CHICAGO ithe chil Visitors rï¬lnu visitor with friends Mr 1nd iMra no and Georflg oi Indful1 Maurie Partridge and iemliydi Crown Human dndMlzs Delmer Batu nnd familial Shelhurne Mr and nnd family ntnmm and GrahamTatum ot Hornepayne atGhmet Mens knows that women are keen shop pets and hat they are always on he look outfar real bargain That is why so many bus passengers are wbmen They know travel bargain when they see one ntutnlmr rants OTTAWA L05 ANGELES BOSTON itllCHMOND Tickets And BusTravel Informntion At CornetfManle Av mom PA 1635 2760 $10560 $2995 BARRIEBUSTERMINAL ters Mr and Mrs Maurice Miller andinmilyol Barrie at Emory Millers Mr and Mrnir Garnet Breednn and iamin otfiottenhnm Curr MisTJImes Wale Howard and him JessieHoward Barrie nt Cliiiord Ford Mr and Mrs Mere dith and Mildréd dt Barrie nl Wilbur Waltons Mr and Mrs Genrée Nixon and family In Walker and William Dobson qi Termite and Mr and Mrs Ken Dabson titBarrie at Dob Mrandhirs Girr and family nnd andMrL Stan McClean at NarmanVMe Girrs Mr and Mrs Oscar Bow man andianglly pf Knock at Vic tor Howards Mr and Mrs Bob Ayres and famly Long Branch at Wilfred Pans Bert McKinnon Detroit at his home Miss yHolrnes gN Toronto and Mr and Mrs Nelson Victoria llaad atJaekHolmes Mr and Mrs Maurice Brown and iarnily oi mm nome RESERVATIONS am LINE TICKETS smnmsum TICKETS CONDUCTED rouns munENrIAN sxr RESORTS caneezmucx RENTALS 309x now For 1951 non INEotmnnon AND RATES fcomncr Burienrlveiirliur ii Intel Service UNLOP ST EXAMINER Line Watt nnui own and 1t spun and on many The ei 11 Me cAknmm rï¬ï¬donm ving witth United lions Em engencyFarc initheï¬lfhiddie ithJCm dl botthmllte ran phlde hon en mags datt andinmily all of Bnrrle at Percy Fordfs MrEllis nd Hugh spent Chr mns wit Mr and Mrs LLE Sturgess Om Station Mr and were with Mrs Gérdon Patton Cookstown Mr aners Park were with blends in Toronto Weekly Euchre zes went to ledies high Mrs Clitford Harris and Sehool Coneert tender and the teache splendid progdam they gave Mr and Mrs Sinclair andfarn Mrs Francis weekend mas holidays Recent Vialï¬re and day Glenna of relatives Brice MeMaster 91 home for Christmas SndaySe services Mtnesingnnd Mid on Christmas Mr and Mrs Crown Hi visite Ernest Ellsmere ntthe we pernnd Su tree wa held inLondon for we cnn gt bears the Intiming 1n elmrnelz hlteind Mm Everard Harrisfand Shirley There were six tables at the weekly euchre ET By nlght Pri entchtm Dick Cloughley rnens high Lloyd SP rm me Hnnlstlune hnnd prize Stnn Me Clcan CommitteeMr and Mrs with relatiyes The school concert nelduon Thursdny Denim was well at ï¬WerP ils deservegteat credit forthe ny otcuthrie visited Mr and Shanahan at the Queens University for theChrist Mrs Snider whtris spending the winter in Elmvnle visited Mr Mrs Arthur Snider en Sunr Mr and Mrs Douglasnraseriand Cathar es called on the village at the Rev inmrNewmnn tdnlethe Mr and Mrs Tell were hav the earns The WA WMSmei nlMrs rtridleuq Wednesday even ins bee und two nyenmavejhe lesson thoui God taken rpm thtslmiis won Vtetoria Hospital were lowing the meeting served by MrsxV nd Mrs Hayes Ralph andDouglns Mrs Dicker and Mrzand Mrs Hayes and Thom Chrislmns with Mr and Dicker and inmin at hence in Oriliia Day With Brother Mr IndMrs Niï¬unn of Be girl spent ndy this week with the intterbrother John Spencer Christms At Hawkestone Mr nndMrsW Slessar spent Chrietm with Mrand Mrs Roe Itllnwkeslane Mr and Mrs Showdown and F1111in Chrhtmls with he ieth mlly Themed flayes of Toronto spent Christmas with his parentsli Mr Ind Mrs Hayes vsmz vim gt and MrsWIllInm llicNahb and family of Hamilton and Mr at Ellis hutchinsons Mrand Mxs Ell Hutch sonr gt Chr strnas at At tinlieaenurc Guild The regular meeting of the Churchill MordEbenezer Guild ere read and roll call it was decided to hav gmus play Next meet ingia on Jan at Ma yn Todds Th next part 61 the meeting etjn Kenn at lism cnnvener Roger Slur was opened with hymn ch was read Dim He Brought nn An Griffiths Life sturn in South anntahave estimated 500 years old ter Mr nndMrs DalySlcssar and Hepejpent hrislmns at Dalston and Mrs hatesyand family at Shelbume spent in day this week lr AMnrgaret Snwyers gt pnn wds read by Sam Neilly and Marilyn Todd Dan on weapons found at Ange Putll wns invchnrge of the taithand Eastman