THE BARRIE HOBTICULTUE AL and Town Improvement Soci ety executive met to plan the 157 program These items will inter est local members and friends of the district Programs will be in charge of Mrs Bert Cook Meet ings will be at the Public Library Hall ï¬rst Wednesday of every month except January which will be the second Wednesday Cook is at present preparing the seasons schedule of meetings and all horticulturists from Barrie and district arewelcome without charge to all meetings THE ANNUAL CHARGE for membership is in the care of chairman Parsons with Hor ace Heath as cochairman The executive voted to sponsor tours again this year and Mrs Mills will be in charge with an assisting committee NEW MEMBER to the exec utive ll ll nurnnrd mentioned What pity it was that such splen did speakers should be brought from distances to such small nudi enccs He remarked People dont know what they are missing Accordingly an attendance com mittee is to he set up so people will find out what they have been missing The writer of this col umn is to again net as publicity chairman THERE WAS DISCUSSION re garding the fate of the old post office garden Doubtiess this matter will be on the early agenda of the new council There will be the usual annual flower show THE OWEN STREET GORE will be in the joint care of Knapp and Mr Heath Hospital flower bed is in care of Mrs George Dangerï¬eld and Mrs Ga ble The society will continue its interest in Barrie Public Library grounds Community House Fed eral Building Alma Lees corner High School Rookery and prolr ably the Chamber of Commerce information Booth Plans for clean up campaign were discussed and will be announcedJaier ll WAS DECIDED to hold an other flower arranging clinic as Was done last year Mrs Johnson was appointed to chair this committee JOHNSON GAVE NOT lCE of motion whereby the Horticultural Society shnuld give some help to the new subdividers their landscaping problems LTHE HORTICULTURAL CON ENTION will be held in Hamil ton in March Parsons and tits Bert Cook will be official suMcos coumv GRAIN GROWERS REAP EXTlllAh PROFITS WI NaChurs LIQUID PLANT F00 MURRAY RUMBLE of RR NE Blenheim says sprayed wheat just before ï¬rst jvlnt stile with NIChlll Liquid Fertilizer yield check shows ed an increase of 103 bushels per acre on the sprayed porlt lion compared with the check Vstrip unsprayed ton that have receive an excellent in crelse for he small cost Of material usede Call your NACHURS Crop Scrvice Man s1sw BsLL RR No Barrie ARCHIE wANLsss RHENo 1lhelpstqn CH Utilitide delegates from the Barrie Horti cultural society VARIOUS NEWPROJECTS will be discussed and decided on at later date citium can show their interest in the work of hor ticulture byï¬phtaning tbeir sug gestionst President Parsons or myself at an early date when individuals and associations lodt hackle see where they failed and then ahead to remedy ythe failures The following little poem by an unknown authorJeeml to sum up my feelings on the matter MYSELF have to livewith myself andso want to be ï¬t for myself to know Always to look myself straight in the eye dont want to stand with the setting sun And hate myself for the things lve done want to go out with my head erect want to deserve all mens re spect But here in the struggle for fame and pelf iwarit to be able to like myself dont want to look at myself and know That Im bluster and bluff and empty show Whatever happens want to be Selfrespecting and conscience frce gt ANQNYMQUS Newton Robinson New Year Visitors Mr and Mrs Gordon Breedon spent New Years with Mr and Mrs Robert Dermottnt Cooks town Mr and Mrs Walter Andrews and Mr and Mrs Harold Andrews and family were New Years guests with Barrie friends Mrs Mervin Noble Mrs Will iam Noble and Marilyn Mr and Mrsl Walter Browning and family of Lefroy visited Mr and Mrs Dee Chnntler on New Years The Harvey connection to the number of 30 enjoyed New Years at lloughtons Recent Visitors Mr and Mrs Dee Chantler and family visited Mr and Mrs Hun ter Russell of Midhurst on Sun day Mr and Mrs Ralph Houghton and family spent Saturday with Toronto friends Mr and Mrs Frank Packard and family of Aylmer were holi day visitors at John Robinsons New Years Dance The annual New Years Night dance sponsored by the local 101 was well attended On Friday night the lodge held their first of series of euchres CROWN HILL Miss Edith Partridge of Barrie has been staying for the past two weeks with Mr and Mrsuflarold Drury Reverend Fred Burner of Bays ville visited with Mr and Mrs Harold Drury over the holiday st GUTHRIE Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Guthrie Presbyterian Church will be held on Eriday Jan 11 instead of Thursday Jan 10 as announced at830 at he chur Shortstay Mr and Mrs Norman Graham spent several dayswith the form ers parents Mr and Mrs Alex Graham They left on Thursday coop arm Fromm start ASSURES THE FARMER or TOPQUALITY AND Tori PRICES it doesnt costtoueed on the oplleef ltntlons spread between commercial and print it adlvldeod pillar in so agn THlS IS ms TIME or YEAH never can fool myselfpand so one visitor preaenL Mr Directorofï¬r peering forums ada Angling whohnaheen nnmodebairmnn of now 01 binc tiona Panel of the Inferno nodal ir Transport Amcltv trap The panel will consist of seven rilol Canadian American Bri ti Dutch and French niriinmult will coordinate the joint cflort of the worlds airline to develop the most efficient flight procedures and requirvr menu for thenew ngo of jet and turboprop aircraft Mr Dyment was chairman of the IltTA Jet Btlltposium in 150 and has since headed lid jet fuels study SATURDAY JAN The farmers market didnLex actly leap into thenew year Sat urday While prices were low in lud ing asking tabsrrbusincsr was slow but expected to be hac normal in week or two when the buying public gets haekon its lcetafter the holidays Egg Prices The predominant article on sale was of course the egg which was selling for different prices at almost every counter Only one stand had the jumhos which were selling at 55 cents per dolen Extra large eggs were going for 45 and 50 cents Large were sellingat 40 and 45 cents Mediums had threeasking priecs lit 35 and 40 cents dozen Smalls were selling at 30 cents Apples And Vtégetoblés Apple counters featured Tol man Sweets Snows Spys and Bananas at 65 cents per sixquart basket The asking price for Tolmans was 85 cents Snows 65 and Spys 75 0n the vegetable shelves po tatoes were 40 cents sixnuart basket carrots 50 cabbage 10 cents ahcatl and turnips cents each Roasting Chicken Predlesscd roasting chiitkens were priced at 45 cents pound Young chickens carried the same tab while boiling fowl was on sale at 40 cents pound Butter tartswere priced at 50 cents dozen and raisin pics were half dollareach Bread loaves were 20 cents Alsoon sale wore jars of jelly startingtat 20 cents each and horseradish starting at 30 cents jar cents apiece pair of embroidered pillow slips was on sale at $3 em 1200me Your own records more eggs per bird Yourown records promotcshetter fee eggs wrt less feedf pration all in soon ing to The latter was selling lleadchecse was onsa1e for 55 The meeting opened with tné 0defollowedby the Mnryï¬tew art Collect and the Lords Pray er ltoli call Wu answered by the exchanging of Chriatmu eats Minute were read an proved followed by readingrol correspondence It was decided tohavoVan Vlack WI tothe January meet to be held atMn Bit chies and to have baulr at the same time Mrs Stone is to contact Mrs McGiAnnia and see if seewould be auctioneer at the binanr Mrs Stone and Ken Cooper will assistMrs Martin and Mrs Murphy with the lunch at the next meeting Mrs Ray Tuckvoiunteered to get gifts for shutins and see that they receive them Mrs Don suggested having suggestion box thenvote on the suggestions at the annual meeting in April The CAC Bulletin report was read by Mrs Dean for Mrs Hutchinson Mrs Martin gt has the bulletin for next month The meeting was turned over to the hostess Mrs flay Tuck acting for Mrs Martin Silent Night was sung followed by the topic on Christmas given by Mrs Elliott Christmas contest was con ducted by Mrs Tuck and won by Mrs MurphyThedraw conduct ed by Mrs Ross Usher was won by Mrs Grant Miller The meeting adjourned with the singing of God Save the in Fleming airman spent the weekendï¬with his mother Mrs William Fleming Attended Funeral Mr and Mrs Tart Draper of Washago renbwed friendship here on Saturday and attended the funeral at the late Hubert Fleming Mrs Howard Draper of Barrie and Mn Wille Johnston ofAl landale visited on Saturday with Mrnand Mrs Player Weekend Viilta Visiting for the weekend with Mr and Mrsxl Todd of Wood Mr and Mrs Vasey Beardsall stock spent afew dry with Mr werc Mr and MrLT McCormick and Mn Garry Manning and daughter Sheila of Toronto Boxing Day Visit Mra Peter Cluto is patient in Mr and Howard Spring Penetang General Hospital and son Earl Mr and Mrs Har many frienda hope to see old Johnston were guests of Mr home soon and Mrs Reg Spring of Highland mum on crack on Mme OnSaturday Jan by Dr Back From Montreal Reynolds in his home Mrs Mr and Mrs Burtonrhnve Nellie Crewson Elmvale returned after avholiday in Mont Flue Ruble in Hrs Ril real chic and the late Thomas Ritchie Recent Visitor ElmVIlB Visiting recently with Corporal James Frceman and Mrs Freev man ofFBracebridgehwere and Mrs rancis Arc or an son Richard Mr and Mrs Douglaa 33$ng lénï¬ygï¬g Wm and WM Cindy Lyn ducted the service and his semen Mr and Mrs Carnahnn on The Indwemng Word Cat spent NewYears Day in Barrie ossians 31647 The superintend with relatives cnt Mr Felgchen callednut the Mr and Mrs Smith Cnmeron pupils names and each teacher in Ethel Dryadaie Mr andlira Lorno Drysdaie Mra Forbeaot Hamilton visited with berparenta Rev and Mrs Siubba Miss Heather and Sandy Forbes returned with their mother on Wednesday BhortStay her Promotion Day St Johns United Church Sun day School observcd pro otion Queebfiniiowedby lunch provid cd by Mrs Donn iifrs tin and Mr Elri committee Mr and Mrs Frank Roberts and Janice of Toronto Mr and Mrs Raymonduliarnce and Brenda of Barrie were guests recently of Mrs William Rance Recent Visitors visitors with Mr and Mrs Carnahan over the holiday were Mr and Mrs Charles Burs ton Judith Pamela andRobert cruxMIX Mar lunch nnmv anion lsqu umn cunning AMAZING LOW mscn Barrie lnrm Snpply runnvn cnowa For Livestock dz Poultry Surge Dairy Equipment 11 Mnlcasscr st Phone ra ozone Pkouucnofu 10m Your own records will prove the value of SHURGMNSUPBT Laying Mash These records can prove theres extra profits when flocks are fed the SlumGAIN wayHens keep healthy pro dupe heavily for MAXIMUM PROFITS in prover SHUltGAIN Super Laying Mash promotes steady higheggproduction over long periodThe nddiscuss the use of suuwdnm Sdper mags EATONS Bu 300willli351lowedd Recap bleT Lightweightbulklnsulorionl Insulate Your Home to use so harmless to handle Pal Summers heat will keep your house at more oven temperature Madefrom cellulosematerial it is treated to resrst fire vermin mo bacterial etc l0 915mm lust about 15 lb of PalOPak enough to cover approx 20 sq it when iai since 1557 Bag 125 abnut12oz per sq ft Herj and spreadit evenly over tile attic floor Each Bag contains Virginian mus late llrl FD Wehrm who passed away Jan 1953 nyam Blackout On Fridcy night Elmvale was cast into darkneaaeaused by car striking hydro polo on the town line beiowJrencha HilL Hydro crew was called from Barrie to make repairs On Sunday night the west side of the village was in darkness all night At the timed writing thecause is unknown Igq We make loans in ConsolfdafeBiIs cash hero to pay many of your than have only wmvenian payment to make loch month Th angle Dormant often It than the total amount pay Pawn for your loan in one visit to the ofï¬ce or lulu so sasoo on signcm varmu am unw unnam Mun1 Iliaco Co we called column um consumeencampment NANCE CO bi BENEFlClAl Fl cum Amt Whitetails no etaaim and ï¬sxsfT bhby urn ru wt mi penetrating tnmy inatanoaa immediup relr With Norvlllne long mammalianam aArn 7193 ol Narvilinonl the mghmeLAtyonrdrm I141 inim or 10 no mourns 19 IIPAVI rumaroma mmmllfll oilunmade convoniantpflieuwhkh is near your HARRIET 15 Be In Stand 2nd Floor gonnau Bean Street not In Illn rmm uni JAIrvtew was OPEN IVFNINCS IV AIMINWAENT PHONE tBLIZZARD rme Blizzard Tires are moulded to help eomha dltions to make your car safer with scores of Biting grip overlce Snow an bites NOW IS THE TIME to fit them 11010 15 EATONPrlce Each 2395 wmrnn rrtorncrron PERMANENTTYPE antifreeze with added rust 80 degrees below zero Eaton Price Per Gallon STORE nouns mm Daily Wednesday mm to 1200 noon lInsui on will help protect your home from Winters cold or ills four inches thick or about sq ft at etbree inch depth ltrweighs only gt to 536pm PHONE srons cabin orrtcc 35983 35961 Inter con Their wide flat treadsare cusscrossed surfaces to help give them sureefooted stability slid Mud help reduce the dangerfrhmtreacherons pat NOW IS THE TI is been BULLDOG mustangs Buy now and he prepared for the colder wea ther Nonevaporating ethyleneglycol base nhibitors upvto 325 Tires fitted treeI Mnshforypurfloek Ask about the new SHURGAIN ngg Prolt duction Chart designed to simplify the keeping of records on every phase of laying hen operation Let these charts prove what SHURGAIN Super Laying Mash will do for you Beef Concentratescontaining Sttlhestr can give you tnzow faster gains at saving of 10 of your feed costs Co has fecdingfnrninlas available for baby beef yearling Irid two year oldsut yournwn grain to best dvantnge lly top ceding 32 two nneentrate attire ratio of pounds gper head pcr day you en expcet over pounds gatu per By feeding 32 Dcchonccntrame containingstllbestrol we ha Fromthe gleamingwhite poreeinln entmiolln to to ins I111 11 pound for lqttstnble legs this Viking is quality mnde cd troi and automatic tlm control easi ry cl