EXAMINER FRIDAYDBCEMBEB 2319n0 ugh mnnTcmmm WNTEAD MW hamIiizirmiisrm Alibredulnd¢Trn Juno wwi mm BROADLQQM 0Â¥232r === REPREENTAHKE REAL ESTATE Bushlots Opportunities 33 meme manor no peion3nn um NAP Aswan turn in your Ilufllmfllnu and In loam tor the oil in mepuudireci moNAm fay53 rrSooetnnuonuu ldvur 143m nioiloaBAvPiizw si to ilAlN 5mm LOCAiIbN LOST ANDFQUHD To mnlioungi wrduleor We nohouo intone In nilnoon lltflk locntuuu =91 ponlop sf ham3 Innti my suuï¬mn qumana uh ll mm 1m Inqu RUBBERi STAMPS mom uponnorm Am 07 gEXPrHelr Dynqgflï¬m PHONE PA tun REAI VESTATE PA IBM Ir nAhnln ï¬nalAwning minor 35000 Noono room hourIon on lot nine in urn hiteheodinih£nod room ceil particular il Percy Paul yveninu phplier PA H537 ANGUS $5000 grin minim hnfldnew tlueea at close to th newwhoa Dept Shiloh commlnonl ismu I1 gt Ionian go In Inhed Ital flnt EenflnmlgafEAh you westum ROOM BOARD noon AND no RDHGentIémfli pre Anmm unhelledfl rooms cane erred one blue min down town Anguilla hot ï¬nch Phone PA mu Phone PA IWI 11 EE Pmmn noon in not oi emfALLY incled Home room lm Iur rent to prvieulonll or oil heltinl Box 66 Blrrle Exlmllv nu person Phnnl PA mu 1114 er 151le mi ï¬lednilrliymllrédYollld Clara roo Ila in llvlnl room hitched riulty noon Ii uu down town lien on bo rw coupe mm Inn in igrt 92 our no Plus inldyvin or Ivlduw In Borne anstmud Reopen dfli Jo pigmeflm ï¬lld 15214 um one ondoo not drink Write no puy rite rornoro morni noounmolornilheo Chum rm Plum PA InnwFA was BE MM WW This MADETOORDRR Ikvaï¬ on ity armour mm sum to Jim yen with chum oi bulldIIIl It or man lien niecied will he um to our mi omen Ind pint ior cool pieiut nI no Iven pernan our Ind IIIMHII on Ill ltlflllll 99H All commandrice Mflly conï¬den tlli Write llVlnl lull plflkul and expefluelace errorl mime gullible lnll In vice Pregidenirvmcnurr Pirnt Pood co iconnorl Li LInnnb Si Landau Ont iM7l mAAmPI 33 WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE lieuNov Chill on or non lult In Iuh ind shunloo st Hill or PA $7uir IYeé flint lboiés lake1W AUTOMOBILES iu me To BUY GOOD USED CLOTHING Kens Ladles Chlidré Walt noun Builder FARM HAND wilted or mixed in Immediliie Phone Elmvlia 9PM ar Ipply Gerd ONeill Phrlpnfn MUABLE OXRL arterialoi hourv work And help wilh mull children Live in Refenncel required Phone PA Mu Mn Ridlzy we WANTED Reiilbia mm Dulel III Sllncul County Ind Bllrll Exnerl elic£rinl neeemry line oppop unit 1811 intn laid testable hen what leleiflh Much hove been Inill or ya 81 rum Pro dun turniihea on credit ril inw leilh Dept lamina hilinirerll Pia lNihiimizn independenee nbov rue income and lecllriiy Minto perm ent bluinul or your own uiiinx Iilhed milomliy Id vertioeii product necessities or hoih home Ind tnm Preo Iiie inrunnee Ion it you wont to let rhenl write or netIi without ohilniion to Dept onto The Wrtilinr cm 50 st iloeil st Hoolrerl ur miilutua in POSITIONSWANTED LADY would like position or house keeper Phone PA um 2140 AYPBWBIIlNCI work done home Fast Ind efï¬cient service Phone PA 56358 zlJiii NEW YEARS Eva bnby hitter nvnil Ihih in lllerl own home ApPiy 210 Codflriltoll St Phone PA W0 zm WANTED QUANTIE or CINDERS DENNIS MORAN 29 ANNE smurf Phone PA 82907 3mti WANTED Jersey MilkSï¬iOpér iiillslbc reasonably ciasoto Bdrm APPLY LAKEVIEWv DAIRY BARR HIGHEST PRICES PAID SORAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA 88487 We lilo Ileil urhelml Pinon at INDUSTRIAL IRON AND METAL lhiniop StWfst Pernoel Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 suti 31484 iot Barrie Mettil Salvage SCRAPIRONMETALS FURS HmEs RAGs BATTERIES maxinn LIVEPOULTRY olrr truth will our Highest price pllIL spacial Pricu pm delivered Phone Barrio PA c2903 arm MAX PusHKOEE ANfD comm 23rd auti to down town floronto irolnlon to Feb Phone PA will 3141440 woonron SALE zocollhs Dry Hardwood mostly in ieior 121110 en rt on RE nn 22 sm VCASII RA wartl owl whabsdtilre mail 61 in own ohdoiflce 204 Turin sh 513va 32111 THE WARDROBE SERVICE To 511 YOUR usm cwmmu mil You and rioorM nunlop st Wat mirnnco hotneentliuhrom ond Spnrnom Jewellery rin in II ciaihinl met oeuon Fnhfe oienn Ind In good repair II it or on em try le LEW TELEVISION ADMIRAL I7 FLOOR MODEL with built riidlo Perfect candltlnn dry miniamen an oil poiu and titties 4950 HALLICRAFTER 21 WITH LEGS Brand new 1957 model Full rnlhm ohmonly nenuiilui picture and Ap ron 17950 ADMIRAL 15 TABLE MODEL Bland cilhlllelu XII IIeW tllrnulhout purl nnd tubes 7950 TV SERVICE CONTRACTS 138 DUNLOP STREET EAST OPP BOWLING ACADEMY PHONE PA 36252 gt 744in usBD SKATES Good selection Urrys ia hryiieid not water Ind burnolnJii flood canditlan Phnne 48 strolid 7ilatl Pun 10th irw gemi chatsvlaken ill indellil Ehrgnins Simmons and FIlrrie Dunlap st 1482 limit Window oh pone per window 13 Swinginr snh nli irame vniiey Taxi plumePA Mus 1i39tt PIRATE muichhnnel TV antenna cw rt most one yen old Owner posted Apply Curtisvs Angus BSA on Heating unit complete lune iixe burner This space hnter like new Price sine or otier Apply non Kinsley rm Stayner phone 520m 145445 LianP OAK ï¬piece bullet set in eeiient candltlan $35 Inge rice lieer with blower also in exceient condition 575 or hest oiier Phone 7425 148 TYPBWMTERS omen machines port rhiu addinx machines cnsh registere sale no nerviqe Gone i1 FrancesStu nrrrie phnna PA norm Smith Corona representative 76014 ANTIQUE not hutie 150 nut chest of drawers Mahogany Ill pia Ind Walnut JEII thbifï¬ China Cabineltcontinenth bed with honkcase headboard Combination ra dio andrecord pioyer Gnmuyhone and record II the mint nnei bed pp rspring no mrtren bedroom suite etc loner lined Fin nishinzs F55 Road Phone PA 5628 7148 DOGS VPETSTOCK BLACK cooker Spaniel Puppy tor rnie Purebredxi lnonthr Phone PAGE15333 nAcnsiluND Puppies purehred good tree heniey Turkey Ranch Midhurst Phone FAA21917 thmz =$== SEED ANDFEED 2000 helium BALE HAY Er orie hone PA nodal liter 1014mm BALED nAY null 52 ior role ll neoniirh mt Now nit iii14614025 Appiy 0813 en Cobkst i5rotnohnown We do ipns 20 It condition 90 dn wnrriillty an 115 elettiun blacks Ind hrownrxitten Amihried ior nIe wn mung Riomt SUNNIDALE ROAD AREAV Brie Anne Abedrwm home tun liinl mo tile nnh rierming on noon lhm oot Ampia riolet MI holenlenl lama Iir oi lietint laun Iiiy iohr Till home llequiopcd with aluminum ntonnn lud omen Insiuil ineule Inge picture window Ind ir lowed on rmliy Irndmpeo Iot with welinrini hru hith NF menu no uniy moo per monthno thin inrludu interesti1rinclpai 25 For lullidunlls And In on ï¬nlnunent lo ne thiJ home all AI on PA was VERY CENIRAL room brick two rlorey home inle Iour room no hnih and iour room downxtllrl Ilrla lichen lull human with ooulde entnnce hot wnler oil huilyil iuln well kept lot completely lenrro mic haw nun with cement thundlllan Ind floor This it In Idori home In lhu inn lnmiiy and is Ilm well nmnped in use as roamint home or bonding house Full price only $10M Cull Ai nose PA 200 VERY CENTRAL New three bedroom brick home lept urinl IIIe iivinz room with the pine large kitchen with extr hm dining om kitchen exhrurt lrn cmmic 1iie Iour Piece bth iuli div Iood pregnant with inreeo on all heating Thin home under Nlilcnll Hauling no the down prylnent In only trim with poneuion on chum cui AI hose PA Hm nnytime or In NHA RESALE Three bedroom brick home belted in the Grave Street are Llrn kllv lien full JIELII ir Piletill This Ll Ill NBA all with no nhry requiremenh per cent men Fur lull detila on thishnme clll Al Ruse PA N293 NOTICE We hnvn In excellent relea lion litnew Ind alder hamll or lillll melted in partyal BIrrie We do not luv thu property listed to suit your requirementrwe will All our utmost tn locate It or you Clll AI rinse PM ma CLOSE TO HIGHWAY 11 Lovely two 10 munitjust bid southerly limit or Dorrie mom rind 41pm hath Hot lair oil hent ing ile 00H Llrze II dumped lot Law taxes Reduced for quick nie rice 39400 Dawn lyment Pane Les Paper PA p352 am 90 ACRE FARM FULL PRICE $7 500 T0 close Injstnte thla lmmln he said only one mile to Eul ol Cnldweil Stationl 744 here good sondy Iollll 12 acres sondy mvei 12 here goou bush Good weter spring and well storey rooms 40 00 turn Large morale To in spect Phone Le Pope PA M253 BEFORE BUYING on SELLING ANY TYPE OF PROPERTY OR BUSINES ViSIT 01m NEW DOWNTOWN ATinN 9I buNLoP ST hook uppnhite Queelii Hotel 0R PHONE PA HIDENo OBLIGATION LACEY REALTOR iaIu Anrlotinéirig Barries Modem SubdiVision Designed CLOSE TO SCHODLS CHURCHES PARKS AND DOWNTOWN LOCATED WELLINGTON ST ariwen nerelyvon Etréts Roldlrlndlarvicés mutullifer c0 structloll Prlce nnla 511200 $11000 Severi dulereni ltyiee ol homesio choose lrom DWBLQXOM conamucnon co wantonn tour pieeo In appointhem to tnil hotter home 53 Attanhlid laxale iiild sunporch good condition hydro Newest and Mostj Archiiecforally Act now for lth all been ntyt gt home ncrlflclnl or price Contact Dlll Colimillveninu phone PA OW DUPLEX $11300 Good mtohigjroduter ifeit hliild urn room OII lietill Lute lot 1x 165w cine lo lcli church Ind ltnru Bulflop It yfllr floor 1M girlieliar and term nl nllled nil Perry IV phone Vusq cm rnd hon 0th money Invenm Only Mr mun nipl no tner unict inn eonIieII Evelllllll phone 37701 ADD 13 VERY cm $8 00 bedroom bunniow urrn tohen Nice livinl milIm nun paï¬htWllk down town In minuln Dont qu this veryhlmly Iceman Clii Dm Ccllneii Damn ll um down ll one PA 37102 MILES SOUTHOFBARRIE FULL PRICE $8900 lander to dcamlriollce Feb In 1057 elx aw own ment loomaim nnauhyome gvbedzgolmxn kitchen livinl room dining roomlnd rununer kitchen Aii newly decorled Lymuteu loP ArneHIM on Matt no phone PAntsairy WE ALWAYS HAVE MANY OTHER LISTINGS Only law all be rhown Inouro it iiy on not no you we here in cell mu ouico dllllnl the HIV PA+5m or evenlnu phone Percy Porn PA oeventnn phone non Cnllneii CALL 03 Anon try CirPhil nna acreln HA home with lovr down poylnent Phnne PA I34 mer 30mm UTT REAL ESTATE BROKERS When huyioo Selling the Iirm to cell in stontt Rul Extto ror mt eriIcIent conï¬dentllll relvice usnNGsm iermn QORDON STQQTT REAL ESTATE BROKERS 02 DUNLQP ST WEST omen Bonnie no to phi PHONELPA 85901 i6llil HENRY ELRICKHVV gVIICHIE OFFER COMPLETE SERVICE BUYlNé Oil Swim MORTGAGE LOANS NATION HOUSING IGENEHA INSURANCE OAPPIIAISAI Henry Erick REAL ESTA 7E or ma Herold Pomor chiriia Puansinzn bed oliuo wth pueileuionifllln Jtpdixhflll PA 5571 Phone PA 52 mine MOM rtment with Ind stove centn Aduitr only PoooePA win 151414 noon tenantInd liutad urr mulledeliminates sperm unit oIua amounts onnlrnilhod or portly fur nhheo cniIo volcanic immediuu in region Phone PA 93m ihusg mum cALvlsinr venl Wright Dining ilm ï¬lrwd cAuJoll VlAuNa Av I9 is NI In froth iiuvy produem lertnne Phone cnoicl my type yuuniH om mm menu anflrlrm TiFiWT ROOM Home show lowedhind sioir hydro no that Phone PAM itIud wmnmhn coiir AP 1y sh any 11001430 unmrnuheli lieted up one An Si nut or one PA inoom unmrnuhed np rtmcnl ind Iuthrooln hepteo Apply up nuniop SLEutL or phone PA non igmiu IixAIlzn bedroom modern rpnt inent oli conveniencer Availhie JAIL in strouo Phone All strand isilztl HOUEIKBBHNGV Roamf lute Ind comfortably nimi Very central Adultl Apply Muicnter St 1514 Inch comiortohiy furnished bed room in ludy or lentieihln lireIr int 11 deflreduihone PA ma ism BEAUTIFUL room nrtment with Muslim blul Ind tehenanly decanted Apply MA Huizne St l51AH HOUSE 006 lllllll BIIIIEII Inp rouge Reld tooeonpy nuniop st West at Fen lie Apply Mn shu muk 1571454 UNPURNIHIIED room npntoient aloha st Prtvhin entrrneo on pno henter ruppued For prriicuin phone JJIOOM unturnilhed aprrinlont piece huh and sell contained Child renwoiconir Apply 126gtDtlnlnp5t Avrilhie horn FURNISHED Rooms ground ilocr with rink hot Ind cold wuer Ind ronzette Suit business couple Phone Parkwny 151431 BERN unfurnished room Art ment lei contnined prlvnta nth him all heated Avniinbia Itll 115146148 her ed Prime entruncelnd vernndne Airlpio plrunl nee Piionn PA MN evenlnll Min IsIaali ROOMBD uniurnieheri npartrnent central nente Pientyltanze rp co No abjectin to children PA mm lltetlk In LAMB room helied ntlnent hell contained bedrooms pliEfy central Adults Preferred Avan 395 Phone PA 03324 baJselim QUIRT bright selfcnntallled IlIluniv 13th room apnrtmzili niilieltefl loudscloset nine Aduits only Ab Phone PA 832059 151484 UNFURNISHED Fiat ll roo hunted 25 Emmi in re house nexttoPainlwlcit Gzn are Children welcome 15143 imam nnnimuhed run 11 lnéziienllléhidtchenï¬tet ggrlcl gray snpp prerorredPhone PA Bills13343 5y rlqom House ells old iilii méoem with oil heating cood rein dentin Iran close to shopping im mediate possession Phone PAG£10€ Ism Ci BODMBD lunflimhhzd linden LARGE room Ind bn apartment on ground floor oii hut ed 5e kitchen laundry PA Mile humin cu rd Near coileuete right 313 1511 Wltzr Oil heltedï¬ new cc romperotor jnrove lining °i Quite privnte and quiet on bus uric Adults Phone PA gtINIML 15181 PE RT FOR SALE EEAL ismmo swim imam coiopeiont lieu naturism Exciuhiva Ind confidential limo sprints NBA Il nrihen Po irii ma entini iirifngp ervei Pom piIiIlaiiiI in Pm Ito4 opp KELLQUGHC PAW omen titrt ouaitod 1514mm 111404 imqu unfurnished nplirtinent hot FLOOR COVERING ROCK PDLIm gulf Inmgï¬wgmawe or ph mquBArfleï¬ 148 mun ml Sprinter Hoirtelni iride Ind urehredr vrceirioied or blood tut huy row wiih wlrnlliy Phone Io hw llfliSlmm °¢ LIE DI BREEDING EWES one Lyumid one rII Good pmucen Are bred from leill ewes email will sun Ioiir Ind Oxlold nonu These rnpri vltely owned uieeird twlnnwas im ton or leliiu lhort Inn Apply Roy Merhb RR Owen Sound Onto 510 Hi In In shot MIECELLANEDUSI TELEVISION SPARAON oNipi JACK WEBSTER AwoNA BEACH mom STROUD line We 51437 COLLECTIONS No countInn Na Credlt Bureau at Parri Plialiu PA 153 MUsKOKA WELL 13mm COMPANY Wenl drilled end cued by Deemed drillerI INQUIRID T0 BOX 5qu EXAMINER 582 nin car SNOW PLOUGHING bhivzwAPs PuxiNtiJmis PhonePA 0075 DENNIS MORAN lt 51371 Electric Motors RossfSt Bairiie PHONE PA 85301 vaPN to Noon nawmdï¬ï¬‚dhmrr Sec HAROLDBgtHART Burle Electric motor 53 Given at Arnutronen Pioor Cwattnl Rubber no AnonIt mo un elim Pinging wrii flin led on Azania PRANSICANADA RENTAA TRAILER Relent motor I952 Dod REGENT SED 1950 Northern spy nrio hummer APPLES ikllï¬ill FRUIT If VEGETABLES Mcintuhl Fresh Avila luita Priced in Int pin hotter mil new but rine can numen uoenu 53mm vHERMAN FETCH stiNNinAu imAn APlvutII rnnio Phone PA Mm alter pm PA our Chrixtmll deiieioul Mninlm Belle Flflll In Gremlin Clll Oltlwlyl comer Peel Ind Rina Phonu 20am zoLmdiiiiuia AUTOMOBILES YEAR1END CLEARANCE USEDiFCARS YOUR FINEST CHANOE I953 PIYmbuth SEDAN onmpieteiy spedi price 1953 Food SIR sinklnzcr Jun rel Ed in SufiFt White and Medium BlIIl White well tins 1953 Chevrolet Deluxosedn clean land ruhnln die and int cavern I952 Dodge Sldln 1m Instlied new Illsl PLYM coupe pine list PLYMOUTH on Good grunniligLecoilorgfgll redr 1951 Plan um trnnhrooi Seam Iirht green iBEDPONmé sed running on 1849AUSI1NSgdhn iiiis thlioum sedan iuii Pain 1043 my liking Sea 1945 CHIN Conch Isas DODGE setinn TO BUY AT LOWESTPRICES Reconditioned gulrinteed ehoiée used urn Every one load buy TRAD EASY TERMS hgsier Ulrk Prey on non CHE Vilpm Srdon AN Izod Purl PEP stoire burezjaod tires two rpeedoxie ma Gm tipton Pnlel iuzvllom Igtonmprcns 1955 RVSLER Windsor Deiuxr vii Sodn Only 0500 miiu 11y enemi owner heoutmiiemete lillc UREA white wall tiles new And not covers I954 DODGE Cruuder Sednnr tone blur cieon Rood running car Rodin I954 Plymouth Plim Sedln 2J0 blue hood Puri car 1954 Chevrole DELUXE CLUB COUPE in bllcl iet covert wodliru an miner cheated over Iound Curtain to choose min l951 DIDSMOBILE BI Sedlnrflydruml tie originPlot black iihlilhshnrp Iliio nwnliï¬avr iMlPQNTIAQSed urhhioo om Iiraobrooir Ciub in 11mm nod rice USEDTR CK VALUES Inasmyheiilslilmm low initiate IsszPomiAq sadnn Delivery i051 guano on Proei 1951mm 2154 1957 55 meSf Il CONE HIM Ill Ill MID PLYMOUTHS NQW ON DISP WETv HARQLDHILL ransom Ind ï¬rs irm erg custom heel no in mmmni$l Au Mias 0P lemlANcl PHONE PA520I UNWP no you CANT en BEAT HALWIG DEAL itlfllfF iEQJILLYB lgheei drive Bui tiller one 3032 lSilh lmGMKIUN Ponrl Truck men out lppehrnnce and meet lurchn icnlly Direction Indira an inert tirei two seats 450 TV Service con tracts in Duriin st East phone EA M252 131 AUCTION SAL Sunni11311 Auction is Come sheep Hoes implement Grain and iiauschnidiï¬lleclsi or Will ter Lloyd Lot Con lo Elsa Town shlP 34 mile west or Cookztawn on illuhwry 89 hole at pom Telnu cull Rutltdze Aucllaneer T£NiiiIii HALF Toll miicii PoWNSIIIP oPSUNNiDAm TENDERS cieriy lurked I136 con tents wIII received by the under signed lllitti 12 Oclock uaon SATURDAY JANUARY 12 1351 or new i050 or 1951 IlallvtaII true equipped with long orshorthux sixply tires with mud or snow grip on the renurer ontureeze hepter hervy duty spring directionL mu lira sonnidnle Township stemmed on club door One 1951 onehnli tnniord Truciro 3A ontori Judd Applications wil undeniphed nntii be nullr I2 057 fertile poritionnor two meson opeto tnky chat901 the Beach Area and one the blinded or thorownohip 1th aum on entire leolseument iltmhéilr hunk clerk Sunnllhie Township New Lowell Tenders are invited for LIImarl or pupiu lmln Cnivvnle Selma StlhuflSchlwl 30 Jill Dth Duties 117 commllm Fe llt Pntlooine my be recured Notice is hereby riven r9 lofll hlvinnehinu wine nth or Join nAmnoNit cirAwPo llle the Town of Bank County or Sineoe Retiredcnpei accused whvvdied on or Aha mentyninth dy oi October In uiredIo send nruquhrl cl msgtotileun emailed on in rtnd willqu they III not 417