damagfln patina countries weltfouipped homes asoura whenitmomosrto hbomvinsï¬e vices Bot sayr Canadian In stitute on Plumb andAHeatipg in too many homes theinlihgn eiitLo thug applianceanre lost fthe house melt has not eHept with As an instance Hihe points the multitude HEATING flames gt3 COMPANV the wnriduneboast the ewe type of buer can spread dirtjhroughontlthe entirohoiue HIMitwllm0f impossible to keep 100 clean Como whichhasvheen the heating plant is one of tho new cotripéct eyeappealipg clean opuatingtyporthat is probably also either automatic or selfstok ing Here the heating plaht is either housed in its own walled oit codeine thattherest of theunderground pace bed voted to re usefirl ptirpos as iaofte the carerit becomes part Inf the attractive jfdrnishinga of welldecorat andxclean recreation room This is really promoting household cleanliness from the ground up or rather from below ground up talking of up what about thoscruglistreaks that inevitably mar the walls of houses equipped with soutadated heating uni Modern design in all kinds of heating units from the new con cealed radiators through convec tors heaters and have warm air vents therevelutienary base board panels has contrived to eli minute this house cleaning prob lem gt In the l7athroom too outdated ï¬xtures will defeat pvery effort to maintain really clean home Cracked enamel ï¬xtures which inso for lesseesm Concert ristinas concert hool oni Dee mm as chairman hlldlslinjonio feature doing their plays recitation and nging very welL andLeaodies Santa brought to all Mttch predit goes to Eraserinaiihe worliz Honor Newlyweds shower was held in and Mrs Ken Dick couple received ma from with plating has wornott and whichhegin to shawsigns st nll these things tend make the housewife task hope less one Modemiuiion in fact has he come the greatest aid of allin dayrhouse one which Wi begi ally zs New ads Frank Hamill hasturcliased new car Detroit Holiday ME and Mrs Frank Hamillnnd Mrs Gilchrist motorcdto Detroit recently where they are spending the holiday withrelaves through years of service have he come slightly unseated from the ism was on to II mhflnywhnpï¬ht himMiwflemln HIMIIIII1II UGO1 writing an Hi Ive emu old loci in uniquenun LIMITED flmw iS racroar 0mm 740W 15 east 10 LAP LY Sunaay Visitnta Mr and Mrs Elmer Atkinson waits andflpDI 50 that diltenll Lois andsznda visited here on eating crevces appear ï¬ttings Sunday with Mr and Misc Ah kinson and iemilyh Christmas In Stayner Mrslirltpatricit and Ross speni Christmas in ï¬tayner with Mr and Mrs Harry Hawkins and fam At Wasg Beach Mr and Mrs Everett Edwards Anne spent Murray and Ruth Christmas at Wassga Beach the latters parents liraand Mrs Christmas visitors with Mrs Jack Cameron include and Mrs Armand Tripp and of Elmvale and Mr and Mrs manHawes sunnidale Christmas guests of Mr Mrs Archie Wanless and am were Mrs Florence Wanless GorgeMeme and Patricia and Mrs McLean of Toronto Isabe Miss Helen Pickering of coil ingwood and Miss Pickering Toronto visite on Christmas Day it the Finlay Mr and Mrs Preston Doan Lorne of Grassland spent the holi and Mrs Harold day withvMr Smith on fa ily Wed ng Guests andMrs Clarence Atkinson and family attended the Suther landPearson wedding at Alliston 11 Thursday From Toronto Miss Sarah one rist of Toronto on holiday at the home of her ister Mrs James CLEANING PIANO To clean piano key denaturedalcoholoand th rywiih soitcloth room canno is effectively covered tapeashould be coated with petro leuin jelly as this will prevent paint sticking to emeta sum Hall on Dec 151in honor of Mr 243 iteiy Eliminate hall the housew ea workieveii rowamwmin and Mrs Alfred CollinsDougl re the with cloth slightly dampe rs tertainmenhz of to Does your wl per when basketiuli vofwet laundry tips off the Lbaek porch rail lntothe gatdent Here is way surehours reemushin as well as your wifes nerves iolddown laundry shelf eas ily made from fir plywood is placed Just under the clothes line at about waist height for easy lifting ofwetclothee The folddowntenture is excellent for most modern porches where space is at premium SheitJB chesï¬ouare The shelf madeof inch fir plywood whiclri bonded with waterproof glue to thstand the weather Thefloue shown in the sketch was eonstructedzlroni an lti 18 inch piece at piywoodbut ou could vary the size to suit to 3k your needs hearing in mind that ifthe shelf projects out too far the load may collapse the sup ports Most lumber dealers have oddssized plywood pieces for sale in their display rooms The 10 or 12 hinges are do forr casemethjhiiows and are available at the builders hardware shop Screw the base it brackets and fastonf the hraokets inniy to the wall with nails or crews Usegalvsnlzed or copper nail and screws prevent rust NailActs as in These hinges are irictiontype andselfsupporting under light loadsbut should the shelf fold it down under heavy washes use or nail is plnto keep it up ad The JioieéjrithéthihgehasU isan is removed when the shelf is 01 112 cd down Paint the pslelf and hrncke to match the house and watt for your wifefs smilehext wash day BEETON Happy New Year to Mr Walls and the staff of The Barrie Ex sminer Week With Relative Mrs Henderson isapendingka week with relatives at Lisle Mrsand Mrs connors of St Catharines were guests of Mr and Mrs Ernest Letts onSunday nd To his in dértulsur of the hinge to wooden side pin goes into one of the minnow Therlittle children repea if their brief piecitatlonl fruinjtheBast liowinEtho Jennieoi an Bethlehe Eacliï¬clan went forward to receive undy nuta and oranges from their teachers Both parents and pupilsaenioyed the es ings em unday rvee large congregation gathered in iheflnited Church on Sunday when itev Mr Wanlesa delivered hisaddress on the Birthpf Christ bringing to mindthe prophesies foretelllng the adven The girls choir sang lovely chorus Two beautilui po ettiaa were placed by the warm memoryofdcar ones gone on before Family Weekend Miss Marie DonneliyToronto enLthe weekmeme er Iiiigh onheliy area as Luella Donnelly Mr andMrs Bill Ingram were weekend visitors with the form don ChristmasGuesu Holding Christmas festivitiea with Stephens were heinfamily and son Thornton Ste phens and family at Newmarket and Miss Watson and Mrs Pete Letts and childrenwere in Sutton and Zephyr with their re ve parenis for the day nd Mrs Ed Jaobon held as dinner tor her parents no Mrs WilliamuReed her hro erDoug and family New Year Wishee Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to the editor and staff of The Barrie Examiner Christmas Visitors Mr and Mrs Norman Gilmore in Meaford Christmas Day with their niece and family inToronto Mi Joyce Beasley Toronto was guest of her sister Mrs Douglas Reid and family for the holidaysu welcomeTo Continually We would like to welcome Mr and Mrs Roy Thornton and family in tile village They have hum 5th iloiiinijnests Gordon Grose Windsor and Mary Gwen and Sheila Toronto werewwithMrh and Mrs Grose fo the holidays Mr and Mrs Roy Jack spente few daysand Christmas with their daughterVeneetaand family in Orillia Their granddaughter Dar lene is coming back with them to spend week Christmas With relatives in Tor onto Rév and Mrs Logan and Douglas of Jarvis were with Mrs Logans parents Mn and Mrs WMcDï¬rniott for the Christapas Barker ers daughter and family in Lon Mr and Mrs Jlm Elliott spent on trieéd four eiï¬foms tionai purpose room can serve as the driveway yo Nice House Eamii lntrod oed today byth of th Week PlanSeFvlce Beamer is av attractiv one siorEy housevthat ideally suited tion anisi Theplanting front 02 youtho opportunity to giv somewhatadiiieren and inctive touch to the house exterior This plantingarea gives you lull Dp portunity to exercise your ingeh uity Whenseleeting the plant ings for this area remember that the work and thoughtyou put into planting and caring for this area will bring you double beneï¬ts because the rec picturewmdow om vwill bringth in the ving spent Christmas Day withrelatives nsionx frontal length is 172wa Cubsge of the house 30300 feet gar age cuhage is 6000pfeet Youll need approximately mutant dot on which build this house Becaus this plhn ineï¬idesvthree regular bedroomsand features an optional purpose raomr hieh can tieused as ideaiiys ted Typical th carefulfplann that has gone into designimzlthls home is the duel lavatory and ncc ted closet space is another modern home planning feature certain to win appr builders Bothth must gt ofthis house The former shout he placedunderthe ii and the latterunder th eur NOWPLEASE cock house proper meas ures 57by 28 feettwith arage in of hothn at The pres pienty of centrplly loca froin ospectiv mild in jflundry ns in asemo oï¬hmed Circuits Blownineea Fliekeiiitg Lightsy Poor Ligh equityritonga PL YsarrfN f5 Fahlthlring Can THEYSHIVEEEDONCE THEIRHouseis EATED EVERY mm v09 dining room den or guest room with equal ease Folks who decide theyd quireni dining room properwili ï¬nd the large pleasant living room admirablysuited to double usage This room is conveniently near tov thegritchen tom making it that much easier fordhe lady of the house to serve meals there oomy Pleasant Roo andpieasantthe break fast area can he usedfor major ityof your tsmilysmeals The which covers an if your garage doors or swingopen type and they have sagged untilv they rhow hind on childs play provide BRITO PlUMBEEttiEATING B4 DUNLOP 51 WEST WWW PA 83770 Liiiiitt it iiitiiil iii ii iii ii ii ii iii ii it