Eng IMPERIAL VOTED THE ERTCST FILM scrolzoF ms HAL CFNTURY SAT cultural Society and the Volunteer Firemen are developing plans for meciings Library Board GoldwaterLibrary Board held its ï¬rst meeting of the new year on Jan May StartSoom rcported Thurston Machin cry Co the large new industry eonstruétedoil Highway 12 at the aonthwesmhkirtal ofr Goldwater in the near oldwaterJlomé and first meeting or 1957 school lb Worshipful Master GordonCooper retired Bell Telephone Company employee who is active in the Lions ClubfPres byterian Church boards andpther organisations is Worshipiul Mas ter of Karnak Masonic Lodge Goldwater for 19357 The Masons meet regularly the ï¬rst Thursday Itecen Visitorsa Visitors with Mrandfliirs Wil Carr on New Years Day were Mrand Mrs Walter Graham and family ofieronto Rnss Wallwlnand Mrs Jack Porritt and from gt mm Mr Mrs Joseph IVernon and familylapent New Years in Toronto with Mr William Vern Bowdenv and Mrs Allen Bowden at and Mrs Norman Youngs home at Shanty Bay on New Years Day Mrsrc Stone andson Russell of Toronto spent Friday ith Mr Bowden Ben Steers Corners spent SaturdaJy Bowden Sundayvisitors Sunday vlsitors wit Mrs Bowden were Mr Mrs Allen Bowden Shanty Lynda Rexdale ganlzed last year Huronla Agri 1957 and will be setting regular School Associatiodtvllihold its in the new liam Carr and Mr and MlsEarl and Mr and Mrs flail and sT PAULS Birthday my JoovFRowo celebrated hlSZIIItlI birthday with few bhumSon Sat urday Cluristmas Guests Mrand Mrs Noble llama Di and andDennis spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Charles Gib bonsMeafordZ From Hamilton Mrs nd Ms JosephhlJolangy aridCM ciiél 01 Hamilton visited with Mr and Mrs Noble Hanna for few trNew Years WA Meetins The axillary meeting of St PaulsWAWIls held at the home of Mrs eoGibbons There was good turnout The new president Mrs Gibbons onducted the devo tional and business meeting The nextmeeting wll he at Mrs James Leonards ho cup of tea close the pleasant afternoon Almost 17 U0 motor vehicles the scrap heap in 12355 one are ovnnuaol ofrY0lR anuranceJPolicies may be needed to bring you up to date gNew pollcies give you broader cov erogesfor lessmoney The new Homeowners Combination Policy MSTEIIEIISIIII lNSIlllliNCll