rmwooanmn called with gift of homemade enlisted thehelp of her riends that onc Provmce of Dale Sweden times were and as the weeks mov coul childrpn on Christmas Dayr pictures of horses lt ngs in story goes con idea of taking the iings models and whit rout lttie woodedhorsea for children How his idea was adwe notknowyhlit soon eis all ver the country were makingwthese toys carying them buy no toys to give candy It the burdens of the yflr ha notï¬so crushed the little it she would have cried As things were she and they collected clothes and toys for childrenof eight and six and halfepastthree and some ra therspecl things for very swallowed hard an asked maturejlittle girl oi10 The ouldI put in the stock neighbo helped en ï¬ll the are pairs of sltlockings hand at And without kin an as ast minu broug tom tions the goods hating anew car ahigdmx labelled Ellen that her help was needed Not to be opened till Christ Fine she agreed Ill bring masL some Vgi The The cutouts from the mail our of you aren gun we stillon the Jnst th oclnldren explained her plans lenvexplained Tom hes ht wont need and Nancyssirand Billy the ng ast three them up yap stove The neighbor witha 20 mnnnnmnnthmnn nominate 24 195i No she said But thermin the stockings just as you intend ed Theymean more than every thing else together She though perhaps some day when the children are grown up and scat tered when they arerejected or lonely or beaten or hounded by temptationwhich their bleak childhood has not prepared them to meet they will remember the devotion of sister who loved them and they will take heart again Becausetorn most of usth is prosperous year in Canad as Christmas approaches shops will be filled with people buying gifts Christmas trees will be loaded with the expensive things we can buy in times like these mails will be bursting with hristmas cards There will be we the necessity that in spired the tar of Sweden to Imemade toy Buther and there man genius for g1 mg ml ge beyond material gift One will remember what some one perhapsold now and gener ally torgotten did for him when he was an insecure blundering youth few will take th trouble to let friends know that their friendship means someth Somevoi us will let our iami en know that we do not take ion granted the da dayout things they do or their patience with our shortcomings or short encourageme when we need it their pride us when we do well and their loyalty wheniwe make mistakes Perhaps the greatest givers of all are those who by being what they aremake us feel good just to have them around at Christmas me or any time am told that the little wooden Tum topage twentyone Scrooges of Real WORTH HUGE FORTU NES BUT STARVED DIE IN SQUALQR By rmrzvon nouowar Over century has passed since that grasping old rascal Scrooge was horn of Dickens pen destined to become as popular part of Christmas tradition as crackers or plum pudding The genius of the master novelist cre ated irom miser most mESerahle benevolent old gentlman as gen erous and warmhearted as Santa Claus himself character that will be resurrected each Christ mas until the end of time Christmas story must needs have happy ending so miserly old Scrooge mended his ways pert and his stock included many rare vintages fine spirits and Na poleon brandy Strangely Cronin was an educated man and enough Lg Edward hiswiil scrawled on sheet of notcpaper he bequeathed his £293000iortuna to various Scot tsh unive es and colleges and to an organization called the New Health society in London Miners Who Wasted Money It is an odd fact that many misers have positive trait for wasting money as well as heard ing They refuse to spend penny an the upkeep of their pro perty and their houses have oihn alien in ruins around them ther do they take thoslightest precaution to safeguard their health which alter all is surely valuable investmcnt for anyone hopingto win the battle to wealth typical example John Elwea who came of one pt the most notorious families of miners Britain has ever known He would walk miles in the rain to save the hump coach and would sit Wm vannu mm Jonson shivering in todden lher than go to the 19 fire to dry them He woidd the most putrid of meat nth than pay more for fresh moat yet at one and the um timr wu speculating lo lielost over 50000 stopped Ch care and decorating them create an appealin after the ditional pattern of classicwall1picturesltwas Reallife Scroogesseldom do flo Wmmwfl hav nd to holdtill death do us par their policy where money is concerned £80000 Year lint Foraged in Dustbin Takegtbe case the Miro oi Clanricardewho diedJn 1916 ne ovwhich stoodtho umna Castle In yonhamannannnnnnnnnuannmnnmhn dress for nobleman but this peer certainly did nutllveup to Evidently despite ence for miserly and solitary life he liked good addresses be cause he maintained his member ship at several exclusive clubs His manners however were such that fellow members shunned his and perhaps at me company Often when hepdined ice which he wouldth club he would eat sandwiches from paperbag and follow them up with banana which hedip ped in his cottee Onone rare occasion he ordered cutletabut eating themhe rolled them up in napkin and put them in hispock One of hisunattractive habits was to iorage in dustbins outside dm ws forkitchen rc scraps oimeatand fat from this sourceto one or other of his alway ref was OWner 01 56000 acresr and ad anincome something like 800001 year His fortune at two and half million ppunds he bequeathed however very worthy skimman his greatgreat nephew Lord Lascelles DSOwho atthetimewas young Guards man gallantly commanding battalion Fran lt CLOltn ailthetraditlanal goodwill any Warmth oithmvHolidnyeeasomiyvéï¬ghtingheat at everythingt ou oyalrpatronennd thankgthom at henrtiiyM for the opportunity crooning themdud thoput year Livingflalone inva dingy Edin burgh baseman with only slit likewindow opening onto the pavement lat ground level 75 yearold rechise Edward Cronin teétotaller nonsmoker and ood crank Learrained of wealth And during the ï¬rst few years of World iwfllg that dream came true ms capital invested in winesand spirits stored in his basement andm bonded ware oases throughout the country rocketed in value to well over quarter of million pounds But Cronin uncle oi the master novelistA Cronin still scrimped and saved He existed on frugal diet of milkdry bread and potatoes and ever haunted by the fear of burglars did not live to realize his wealth in diedon May 18 1943 largely it is believedas result of nunition An ancient blue suit and bowler hat was his attire both winter and summer alike and not once was he seen wearing an over coat Never did he change his diet of brownbread eaten dry and potatoes boiled in the skins Despite the vast store of wines and spirits in his basement home Cronin drank nothing stranger than milk He never sat down to meal but ate standing up brokendown couch withvsprings protruding underneath sufliced tor bed but owing to his di of burglars the door at his squal cell specially made of el In the bottling of wines and spirits much of which he didat night his celiarthe was an ex FROM THEMEMBERsor THE ï¬nahnnamanuuiinhnmmnnmm oLn=I at ANDWm 953L55fl COUTTS lt KEITHMAHsHAiL rattanmuss 155KsLLQUGIi MR rArrensoN 11 to soak ALROSE MALCOMSONSINSQRANCE AGENCY owns ROGERS 13qu msnmrcn sandman manholes AGENCY AGENCY it SIMIKINStriud man Insomnia manor smsson EETPEAGOCFLMWIW MSTEVENSON co lt JrOM TAMSALL