ay vultoro In run orthoqu William Draper rod ind Mn quyd Rutherford dean mother of Russell Fred of Bolton were visitors during the Irene Mrs Hugh Rays and week wiLleiss Ileilow at the Violet lira Lestou ptutiedge Russell Nursing Home passed away at her home an yllarold Bum11 of Schomhirt Comma ran Thursday Janna spent New Years with his mother The funeral servl in Mrs CHEW held lithe hashes Funeral rho hits Rose returnedfoflhe blownJ smrhyu Ruseli Illian Home attcrbel $13301 internsIt lng hospitalisedvat Stevenson Im When MemorialHospihi Alliston for gents pmilc two ween arï¬ogcrgï¬d attended hi mamas PM ew cars iron app Congratulations to Mrs sored by Cookstownan District unison who relaunth im Lions Club at the tow hall on hirthdg on lnu 11 Mrs Mfltldlll cvslthlf iouchre RYC was oozed with euro pave mm pan ID hirthdngd party ï¬gsw wan ma the ï¬ggwtagmp ABOUT TH WEAIZ Em isms Miss er rs nelghhon Nixon 2nd Patricia Lowe lohe OFTANP 5er IN handsMrs ltlcltiaster and visiting At Pickering Miss Marguerite Ramsay Me Edward Webb is sending first isnti Cn 2nd Sclha 33 32333 if Jim Cal1n at Pickmns c5ngwi v33 pgï¬ï¬lfl No more worry about theflwealhcr no more hanging clothes aut inthe eoldtAny dliy iswas dotwith this economicallyw priced footuwpacited dryer Come today for full information This dryer offers Large loadingtnoor Perforated prying lnDetroit ro giveni ThevNaw Year as Mrs Wilkinson and daughte usual was heralded in with all Drum Porcelain Enameirop and many other outstalidw Marjorie spent few days in De kinds of fancy hats and noisa ing features troit with relatives makers of every description MIS Charles Russelland Mrs 3min 597W by 90m Ray Graham spentThursday in WHF° WNW The Late winsnorp Returned From Beaten Lwnuam 3mm Pass if HMiss Marion Pierson returned in Manly mavens Mom home he spénding the chub oriol Hospital Alilslon on Tues mas holiday season in Beeton day nï¬ mu one YUGOSLAVSdtnjonGeneralE Burns of Ottawa com win he 5510 ms palm am For the ans few month mander of the United Nations Emergency Force shakes handswlth Mr Sharp had lived with his sis Yugoslav officer as theCanadian officer arrives at E1 Ballnh camp Sympathy of Community 31 Mrs Blevin Atkinsonin south of Qantnrngr Egypt for an inspection flour The emergency force Sincere sympathy of Cooks Cockatown Other members of is made up of contingents from Canada Co ombia Denmark Finland town and community goes to Mrs the family to mourn his 1655 are lndia Norway Sweden and Yugoslavia Other officers are unidentified Blevlii Atkinson in the death of Dr Bertha Sharp of London Eng in this United Nations photo Damn mm her brother William Henry Sharp land and Dr Gladys Robinson of to the Reed family in the death of Worthing Sussex England admitted wilful damage to seven wt nd mm Henry The funeral service was held others all on Simone Bayfield 3mm the Drapernmy at Hughes Funeral Home Cooks and Maple streets On Dec 21 me death Dm town on Friday Jan at pm according to evdience of Cpl ll pm with the Rural Dean Rev Mr Nenlhwny he admitted theft by Institute New Rowe of Stroud taking the serv breaking them open with clause The regular Januarymeeting ice Pallbearers were WH qucnt damage of $3 to each of Of the Wflmens Instiiule W35 itlarwood Charles Russell Borden fences were in cooperation with he at the Town Hall on ThIAS Nixon Colwell Ramsay Douglas another youth who had been con dill Jflfl With Over 70 present Hopper and Bert Coleman inter vmcd last month pointed out Do members of the local institute accords $19900 srréiAL 5906 7173 $1150 Pei With Wednesday fall Magistrate Foster presid ed with Assistant Crown Attorney Kennedy Chier Tschirhart and Cpl Neathway had court duty fence Counsel McTurk file or and visitors from Bradford Thorn ship had noexcuse for such cum 10 and the Ross group duct and he wosremanded in clistody until the next day when under the circumstances and his The meeting was opened in the usual waywith short business period following The ladies were meat was in St Johns Anglican Church Cemetery Cookstown Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Lloyd and Miss Lucille Show Cookstown youth he was given suspended asked were Sunday visitors in Beeton sentence for one year Show omiisazlbgzlgf 11525 with Mrond Mrs Farrier the CookstownIgroup to contriov Mi can Dime 01 Pinkel gate 033 number committee of k517i ghllsmasdholigay obtaining liquor while under 21 charge by Officer JGlllnyerr Jam and MrdT Mays are we WI mm 01 years and also admitted two pre of the soda Police laid against arrange transportation ï¬ne 311 End uncle and aunt vious similar convictions He was Geoffery McFarlane for failing to Jan 16 Hollows ladies are one r1 sew9W rcrnnnded in custody for sontcnce obey stop signs at Camp Borden tertainine Cookstownand Fishers Jump Remus onJnnuary 10 In Wednesdays In November wascontested by Corners atCooktown Town Hall and Mental squares 59 moyd court another youth found in the accused who admitted one at pm with Cookstown and Hughes Sugar Jets 18 Horold toxicated was fined$29 wua offense only convicted patent Flshcrscorncrs to ElranEEilhï¬ McKilliean SlowPokesi58 Lena costs $5 or 10 days His Worship he was fined $10 but costs wont program Nicholson Busy 33s 55 Doris warned1You hadvel nyoï¬riglgge 10 $1510 Fildey on behalf iii the McKillioziri Shlners 63 Jean secure iquor an ass grouppresentcd the Insti Hughes Strikers 25 again will have no considern Christmas Tree trio with much needed can High single gen Jim Smith Munch trouble has been caused °P° 223 lady Leno Nicholson 229i in past Christmas seasons by Yrs orreoce unter intro Wmed pm then of rmester Christmas duced the speakerllfrs Summers gogï¬hï¬rgï¬gsnéicggcgngaï¬i PC Stone noted the slow trees and defended by Gordon Who is cdnnected with the public Calms uefl 55 driving of Harry Gray on Dunlop McTurk three local men appear PEI1M Omï¬e BR E310 Elmer Easton Dec 20 After passing ed and charge laid by Ben Toronto she gave wonderful malaiiage ï¬e Niel thel Five Points he went east on Frolick of cutting reforested Mk and demonstration on Gift Souk 33 em 95° Dunlop St but had trouble with spruce tree on the property of Wrapping for all occasions The 133 Shim LCACoses teenage youth in court Mon cam Borden case day Dec 31 pleaded guilty to NO RED TAPE Televtï¬on Stock Iii 2576 Savings NOW thenltimato inItelevisionJ rbrought toï¬ou at this amazing price reduction right in the season when the best pro grains are on the air JUST our oroua FEATUREBUYSi 21 inch es ouse featurepacked powerpathed fullsizevzl nchset thatofiers smart coppertoned styling tofit intoanydecor=l7roduces clear shapp picture This set features SuperCoscodeï¬luner 5Alineo Speaker Automatickénge Finder RemovableSafety Class and convenieuL AcrossTlieiopmuning the samefeatures asiof ferod in higherpriced model High team single frost on the glass and at the Post Mr Fralick comprising gt16 acres meeting closed and the committee Office Square turned and went on Ann Street in the town limits Wad lovely refrBShments from mple 5mm 3293 back to Maple and then to the now decorated long tables Gray Coach lime and dDW Evidence of the owner was that ï¬le Lat Mrs Reed Hayfield at 50 mph 311d W1 he had seen the three men in Mrs Mary AnnReed beloved stopped at the corner of Map threecars with their wives and wife of William Henry Reed and partly onthe sidewalk Tests at the police office indicatedimpair Mam um 31°g in 93 gel Hither Gauze Nornan eddriving and convicted he was The group then walked toward an and Russell passed away the no at Victoria Hos tl mo 05s or 10 the trees and Mr Fralic called PH dgyes 5nd lizolnsecsuspefdcd six llL OPP ismcr 1106 PC Bame on wadnflday 13 months Duane swooneyv responded His 82 393 rThe funerals evidencemaa that the group were WC from gt 158 reSid nk river on the property as described and 91 0050 all BY Jan he had found one smiill spruce FEiWIlh 11119111913 in re serious case was that on at thebase by an axe Alliston Union Cemetery Ewart Caingwith charges id Mr Fralick produced the ichop by PC Jones on Dec 21in ped seetiouin court and theaxe 55 L3 55 wmjam unï¬t The off tatéd Lba was also produced The officer me pen Iowa Me the ac edwasi in c01 said that the tree was about 12 lision andhis truek had been feet away from thestump By he Stated Mr Thompson that damagedto $10 and another car consent of allparties the case hehad be swelvmg livid $20 His wife gave evidence that was adjourned to Jan22 at pin P09 holes in the road the shevhadgone for assistance as evidence he was convicted and the truck was out of order and gavel nine tgays dlicense suspend comingbaekf she found the ve SIX man an ear impounded icle across the road Evidence of 1wgtgmlï¬lgï¬ï¬ging giwifsg three months gt 3529 3ii£r one so an additio nava he in cd for bloodtest but thiswzts PC scragg had mm dmies ms cm he ï¬ned $103 denied by Chief Tschirhm and The docket was light and several 55 $230 10 days Couchrtenl CPL Winger cases adjourned one more sers Adi CPL Brown 5150 gave avg ious chargewns of drilling while use lune an mud demo on the blood test discussion Intoflcamd hy PC 13 The imam hMWL and in the final analysis llis Wor Rm OPP again sgt against 1323 Atlantis Eifgli Eiï¬gtfn ted mdcï¬h 1g ship made it conviction term mebes Dell 22 V959 Th driving on Nov 28 in Vespra rovsojofï¬or 65111 of nine days ear impounded three meal 955 51 he has 0191 having liquor in his car and intox work yonrfri months arid license suspended for the 51 ng icationin public place all laid mmuyoommu me yea pm on 400and also highway by PC Roywï¬obefls OPP was innyallbebmeï¬uvfh 90 The accused had stopped at heard in pm allmotile PM Maler Thgfls service station parallel and The cav flbe mgzuhyuymgg was over the steering wheel Tests wh came niqllea youth of 16 pleaded guilty to showed intoxication said the of we lines5 was wtheft ofrstwocpsrkingsmeters on ice sndEorbe haiLbeen oh no as and amournmem °03 and asecond charge 44 uni Moopntzzo REGULAR 21990 SPECIAL= 19960 See ad complete selec tion othhleï¬and Full Models ll priced to vsav least 29i=ri sereneTHANK You shin vicious take DrChue Nerve Food In Vitamin Bi and Blood ï¬m as Muir Ch are iiiLowdown flight on 53 yo $113 mon unialso pr Chloe Now Food oar Thursday January Swivel top hotntes inavcomplete circle permitting homes room Clear plastic meter le oily provided easy from room to room ispossble throwaway st bag Convenient stepon switcbrstarls or steps motor cs cessories include hose floor bmshhcrevice toqludus ng brush furniture cleaning tool and two wands1Finished beautiful French grey andmist green by Lil chrometri sMoosilm LONGER INC WEARING ll part ond it your not prilved then call