HELP WANlEo bISllllICl mnssmum manicr warnArlyn oldensnd iarrett complete llqlild tor lulu company is expending and hu opening orlrlen who all tell direct to iaraiera Product osuoaally lover tired Wa era buildl toelarlasJa llnlulc loullonl iodunry is new prouualvr with unlimited pose mum and proven reaulu Arnrul tural rltmunq neceuary Tina luoa uim acuetarter The man we wan to lookinx or an op nun iiy oi earnins near mm to out year with chsaee or huudine it or more lies uleeiui win he tent to our main oiriee and plant ior com plete trslolu and ven pemudl hel and rupervia an ou atartins peel All cormpondenee nrlctly conndon ILWrite tivlas lull prrtlculrm and cxperieueePemnal interview will he smnmAppU to Mnhchlui Vlee eni NuChills Plant Peed co leaned laid unrarlh st Landon Ont lv REQUIRED No experience neceaury Are you looklllz tor ensure to hot ler your poaltlonl You only he driv ios truck Working in so omce running machine in rotary sell inesooda or service lucth lehool or dolnr dliierent things people do toesrn livlns Yet you are disrailaned with your Jablow income people you work with You run Ihlhlt here is Job spmowhere that can alter opportunity and security We ean eiier numaer or men and women such Job with not gmwllll comp any rezsrdlau oi put experience Promailona and lncreaaed earnings come very Ill llleel Mr llnwlil II Queens Hotel L15 ptm llurp Wrdnesdny Thursdl end Friday evenin Jun RECEPTIONIST lor doclord olilu Apply Box 31 Barrie lemlneri EXPERIENCED Couple or mixed lurm glumfliry Seplrllo houleie Phone lAVl GRADUATE Underlndunte or Irlllled Practical Nurse or general duty lnnltwmld Commitment Lodge Phone Mia nreskwell PA 84206 114 STENOGEAPIIZR Wanted or local oliice Must helhie to take 1nd lrlnstrlbe lhurthand ragldiy Excell ent starting salary on good prose eels APPIY Bull Barri ï¬lming er troy roaster BROADLOOM it Buy Direct from rectory and save VAlltvlnna Au Incl ï¬ocluolns Wall to Wall mom PA new 1laul RUBBER STAMPs WPWRW WEAYMOUTHS hook STORE gm 566535 ELBUFHINC ilteai Ladlu Childrens Wear THE WARDROBE mwcx 105111 roux Usm cwrlilNc Poll You and noonu Dunlap at West intranets between eruptivea nd snarhara Jewellery all cloialns ths ta um 13 elem nut in lood repain Ila will try to sell or yguwm usm SKATES Good selection ille Bsyheld st 11354 SNOW mss lllxhway always Mr is usedonly months Phone PA 356 7H coolt srovlt wsrmlnl oven and re lorvoir over nmhox Good condition us Phone PA Head l1 Pull coAisA cw good coats taken sa tradeins Bargains Simmons snd Co Pumers Dunlap 51 12 Jplaz 12 STEEL WindowSash panes per window Ir 19 Swlnzlnz sash and lrume Valley Taxi phone Nigel31 HOCKEY BOOTS and Skliel sise5 ror nlll Airo wanted5lre how and lkltoa ln good zondltlon alsopair boxing gloves Apply lohn um Le I00 LB EDDLBRATOR Ice Box SI nldlmpa Jillileiir SD Floor mndel radio requires tubes to mlnl trench colt khaki Apply uprtalrr Bl lion Sl 7l WECHAVE demonstrator Einlsupnl Innlic SewlhlMIchlnur many dueeo prices litcause new X557 lone model comin1out We also hills numb used sewinl machr lntsSlnlen hilzi And mlny mill lnlllel We must clelr 0M Very low price Phone pA use tor or tree home trill no obligations 112 AmNrmN parttime sales people would you like to com irom moo to new per woelt in your ï¬gure time eelling dolly neeesrity at hrinxs repeat HIM every low weeks Apply gnqwlelnhs Dept lluflMontrcnI EOSII07NS WAHTED Plinthma work done lï¬r Wu homePsat and ernclent service Phone PA 66358 zlaltr ltKLlAriLE person will look alter children in ownhome while mother works Phone PA 91215 zelz MIDDLEAGED Lady would like posi tlonu housekeeper or kitchen hol or school aged children in Bu or surniundlnz district Apply Box 72 Barrie Examiner zlS BODKKBBPBR iully qusuflcd com lete set of hooks good at typing nergetic reliable to years with one ï¬rm recently pensioned Desires full or part time position Moderate ni ary Phone PA mm or apply Bolt 11 Bart1e Exurnlner 215 21206 Persrocx DACKEHUND Puppiis purebred loud selection hunks and lirowlls Kittcns tree Bentley mrltey Ranch nildhuist Phone PAllzlin 3871474 PROPERTY WANTED ave cuah client tor ï¬veor on home with central location be in ialrlygood condition no not oldmurt have ollhealirlgor urnsee that can be converted toou possession prablem1£you hove the iorepniae end would consider sell lagmliAr se PA aszsl anytime Wemuorhu cull IJiellt ara tour or live room home 10 ed centrally or ln the west end preterahly ouheat lnrond in ialrly good condition lt ynu would consider delllllz call Al Rhee PA Mm onytlnie We require rounnedroorn homes tol euents with ruhrtnatlal down psy zneau mlut he in and residential area aadin rood eon tiou three hedroonl home will do providing one bedroom will accommodate two neon llv you have the toreeolne and would 30525 selling call Al nose nunlop sr Ea opposite Queens Hotel um squAltl FEET warehouse see pwlth still ea wanted to rontP one PAum llllllll totallingf W5pmweek rec Consecutive Mllsil BE ihllnwms llrill stroud ROOM BOARD ROOM AND noAlm central Phone PA 1117350 alz1tl nooM AND BOARD lnr worklnl girl Phone PA 201 alter pin 121 RQQMJND hoAitlJ Genalelnarl pré very one hlii lF Phone PA hug gt PLEASANT RObM ln East and or town ror rent to pmfmlondl or hurl nees person Phone PA was 1214th AUTOMOBILES Buyingbr Selling We nnsnce late model can and trueks very reasooshlo Pam With complete lnallnnce MSTEVENSON ALL TYPESOF INSURANCI PHONE PA 8520i UNLOP 51 EAST BAlulï¬ 1111 1949 PONTIAC Sedan price 3300 Can heseeri alier5 pm Phone PA 3143491 1543 WILLYS wheel drive Jeep with snow plow Bert otter Phone PA 83831 1312 1351 PLYMuurlt door overdrive radio heater signsls 11150 Private sale Leaving country Phone PAgfols LIVESTOCK FDR sALE PIGS ready to Weill Phune Oro mo 97le HDLSTEIN cALP or veellng Campbell phone Stroud lsraz 91 Dullng CALP one weelt old Switzer Crown Hill Phone Mari 911 nite pra is ï¬lpierst oltAnh lionsrthdleiler due this week Vaccinated VApply small stroud ald alcllnlclz dairy type Cows fresh heavy producers Johnston Hawkestone Phone mu 914 Pnhsn and Springer nahtelns grades urehreds vaccinated blood test Buy cows witth warrantyn Phone looeph Cochrano son ouzo too uhnrtva BWEB lo deyeanold due prll Good producers Arehred fromWestern ewes crossed with sutv folkjnd Oxiord Ram These are pri vutoly owned selected twin ewes Rea son for selling short at grass Apply tiny liteNnhh Ila Owen Sound ant young Ilalaigln on 610 mrhwo mile eauth ol rd 1114 insertions 2e mwmvonnnlt nih tlnn new our utmost to locate Om REALEsTATE ANNovllmziin CHANGEFQF ADDRESS 12 Zï¬lfllomrf 9i Dunloéfs Roomla OPPOSITE outbid 110111 three bedroom hgmwlsrua urn Isrie kitchen our plan Ill bllh lllmllll Dsk noon mm aul ampo ¢lodel nee ti halelllelli crud Ill helunlilun dry lube nlLl homell nippedflu aluminum Itoruu sndJcreenI Includ ing the lsrxa plcuue window and la lotled on llllly llndlclped 191 llih well sufled lhfllhl Monthly ply mznlI ll only 31100 per manlll Ind lhil lncludds lnlemt principll and lQXeI For emll dchill IndIn dlnlmcnl to tea Illullenle call use PA PUTLEVEL oursPANDle home on three levels urea douhls elorets in allv bedroom tued our piece hath large llvin room llrre modern kitchen with Imo brirat dlnln arcl heated undry room lane oulltn plastered pa divided hose meni or recrestion room not wsier oil heotlne thr ls on exceptionally well aulit home located on lot series Formnhei detllll ull Al hole PA um anytime LAKESIDELOTB ieel oiLakerioe ioLI canoe pur eiuaeo in block or wui reu part thereof For lIlll plfliclliln call Al Ru PA 8553 anytime Th loll orelocatodJn in town expatrte and are in residential area NEWNM $11150 fullprlcothm bedroom hrlck home llvlnlrroonl with element see ior Imaging 01 NrnlllPr tan morph ioasernentroaeed air on heatias Thu home cornea or $5178 permonlh including IMGM and Eflnblpll pill taxer Locatedmo nwe eriuhllslied rtreet Call Al non PA N293 Anytime VERY CENTRAL New three bedroom hrioxhomeiet uring large living room with lire plane larlekimlmn with exlrl insfl dining area kitchen exhaust ion ceramic tile Ionspleu hllh lull le idedhasemeut withztpreei air on heallnl ma homelrunder Nullouil Ho metiij mm Vi My Al Rose PA um 33 an NHARESALE Three bedroom brick home located in the Grove Street srea LI kltr ehen iull slxo hueareat with reread air on heatinoieur piece the hath This is In NHA Sale with he Illilry requlremenls per cent marinas Per lull details on thin home oaliAi hole pA oszsa gt NOTICE sve snexcelle reieo older Jiolnel or sale ioerted in porn ofElrtle two do not have the property urted to suit your requirements we will do In Al Rose PA 85233 037 CLOSE TO HIGHWAY 11 Lovely two any homé Just outMo southerly limit Errla room and iece hath Hut slr otl heu int lot Low tailed Attached gar1 Reduced toraltlek sale Piillpr1ce ï¬gwï¬oplgavgk numeral Phone 398 ACRE FARM FULL PRICE $7500 To close an estate thllj Pmmust be sold only one mile to Bear or Caldwell Stations vim gm undy room in cruelnay mvel Ecru pood hush Good spring and well and aunporeh good condition hydro oo harn urge girdle no la eet phone LesJope PA oozes smith aUYlNa bit aniline TYPE ot PtiOPnltril all nusmtss VISIT OUR NEW DOWNTOWN LocAllphl o1 DUNLDP 51 ROOM opposite guecnr llotell OEPHDNEJ PA629ND onyGArlQN REALTORM VBILQEA LLQUGH KIE BUSIisihSSiga Exchln Propertii Eli flat inrs Solloit bedroom brick niit Cull appointment to 15951th hetter home llenoorn Lsrza landscaped oeneorn Barrie to District Loalytmlrsis momma QAPMTIINTI hour gunA out noon5mm TOCIIOOSX PHONE 82678 but are heraldPorn Chorueltud ELRICK MICHIE moons 15 Owen so Phone PA 85583 QEFER COMPLETE REAL ESTATE SERVICE Tommie on 53mm opiumGAGE wANs NlmoNAl noustNa OGBNEEAL NSWCE OAPPllAlaAls Henry zlrielt hllleltle Realtor toliooe McGOEY 819TUGH Al 151A at lilyslmsa moms oCohrpetut heal utatr Solnee Chains and eonnAenual llstlnn Prlvater and NRA tlusnclnl pleas okpetlolt service on nlllnlxypflvate income To lei tlou Qho We 01 hm lnll mfil nualnria ertlea man eotlai lirt 52 lawman PHONEPA siéiiia 19 ha if Green 1° Wis1403 BOOM furnished winterized Mule gheach Palad roads in 1110 In 100 We down glue phi Jeanne AFFLY Lorne Couzhllri RR Shroud 1812 LOSTfA DFOUND LOSTPair ot elrla zllues withi the lut weeks Phone PA was 1771 LonBrown leather keyeasc with keys vlelalty Collier st Reward Ap pLy laox 71 htrrie Examiner 171 smlon Phone PA new Adults Apply 78 Fulclller toastsunnlrnlanc¢ chlldrarl Vel comePhona PA Mus irelieu ltootia 11de or uaiurnhhao Private entrance Phone PA omega éznfognPhunfu PA ml DIG liplilo 1211th Intlbalea ugh 13mm collie all at puv ll Vsu noon Apartment with trig sna stove Curt Adulil only PhonoPA 34011 gt lsHM Poem sell eontslned heslld nn mmuhrd apartment Phone PA emu 154in who llEAllll bedroom coaltoru turnlahed ior dy or srntlernln PhoholTAm 151 le LAimB Apartmen ullEolllulned Apply or phone PA were All 51 he uNPumdnlm room splrtnlen eupholrds in kltehen Newly decor tea Phone PA oml 1514 ROOM lower du lea wlth parlae Cnnlnl on not we erlurnsce Phone PArlrsfllliler pm 15 Bï¬gliwmli Im ve 15512 room Apaflmenli flavd PA 355 or hed child leonlo nunedlato on we 1kg FURNISHED bed Iillllll room wlth rsnpeite line at trip and Behdlx Nelr Arena Phone PA um 11th llooM CottsXe with lllieonvonlencel mmihhed in BlrrlO Apply lo 195 Eur ion Ave or phone PA I600 1511 Snow lowed told Sink hydro molt wile Tn Phon PA m5 151484 itoolii iurnlshed lrtinent Slnlln enon only Ava ghoul PA emu sticr WINlKm ED An 1y Pohouson Bay Shane Orv no ls14M iIOUBBKBBPINB Room lsrle and eomiortaaly ruralsheo yery seentnl ioLllol BEAUTIFUL room ariment with pleoaéuedA hath and Illahetn gewly ae 5cm my 1514 tor tarniller oil heat Ready to occupy Dunlap Femdal¢lpply Mn Shu house go inndur St Wu It muk Use airwuhin machine hot and cold water llaols immediately FEE FURNISHED moral ground withrink hotlnd cold water on rangette Sultjpualneu couple Phone PA $5780 1512 SMALL HOME suitable tor couple vlte minnowhumanitde paid Ap ly bee Waters 1M nunlop at West Brion PA will lsm PURNISIIEDheddltlln room on hot water heated ure 011111 light kit chen privileges Down town Adlilt Phone PA m1 1514 gt Room unfurnished upmmant Nu welcome Apply 126 Dunlap St Avaiishle now lyliol LnsHov 29 Childs red and navy hat part 01 wow suit between curl lu Club and Shannon st Phons PA in or PA 7515 111434 WANTED ohm1mg 0P CINDERS DENNIS MORAN ANNE switchl VPliQnePA 82907 erséy Milk Shipper hilllat be colonply close to Prairie so VAPth LAKEVIEW Emmi we also earmellralrenro°réine 135 JINDUSTRIAL RON 49g PhonejAJZBZL zond closet pA Hoar orntre Pa Adul FUILNIEHBD Rooms ground floor with sink hill Ind cold whte Ind Paulette Suit buslnm coupl PIrkWIy $6750 LARGE rooms and bath heated Privtavenlrance and veran Ample psrsln ace ePhone PA evenlnu Alarml RODMED unmmlshed apartment to children Phone PA pm 15I43lt LARGE mom heated apartment selr contained bedrooms veryeentral AdulLs protoned Available Penal illmu QUIET hrlehl self contained Amnirm lshed meta apartment heated sploe AdulLr only An etainerr Phone PA 1159 151434 llwolu Illilnrnished artnrent with glacier hltitchenï¬ttesx 11e enric stay supp pretended Phone PA new lee1 72 3311onle muno flaol op rt merit main treat heated not later laundry taclhtfee Suit couple limped late po salon 45 monthly Phone PA noohmo llnmrnlslied apartmen mund fluo hd large kitchen honour clipboardl laundry Near lei Rent slo er Jrld Good eirhborhood Near own gowt 1467 inooli unturnlahed artmeathot wutetoll heated new decorated rerrigerator nove storage space quite private and quiet ll Phoue PA was entrance Veryeealral ed not water rupplled ascension Sultade nu otnee spate rhnnavPA H002 or PA Mala 1512 on Apartni lNNIs contained immune undry facilities ond Purolahed 91 hot water hone PA Adults ROOMS upper unlurnhhed scpm ate Inlrlnce 11 wiring Adults buem Oil heated piece tutti 124 enry Lu on in my miles at air helllnl ciore lug At tenant 15 lower dllplox sell an Mdidom IIIflu livlnl kltehedulnd linti oi lnee noom uaiurnlrhed portly runj neuronal neat all mealse 1a Btmda Phone Popular em mun AVIllINI Ill lllml maunPuLLm or lilo monument ldmhufl well dries hsd increased and Apply rnllea lmt or cohlinzencles onus HUMES ml Iyltelu rkpllc llnlillnln our Burl Assgmmqdqnqn Wnnled the preseouchool CONTAINZD iurniahed apart Df more Irrl ner Apply MK 32 Elll4 nu wanted In Birth in liI sEEDAND FEED BALES or llu 1nd Wielen RR moaning illtulip AND RAY baled ply It or con flFWz wlx or Iple 10de illgt13 PElt50NAL LAURENCE nlqu no 21 mandiblehr Iï¬géguyllll onmedrin my name hy rrom Llunuu TN 195 CONBIDEI1NG EViell cull Hurl fllllla moo ilh gy pol II ROOM Home Influnorll3lflie iolb ltoohi lumishedphested apartraeot Flee hlth Ind sellconlllhed Chlld ea Plenty storage space coule 1512 Mlï¬erl time an oH in 1906 clleuh rich and poorumuflcd ulna écru ulous secrecy lcken Poltj MAMA Cm flea31w Simmo Winnnle Fltlillo VEGETABLES APPLES iNorthern Spy Mclntoah rm Apple luioo Priced and Apple Butter to rail every pom illint own contllneu no centa delivery HERMAN FETCH lov suNNmALmlon Phone PA elm alter on 201 MiscELLANEous Dl TELEVISION RADIO lioor lenn PAum JACK WEBSTER AwONA BEACH MUSKOKA wmDRILLERS Walla drilledend cased i1 lltemed drillerl sNow PLOUQHING mommy To no THE nltlua EXAMINEB Ht DRIVEWAYS PARKING lam pm Phone PA uzsqv DENNIS MORAN sllm ElectricsMotors 21613035 st Barrie PHONE PA 35301 or LECTRICMOTOR SERVICE Po New Moldi nominal gm aarne Electrie st Plartie Welt Pile Sllpflled sad Jutland Prep minute WOLFENDEN no pennant Large 92 03TH EllMORE MOTEL hr 19 Owen R131 Phil which lettering fluid lost neutoutv hero sueen allowed mien Lyn 1157 nisin Phone Org Townsth Nomina onsvH Continued my no ln1955to 10 155 The Jump hadriteen canned Principal lyBy having 11 meg uwpecled Addillb uniï¬es had mean the eat 01 additional loathe chen geld been Iound to ilig new well It Shanty Bl leuld Husband member oi minnows nominated for rce cclion at the conclusluuofillie presentr term at allied lemludodztlle landlence oi the luautho townlhl musléieativnl lliefï¬gid nd the school isir lHepredicted hat in the course tha next two or three yurs Oralowilalip would bElCpleSepICd in the dink of the schools Berna McKay another rncm ber of tlie preunt school board fell ill icliéoi 566a failmw in =1ng bushels ï¬e allov com mented on the addition it are rattScliool tli ren vaiion crslghurrt School up the in crease in the Imberofpupils from mutour ydals ago to the present ï¬gure of 641 New Nominee embers olxcouncll and BTulhopll Township Clo the meeting cnlled on nelvca dldatga Io addreasytlie meeting Kenneth Glilegplo lo flows and 5Dcpuiy iorln the uudiejncethe previously served the imllnéhi for four yearsfu councillor have indibreaauleph me to serve aaiReevc an election willhe coining backl He Was criticalgol tlie haiidllllg of the present tlcular hé too spotting the bad slate at some at Ihe lownshiproads the muddle over lherwarhlafly inspectlnll thé decision nil 3i ng oilthe township office kill the paw on Eli Oro Memorial nrki Mowat Tudilol years ago the lownsh plus but in 1956 ll meihit the Gordon Caldwell Sell that the present Council haddone good job Haj knew how easy it was to critic hose who werejoing the work While he wasriot seek lng public oliioe if the ratepay erswished it he was pregaredio stand or no he llonf to stand lot olfice on the grounï¬aJliat hevias fully necué pied ChrohcejSmith remalrked that tirtioag gt hisiifeoinl all ma farm git ii as me Pschool board to the ï¬rst women 1n the libuseholdï¬udgél it on1y we couldcbrnerrtlie little expe has free wévcoilld reduc mother Arne 1M used swly act in 1921untl athen Willun rxeliy way 115 DD ear who passed ed wlth saddeldr Oureyea nhed malty tear tlod flame knows how we miss you Ecliooi ubllt speaking contest at Following lhoapeeclleaihl the lied tierM1310 be arrieda lhavc decided thati lliaro rajupervuloaotthfisirncoeuCounty will ISPHII und Mlllreg Wnship Stan fol public thdoddcoppers andnickclsrin NOTICE Ncik to lsr Km mill amen nomen role notice Lee Watch et in mono ate Barrie Illl uuyourroooa and 121 are or anger on our IKMIHU MDIH il lure mud lane on or mm under are invited for WFtehas puplr ironianth Behonlt¢ Schco up to 9th 106 NOTICE TO CREDIT All oerlnns hula claims late or CALVIN usamnlglla is DI the mill at Thornton county or Simona retired eat died on the 21st 912mb 955 euro 11 undenlllluL error woreta olllsnuary 1951 alter lhk meta will be dlltflliill the psrtlrr entitled trots necntor wul not he llabla person or whole eislrn he altll cnhsve notice nAim narrie Ontario thrill oval Barri chairman ol Apgllédtimu wln he reeeiiyed hy lsndrslmd nllli KquY lmmflfl1lor hyposilioly the Beach Area and one thozb otthe Towlullip lllla work an entire reuseosraent ot Ill rope I6 Anv reuor In accordance with scene the Assessment yi Applicants to apply in own handwriting nulinl qualiï¬cation exp rle pcctefl HERBERT mum lerk sunnldlc TowImp ohtlsri twoAsussou one to tulle cherl Balilff ay vlrluo ors worraat hard to on under The landlord as TenlntA 310 mo c12vns 52 He ode lor lee ubiitiallctlo enoush or the uomEyï¬dchillell iii dex rises eKllcllmp hensr and tslsnkeiarrmeu lish Lam nay hed Sllller Sewinzwsehiio old model Bathroom Scale 11 zploee Bedroom sulte cheat or urawen CM Tabf FewKlt ehen qtenalls sle will he held Sulurday Ja 957 at the or of 11 oclock am iathewarehnuse Cooks cartaxo lnd stone Ltd in ma Road Enrrlebnurla Yuma cAsrt 1th COUGHLIN Auctioneer asylum lam LleBullm Am at hsrri pensioner use To wrr BYVIIITUEOF to handdl tlloMlyor UNLS slot the Co oration al the own or no he one the 11th day orOeto her 1555 commande me levya on thelands mentioned the tol owine liar oz vamlfl or tax thereon pad costs herelndqt oath hereby give notice that unis ch easier on soonerpsi with the Asun them my he mmary tues com and chuges at tha Conn cil Chumbefl Town Hall Hallie street arrief0ntrloon may my All um lt mental or one noon lr necmu will baheldeuti Fb nerweelt ater ro c1801 1957 whereatxihee Town of me androi axle la and can accrued Treasure Ofï¬ce Ootoher lthywlm